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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2010.09.01. 07:15:13
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.01. 04:18:36
If your pet is high enough level to hit almost every round, go for the extra damage. If it is still missing its target most of the time go for attack, with the added absorption bonus for you.

So things I can see include Base Level, "Experience" Level and Absorption. Is there any way to see the pets current Attack, Defense & Damage Range - or is it all just a guess?
Dátum: 2010.08.31. 23:33:21
For pets - what is better... +10 Attack, +10 Defense, +2 Absorp... Or a straight +6 Damage?
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.08.30. 15:48:06
Thats what i am talking about, good job ImLittleJon

I wonder why only 3 votes up to now when there are 13 views.....

Also, fellow evalutors please comment if you like or not this idea. Personally i have no problem accepting this IF the quiz admin agrees

Looks unanimous to me...
Dátum: 2010.08.31. 19:00:52
Idézet: Pogaxa - 2010.08.31. 18:17:49
if it was rejected once, why did you try it again? do you test us if we let it go next time?
even if it's obviously a google-able answer, it's a special knowledge. you'll get this rejected, no matter how much you try posting it.

Because I have faith that not all Mods are useless. If there are lousy Mods who pass lousy questions, surely there are good Mods who have some common sense.

Like I said, you can:
Know the lyric
Know the band
Know the only actual song on the list
Know how to Google - copy & paste the question

Any of these will give you the answer - 100% of the time. Unlike the two examples I JUST presented - or the pile of Metallica questions that require intricate knowledge of the band, and CAN'T be Copy/Pasted to get the answer!. Get the f___ing double standards OUT!
Dátum: 2010.08.31. 17:52:09
Ok... I just went from pissed to livid.

"Even old New York was once New Amsterdam" is a lyric from what They Might be Giants song?
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Mumbai (Not Bombay)
St. Petersburg (Not Leningrad)
Ho Chi Minh City (Not Saigon)

This got rejected AGAIN (and I just re-posted it again, so just pass the damn thing) - in spite of the fact that:
Even if you don't know the lyric
Even if you don't know the band
Even id you are too stupid to copy & paste the question into Google
There is only one actual song on the list!!!
The rest are all made up!!!!!!!

But then I get these two:
Who fought "Radar Men From The Moon"?
- Never saw the show. The name of the show isn't mentioned. How can I answer this?

In Stephen King's "The Dark Half", what do the arrival of sparrows represent?
- How the FUCK do you answer this without reading the damn book???

The standards are so screwed up that the quiz is just a joke. It really is.
Dátum: 2010.08.31. 17:33:43
Ok... I just went from pissed to livid.

"Even old New York was once New Amsterdam" is a lyric from what They Might be Giants song?
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Mumbai (Not Bombay)
St. Petersburg (Not Leningrad)
Ho Chi Minh City (Not Saigon)

This got rejected AGAIN (and I just re-posted it again, so just pass the damn thing) - in spite of the fact that:
Even if you don't know the lyric
Even if you don't know the band
There is only one actual song on the list!!!
The rest are all made up!!!!!!!

But then I get these two:
Who fought "Radar Men From The Moon"?
- Never saw the show. The name of the show isn't mentioned. How can I answer this?

In Stephen King's "The Dark Half", what do the arrival of sparrows represent?
- How the FUCK do you answer this without reading the damn book???

The standards are so screwed up that the quiz is just a joke. It really is.
Dátum: 2010.08.30. 22:14:34
Idézet: Inv_ - 2010.08.30. 19:57:41
add me to the list. atm stuck on the "increase lvl by 4 quest" for another 3-4 days, but i'll wear lvl 1 mace and lvl 9 spell to help others who are looking for a draw.

character AKYD - lvl 38. world 2

K. Set up as L1 / L9 with no pets. I'll run like this until the quest finishes (I don't duel except Challenges - and I don't need any Equip for those)
Dátum: 2010.08.30. 18:47:00
Crappy dumbass 5 Draw Quest... World 2, L41 Sapphire.

Please & Thanx.
Dátum: 2010.08.29. 19:19:36
a) Why is it taking 4+ days to get an Adventure reviewed?

b) Why am I even bothering to write this when (as per an e-mail frominfo@doomlord.net) "If you write a e-mail us directly abaut errors, bugs you found, we will immediatly get it. We checked the forum, but there is many topic."

