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Re: New event: Horde Wars
61. hozzászólás - 2013.10.22. 20:45:40
Miklos, you are such a funny guy.... NOT! I clearly tested it and this clone of mine generated by the event seems to be increasingly "luckier" from day to day. NO, it is not enough some of us by your war packs daily, you just don't get the fact it is not enjoyable for players with really powerful characters to waste resources !!! You make a shitty clone out of my char and this clone Spell crits the hell out of me when I have Critical Spell mind boosted AND crits me in meelee combat when I have critical hit Mind boosted! Does that make sense? Nope, it actually contradicts what you said. 3 days ago I lost 3 fights, 2 days ago I lost four, Yesterday I lost 6 and today 7..... Don't give me the RNG/luck speech, it is pointless, you will not convince me I am wrong.....

My bottom line is that I do understand you want us to spend real currency to support your game, I can take a loss against another human player, BUT don't give me this bullshit where I am forced to loose against my own clone just because you think it is a fair trade! ......
it figures ....
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
62. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 00:05:59
This is definitely a bug. You should not receive critical damage while boosted.

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Re: New event: Horde Wars
63. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 10:48:43
If you definitely want to hit critically, the need to increase awareness turbo up 200 points
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
64. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 12:15:31
Alexor, Google translate doesn't help too much, all your phrases are gibberish and so is your advice. Please stop spamming this thread, some of us are expressing concerns and debating problems here....

On the matter, I do have 410 in MB, that's +205 points when I boost crits.
it figures ....
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
65. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 14:03:04
My pets have over 80,000 HP each.. and they DIE in 40 attacks!!!! 40 attacks do over 80K to my pets!!
I have to use 10 temple crystals to further train my pets so they level up and heal once or twice a day! Are you freaking kidding me? I have hard skin MB'd which is basically useless....
This Event is unplayable

P.S. Alexor, go away.
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
66. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 14:03:37
Ok, today it's gotten even worse. I keep loosing more and more fights because of the clone's spell. It is 20 levels higher than my own level and my clone has probably the same stats (IQ and Luck). Besides the outcome of every battle, I reached the conclusion in more than 50% of the battles my clone deals more spell dmg than I do. Cool, you call that balance?
it figures ....
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
67. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 16:20:47 (Válasz Trackur #65 hozzászólására.)
Trackur: this is the reward for having such a large secondary spell/hit
Mine do not take a scratch
(remember you fight a clone of your character)
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
68. hozzászólás - 2013.10.23. 17:34:20
I like this event and I have not problems like ardent or trackur. Yes, I am losing now 3-4 fights daily while on start of event I lose only 1 fight in first 3 days. But I think on 30DP setting it is acceptable. Fortunately I did not develop skills for attacking enemy pets, so now "clone" do not attack my pets strongly.
Anyway I think that "fighting your clone" should be at least modified a little bit because I do not understand why should be strongest players punished for their effort to develop character as much as possible. Yes, of course, it is - at least for now - only this one event.
But idea is somewhat strange for me.

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Re: New event: Horde Wars
69. hozzászólás - 2013.10.24. 03:29:58
Don't care for this event any more than I cared for the map event. Especially don't like that all worlds are competing against each other rather than separately.
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
70. hozzászólás - 2013.10.24. 15:13:19
well this event is much better then is map event but I agree with others. It should be better organized. First why this event takes all 3 worlds together? I have a 2 chars, 1 w1 sec w3 so if i am different hordes i need to avoid attacks which i do in another w. This is stupid for me. Sec its much easier to fight when you are lower lvl with 30dp/day then higher lvl even you have both powerful chars i noticed that. 3-4 hits 3-4 potions with 30dp/day that is a lot. Third i can see dis balance in this event looking at eh/dd. Guys who are dd they gather event points, switch with potions to eh and get same amount of se as I which I am always eh, + i am getting more problems with fighting cause i advance faster then guy who is dd so i cant be competitive in this event.

The event is not organized very well that is for sure
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
71. hozzászólás - 2013.10.24. 17:03:30 (Válasz Stiska #70 hozzászólására.)
Hi Stis,

you fight against yourself (same avatar-abi's & skills!!), so it doesn't matter if you're EH or DD. and it doesn't matter if you're weak or strong. (lol... the stronger you are; the harder you hit...ahum ... the harder you hit yourself )
Second; also a EH player could hunt in DD (by taking a potion before the event) and do the event in EH...; that is totally the same.
And indeed; I think this kind of event is much more fun than a "straight on" mapevent; I have to say...

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very popularJohannes Buckbeak
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
72. hozzászólás - 2013.10.24. 21:58:49 (Válasz Miklos #60 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.10.21. 15:55:28
About the critical hit and spell quests:
As I mentioned earlier, your opponent is generated from your stats. So if you want to gain advantage over him in critical, you must mind boost the corresponding critical skill. Without that, you will have a hard job. With it, its even easier than on real doomlords. I hope this info helps!
If you think the program does not count your crits, please make screenshots

This was the problem - I fought several battles and counted the crits carefully, but when I looked at the quest I was scoring few if any crits. I would fight ten battles, and only did five crits towards the quest. However it seems to have been fixed somehow - I did about a dozen fights just now and scored 29 crits. which seems more like it.

