Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Miklos

Dátum: 2012.11.23. 12:24:20
We are sorry for the delay!
Originally we agreed that both the preparation and the event begins on the same day on every world. But our programmer changed the schedule, saying that he launches the event first on Thursday on the original worlds, and after everything is all right, he launches them 1 day later on the international worlds. I learned this today morning, and wrote the news accordingly.
The Package of Dread is now available in the shop, and as the event's begin comes closer, we will add more information.
So the official launch date is 30th of November, 14pm CET (8am EST).
Dátum: 2012.11.19. 17:02:25
A reasonable request, but the programmer told me this would be very difficult to implement
However, usually it is enough to check the item's level. Higher level items are always better. In rare occassions, if you prefer on stat over the other, this might not be true, but in that case you have to compare only that stat.
Dátum: 2012.11.19. 17:00:03
I'm sorry, Nicolas, but the only way to turn your burnt-out ancient stones into real ones is to buy ancient stones. Any other way will not do it, sorry.

Borecdan: please send this in through customer service, and our GM will look into this.
Dátum: 2012.11.19. 16:57:24
There is a cap on how much SE can a CH member have to prevent an exploit with creative affinity. So even if they are lucky and steal a LOT from you, prolly you can't get back as much, sorry
Dátum: 2012.11.12. 16:00:19
The maximum level of the AA abilities Bind wounds and Useful hunt have been increased from 10 to 30. We are also working to add new AA abilities in the near future.
Dátum: 2012.11.10. 12:01:07
We are adding new megaessences soon! Keep collecting the ultra-essences until then
Dátum: 2012.11.05. 10:35:00
Dear Players,
Today, we added the following changes to the game:
- Under daily routines, the manaconstruction button will not grey out if your mana is not maxed out, so you can use it regardless of your mana.
- Wired reflexes does not subract mana cost for switching mind boost to manaconstruction, so you can use manaconstruction at maximum efficiency.
- Those who are hiding in the catacombs can't use or activate citadel of destruction.
- If your infection is 100% now you can curse a doomlord of your own horde with the Curse Pyramid.
- If a player with support is attacked by a Crystal Horde member, support will not have effect.
- The level at which you can purchase the relic essence converter have been reduced to 60.
- Under clan quests, now we lists completed quests even if you have a quest active.
- We added a help ? mark next to Loyalty bonus to make it clear how it works.
We hope you find these changes useful, we made them based on player feedback.
Dátum: 2012.11.05. 09:34:26
We are sorry, there is some problem with the Customer Services Server. The system administrator is working on it, it will be up in 10-15 minutes. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Dátum: 2012.11.04. 19:54:17
white crystal potion or berserker: lower levers get berserker, higher level get crystal.

customizable daily routines: nice idea but I doubt we can implement it

Trackur, atm we are not planning to add new rewards for the daily routines, sorry.
Dátum: 2012.11.04. 10:42:49
The 3rd phase of the Landragor event begins soon! Don't forget to use up all your epic treasure chests, or you can't find one during phase 3!
Dátum: 2012.11.02. 11:21:44
We have holiday here now, so it was a bit tricky, but I was able to reach the programmer, who told me that corrected the problem, and characters can be transferred by now. Please let me know if it working. Please note that characters do not get transferred immediately, they are being xferred by a separate program,. So it will be done prolly by tomorrow, or latest on Monday.

About medal not geting transferred, ah, so things are still not perfect! Please send a ticket via customer service, say which character and we will add the medal for you latest on Monday.
Dátum: 2012.10.31. 20:38:53
Thanks for the feedback, we will try to improve the system to make it easier.

Seems the problem is the envelope not showing up.. we will fix it soon, sorry for the problem.
Dátum: 2012.10.31. 20:37:48
Yes, right, until you attack a pylon again.
Dátum: 2012.10.31. 20:15:27
I'm sorry for the inconvenience! When world 4 ends, a button is supposed to appear automatically where you can choose to transfer your character and / or stones/medal. This is the first such W4 on the international server, so it seems there is a glitch... I contacted our programmer, hopefully he will correct it by tomorrow. I ask your patience until then.

Also it seems there was a confusion about ending time. All events start and end at 14pm CET on the international server. But now I checked the front-page news, and it actually says 10am, and it seems it ended then, I don't know why. I hope it did not affect anyone inadversely!

Furlozza. If you decide not to transfer your character, you can still transfer your ancient stones and the medal. But you can't transfer any other possessions, unfortunately But this request sounds reasonable, I will look for some way to implement that players can xfer these bonus items from future W4, but I'm afraid now it is too late for this world.
Dátum: 2012.10.23. 19:34:43
I tested this our for you, and yes, it works. Nice combo!
Dátum: 2012.10.20. 20:53:07
Dueling only is a very passive strategy imho. It can be very effective on a new world early on where there are many new low levels, or when you have the energy harness skill. But honestly, we try to design the game so people can use all aspects of the game without getting a disadvantage, ie. both hunting and dueling. Thats why temple and other things require both actions and give nice rewards.
Dátum: 2012.10.20. 20:50:45
Carrier: we are aware of this problem, and will purge some of the inactive players, and will also add method for players to find active clans.

Cruel01: yes, we are planning to do that.

Miasma: this is a nice idea, but currently, we do not plan making the quiz aspect of the game to be a team-event. But I saved your idea, might reconsider this in the future.

Trunth: you are right, there is no politics category. Its a good suggestion for a new category, but unfortunately, adding new categories after so many questions categorized would need some database conversion which I'm not sure we can do easily
Dátum: 2012.10.20. 20:43:06
You are absolutely right! It seems since we changed the registration method, players can't always choose the world to play on. We will correct this as soon as possible. Thanks for the notice!
Dátum: 2012.10.19. 18:17:18
You sure you didn't click the soul-well discharge button? They are next to each other.
Dátum: 2012.10.19. 18:16:03
Precise start time will be 14:00 pm CET (13 pm GMT, 8am EST).

The majority of reward can be achieved regardless of your ranking, by finishing levels. Top ranking will just give some extra reward.

Tasks will be like the ones in Temple of Doom, but of course not the same, there will be new surprises. There will be no tasks like "log in for 10 consequent days" or "use 5 manaconstructions" since those make impossible to race, everyone could do them at the same rate.

Rewards will include ancient stones, a few new relics, consumable goodies and elements of a new game mechanism.