Not being allowed to create more than one question at a time is a good thing...
Can you imagine 100 players creating more than 1 question each at the same time?
That would bog the evaluators down even more...and quite possibly allowing them to, in haste, make more mistakes by approving incorrect/inacurate questions.
I would rather have 1 question take 5 days to be approved by solid research...
Then have 5 questions to be approved in 1 day with the chance that they might be inaccurate due to the fact the evaluators simply "breezed" by them.
Simply put:
Quality is better than quantity.
Hozzászólások - Banned
Dátum: 2010.03.18. 03:34:17
Dátum: 2010.03.17. 23:48:52
First, I would like a few points to be made clear.
I and I am pretty sure Viridel and stekkos are not here, in this topic to try and become evaluators.
However, if it was asked of me to do so, I and I am sure others, would agree to the task.
BUT... this is not why we are here. We simply see flaws in a system that needs to be fixed. Period.
The first issue was, that the evaluatorse need to be players that are active in the game.
Now, we know that this is indeed the case.. as Chaotic has proven.. this issue is no longer present.
The second issue is... some of those players that are evaluating questions are making mistakes.
We are human, and this is an inevitable happenstance.
So, the main question with the second issue is: How is this handled?
Are they warned about the mistake and given a chance to not make any more?
Omitted from being an evaluater after several bad questions were approved regardless of warnings?
Or is nothing being done and allowing bad evaluators to continue passing bad questions?
Okay... now...Grammar.
Yes, this is a pet peeve for some... but, it shouldn't be the MAIN reason for complaing about quiz questions, perhaps we should introduce a new sub section for "Quiz grammar mistakes" which would include mispelled or misused words...
I admit... my grammar at times is not fact, I used the wrong word in one of my questions myself. ("know" instead of what should have been "known")
The majority of us are just tired and upset when we see questions that are blatantly incorrect... and the fact that some types of questions are being allowed, while others that fit in the same category of triva; are not allowed.
Some questions are blatantly ambigiuous... becuase the were obviously poorly researched,or... are based on knowledge that might be out of date. wasn't too long ago when we believed that lead and asbestos based products wasn't a health concern.
This knowledge has not been amended to "serious health threat"
Information changes.
So, make this clear: this discussion is more about the flawed system when it concerns how the questions are evaluated, not a discussion of who wants to be an evaluator.
I and I am pretty sure Viridel and stekkos are not here, in this topic to try and become evaluators.
However, if it was asked of me to do so, I and I am sure others, would agree to the task.
BUT... this is not why we are here. We simply see flaws in a system that needs to be fixed. Period.
The first issue was, that the evaluatorse need to be players that are active in the game.
Now, we know that this is indeed the case.. as Chaotic has proven.. this issue is no longer present.
The second issue is... some of those players that are evaluating questions are making mistakes.
We are human, and this is an inevitable happenstance.
So, the main question with the second issue is: How is this handled?
Are they warned about the mistake and given a chance to not make any more?
Omitted from being an evaluater after several bad questions were approved regardless of warnings?
Or is nothing being done and allowing bad evaluators to continue passing bad questions?
Okay... now...Grammar.
Yes, this is a pet peeve for some... but, it shouldn't be the MAIN reason for complaing about quiz questions, perhaps we should introduce a new sub section for "Quiz grammar mistakes" which would include mispelled or misused words...
I admit... my grammar at times is not fact, I used the wrong word in one of my questions myself. ("know" instead of what should have been "known")
The majority of us are just tired and upset when we see questions that are blatantly incorrect... and the fact that some types of questions are being allowed, while others that fit in the same category of triva; are not allowed.
Some questions are blatantly ambigiuous... becuase the were obviously poorly researched,or... are based on knowledge that might be out of date. wasn't too long ago when we believed that lead and asbestos based products wasn't a health concern.
This knowledge has not been amended to "serious health threat"
Information changes.
So, make this clear: this discussion is more about the flawed system when it concerns how the questions are evaluated, not a discussion of who wants to be an evaluator.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.17. 22:44:59
Idézet: Jazaray - 2010.03.17. 23:26:21
..... The Empire State Building is NOT a statue...
Sorry, I was having more than one discussion, and ended up melding the two into one...
I appologize.
What I meant to write was:
It is 443m from the ground to the very top of the lightning rod.
It is 381m from the ground to the tip. (not including the lightning rod)
So, I still stand that the question is ambigous.
