Dátum: 2016.11.19. 17:04:10
My personal problem with the cystal horde that they can attack me on low HP so must pay more attention to spend SE before any full hour.

(wise players hunt only under 15%)
The other think what I don't like that they declare war so often, where my transcedal projection have no effect, loosing SE when not my fault makes me sad (or angry).
So hope that if they come once there'll be a button at DP settings to switch on/off the possibilty to fight against them.

Dátum: 2016.11.19. 12:25:09
There's a top50 multiplier thing for levelling; this time not from the start but I found it after reached lvl 61.
Other small problem is the missing AuctionHall. Know that the number of players not enough for it, but some tasks are impossible in this way.
As I remember some years ago not only the button was there as an option but we also bid and get items too.
I don't really like crystal horde (hate that they can attack under 15% but the option is fine at duelpoint-settings for avoid to fight against them) but actually very minimal attackable characters are there (only one). Because of it cloning us would be hard too I think.
Dátum: 2016.11.11. 12:40:19
Thank You!
That main page link shows the old avatars, while this >
http://world4.doomlord.net/index.php?m=regisztracio_tovabb , starts with horde selection and contains the new ones. Probably both works.
Dátum: 2016.11.10. 13:38:29
Hope that you won't forget it, I still see only the results of the previous one.

Dátum: 2016.11.03. 15:52:55
Finished today earlymorning/latenight.
Means that the new one starts on 2016.11.10 14:00?
Just write somewhere if the pre-registration is possible, noone want to check it every day.
(also in the russian-french sites, haven't seen any of them in this year

Dátum: 2016.07.18. 14:17:35
"Crystal clan will arrive 1 day after the world starts."
There's only 20 registered players right now (started today), so now really need for that crystal clones. hope it's not just a tale

Dátum: 2016.05.29. 13:23:07
Will you ever open the AuctionHall on the actual W4? We're after halftime of the server and still closed.
Probably most of the players wasted some APs (personally change 5 for 2 ducats every day), or it depends on the number of active characters? (still only a few, in spite of merging this fast world competition for all foreign players)
Dátum: 2016.04.04. 13:30:43
"Clan W4 18 January - 18 March
level 60 W4 18 April – 18 June"
There'll be a bigger delay as I see

Dátum: 2015.01.22. 15:16:43
Maybe I'm not the only one who can't find any connection between an online rpg game & how to dress up/loose weight in the australian summer.
Is it and advertisement with some uninteresting personal text around the link? Why here & why now? Too much type for nothing...

just wastin' time
Dátum: 2014.06.08. 15:15:34
The actual lvl60 W4 runs more than 1 month, but the Auction House still not open! Will it ever works, or all the spent APs for ducats are wasted?
It depends on the number of players there or just somebody (a programmer maybe) forgot to activate it?
Dátum: 2014.01.04. 15:12:54
not a problem but some questions....
"we are planning joined W4s including players from other language servers"
I saw this today in the 2014 Calendar topic.
Only the 2nd lvl60 fast server or all the 4 in the whole year?
It means 1 united server where everybody can login and play together on his/her preferred language?
I have accounts on the slovak & russian doomlord sites too. (Same username + same password + same email adress.)

Register 2 or 3 characters in this way still forbidden? (surely the answer will be YES)
If I'll be on top3 when a big(lvl60)W4 ends may I transfer my english character to a russian W2 server for example?
It's a good idea btw, may generate harder competition. Last year fast servers was just an easy way to get some goldenstars and 100AS (not only in the english version but all the 3 started with maximum 30-40 registered players)
Dátum: 2013.11.16. 11:04:05
Can't find the DELETE button at character-settings menu.
Dátum: 2013.11.13. 16:21:41
This was very interesting development... but actually still don't know what to do (or how) with it....
Had (have) 3 characters and all of them are in 1 world now. Planing to continue with only 1 by donate all of my playtime for it (him) to make a near perfect doomlord. Is it any possibility to unite their good stuffs somehow?
All the 3 are strong with many championmedals. My favourite (and the first) was on W2, I collected my honor medals for my W1 character, I collected the most relics for my W3 charcter and this one has a familiar only.
So can I transfer some of my honormedals-eventmedals-eventrelics-quizmedals-AHrelics etc. from one to another if will delete any character in the future???
I have only emerald characters btw but what's about players whom have more in different hordes and a clan declares war against his/her other characters clan?
So scarry about the future here, but must say (in an other view) that it was a neccessary step to make 1 active big WOLRD instead of 3 different with 80-90% inactive zombies.
(Know that it was tested with mixed hungarian worlds for a month or two, so probably won't be huge programming errors)

Dátum: 2013.04.25. 17:13:25
Thanx for the answer. total sux for a simple builder

Without projection I always sleep with 1SE, but while hunting can't do anything...
Yes I know that they attack only at full hours; but the waiting time to change mind boost again is 20min, so look at the server clock very often and have less than 40min for hunt safely...more than a bad joke.
Hope that they'll stay away from the lvl60 W4, or probably noone will transfer charaacters with weak statistic.

Dátum: 2013.04.22. 20:29:26
I'm not a kamikaze, but these crystal horde characters don't care about my low HP
Today, 21:52 Psychonaut venomous sillemille Your opponent has won the battle. -->1HP
Today, 22:00 *Leahspawn* Psychonaut Your opponent has won the battle.
Your opponent drained 436 soul-energy from you.
How can a builder hunt continously without loose any SE? I must spend all of it before every full hour?

Dátum: 2012.01.17. 15:21:44
I'm at lvl13 on W2 and there's ONLY ONE lvl15 player on my huckster-duel list (and his clone of course). It means 2 wins/8 hours, maximum 6wins/day (probably just 4 because I'm not an always-online robot). I would like 400 at the end, but in this way it will be very hard to collect 100. Thinking about forget this event
I was hunting much to collect 300+ eventpoints for a nice reward and now I won't have anything.

Dátum: 2011.05.22. 17:23:39
There is a problem with quiz olimpics on W4.
I did it with my other characters on W1-W2-W3. but here after my first answer nothing happen just a spining sandclock moves and the next question haven't come.

Dátum: 2011.05.19. 13:56:42
Who never won the Nobel Prize in Literature?
Bulgakov *
The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators the answer is an uninteresting lexical knowledge.
That's why I stopped in quests at W4.
Thanx for the unschooled only-google-users!

Dátum: 2011.05.17. 12:14:54
"Every member of the winning clan and the winners of every individual category will get a special reward"
This is clear for me!
(Don't trust in any gossip

Dátum: 2010.11.29. 13:47:36
OH thanx a lot! I recieved what I want (the stones) and what I have paid for....
I'm still not sure that there was really some bug in this case or not (I'm so paranoid, sorry) but finally happiness came after I read the events info at my character!