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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
821. hozzászólás - 2016.06.05. 19:58:49 (Válasz champion77 #820 hozzászólására.)
you're asking me to be inefficient with my exp-to-SE ratio. i get why you don't want to be dragged into the torture chamber, but the fact is your complaints are all about ego. it does you no harm.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2016.06.05. 20:00:18-kor
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Re: General complaint
822. hozzászólás - 2016.06.06. 08:03:48
Generally, I am open to player problems and try to resolve them to everyone's satisfaction. However, as I noticed all 4 characters who complain here (champion77, mariner771, fonvag and hul) and bombard the support, are run by the same person. I find it very strange when someone who abuse the rules complains about losing nothing. Please see our policy about this particular matter:
So you should compy with the rules, and make sure there are no multiple characters run by you who are in the same world/clan and interact any way. I will check in a week again and see if any banning is necessary.
After this matter is resolved, we can return to discuss this matter (with one person, not one talking via 4 characters), and try to find a satisfying result for you (for example, an option to hide subplasma attacks).
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Re: General complaint
823. hozzászólás - 2016.06.06. 12:13:05
actually we are playing from the same internet cafe and u have been informed about that when we register and your support said that it is ok aslong as we don't hit the same persons or attack each other for free se..plus as you have players in the same clan with the same name but with wolrd 2-3 and so on but i didnt see anything done to them.i suppose those came to same worl with 2 or 3 worlds merged but still are the same player on the same clan
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Re: General complaint
824. hozzászólás - 2016.06.06. 14:51:55 (Válasz champion77 #823 hozzászólására.)
Please, check the above link for our policy on the matter.
You can have one character per world. This rule is to ensure a player does not start multiple characters to gain unfair advantage.
Examples are:
One character attacking the others.
The alt characters helping with clan buildings.

Having the same IP does not necessarily mean the characters are run by the same character, but there are some patterns which can help us detect the difference.
Like very similar behaviour, or completely free characters who just do some specific basic actions.

Anyway, check the above link, and please, act accordingly.
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Re: General complaint
825. hozzászólás - 2016.06.06. 15:37:42
since i am the owner of the internet cafe and i know all the members of my clan since i brought them to the game(or bring them back after they have gone) and my scope was to create a clan by greeks that know each other can you explain to me what do you mean by saying "The alt characters helping with clan buildings.".there are no alter egos in my clan but everybody using the building energy to build specific building in order to upgrade another building.and on the clan championships there is a strategy so everyone hit specific squares so where is the foul play in this?Second thing "You can have one character per world" on a ticket that i have send the response was " believe me, when I say he has the same account for these three characters, so it's not an illegal move." and this for a player that has all 3 characters on the same clan.So he is not using the building energy to build for his clan?Ofcourse he is building and this is logical..Anyway i will go to the catacomves and i will speak to the others to go also until you clarify this all fuze.Either way i was planning to go when my premium account ends manukind can verify this since we already talked( this i am telling only to clarify that this is not a protest or anything like this).As for the rest of the guys complaints i was against of putting it on the forum since this would resolved nothing.and one last thing i aalso believe that should be limit even with subplasma attack and that the torture chamber actually helps only the "spider"players(they found one active player dragged him on the torture chamber every day and let him get the se for them).anyway i will be waiting for your answe miklos either here or by email and i can give any information that you require about the internet cafe in order to clarify this.But again there is no foul play from any member of my clan
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Re: General complaint
826. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 00:48:38 (Válasz valorian #825 hozzászólására.)
Wow! The forum is alive again! I like it

Don't really worry about being dragged into the TC. It means nothing. You don't lose anything and the person who dragged you gets a very small percentage of your gains. If you are being dragged by someone 100 levels above you, your SE from the TC will be negligible to them. Just enjoy the game


P.S. Please lemme know in game if you want some revenge on manunkind
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Re: General complaint
827. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 00:58:53 (Válasz Cruel01 #826 hozzászólására.)
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Re: General complaint
828. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 12:19:18
Are we declairing a free season on Manunkind?

What...why...I need to find mys spell and weapon and stuff...where is he?
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Re: General complaint
829. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 13:30:45 (Válasz Cruel01 #826 hozzászólására.)
Actually the free se from the torture in not so little(although from the low levels you dont get much) as i see some players got more than 100.000 se,although the one that is dragged dont loose nothing is still annoying to get hit every 8 hours.
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Re: General complaint
830. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 14:17:36 (Válasz Cruel01 #826 hozzászólására.)
still is annoying to get hit every 8 hours from someone 100+ higher than u
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Re: General complaint
831. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 14:23:55 (Válasz valorian #825 hozzászólására.)
This is exactly the reason why we have a set rules and policy to handle this situation (see the above link).