..... The Empire State Building is NOT a statue...
Sorry, I was having more than one discussion, and ended up melding the two into one...
I appologize.
What I meant to write was:
It is 443m from the ground to the very top of the lightning rod.
It is 381m from the ground to the tip. (not including the lightning rod)
So, I still stand that the question is ambigous.
Dátum: 2010.03.17. 06:49:38
Ok....ok. Fair.
And we do indeed appreciate that someone that actually knows what is going on replied.
So, if I may ask... do you, ChaoticGemini; know what happens if and when an evaluator does his or her job poorly?
As in, allowing obviously bad questions that are wrong or constantly does not do the simple research needed to ensure that the answer is valid with a correct answer that was given...
Do they just get a slap on the hand.... or are they no longer allowed to be an evaluator?
And we do indeed appreciate that someone that actually knows what is going on replied.
So, if I may ask... do you, ChaoticGemini; know what happens if and when an evaluator does his or her job poorly?
As in, allowing obviously bad questions that are wrong or constantly does not do the simple research needed to ensure that the answer is valid with a correct answer that was given...

Do they just get a slap on the hand.... or are they no longer allowed to be an evaluator?
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2010.03.17. 06:43:50 states this when you pick "Invisibility" just before you become....invisible:
"While invisible, you may hunt but you cannot duel and you get less XP and soul-energy for hunting. This invisibility grants safer but slower progress.
If you become invisible, you must remain so for at least 24 hours, you cannot remove the effect. Moreover you are unable to become invisible if you attacked anyone in the previous 12 hours." are stuck in invisible mode for a total of 24 hrs..
resting or not... you cannot duel until that 24 hr period is up.
Also, if you are NOT invisible...and you are resting and want to must select "interupt your rest" in order to do so.
"While invisible, you may hunt but you cannot duel and you get less XP and soul-energy for hunting. This invisibility grants safer but slower progress.
If you become invisible, you must remain so for at least 24 hours, you cannot remove the effect. Moreover you are unable to become invisible if you attacked anyone in the previous 12 hours." are stuck in invisible mode for a total of 24 hrs..
resting or not... you cannot duel until that 24 hr period is up.
Also, if you are NOT invisible...and you are resting and want to must select "interupt your rest" in order to do so.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.17. 00:58:52
Idézet: Plumpkin - 2010.03.16. 23:00:34
No...the correct answer is the only animal listed that is not a fish. (sorry)
So, the question is 100% valid.
edited due to speeeling errors
Which of the following is not a fish?
please remove
multiple answers are correct
please remove
multiple answers are correct
No...the correct answer is the only animal listed that is not a fish. (sorry)
So, the question is 100% valid.
edited due to speeeling errors
Dátum: 2010.03.16. 22:27:56
I agree... 100% on that stekkos.
We need to know something, even if it is to say "Your point is moot, but feel free to continue the debate."
We need to know something, even if it is to say "Your point is moot, but feel free to continue the debate."
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2010.03.16. 01:45:36
Yes... or so I have read... at level 15
Dátum: 2010.03.16. 00:33:56
I had no problems with the quiz in regards to technical difficulties.
Congratulations to the winners.
Congratulations to the winners.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.15. 23:07:00
The number 40 is not "fourty"
it is forty
it is forty
Dátum: 2010.03.15. 00:49:47
But.. considering it's the players that put the change into their pocketbooks...
It would be wise for any game developer to be open to suggestions concerning flaws within their product.
Even if it is considered a minigame within the game itself.
But.. considering it's the players that put the change into their pocketbooks...
It would be wise for any game developer to be open to suggestions concerning flaws within their product.
Even if it is considered a minigame within the game itself.
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 23:50:11 must have been your post that I had seen when I posted this:
I think it is a valid suggestion...from both of us.
I have seen some Amerocentric questions in the quiz... but I agree concerning misspelling.
Actually I have a quiz question that I accidently used the wrong word myself....and it was approved. (sorry, ya'll)
I can see your point concerning statistics... and in a small way feel those types of questions should be allowed provided they are accurate.
And if 75% percent get it wrong...then so be it.
A larger part of me can understand why those statistical questions are revoked.
As for the others that have been approved, perhaps they were done so before things became more restricted?
Afterall.... math questions that are above basic skills... have also been approved, and now are rejected.
