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Re: Merging worlds
41. hozzászólás - 2013.11.08. 14:03:10
My point is that your posts seem to be adding to senner's regarding the merger. And I don't believe you are complaining about the same thing.

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Re: Merging worlds
42. hozzászólás - 2013.11.08. 14:43:11
Actually, I don't like how the merge is being handled, the lack of information on it, the late notices and the fact they always start with "we are sorry", the monstrous amount of bugs, all leading to me not liking the system. I criticize the administration because instead of fixing real problems, they ask developers to program new ways of trading real currency for premium players who enjoy supremacy, squeezing the few remaining paying crowd into oblivion.

You Cruel, and several others, have discovered obvious bugs that shouldn't have even made it on the BETA. But they did make it because instead of devs working on fixing those bugs, they are programming new packs, items and relics that cost AS. Many games nowadays use hardcore fans to test new features on beta worlds. The difference is that only really rare bugs make it from Alpha to Beta worlds. In this case there was no Alpha as there are no resources to spend on it. They went straight to beta with a brooding horde of bugs and are using actual players to identify them.

Beta worlds should only be used for connection stress tests, getting feedback for new content and finding really rare bugs that were previously missed in the Alpha test or show up only with a higher number of online users.

Bottom line is that when you use players in such a way and when the player base is so scarce, Miklos cannot afford to treat us by claiming he does not understand or by ignoring the issues we raise. We care about the game and that's why we complain, there are many others that just quit in the blink of an eye, without any regret. It seems Miklos prefers those quitters to us, the ones giving him head aches because we are still stupid enough to pay!
it figures ....
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Re: Merging worlds
43. hozzászólás - 2013.11.10. 17:39:14
Ardent: it is very hard to argue with someone who is hostile towards you. When I ask you to summarize your current problem for me in a civilized matter, replying that I should read all your previous posts and figure it out is not the way to do it. Believe me or not, our only goal was all the time to try to grant the wishes of players in the boundaries of the game and make them happy. This is the only way a game should be runned. Event, merges, everythng is done because players want something and we try to grant it. If our players are not happy, they won't pay, they quit.

We make games since 20 years. And sometimes it happens, a player gets bitter, angry because something is not happening the way he would like it. He begins insulting, goes personal etc. In these cases, I always try to understand what is the real problem of the player, and how could I help it, but often I fail. Because as long as you complain and insult, I don't know what to change. Be constructive, and say what should you do if you would be me.

And what you write in your last post, I really can't do much about it. We already had a huge"alpha" with Hungarian players. I think it is absurd that you blame us for having bugs in a beta? Program have bugs. betas have a lot, accept it. We try correct them. When we think we did, then it goes live. (And yes, some lesser bugs can be even in the live version, which we try to correct asap soon, and reimburse anyone who suffers disadvantage from it). This is how constanly evolving games are run, every game.
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Re: Merging worlds
44. hozzászólás - 2013.11.10. 18:48:20
Considering that there is going to be a single auction house for 3 worlds, would you maybe consider reducing the bidding time from 5 to something like 2-3 days?
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Re: Merging worlds
45. hozzászólás - 2013.11.11. 13:53:20
Okay, good idea, we will do it.
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Re: Merging worlds
46. hozzászólás - 2013.11.11. 13:54:13
We will modify all auctions so they end before the maintenance for the merge to avoid problems.
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Re: Merging worlds
47. hozzászólás - 2013.11.12. 18:44:05
Miklos, let's try to be a bit constructive then. I understand Senners frustration, although I agree that negative comments and insults will get us nowhere.

The Problem
Let's first define the problem, i.e. why are we (the players) frustrated. In my opinion (if someone disagrees with me, please do so), the problem is that the International version of Doomlord is never told anything. There is no announcments on things worked on, no discussion with the players on upcoming changes, and in general a minimal presence from Beholder on the Forum. Sometimes there has not even been an announcment of changes implemented until after players (often me) have complained about it.
This is very different from the Customer service, which these days is rather fast and effective, but the two serve very different purposes. The Customer service is for personal problems with the game, while these forums are for interaction between players (your customers) and players, and also between players and Beholder. Since the presence of Beholder on these forums are almost none, players feel neglected.
One reason the players feel neglected is that we know that some of these changes are discussed ahead of time on the HUngarian forums for the game, often with large presence of Beholder.

