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Topic neve: Ruler of the Planet
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
41. hozzászólás - 2012.12.01. 19:18:05 (Válasz Tallia #39 hozzászólására.)
It must be SE, manaconstruction doesn't count.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
42. hozzászólás - 2012.12.02. 07:26:45
I got the chain of dread on the appropriate level of the pyramid but there is not appeared anywhere(misc, relcs).

Are there any chance that we are able to use sublpasmas?
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
43. hozzászólás - 2012.12.02. 10:18:32 (Válasz Demo #42 hozzászólására.)
you are on top of all the lists, are you either the first person who started playing doomlord, or are you one of the developers.

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
44. hozzászólás - 2012.12.02. 17:40:13 (Válasz vsigamany #43 hozzászólására.)
None of them

There are bugs with the arcgame and subplazma as well. I wrote to the game admins. It is impossible to finish the temple
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
45. hozzászólás - 2012.12.02. 17:42:32 (Válasz Demo #44 hozzászólására.)
Buy a stimulator.
Okay, but:
"You can not buy the Stimulator, because you haven't got familiar."
I have no familiar. That's true. I spent till this time almost 300 as for the pyramid, and now I have to buy a familiar for an addintional 100 as as well?
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
46. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 06:21:20 (Válasz Demo #44 hozzászólására.)
I also cannot find the chain of dread or work out how to use the subplasma's
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
47. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 08:27:21
We are aware of the dread neck not being given out, we will fix it asap! sorry for the inconvenience.
To use the subplasma, click on a character's profile, there will be a sword icon next to his portrait. But the subplasma programming was delayed, it is possible that this is not yet live on this server. It will be today.
When contacting us, please use the customer service interface, yellow help button in upper right corner, thats how your problem will be solved the fastest (we were checking those on the weekend as well).
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2012.12.03. 08:28:16-kor
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
48. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 12:05:59 (Válasz Miklos #47 hozzászólására.)
Thanks Miklos...

I did raise the chain of dread issue using the in game help, but thought I was doing something wrong with the sub plasma so didn't raise that in game.

Just for info I only play W3, so prob not implemented there yet.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
49. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 14:41:39
Welp, it's been a few days now and I have decided that this event sux. just my opinion.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
50. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 14:52:59 (Válasz Trackur #49 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Trackur - 2012.12.03. 14:41:39
Welp, it's been a few days now and I have decided that this event sux. just my opinion.

What do you mean this event sux?
That it takes more resources than you gain to be on top?
That the general format of the event is badly designed?
Something else?

Because I can agree with you on the sentiment that you have to be a very strong player and invest a lot of resources to be on top, to such a level that I expect it to be a resource-loss to end up in the top.
But I do not agree that the event is in general badly designed. Even for the casual player, there are some nice rewards, even the possibility to exchange some SE for AS (by using SE for decree you could potentially do the first 4 rows, getting you 50 AS).
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
51. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 16:35:28
The design is ok ( meaning the ideas are Great ). The problem is with the implementation ... First of all, some of the new options and features don't work ( Subplasma STILL doesn't work and archgems are in same situation ), meaning some quests can only be completed IF you use a decree. This is not normal, every single quest should be possible....

Now, Sbart, it doesn't bother me I have to spend resources and AS to try and reach the top, it really bothers me that this event was not tested and there are flaws that allow you to finish it in 3 days !!! THAT does bother me because the way it is now, it's just an AS race, nothing more ( and Cruel01 proved it on world 2)... I think the next edition of this event will be GREAT if developers listen to players' feedback and make all the features work. From my point of view, this edition I've just spent a lot of resources to gain access to the pyramids rewards in a futile attempt to reach the top amongst the first ....
it figures ....
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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
52. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 17:16:57
in w3 i did 150 hunts and it only registered 127....so i tried 1 more and it went up to 128...so i finished 50 more hunts and came back to notice it was still registering 128 hunts on the event row 3
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
53. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 17:29:12 (Válasz ardent #51 hozzászólására.)
I agree with you Ardent that the implementation is far from perfect, but I think statements like that Trackur did are quite pointless. Just saying that "the event sux", and not say why you think so does nothing for the game.

And the Archgem works. Did you see that you have to "turn them on" under settings?