(seriously..I had to really think about what the cube sqaure root of 8 was in the quiz olympics.....and probably spent waaaay too much time doing so.)
But...I agree in your logic that eliminating questions that an answer could become obsolete is not a sound basis for rejection.
And I am sure that the evaluation process is being reviewed... especailly when so many wrong answers have been found, and the fact that a few of us actually care enough about it to question the process as a whole.
I had a "brainfart" from another section....
so I will just copy and post the relevant parts here as well; in case it gets drowned out there.
In reference to those that evaluate the quiz questions that are submitted by the players.
(This is not a "gripe and moan", though after reading it, I can see how some might think that it was.)
How about appointing select active players from W1 and W2 to a "Quiz Evaluation Committee"?
Hold a test for members who would like to be a part of this committee to take; which require them to investigate the answers.
If they pass and are still active a certain amount of time after taking this test.... they are allowed access to a database of the submitted questions to revue.
Inactivity of said players that have been appointed, or those that fail at doing the research once they have been appointed (aka: their JOB), are ejected from The Committee.
Also, have it so that they could not revue their own personal questions that they themselves submitted.
I think I may have seen this idea mentioned once before, but I do not believe anything came about becuase of it.
so I will just copy and post the relevant parts here as well; in case it gets drowned out there.
In reference to those that evaluate the quiz questions that are submitted by the players.
(This is not a "gripe and moan", though after reading it, I can see how some might think that it was.)
How about appointing select active players from W1 and W2 to a "Quiz Evaluation Committee"?
Hold a test for members who would like to be a part of this committee to take; which require them to investigate the answers.
If they pass and are still active a certain amount of time after taking this test.... they are allowed access to a database of the submitted questions to revue.
Inactivity of said players that have been appointed, or those that fail at doing the research once they have been appointed (aka: their JOB), are ejected from The Committee.
Also, have it so that they could not revue their own personal questions that they themselves submitted.
I think I may have seen this idea mentioned once before, but I do not believe anything came about becuase of it.
I think it is a valid suggestion...from both of us.
I have seen some Amerocentric questions in the quiz... but I agree concerning misspelling.
Actually I have a quiz question that I accidently used the wrong word myself....and it was approved. (sorry, ya'll)
I can see your point concerning statistics... and in a small way feel those types of questions should be allowed provided they are accurate.
And if 75% percent get it wrong...then so be it.
A larger part of me can understand why those statistical questions are revoked.
As for the others that have been approved, perhaps they were done so before things became more restricted?
Afterall.... math questions that are above basic skills... have also been approved, and now are rejected.
(seriously..I had to really think about what the cube sqaure root of 8 was in the quiz olympics.....and probably spent waaaay too much time doing so.)
But...I agree in your logic that eliminating questions that an answer could become obsolete is not a sound basis for rejection.
And I am sure that the evaluation process is being reviewed... especailly when so many wrong answers have been found, and the fact that a few of us actually care enough about it to question the process as a whole.
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 22:18:53 seems whatever is currently popular is accepted.
I have never read a Harry Pooter book, and have seen the first movie.... and the books have not been around that long as opposed to most literature questions.
Yet, I have had four different questions pertaining Pooter and the author.
I have never read a Harry Pooter book, and have seen the first movie.... and the books have not been around that long as opposed to most literature questions.
Yet, I have had four different questions pertaining Pooter and the author.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 21:22:24
I agree the bite question is a bit ambiguous because they list the most powerful and second most powerful animal bites when it comes to shear newton force.
And you are right, an alligator snapping turtle in full grown "size to bite ratio"... is the winner.
But... that was not the question.
As for the polar bear.. Jerko is correct in his logic... even sea lions feast on carcasses of whales.
And you are right, an alligator snapping turtle in full grown "size to bite ratio"... is the winner.
But... that was not the question.
As for the polar bear.. Jerko is correct in his logic... even sea lions feast on carcasses of whales.
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 12:41:29
Actually.... I am surprised Viridel did not do this first... but I appreciate the compliment.
Ok...I can see your point.
Some facts...even though others of the same category (in this case, Sports) tend to be... too specific.
So, I agree...that a question such as "who lead the all time rushing ....blah blah in 1997?" or something to that effect is a tad...too much.
But, I still hold my opinion that the Evaluation System is flawed.
I am catching a few questions that are quite simply ... wrong and I can only hope that are omitted because of the 75% rule.