This is likely the singular biggest problem in this whole game. There is no way that we can have confidence that anything we (you know, the paying customers) bring up as a problem will be acted on, responded to, or even read. As much as I enjoy the game, I completely resent the attitude the Game Admins have towards the users.
Dátum: 2010.08.29. 17:45:26
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.08.29. 15:58:15
I think it's fair to say that the universal phone keypad looks like this:
Though 'qwerty' pads won't have that, most mobiles and housephones do (at least in Britain anyway)

The map of Slovenia in Europe: http://www.ling.gu.se/projekt/sprakfrageladan/images/europe_map.gif

Yes, it's on the south side, but it appears to me to be definitely in the middle of Europe.

It's only in the middle if you ignore the Scandinavian countries. Try this link:
Dátum: 2010.08.29. 03:37:17
Which one of these jumps is not in the Grand National steeplechase?

Standards - we don't need no stinkin' standards! And I love sports, but still think this one is retarded to have in the quiz.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 21:25:52
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.08.28. 20:58:55
Lad, you still don't get it.

First of all, my data is taken from world 1 since it's the longest running world. You can't take statistical data from a practically new world.. it's like asking a 5 year old to read Shakespeare.

As for horde bonuses, again you are not looking at the whole picture. You are simply looking at the quantity and that is a wrong way to analyse a situation.

The ruby bonus can be devastating if one uses it well; and to do that one must invest heavily in attack, strength and melee critical chance.

Something more simple to boggle your mind onto:

Emerald - Spell mastery
Ruby - Melee mastery
Sapphire - Defence mastery
Diamond - SE mastery

The current bonuses are balanced. If things are changed the situation will degenerate into chaos.

As for the rest, well my apologies but your reasons are simply idiotic to say the least. The bonuses are there to create a difference between the hordes and as I clearly explained before. Every horde has an advantage over the other.

Honestly, I can't be bothered to argument with you. I've shown you the facts, if you can't understand them read them again until you can. Sleep it over, look at it from an un-biased point and improve your analytical skills.

And if by any chance my posts offend anyone, please don't be. I speak my mind as is; there's no beating around the bush.

If the goal is to get an even distribution of players among the hordes, you allow the horde bonuses to fluctuate based on how many players are in that horde. The fewer players in a horde, the greater the horde bonus.

This scenario can, and will be abused.

Please don't diss W2 - it is several months old now, and populated by a lot of experienced players; and based on the same rule-set as W1. If anything, W2 is a better indication of game trends than W1.

As far as bonuses go, in an SE driven game, the Diamond advantage is notably better than anyone else's. Our Top25 looks like:

11 Emerald
9 Diamond
3 Sapphire
2 Ruby (none in Top20)

This is simply not a good balance by any stretch of the imagination, and makes intra-Horde competition completely farcical. Looking at the W2 Zankwad competition, the Top10 Kills is:
4 Diam
3 Emer
3 Saph

Yet you have (for the purpose of the Clan Championship):
Ruby 38235
Emerald 161897
Sapphire 69688
Diamond 129998

Does this look balanced? No - it's a pure reflection of the membership numbers. This is a failing of the game to balance properly.
At minimum, I would like to see the Diamond bonus drop to +10%/-10%
As for Emerald, I don't really know. Sapphire is definitely the worst bonus though - the better HP/SP potions should be replaced by something like a 2.5% Hunt Bonus.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 20:58:48
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.08.28. 19:52:13
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.08.28. 19:09:18
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.08.26. 05:50:32
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.08.26. 04:38:16
Idézet: daktarus - 2010.08.26. 04:25:52
A brick weighs 2kg and half a brick, how much do 2 bricks weigh?


if 1 brick weights 2kg then half a brick weighs 1kg, therefore 2 bricks would weigh 6kg not 8.

And this one re-enters the problem queue for the 6th (and a half) time.

It doesn't say that a brick weighs 2kg, it says that that half a brick weighs 2kg, it really is simple: Put one brick on one side of a scale, then on the other side a 2kg weight and half a brick, and the scale is in balance. How much do you have to remove from each side to have a 2kg weight on one side? Correct! Half a brick!

Listen, I don't give a shit how you justify it to yourself - people don't want this question in. To have this many complaints about it, yet it's still in the quiz just means that the Admins don't care.

Do we take this one again?
I'd rather not, but please keep the language civil.
The fact still remains that the question is correct and a good one.

Correct or not - it's NOT a good question. If it was a good question, there wouldn't have been so many complaints about it!
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 19:11:21
Idézet: SageSenin - 2010.08.26. 13:00:16
someone said that slovenia is in south europe???

it's in the middle europe, geografically and politicaly!

rewrite the question plz

Wow are you wrong... Mega fail, and look at a map sometime.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 19:09:18
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.08.26. 05:50:32
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.08.26. 04:38:16
Idézet: daktarus - 2010.08.26. 04:25:52
A brick weighs 2kg and half a brick, how much do 2 bricks weigh?


if 1 brick weights 2kg then half a brick weighs 1kg, therefore 2 bricks would weigh 6kg not 8.