However I have another question - am I really fighting my own clone? The reason I ask is that I never lose. I just checked the three pages of previous battles and I have not lost one. I have the opposite problem from Trakur - except that it is not a problem for me Is this maybe because I am on 15DP? I switched not long before the event (sadly) because I was not getting enough opponents to use up 30DP + 10 each day. Is that why Trakur keeps losing but I keep winning?
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
73. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 10:35:51
hello elven

I didnt understand you very well. If you fight your self all the time why do you have hard mode if is same? 2. In w1 with my char on hard mode i dont know did i lose 1 battle. maybe 1 per 100 however in w3 i lose much more. So if i fight my self in w1 what is a difference per victory if i fight my self w3? 3. There is huge difference between drinking potions from dd towards eh, then from eh to dd. Why? When this event finishes and you switch back to dd you need only 24 AA to regain your AA what you lost by switching to EH (that is compensation). If you switch from EH to DD you dont want to know how many AA you lose by doing that. So what ever event is running and what ever AA abis was invented to compensate difference between DD and EH player who is DD has huge benefits then player who is not cause simply using benefits of switching potions. Cause of this i complain for this event as well. How come guy who switch from dd to eh gain same se as i do who is always eh + all eh AA abis?
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
74. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 10:49:50
Opponents are generated based on your stats:
we could make opponents which stats are completely independent of the player. In this case, strong players would not take a scratch (this would be a lesser problem) but weaker players would constantly lose. We wanted to create a challenge for everyone. Your weapon, spell and pets still make a difference, so stronger players have an advantage there - as you could see, Alexor, who does not have premium items kept losing in 30 pp mode. You can also gain advantage by having berserker potion and mind boosting the right skill. But yes, having 400 IQ instead of 300 will not help you win more often.

Please also note, that clones do not inherit your abilities 1:1. Their stats are less than yours, something like 92-96% at 15pp, 95-99% at 30pp.

Your secondary attack and spell is *not* cloned. If your pet dies, it is due to your opponents spell, and his pets enrage ability. If you are using 30pp, you play the hard mode - your opponent can have multiple pets, with more enrage, and your pets will lose more hp. To counter this massive damage, there are numerous ways: monster cocktail, resurrection essence, or as Trackur pointed out, leveling up pets, like with 10 temple crystals.

ardent: I checked your character. Of the last 51 battles, you lost only 3, won the rest, that doesn't seem to me so bad. And criticals, you must score a hit (for spells, you crit only when your opponent doesn't avoid your spell). If you don't hit often enough, remove some items which increase your defense. This way your clone will have a lower defense too, and you can hit more often (but you will take more damage too).
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
75. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 11:59:44
Are you talking about me or someone else Miklos
Cause if you notice most of that battles I was with 15 dp/option. I am using book of reflexes option so maybe last 15-20 battles are created with 30/dp day option. Still even with option 15dp/day i spend bunch of potions to be competitive. There is no answer about why people who switch to eh get same se as people who are already eh + eh AA skills?
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
76. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 12:18:41
Miklos, I see you still insist on proving to all of us this event is great. And how is it 99% is not a 1:1 ratio? Care to explain that? Lol, how does that 1 % make any difference???? I have 861 Luck at level 136, that's a 6,33 ratio meaning fights with an opponent having roughly the same stats is HIGHLY unpredictable! Removing even more defense makes no difference.

Moreover, you searched for the best example of a sample from my fights and gave it to me to prove your point. That's worth nothing, probably because after those 51 figths, I lost anther 4-5 ( which would force you to say that I lost 7-8 fights out of 65 and that would be a bad example)

Anyways, you still don't understand what I am whining about. This event requires more resources than a premium player can normally generate. I have those resources because I payed extra for wheel of fortune, daily offer, war packs and whatever other previous offers you had. If I had lost some of those resources fighting other players, I would have had no problem with it, I wouldn't have even flinched! ... But when you force me to fight a clone that has 99% of my stats, better weapon and spell, that's like forcing me to uselessly loose with the reasoning that you find it fair! It is like I sand before my own reflection in a mirror, punch it and the only thing that gets hurt is my hand. WHERE is the satisfaction in that? What I am asking is to make those clones more reasonable, even in your so called "hardcore mode".

Most of us who stayed have already accepted that this game is no-longer PvP oriented but rather a hardcore PvE game filled with reasonably nice events. All players in top 10 have more victories against the Crystal Clan than against all other 4 hordes together! I have said it before and I will say it again. The greedier you get with those obvious money grabbing tactics, the fewer players you will have. This is not exactly Farmville or CandyCrush Saga, you don't have millions of players so you can't afford discarding opinions when they make a good point.

All I am asking is that you lower the stats that the clones inherit from players, nothing more. Make them mana burn like the Crystal Clan does, make them kill my pets in 40 attacks (like Trackur's pets), take the heal away from the end of the battle .... But, for crying out loud, stop forcing us to mindlessly waste DP's in these conditions!
it figures ....
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
77. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 12:55:06
and get rid of the clones pet enrage... they do 219 each round to my pets and he has the belt of toughness too so that 7 rounds and a total of 1533 damage to each of my pets every fight! multiply that by 60 dules a day and that is 91,980 my pets take every day... and like I stated before, they only have 80k. this is not "hard" this is really freaking stupid.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
78. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 16:06:36
One of the problems with the "Clones" is their equipment. They seem to have equipment about 20 levels above their level, something a player above level 100 cannot have, since you need 20 Trade per level above 100, and 260 is the max (so 13 levels above your level). If the "clones" would have weapons/spells 10 levels above their level instead of 20, things would probably be "fair".
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2013.10.25. 16:07:18-kor
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
79. hozzászólás - 2013.10.25. 17:28:47
Sbart's suggestion is also good
it figures ....
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Re: New event: Horde Wars
80. hozzászólás - 2013.10.26. 07:32:52 (Válasz ardent #79 hozzászólására.)
I'm not complaining at all.

An average i lost 1-2 battle/day, my pets are far from dying after 65 battle, and yes i'm playing in "hard mode".
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