This tends to screw up the whole Quiz system as a whole.
I did poorly on the Quiz Olympics... and a few I know I answered correctly, but the people that created...and approved those questions..failed to do the fact research to ensure the reliability of the "correct answer".
Yet, I see many people have their questions rejected on spelling or grammar....but it's ok to spell Brazil with an "s", wolverine with only one "e" and so on....
Personally...I see a good trivia question as one that educates, yet challenges the players.
Yes, I think that the question "What goaltender holds the NHL record for Career Wins?" is a specific question and the answer could also change in a year..making it a poor one.
While "Prior to the 2010 Winter Olympics, which host country had never won a gold metal?" should be valid, and I think is a good question.
But..I also feel that fact checking using Wiki (a user submitted encyclopedia) is also a bad idea.
Because it is not always correct, and at times,can be very misleading.
We are allowed "to ask questions about Doomlord as well, but only ask questions that do not require the character to be high level and any player can answer"
But, I submitted a question taking the answer right from a page that even a level one could find...yet it was rejected on the basis of "According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer."
So, I might just need to rephrase it.
Like any new has flaws. I suppose some get "all fired up" more than others when their questions are repeatedly denied...
Which is why the system needs to be tweaked because allowing random players to evaluate questions obviously is not working.
I hope...that a better system is revised soon, because some questions are getting ridiculous.
Ok...I can see your point.
Some facts...even though others of the same category (in this case, Sports) tend to be... too specific.
So, I agree...that a question such as "who lead the all time rushing ....blah blah in 1997?" or something to that effect is a tad...too much.
But, I still hold my opinion that the Evaluation System is flawed.
I am catching a few questions that are quite simply ... wrong and I can only hope that are omitted because of the 75% rule.
This tends to screw up the whole Quiz system as a whole.
I did poorly on the Quiz Olympics... and a few I know I answered correctly, but the people that created...and approved those questions..failed to do the fact research to ensure the reliability of the "correct answer".
Yet, I see many people have their questions rejected on spelling or grammar....but it's ok to spell Brazil with an "s", wolverine with only one "e" and so on....
Personally...I see a good trivia question as one that educates, yet challenges the players.
Yes, I think that the question "What goaltender holds the NHL record for Career Wins?" is a specific question and the answer could also change in a year..making it a poor one.
While "Prior to the 2010 Winter Olympics, which host country had never won a gold metal?" should be valid, and I think is a good question.
But..I also feel that fact checking using Wiki (a user submitted encyclopedia) is also a bad idea.
Because it is not always correct, and at times,can be very misleading.
We are allowed "to ask questions about Doomlord as well, but only ask questions that do not require the character to be high level and any player can answer"
But, I submitted a question taking the answer right from a page that even a level one could find...yet it was rejected on the basis of "According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer."
So, I might just need to rephrase it.
Like any new has flaws. I suppose some get "all fired up" more than others when their questions are repeatedly denied...
Which is why the system needs to be tweaked because allowing random players to evaluate questions obviously is not working.
I hope...that a better system is revised soon, because some questions are getting ridiculous.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 12:27:08
Which of these animals has white fur?
Polar Bear
The "correct" answer is a misconception. It appears to be white.
Dear should have been spelled Deer is the kicker....
Every answer except the "correct" answer....does indeed have white fur.
Granted...not an entire coat, and not all breeds of each animal listed, but I could prove this...but not without giving the answer needed to pass this.
This question is like asking "Is a Zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes."
and the Correct answer being "A goat"
A white tailed deer has a patch of white fur... (can you guess where?)
Lions have patches of hair under and or around their eyes.
A Bison is also known as a Buffalo..... and yes...they do exist.
Polar Bears on the other hand....have translucent (clear and devoid of color) fur. deuterostomes/chordata/craniata/mammalia/carnivora/polar-bear.htm
( read the "description")
Which of these animals has white fur?
Polar Bear
The "correct" answer is a misconception. It appears to be white.
Dear should have been spelled Deer is the kicker....
Every answer except the "correct" answer....does indeed have white fur.
Granted...not an entire coat, and not all breeds of each animal listed, but I could prove this...but not without giving the answer needed to pass this.
This question is like asking "Is a Zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes."
and the Correct answer being "A goat"
A white tailed deer has a patch of white fur... (can you guess where?)
