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Re: Sugestion box
601. hozzászólás - 2012.09.26. 11:23:21
Wormtail: I think there is technical problem with that... but also I think we added an alternative to the 5 simulation task, didn't we?

BabeTheOx: could you please describe me why / which rewards are useless so we can improve it! Thanks.
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everyone's favoriteWormtailFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
602. hozzászólás - 2012.10.03. 18:06:22 (Válasz Miklos #601 hozzászólására.)
Oh I didn't notice it!

My new suggestion:
As Strong bones have been introduced I'm not planning to squeeze my pets ever. But on higher levels I have seen cooler pics of monsters. Can't you make it possible (even for some AS's) to be able to change the avatar of my pets.

(I know there is a way becuse my crystal clone's pets are the same base level, but their avatar is different)
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Re: Sugestion box
603. hozzászólás - 2012.10.06. 20:38:58
How about a relic to allow EF to go up another 36 lvls (enabling 1-minute hunts)?

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Re: Sugestion box
604. hozzászólás - 2012.10.06. 23:00:05 (Válasz Miklos #601 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2012.09.26. 11:23:21
... but also I think we added an alternative to the 5 simulation task, didn't we?

Five simulations costs 5 AS whereas the alternative costs 10 AS
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
605. hozzászólás - 2012.10.08. 12:04:31 (Válasz digitalis #604 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: digitalis - 2012.10.06. 23:00:05
Five simulations costs 5 AS whereas the alternative costs 10 AS

Yes I know, I just suggested it because it is more useful than the simulation to some players. But if you don't have stones that is not an option, of course.

Cruel01: With the greater focus crystals and medals of doom, you can reduce your hunt times pretty close to the 1 minute I think, so we do not plan on adding further ways to reduce it.
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very popularMiasma
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Re: Sugestion box
606. hozzászólás - 2012.10.09. 12:14:32
Just an opinion regarding the quiz sytem:-

I hate the idea that a doomlord can just google answers within game time - surely the point of a quiz is to test the knowledge of a doomlord, not their ability to do research. The quiz sytem as it stands encourages metagaming and time spent away from the game. The quiz stats therefore give a false picture with regard to the question level.
The time given to answer questions is much too long and the correct answer should not be shown in the event of a wrong answer. This would give a much clearer indication as to the difficulty of a question and the knowledge level of the answering doomlord.
A good question will pique the interest of a doomlord to research on their own time.
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
607. hozzászólás - 2012.10.11. 14:27:00 (Válasz Miasma #606 hozzászólására.)
You are right, Miasma.
Google search is pretty hard to come around for a quiz game, though.
Even in TV quiz games, when the player asks for phone help, you hear the helper type quickly and searching for the answer in Google. Same as in Radio quiz.
So we said, during hunts, you can decide how to enjoy this part of the game. You can try to figure out the answer yourself, or you can look for the answer in Google, in a Lexikon, or whereever else. This is a kind of training for the real deal, the Quiz Olympics.

The Quiz Olympics is a serious competition. There if you don't have knowledge and rely on googling everything, you will surely have a very poor total time. So thats where googling is not enough.
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Re: Sugestion box
608. hozzászólás - 2012.10.16. 23:27:49
It is what it is. It shows some effort to google an answer and many questions are not easy to answer in a few minutes even with google.

That being said, the real trouble with this game is that no inactive clans or players seem to be purged.

A new player like myself looks for other new players in vain. First fix would to be have a list of recent players.
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Re: Sugestion box
609. hozzászólás - 2012.10.20. 02:48:29
On the clan quest page, there should be a list of pending quests as well. This way, it would be easier to plan for the triple reward.

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very popularMiasma
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Re: Sugestion box
610. hozzászólás - 2012.10.20. 03:04:21
how about a team event in the Quiz Olympics that clans can enter ?

