Hozzászólások - valorian
Dátum: 2016.06.07. 13:30:45
Actually the free se from the torture in not so little(although from the low levels you dont get much) as i see some players got more than 100.000 se,although the one that is dragged dont loose nothing is still annoying to get hit every 8 hours.
Dátum: 2016.06.06. 15:37:42
since i am the owner of the internet cafe and i know all the members of my clan since i brought them to the game(or bring them back after they have gone) and my scope was to create a clan by greeks that know each other can you explain to me what do you mean by saying "The alt characters helping with clan buildings.".there are no alter egos in my clan but everybody using the building energy to build specific building in order to upgrade another building.and on the clan championships there is a strategy so everyone hit specific squares so where is the foul play in this?Second thing "You can have one character per world" on a ticket that i have send the response was " believe me, when I say he has the same account for these three characters, so it's not an illegal move." and this for a player that has all 3 characters on the same clan.So he is not using the building energy to build for his clan?Ofcourse he is building and this is logical..Anyway i will go to the catacomves and i will speak to the others to go also until you clarify this all fuze.Either way i was planning to go when my premium account ends manukind can verify this since we already talked( this i am telling only to clarify that this is not a protest or anything like this).As for the rest of the guys complaints i was against of putting it on the forum since this would resolved nothing.and one last thing i aalso believe that should be limit even with subplasma attack and that the torture chamber actually helps only the "spider"players(they found one active player dragged him on the torture chamber every day and let him get the se for them).anyway i will be waiting for your answe miklos either here or by email and i can give any information that you require about the internet cafe in order to clarify this.But again there is no foul play from any member of my clan
Dátum: 2016.06.05. 18:38:32
Again as i said before it is not the cost of the building is the requirements that aree too high.for example the evolution chamber tha gives your minions +1xp every 20 lvls big advantage but what are the requirements?simply too high only for big clans that have already finish most of the buildings.my idea is that it shoulf be with requirements until lvl25(like in training grounds) and after a clan could upgraded to higher lvls the same way the training grounds can be upgraded.The las building that have been adde are good but the way that are disputed (or if you like the way to build them) are wrong
Dátum: 2016.06.04. 20:34:10
it is not the building that costs it is the requirements the clan has to have in order to build it.it is like the tree of knoweldge that give extra quest and other benefits the requiremenets are too high to build it and i do understand that bigger clans should have some advantage because they build more but for certain buildings that giving advantages on duels the requirements should be lower like with ramprats and training grounds,in order to build them the requirements were nothing if you wanted to upgrade them above the basics(i mean lvl25)the requiremenets were increasing but everyclan could build the them until 25 since the requiremenets are none or within reasonable requirements
Dátum: 2016.06.04. 14:48:43
yes but this building is only for the big clans that have all the building ready.My caln is not small and we have many buildings ready but if we want to build this one we have to wait at least 2 years until is ready(in order to meet the requirements for building) and while we have to lvl our pets slow and with fights the 3 or 4 clans(that might be less) will lvltheir minion in no time.At least when u add a new building like this that effects the duels or chamionships put requirements with the basic building so that everyone can build it.the last 3 addition are only for the big clans giving them even more advance
Clans -> Clan quests
Dátum: 2015.10.24. 21:13:35
clan quest are introduces?Does the clan must have a certain building to do clan quests?
Dátum: 2015.10.22. 19:48:58
I think a war between servers will be a good idea(no matter what horde you are you will fight opponents only from other server) in order to get any reward you should have a number of victories and a badge( even without rewards) for the participants of the winning server.maybe if the reward are worth some spider might decide to participaate and actually start playing the game instead of just log in and stay on the same lvl for a year
Dátum: 2015.10.22. 19:41:04
I agreein the championship you should fight alone without any of the clan bonuses but with the minus penalty(for too many championships won) this is the only fair and the only way for not seeing the same guys winning again and again the championships
Dátum: 2015.10.21. 09:30:17
You have a disadvantage of the -1 for the championship but since the spiders win the get the +1 of the championship and for a spider on a big clan with a +150 attack and def the -1 or even 10 has no difference .this could work only if for the championship there were no clan bonuses,then the -1 or -2 etc would work.think this a spider lvl lets say 60 lvl with clan bonus +150 attack and def fightting a new player with a clan bonus lets say +50 on attack and bonus(i dont say a weaker opponent) now the spider have -36 because of the many champs who will win?ofcourse the spider.now the weaker player trying to win a champ will try to improve his abilities the result will be to gain lvl(in the mean while the spider will still getting the+1 bonus for winning the champs).I think the best way will the one that i proposed if you have too many champs you dont get the+1 bonus but se instead and the +1 goes to the second or third or etc.this maybe improve the champs otherwise the championship is just for the spiders of the big clans.this is why you see spiders remaining in the same lvl even 9 months( i dont say names but you can easily understand them)
Dátum: 2015.10.20. 21:26:23
it is not a luck of time for the most.it is not possible someone to be for 4 months in the same lvl nut getting stronger because of championships and torture.3 members of my clan left from the game because of constant attack from the same spider i manage the one to coma back after 4 months and the spider is still on the same lvl.my sugestion was to be a limit on the championship wins pesr lvl.for example one player (most propably a spider) can win for example 10 championship and get the +1 bonus after that he can take just se and the +1 bonus to go to the second unless he has also too many so it goes to the 3rd etc.new player have no chance to win championships.think this you have one spider with bonus+150 attack +150 def(and the other bonuses) and 36 championships(that means +36 in all abilities)for someone in a clan with less bonus it is impossible to win(even with the spider having minus due too many champs) in order to have chance he has to raise his stats by doing this he gain lvl and goes to the next spider
Dátum: 2015.10.20. 15:12:26
the setting that you cannot get attack from other player of higher lvl as long as you are premium shouled be for any lvl above you not just reduce the lvls the game is full of "spider" players that ruin the events for others even if you spend stones to enjoy the event you have those that hit you everyday and ruin the game for you.And if even you ask them why you only receive insults because they know that with the benefit and their clan support they vcan drive you off the game(which finally they do) this is why the active players reducing