I strongly agree about the "AS race". I understand why there should be Royal decrees in the Pyramid, but 3 per level? And such a low penalty for using more than 3? Somehow I think that 2 (or even 1) RD/level of the Pyramid would have been more approriate, and perhaps having a penalty of 25 points per decree above 2 used for the entire Pyramid (so when using your 3rd RD and above, you would only gain 1/2 points per task).
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.12.03. 17:29:46-kor
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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
54. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 17:57:32
seems i can get the hunts to register if i only do 1 or 2 at a time and then check to make sure they have registered... i am also agreeing with others that the event has many flaws to be fixed ( as well as fixing bugs)
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
55. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 19:25:34
Thank you Sbart for teaching me how to use the archgems. There is but little information on how to use the new items. Don't get me wrong, i do like to discover things myself BUT when you talk about a race, all rules and new features should be properly documented prior to its start .... Doomlord has one of the most complex interfaces that are out there for web based games. You can hide an option like that in lots of places and players will miss it for several days before they accidentally come across it.... Anyways, enough with the flaming and bashing on this event, let's hope that developers learn something from this experience and mold this event into a better version next time

Now may the better AS spender win !
it figures ....
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
56. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 19:30:07
P.S. Forgot to mention this so I had to come back and say it. HOW on Earth is it possible that developers didn't take into account the Crystal Horde going into hiding??? There should be a fair chance for everyone ! While lower levels don't feel the effect of them gone MIA, the ones at the top have almost no targets to hit ... How am I supposed to race against other players if I can only hit 3 targets every hour??? Please take this into account for next Ruler of the Planet event, thank you!
it figures ....
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
57. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 22:38:50 (Válasz Sbart #53 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2012.12.03. 17:29:12
I strongly agree about the "AS race". I understand why there should be Royal decrees in the Pyramid, but 3 per level? And such a low penalty for using more than 3? Somehow I think that 2 (or even 1) RD/level of the Pyramid would have been more approriate, and perhaps having a penalty of 25 points per decree above 2 used for the entire Pyramid (so when using your 3rd RD and above, you would only gain 1/2 points per task).

The 3/level means my level 49 character can have a shot at the top level of the pyramid

As for the penalties ... well, at the moment, either you throw away a serious amount of SE, or you line Beholder's pocket *shrugs* It's usually good business policy not to further penalise the guys who invest in the game's operational costs.

And, I mean, who cares ? Ok, it might take a bit longer, and you won't have the title, but good planning should enable anyone to finish this before the deadline, with a minimal cost in RDs.

So yes, the AS intensive guys will outspend each other to have the bragging rights to the title, and a couple of extra trinckets. The rest of us can just grab the main reward, with an investment magnitudes lower than their's. Seems fair to me.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
58. hozzászólás - 2012.12.03. 23:35:25 (Válasz ardent #51 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ardent - 2012.12.03. 16:35:28

THAT does bother me because the way it is now, it's just an AS race, nothing more ( and Cruel01 proved it on world 2)...

Why do you say that? How many decrees do you think I have used?

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very popularFurlozza
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
59. hozzászólás - 2012.12.04. 01:56:13
1) The manner of using the Archgems was mentioned in the column on the right hand side of of the "Daily Routines" Page, under latest news *grin*

2) from the Event Description: "Beware, if you used more than 3 decrees, each excess decree will increase this time by 8 hours! " Personally, I'd like to see it increase by 8, 16, 24. 32 hrs etc (I think you get my drift) So, if folks spend SE/AS to use the 3 RDs a row they ARE punished.

3) Planning is everything and past behavior can come back and bite you on the bum.

IE, I used up my last five luck coupons to try and get a DG simulator so I could finish row three, but now have to wait one more day to finish row 4 cause I have no more luck coupons. Also my Squeezing pets were such a low level I had to use an RD to finish the Enchanted pet food bit, but I was easily able to do the Squeeze 7 pets with Grads and will also be able to do the squeeze pet 80+ level. Now, after that things will become hairy, since I spent quite a lot of APs in the LAndragor event... sooooooo

Oh and did I mention I was also doing a ToD? *grin*
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
60. hozzászólás - 2012.12.04. 05:28:43
@ Cruel

Funny you don't just say how many you actually used Like I can ever check ! By the speed you completed the last 2 rounds of the pyramid, my assumption was that you used around 9 Decrees per total ( not that it matters to me ). I was just trying to prove my point that this is an AS race, some other players agreed with me and it is only natural some disagree. Yet bring some arguments to your claims, if not for logic, for the sake of argument itself ?
it figures ....
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