Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.08.28. 07:50:12 What is the difference between hordes?
Diamond: They get more soul-energy in victorious duels and lose less in case of defeat. Moreover they can buy items from the soul-huckster at a cheaper price. (+30% soul-energy when winning duels, 30% less soul-energy when losing)
Ruby: They have a bigger chance to hit in physical combat and they deal more damage. (+5% damage, greater chance to hit)
Emerald: Their spells have a bigger chance to hit and deal more damage. Can learn spells one level earlier than other hordes. In addition they have more spell points. (+10% spell damage.)
Sapphire: They suffer less damage in combat, their HP- and SP-regeneration is quicker and they benefit more from healing effects, too. (5% less physical and spell damage., +25% to the effect of healing and mana potions.)
diamond hode easily has the greatest benefits, Ruby the least, these could be changed to
What is the NEW difference between hordes?
Diamond: They can buy items from the soul-huckster at a cheaper price.
Ruby: They have a bigger chance to hit in physical combat and they deal more damage.
Emerald: Their spells have a bigger chance to hit and deal more damage.
Sapphire: They suffer less damage in combat, their HP- and SP-regeneration is quicker
that would even the hordes up alot more with clear strategy for each and more equal benefits.
diamonds getting (+30% soul-energy when winning duels, 30% less soul-energy when losing) is a proper game killer. Thats why all the campers are in diamond hordes. That one single benefit far outwieghs any other hordes bonus. Add in the cheaper equipment and thats why diamond grows so b ig and strong, Emerald stays with it cos its different fromt he other 3 being a magic related horde.
I don't agree with you.
If you take the Acquired SE top 20, one can observe that your argument is flawed to the core.
5 Sapphire
6 Diamonds
9 Emerald
There's no Diamond spider < Level 20, yet there's an Emerald and a Sapphire. Furthermore, if you look at the top 10 you'll notice that the majority are Emerald (6), with Diamond being the second(3) and Sapphire having only one.
Now, for the horde bonuses; your argument is again flawed. If you analyse the whole picture you'll come to the conclusion that each horde focuses on a specific factor.
Emerald - Spells
Ruby - Melee
Sapphire - Defence
Diamond - SE
Expanding further:
Emerald - Spells; increased damage (10%), increased to-hit and faster acquisition (level 2) plus more SP in order to fire more spells.
Ruby - Melee; increased damage (5%) and increased to-hit.
Sapphire - Defence; reduced incurred melee (5%) and spell damage (5%), faster HP/SP regeneration and increased benefit from potions (25%).
Diamond - SE; cheaper SE costs from vendor(10%) and increased/decreased SE acquisition/loss respectively(30%).
Expanding even further:
Emerald - Spell focus; 1 spell per battle.
Ruby - Melee focus; 7+ melee attacks per battle.
Sapphire - Defence focus; 8+ defence chances per battle.
Diamond - SE focus; 1 time per battle.
So, your claim of the:
Ruby horde bonus being "least beneficial" is wrong. Ruby can be the strongest horde in this game if players start using their brains.
Diamond horde being the most successful spiders is wrong. Emerald has the most.
Diamond horde having the greatest benefit is wrong. Bonuses are balanced.
Horde bonuses needing fixing is wrong. As one can observe; the hordes are balanced.
The problem here is simply players jumping ship so they are part of the coveted "Elite". And the only solution is forcefully balancing the ratio.