Lions have patches of hair under and or around their eyes.
A Bison is also known as a Buffalo..... and yes...they do exist.
Polar Bears on the other hand....have translucent (clear and devoid of color) fur. deuterostomes/chordata/craniata/mammalia/carnivora/polar-bear.htm
( read the "description")
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 11:11:49
First, stek..I made a new topic if you want to continue a debate about the Quiz Evalutaion flaws.....and allow this to be left for Quiz Errors.
Ok...I found another question that was poorly researched.
What is the most common cause of cirrhosis ?
Alcohol Abuse
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
The answer that is "Correct" is not true.
It may be the case in the UK or Europe...but worldwide...
it happens to be Hepatitis B
Ok...I found another question that was poorly researched.
What is the most common cause of cirrhosis ?
Alcohol Abuse
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
The answer that is "Correct" is not true.
It may be the case in the UK or Europe...but worldwide...
it happens to be Hepatitis B
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 08:15:30
I felt we were... overbearing the "My quiz question was rejected" section with
Let's continue this here... so that we can keep that open for others when they have a problem that needs to be helped....
As I stated before:
Let's take the Quiz Olympics...
In order to complete it, you would have to spend no more than 18 seconds per question.
I assure you that anyone that has completed it, had to research half of those questions at some point prior to answering them...
Or...was in a clan that logged each Quiz Question and Answer.
Either way....they did not know the answer to ALL of them the first time they read the questions.
Let's continue this here... so that we can keep that open for others when they have a problem that needs to be helped....
As I stated before:
How many people of the world know what the Hungarian currency is?
Or what was the only thing that could inflict a wound upon Baldr of the Norse mythology?
and how about
What does Thalassa Mean In Greek?
All three of these questions .... are...well.... let's face it...
Questions that "only a special group of people might know the answer"...
UNLESS of course they used a search engine...
Just like Viridel's questions...which even over the hill American... would probaly not be able to answer without using Google first.
The point I am trying to make is this.....
Just because the evaluators believe the world does not know the answer, does not mean that the answer cannot be found just as easily as ones that they feel are known.
This is the internet age, with information literally at our fingertips.
I see your point stekkos.... but do you not see ours?
One question took me three minutes to find the answer to...but I did find the correct answer.
If an evaluator cannot find the answer in five minutes using search engines...then I could understand denying the question to be allowed...
But to deny certain questions on the premise of the belief that a player cannot answer it, when you have never put the question to the test.
Well...that is like not selling a pork roast and throwing it away just because an Arabic family shops at your deli.
Or what was the only thing that could inflict a wound upon Baldr of the Norse mythology?
and how about
What does Thalassa Mean In Greek?
All three of these questions .... are...well.... let's face it...
Questions that "only a special group of people might know the answer"...
UNLESS of course they used a search engine...
Just like Viridel's questions...which even over the hill American... would probaly not be able to answer without using Google first.
The point I am trying to make is this.....
Just because the evaluators believe the world does not know the answer, does not mean that the answer cannot be found just as easily as ones that they feel are known.
This is the internet age, with information literally at our fingertips.
I see your point stekkos.... but do you not see ours?
One question took me three minutes to find the answer to...but I did find the correct answer.
If an evaluator cannot find the answer in five minutes using search engines...then I could understand denying the question to be allowed...
But to deny certain questions on the premise of the belief that a player cannot answer it, when you have never put the question to the test.
Well...that is like not selling a pork roast and throwing it away just because an Arabic family shops at your deli.
Let's take the Quiz Olympics...
In order to complete it, you would have to spend no more than 18 seconds per question.

I assure you that anyone that has completed it, had to research half of those questions at some point prior to answering them...
Or...was in a clan that logged each Quiz Question and Answer.
Either way....they did not know the answer to ALL of them the first time they read the questions.
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 07:37:51
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 06:33:11 defend Viridel's point...
Is a tad.... off.
Considering this Quiz Question:
Which country does Juventus play in?
Which 80% of Americans might not know the answer to either.
So... what he is implying...
is that it is not the manner the question was worded... but simply that it is pertaining an American opposed to it being a European one.
Is a tad.... off.
Considering this Quiz Question:
Which country does Juventus play in?
Which 80% of Americans might not know the answer to either.
So... what he is implying...
is that it is not the manner the question was worded... but simply that it is pertaining an American opposed to it being a European one.