Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Miklos

Dátum: 2013.03.08. 13:51:28
No, this is just the original mentor, the tutorial you get when you start a new character.
Dátum: 2013.03.07. 15:40:40
We added Masterful architecture III, IV, V and VI to the clan buildings. Each one is the prerequisite of the next, and each allows 5 more levels to ramparts and training grounds.
We removed the soul-energy from the ultra-rare rewards on the wheel of fortune.
We added new armor and shield for high levels (200+).
We have rewritten the program code of the clan quests to prevent some bugs which happened in the past.
We have changed the mentor a bit so it is in sync with the recent changes concerning Tasks (faster hunts etc)
Dátum: 2013.03.05. 22:17:08
I keep an exact changelog on the original server and its forum. However, developments are not always patched instantly to the international server, and sometimes I even don't get informed that after a few days these developments were patched here too. It seems this time the info was slipped Sorry for the inconvenience, I will check tomorrow if there is anything else.
Dátum: 2013.03.04. 14:49:30
We added extra clones for each level. Hopefully everyone will have enough targets for the huckster-war now.
Dátum: 2013.03.01. 14:15:16
Gladoom: you sure additional clones should not help you? Not only for one level, for every level. With unlimited subplasma, you can attack as much as you want!
Dátum: 2013.02.28. 17:22:18
We are working on this!
Dátum: 2013.02.28. 17:21:51
You can't collect any reward? Or just one? The bags or the chest? It is possible that you had to do like 61 hunts, but you did only 60, and it looked as complete but it wasn't? Did you try refreshing the page? Just a few ideas if you still have this problem, please send in a ticket to customer service, we log in with your character and check it out.
Dátum: 2013.02.25. 14:22:58
Several players informed us that they do not have enough targets in the huckster war. To improve the situation, we added subplasma pack to the soul-huckster (under misc). You can buy a pack of 10 subplasma only if you have less than 30. Also, we added a new filter to the huckster-duel page. You can now request lower level clone players, and can attack them directly from a list with subplasma.
To improve the situation even further, later on we will add extra clones for each level so there are more targets.

We also added a function to the customer service Help button, now it will turn red if you received a reply so you can notice it better.

And we removed soul-energy from ultra-rare prizes in wheel of fortune.
Dátum: 2013.02.21. 14:23:48
I didnt say we introduce the above system, I just said we had that on the Hun W5, and on lvl 60 W4 worlds.

The epic adventures are on the to-do list, as is the mentor
Dátum: 2013.02.20. 17:20:03
Actually, we have a system like on newer worlds, but not for soul-well - you always have to fill it up completely - but for other buildings. Like, average building in guild is 10M, if you build only 1M, builds have only 20% effect for you.

About the soul-well, we had a different idea. When a new player joins the game, he gets the chance for a experienced played to mentor him. The mentor can give him various benefits, like help fill up the soul-well. In exchange, the mentor gets some rewards when the apprentice levels up.
Dátum: 2013.02.20. 17:16:40
We are working constantly, we have just finished "level-quests" (see above) it's final name is tasks. You get a mini-temple with each level-up. We are testing and finializing it now, it will go live in a few days
Dátum: 2013.02.16. 20:50:58
Random is as random as is possible, trust me...

Spells work this way:
If your IQ is equal, you have a 50% chance to hit fully, and 50% to deal only reduced damage. Each difference in IQ increases your chance by approx. 1%. The maximum chance for success is 80%. The minimum chance is 20%. So even if your IQ is 300, and your opponents is 20, once out of every 5 battles your spell will miss.
Luck affects only these minimum and maximum chances. If your luck is higher than your opponent, your maximum chance to hit can go up to 90% instead of 80%. If lower, it can go as low as 70%. Same for minimum hit chance, luck difference can modify it down to 10% and up to 30%.
So if your IQ is about equal, luck does nothing. But if your IQ is much higher, and your luck is much lower, you will miss 30% of the time. So your best bet is have both a higher IQ and luck than your opponent.
I hope that helped!
Dátum: 2013.02.16. 20:45:28
Xeno war on W1 lasted a few days longer than expected. Still, huckster war begins as planned, on 21th of Feb, just preregistration is only 6 days instead of 7. You can register already.
Dátum: 2013.02.16. 20:43:48
Yes, we have this development scheduled (to allow players to switch between servers, moving from newer to older) but it takes time, we ask for your patience.
Dátum: 2013.02.13. 22:18:41
Well, the highest level xenos have a lot of hit points, it seems they dont die as fast as on other servers. Keep kicking them so they die faster
Dátum: 2013.01.22. 12:46:21
Yeah, it works like this:
You capture a pet which is normally 30.000 SE to train fully.
Now, with this mega-essence, it needs only 22.500 SE to train fully.
But if you have 54 pet training, you will spend 5400 SE for training each time in both cases. Just in first case, you have to spend more SE in total.

Btw the real combo with mega-essences is if you have high enough pet training to train the pet with 1 training. In such cases, you can train every pet you capture, immediately level it up by 6 (if you have all the modifiers), claim repeatable quest for every 2 pets, then squeeze them away for an essence.
Dátum: 2013.01.17. 12:52:07
You can put into the torture chamber with subvplasma someone who is lower level than you.
Dátum: 2013.01.16. 13:09:58
I dont see the difference between X huns and X SE from hunts. The later only brings risk if we dont calculate it correctly, and it will be too easy for some and too hard for others.

The unique tasks, thats a great idea however, until the next event I will think about how to implement them.

Giga-entity at end: this can be done, but the problem here is if it's impossible to kill for some.
Dátum: 2013.01.14. 17:55:15
I dont think we can change this, Trackur, because of how it is programmed But you are not using it many dozen times, just a few times, so hopefully it's not that confusing.

Yes, the luck essence has a type, I corrected it, thanks!
Dátum: 2013.01.14. 17:50:52
Yes, we start it tomorrow (I hope)