I don't really care (or can check) if it is indeed 5 people playing from the same internet cafe to play the game, or it is actually the same person saying this 10 year old excuse, used by every player catched multiing in any browser game

We have a simple set of rules, if you comply, you are considered individual players, if you don't, then you are multiing.
Pontszám: 8.44
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
832. hozzászólás - 2016.06.07. 23:01:12 (Válasz Sbart #828 hozzászólására.)
I would stand up for Manunkind, but ...
Pontszám: 9.73
everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: General complaint
833. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 01:17:36
Come on guys, get things in perspective .... I was hit by Manunkind too and first I was surprised that I could be hit by a player with that high lvl difference. But then I realized that nothing was stolen, my pets still alive, so no harm was done to me.
But I hated to be in the torture chamber, just the idea of it gives me the chills .... but again, nothing is taken from me.
But he will get some SE reward based on my SE harvesting. If he was at my lvl we would be in direct competition and that would be bad for me to have him gain SE this way. But him being up there and me being down here means that we will not meet in championships anytime soon if ever, besides the amount of SE he gets this way (considering the lvl difference) is minimal, I remember when I started the game, 1000 SE was A LOT, but now I get more in a single hunt.

Just trying to say that the only thing hurt here is the pride, the gameplay is not really affected.

If it was a spider at your lvl that tortured you for SE, then I would understand the concern

PS: Thank you cruel for being willing to give this Manunkind bully a punch
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Re: General complaint
834. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 05:17:49 (Válasz Fatmonk #833 hozzászólására.)
I think we have uncovered the root of the problem. It's in the name!!! Miklos, please rename it to High Luxury Spa and everyone will be happy. The message shall read:
"Seeing how injured you are after the fight, Manunkind invites you to spend a full day in his High Luxury Spa to expedite your recovery. And it is for FREE. He will get paid, of course, but Social Security will cover all expenses. Don't worry. Just relax and enjoy"

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2016.06.08. 05:19:49-kor
Pontszám: 9.58
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: General complaint
835. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 06:36:25
Fatmonk and Cruel01, well said, both of you!

The name "Torture chamber" has always been misleading. "Insurance policy office" would be more appropriate (although that might conjure images worse than torture in some people), and I would say "Luxury Spa" is not a bad one. Bottom line is that you never loose SE from the Torture chamber, which the name implies that you do. So, bad name!
Pontszám: 8.61
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
836. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 11:20:03 (Válasz Cruel01 #834 hozzászólására.)
Pontszám: 9.73
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Re: General complaint
837. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 14:00:48 (Válasz Cruel01 #834 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2016.06.08. 05:17:49
I think we have uncovered the root of the problem. It's in the name!!! Miklos, please rename it to High Luxury Spa and everyone will be happy. The message shall read:
"Seeing how injured you are after the fight, Manunkind invites you to spend a full day in his High Luxury Spa to expedite your recovery. And it is for FREE. He will get paid, of course, but Social Security will cover all expenses. Don't worry. Just relax and enjoy"

Haha good one
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Re: General complaint
838. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 16:41:47
I too have been hit by manunkind multiple times during the event, but I really don t see any problem with it. I don t mind being in torture chamber even when they are not using subplasma , it is basically doomlord version of fliping someone (yeah you ve got 3-5% of my daily income but loook at all the SE I had this day and you cought nothing).
But in this case it is even more unclear what the complaint are about, when the player attacking is far beyond your own level. In my case I just hope Manunkind used all the SE he got from me while I was rushing to finish in the top wisely:)
Pontszám: 6.74
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Re: General complaint
839. hozzászólás - 2016.06.08. 19:04:55
lol, good one, Cruel... waitaminute, your name is Cruel and my name is the problem?
thanks, Fatmonk. and congrats on your epic finish in the event, Dark.

(for the record, my username is a play on mankind's nature, not my own, although you may conclude that they are one and the same. )
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Re: General complaint
840. hozzászólás - 2016.06.09. 04:08:12 (Válasz Cruel01 #834 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2016.06.08. 05:17:49
I think we have uncovered the root of the problem. It's in the name!!! Miklos, please rename it to High Luxury Spa and everyone will be happy. The message shall read:
"Seeing how injured you are after the fight, Manunkind invites you to spend a full day in his High Luxury Spa to expedite your recovery. And it is for FREE. He will get paid, of course, but Social Security will cover all expenses. Don't worry. Just relax and enjoy"

Does this mean every time I am taken to someones Torture Chamber I get to stay at Manunkinds Spa? His Spa will be very busy if all players spend a day there!
Pontszám: 9.17
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