And this one re-enters the problem queue for the 6th (and a half) time.

It doesn't say that a brick weighs 2kg, it says that that half a brick weighs 2kg, it really is simple: Put one brick on one side of a scale, then on the other side a 2kg weight and half a brick, and the scale is in balance. How much do you have to remove from each side to have a 2kg weight on one side? Correct! Half a brick!

Listen, I don't give a shit how you justify it to yourself - people don't want this question in. To have this many complaints about it, yet it's still in the quiz just means that the Admins don't care.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 19:03:01
"Even old New York was once New Amsterdam" is a lyric from what They Might be Giants song?

Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Mumbai (Not Bombay)
St. Petersburg (Not Leningrad)
Ho Chi Minh City (Not Saigon)

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

Yet I can answer questions about current Metallica members, former Metallica members, who is NOT a former Metallica member and Metallica songs.
Fuck off. Seriously.

I'm re-posting this question. This song is a pop classic - commonly used in tv & movies, and other pop culture venues. Even if you don't know the answer, the title is the first Google listing.

And I just got this gem: Who wrote, "Still life with woodpecker"?
So mine gets rejected, and this passes. THIS bullshit is why I've stopped writing questions.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 18:55:37
Idézet: manunkind - 2010.08.27. 02:06:14
how is this uninteresting lexical knowledge? it's a classic brain teaser about positive hypothesis testing, not about knowledge at all:

If I draw 5 5-centimeter horizontal lines and lay them over 5 5-centimeter vertical lines, forming a perfect 4x4 grid, how many squares have I drawn?


Boo Moderators.
Dátum: 2010.08.26. 04:38:16
Idézet: daktarus - 2010.08.26. 04:25:52
A brick weighs 2kg and half a brick, how much do 2 bricks weigh?


if 1 brick weights 2kg then half a brick weighs 1kg, therefore 2 bricks would weigh 6kg not 8.

And this one re-enters the problem queue for the 6th (and a half) time.
Dátum: 2010.08.26. 04:35:43
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.08.26. 04:23:16
Viridel, it was clearly stated that multible rewards will apply:

Dumping huge ammounts of se in the event wil grand you a huge advantage in abilities when it ends
If your horde wins, you will get EXTRA reward on top of that
If you are top 10 in any of the two lists, you get extra 10 ducats and a medal (can someone specify what this does?)

So even if you do not get double the reward or your horde is not first, i cannot see how this event sucks. Just take their word for it that is worth every se spend and be patient.

I'm not saying the Event itself sucks... But if some L12 Greenie gets a medal and 10 Ducats just because he's in Emerald and killed 30 Kobolds, but I get (hypothetically) two medals and 20 Ducats, and have to kill 300 of these damn things to make sure I'm in the Top10 - I still say that sucks.

Beyond that, is there any benefit to finishing #1 in the top 10, or can I finish 8th-9th and get the same reward? If it's the same reward, guess what - that sucks.

I know I'll probably have to just wait and see how things roll out, but I have a hunch that being an elite member of this event isn't going to result in elite EVENT rewards. I'm not talking about the end-of-event bonuses... I mean, if I finish #1, I want the damn Gold Medal - not just the same Participation Ribbon that everyone gets.
Dátum: 2010.08.25. 23:47:27
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.08.25. 22:22:00
The current statu quo is as follows:

Emerald - Clearly dominating
Sapphire & Diamond - Equally tied, yet still pose no threat to Emeralds
Ruby - Barely keeping up with S&D

As one can observe the in-balance between the hordes is excessive at best. This will only get worse as more players jump ship in order to reap the coveted rewards.

As for World 2:
Ruby 33156
Emerald 143541
Sapphire 54939
Diamond 112734

As you can see, Sapphire is definitely in 3rd, in spite of the fact that I'm practically bankrupting myself to be on the lists.

So obviously there is a huge bias towards the number of people in the Clan, not individual contributions.

a) Now, If all Emerald gets the same reward just for marginally participating as I do for tanking 2+ levels of APs and SE - that sucks
b) If I am on both Top10 lists, do I get a double-reward? Bonus something of some sort? If not - that sucks

If I'm busting my ass just to get the same reward as some marginal-participant who just happens to be the right color - I think that's horrible management of the event. Just my opinion.