What can be done about this?
(Again, this is my opinion, nothing else.)
1) Ideally, upcoming changes to the game should be posted on these forums when they are posted on the Hungarian forums. Even if changes typically are implemnted here after they have been implemented on the Hungarian servers, they can still be announced here well ahead of time.
2) It starts to become even more necessary than before to keep a good and well-kept change log for the game. This should preferably be a separate (locked) Forum thread, with a new post every time something in the game is changed (added, removed, changed). In this way players do not have to hunt around the game every day and see "did they change something without saying so (again)?"
As an example of how not to express changes: When the Horde war was announced it was writen that the Stun quest would not work. This was changed at some point so that it would work, but as an edit in the post. This could have been better shown by a seprate entry, or by a clear "EDIT" at the end of the post.
3) Beholder presence on these forums have to improve. Not saying how, just saying that it has to.

Anyway, that is my opinion, and I am willing to discuss it. In a civil maner.
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Re: Merging worlds
48. hozzászólás - 2013.11.12. 19:56:50
Thank you Sbart,

Very good resume. I agree with all what you said .. and in fact that are only serious problems I can see in game. I started to play only year ago. Start was nothing like easy. Informations about game are not easy to get. Usually is needed to read all updates on forum, some wikipages, ask more experienced players in clan - if you already have any .. and even after you make all this you HAVE NOT all needed information in english version. I fully agree with Sbart point 2). That should help.

Point 3)
We can take as example Tree of knowledge. You did not find this theme in News, but in Clans ... nothing wrong - I only want to show you must search really carefully all threads in forum to find what you are looking for.
Basic information were given by Miklos. But then we can see some post of Tallia about relic shard rewards in hungary language. Then Miklos coment - only english please. I agree this is english version of game and also english forum, but ..... I think better reaction was TRANSLATION of text to english. I am not speaking hungarian and some doomlord-specific words are hard to translate with use of automatic translator, but surely not for somebody who speak fluently both hungarian and english.
Next we can see another Tree related questions from Sbart and Cruel01 with NO ANSWER at all from staff. Maybe those questions were just overlooked.

Of course, probably I could ask in Help and almost surely I will get my answer ( agree with Sbart that Help button works fine for me and my request were always handled properly ), but why I should ask for something I think is normal to said to every player ?
Of course I can spent hours with translation of hungarian version od Doomlord Wiki to english language and then to my nature language but question is how long I ll be wiling to do so.

I must say I still like this game, but last months changes in "last moment", some frustrating lack of informations about game features in combination with last "rather greedy" event ( of course nobody forced anybody to buy 2 packs daily, but MAIN REWARD simply clearly demand some buying of packs ) gave me some unpleasant feeling.

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Re: Merging worlds
49. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 07:21:38
I try to make a "changelog", it's the News forum. We even implemented that all posts there are displayed on the login screen as well in case players overlook it. But yes you are right, it seems sometimes some small things are missing. The stun thing was even surprise to me, the programmer did it that way but yes, and edit shouldn't have been enough.

I try to be here as much as possible, and answer questions, but I am not here every day. If you think there is something important what I don't answer quick enough or overlooked and is important for the community, just please write to CS and I come On Hungarian forums situation is different, we have a vast amount of players there, a huge number of posts on forums, there I can't even read all posts, so there ppl write to if I need to answer something.

About upcoming news and changes. You are right, I always post these on the Hun forum, and post it here only when it is already being implemented. The reason for this is that some ideas / changes are not even being implemented after hearing out the players opinion. And it would be very difficult for me to discuss the same development in different languages at once, constantly updating each language with comments and changes from other forums. I understand that you are frustrated that you feel that you have no influence over the development of the game. I try to involve you as well, we developed the epic adventures for you (although I know it took a lot of time, queue was long) and we implement suggestions from the intl players too.

Anyway, I will try to do my best, be here more often, and give you more advanced discussion of upcoming changes, got your point.
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Re: Merging worlds
50. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 12:47:34
i have 2 character with the same name and password on w1 and w2, how will i access them now?
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Re: Merging worlds
51. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 13:10:08 (Válasz Miklos #49 hozzászólására.)
I didn't understand what you did with the auction house. You had all auctions ending at 10am (the same time the servers would be shut down). But most auctions have a bidding war and end up being extended for several minutes. I am curious to see how you will handle this when the servers get back on because 18 items will become 6 and some of those 18 items will have their disputes suspended at 10am. Honestly, I see no good solution. You can simply cancel the auction and return the ducats, which would be bad, specially if it's a rare item (in W2, there was a dispute for an item that pops up only 3 times per year, for example). You can disable the bidding system and simply give the item to whoever had the highest bid at 10am, which would be terrible. Or you could start the new server with the dispute still ongoing. This would be a good solution, but it poses two problems: first, I doubt you will do it and second, it would require great precision, which has now being proven not to be the case, as we are almost 10 minutes late for the reset to be complete. And before you call me a pain for complaining about 10 minutes, I would be totally fine with a 10-minute delay in normal circumstances, but not when it involves an auction that has a 10 minutes bidding time.

