Come on guys, get things in perspective .... I was hit by Manunkind too and first I was surprised that I could be hit by a player with that high lvl difference. But then I realized that nothing was stolen, my pets still alive, so no harm was done to me.
But I hated to be in the torture chamber, just the idea of it gives me the chills .... but again, nothing is taken from me.
But he will get some SE reward based on my SE harvesting. If he was at my lvl we would be in direct competition and that would be bad for me to have him gain SE this way. But him being up there and me being down here means that we will not meet in championships anytime soon if ever, besides the amount of SE he gets this way (considering the lvl difference) is minimal, I remember when I started the game, 1000 SE was A LOT, but now I get more in a single hunt.
Just trying to say that the only thing hurt here is the pride, the gameplay is not really affected.
If it was a spider at your lvl that tortured you for SE, then I would understand the concern
PS: Thank you cruel for being willing to give this Manunkind bully a punch