Something along the lines of

1. the clan nominates say 5 members to be their representatives
2. Upon acceptance, each nominated member gets xx questions to answer when they next log in
3. Add scores together voila
4. Top 10 teams get rewards which should be clan related eg build only S.E. etc
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everyone's favoriteTrunth
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Re: Sugestion box
611. hozzászólás - 2012.10.20. 20:24:18
How about a "politics" category? I've just been putting it under History>20th and 21st Century, for questions such as "which president was the one who...". Just a small suggestion
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
612. hozzászólás - 2012.10.20. 20:50:45
Carrier: we are aware of this problem, and will purge some of the inactive players, and will also add method for players to find active clans.

Cruel01: yes, we are planning to do that.

Miasma: this is a nice idea, but currently, we do not plan making the quiz aspect of the game to be a team-event. But I saved your idea, might reconsider this in the future.

Trunth: you are right, there is no politics category. Its a good suggestion for a new category, but unfortunately, adding new categories after so many questions categorized would need some database conversion which I'm not sure we can do easily
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
613. hozzászólás - 2012.10.20. 21:08:59 (Válasz Miklos #612 hozzászólására.)
Category: Others sciences ->Politics
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very popularMiasma
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Re: Sugestion box
614. hozzászólás - 2012.10.21. 12:06:42
I was trying to think of ways of further linking your character stats to what you are actually doing in the game eg.

1. for every 500 or so correct answers to questions +1 IQ
2. for every 500 or so Duel wins +1 attack
3. for every 250 or so Duel losses +1 defence

You could add to this list with a bit of imagination to cover the other stats eg Total Hours gametime could give a constitution bonus or total overall spell damage caused gives a thau bonus.
These sorts of bonuses make sense because an individual stat would surely get better with practice.

By the way you might want to consider replacing 'IQ' with 'Intellect' - my low level characters have an 'IQ' of 30-40 making them dimmer than a mentally retarded pigeon.
A hozzászólást Miasma módosította 2012.10.29. 11:06:19-kor
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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
615. hozzászólás - 2012.11.15. 05:56:35 (Válasz BabeTheOx #600 hozzászólására.)
I did not know that you needed to respin to be able to get a rare item. I have no idea how to make it better. I just noticed that there were never any great winners showing anymore on the lists, and I had not got anything worth winning either as things went on.
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Re: Sugestion box
616. hozzászólás - 2012.11.17. 08:50:05
Soul Huckster......
would it be possible to include in the Hucksters inventory the Weapon, Shield, Armour, etc. that we already own? This would make comparing current equipment and possible future purchaces much easier. Maybe an icon saying 'Owned' to replace the 'buy' button?
A hozzászólást digitalis módosította 2012.11.18. 19:49:28-kor
Pontszám: 5
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
617. hozzászólás - 2012.11.19. 17:02:25 (Válasz digitalis #616 hozzászólására.)
A reasonable request, but the programmer told me this would be very difficult to implement
However, usually it is enough to check the item's level. Higher level items are always better. In rare occassions, if you prefer on stat over the other, this might not be true, but in that case you have to compare only that stat.
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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
618. hozzászólás - 2012.12.05. 04:41:19
hmm further ideas on Wheel of Fortune.. rare prizes that are smaller dd items or AS as rewards are not the most exciting since one is for SE with a high XP cost ( and a chance of an item you likely have gotten many times before) and AS is lame since you spend much more on rolling than you get for reward..... same with gold ducats since they are fairly devalued .......... not sure if those are rewards at all even.just guessing since i have not gotten a rare for a while LOL but apologies if they are not items

Also... I had a suggestion with the Entity and/or epic screen.........perhaps we could get a list of our fighting pets and their hp so we know how things are going for them.......My entities are hitting really hard now and my pets sometimes die without me realizing how bad it is getting LOL
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Re: Sugestion box
619. hozzászólás - 2012.12.11. 10:12:34
I just got a soul-well generator, which is a red prize but is completely useless to me. I think there should be a way to trade it for something useful.
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Re: Sugestion box
620. hozzászólás - 2012.12.13. 10:20:14 (Válasz deadstar #619 hozzászólására.)
I fully agree with this...
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