Of course, the best solution would have been to end the auctions at 8am, instead of 10am, but why make thinks easy when you can make them hard?

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Re: Merging worlds
52. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 13:23:24
Dodo: you can still give world1 and world2 under login.
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2013.11.13. 13:35:03-kor
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Re: Merging worlds
53. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 13:25:15
Yes Cruel,

I am here on just due to auction house as I am curious whats happened when we go live. I was overbid in last minutes, so I overbid winner just seconds before 10.00. Auction was of course prolongated, but because merge ended /?/ with offline mode at 10.00. So I should win, but who knows ? ....

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Re: Merging worlds
54. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 13:29:20
About the auction:
Yes, there was no easy solution, maybe ending all at 8 would have been a bit better than 10, but even then some auctions should have been extended. If you want to make sure you have the best chance to get a specific item, you have to bid as much for it as you think is reasonable - or try to bid in the last possible moment. You do it anyway when a bid ends when you are away from the computer. So the rules were a bit different now, but still the same for everyone, I hope no one will feel he got an unfair disadvantage.

After the merge, there will be one auction house only, but we will reduce auction time from 5 to 3 days to compensate.
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Re: Merging worlds
55. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 13:35:53
Sorry, it seems we still have some things which need to be fixed, the downtime is prolonged until 16pm CET (10am EST).
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Re: Merging worlds
56. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 13:55:15
Yawn! Typical .... Well, good luck with successfully finishing the merge
it figures ....
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Re: Merging worlds
57. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 14:24:36 (Válasz Miklos #54 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.11.13. 13:29:20
About the auction:
Yes, there was no easy solution, maybe ending all at 8 would have been a bit better than 10, but even then some auctions should have been extended. If you want to make sure you have the best chance to get a specific item, you have to bid as much for it as you think is reasonable - or try to bid in the last possible moment. You do it anyway when a bid ends when you are away from the computer. So the rules were a bit different now, but still the same for everyone, I hope no one will feel he got an unfair disadvantage.

After the merge, there will be one auction house only, but we will reduce auction time from 5 to 3 days to compensate.

Well, I feel I got an unfair disadvantage. The auction for the item I wanted was scheduled to end at 4am and, to my surprise, it was changed to 10am for no reason, as 4am was 6 hours before the maintenance. I was kinda hoping it would still be there when the server restarted so that I could try to get it, but your post indicates the items will be given to whoever made the last bid before 10am, which is really really bad!

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Re: Merging worlds
58. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 16:12:47
Seams that some players will be fighting them self in champs . Is that possible?
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Re: Merging worlds
59. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 16:21:41
This was very interesting development... but actually still don't know what to do (or how) with it....

Had (have) 3 characters and all of them are in 1 world now. Planing to continue with only 1 by donate all of my playtime for it (him) to make a near perfect doomlord. Is it any possibility to unite their good stuffs somehow?

All the 3 are strong with many championmedals. My favourite (and the first) was on W2, I collected my honor medals for my W1 character, I collected the most relics for my W3 charcter and this one has a familiar only.
So can I transfer some of my honormedals-eventmedals-eventrelics-quizmedals-AHrelics etc. from one to another if will delete any character in the future???

I have only emerald characters btw but what's about players whom have more in different hordes and a clan declares war against his/her other characters clan?

So scarry about the future here, but must say (in an other view) that it was a neccessary step to make 1 active big WOLRD instead of 3 different with 80-90% inactive zombies.

(Know that it was tested with mixed hungarian worlds for a month or two, so probably won't be huge programming errors)
.. da psyeye (exW2)
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Re: Merging worlds
60. hozzászólás - 2013.11.13. 16:24:18
there will be a million of questions now.

Anyone knows is it possible to have 2 chars in same tribe?

There is a huge difference in tribe sw sizes
A hozzászólást Stiska módosította 2013.11.13. 16:25:15-kor
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