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Hozzászólások - ChaoticGemini

Dátum: 2010.03.11. 01:06:24
Thank you very much Pogaxa!!!
My issue is I have 16 rings and 7 necklaces all level 10. I finally manged a level 15 necklace. So, that tells me I will need to sell off one of the level 10 mithril rings soon to make room for more possible level 15+ items that I may want to use.
Dátum: 2010.03.10. 22:54:26
Listed from the news, "Transcendal projection now protects (100+your levelx2) x skill level SE"
Okay, so is this wrong or is my math wrong?
My level = 21. So, 121 x 2 = 242. My skill is at 20. So, 242 X 20 = 4840. I had around 4650 and still lost SE when I was attacked.

From the news, "If you already have the maximum amount of ring/necklace focus crystals, you will find broken relics instead, which can be sold to the soul-huckster for soul-energy."
Is that a maximum per item, or total number of rings and necklaces? What is the maximum amount?
I have been saving mine for the auction house and would really be upset if I find a better ring or necklace than I already have and it turns out to be broken. If I know the item limit, I can sell enough at the soul husker to ensure there is an extra spot for better items.
Dátum: 2010.03.08. 18:19:05
"send to rest" just removes him from your side. You need the "heal wounds" skill and then click the "heal" button for your pet to heal.
Dátum: 2010.03.07. 17:16:55
Pets do go up in level and get more experience points. Especially at low levels, they can give enough of an edge to let you win a duel. The absorption of the pet is listed on the pet page. The only way to heal a pet is with the "heal wounds" skill. You don't have to spend SE on morale boosting. They gain a morale point with every duel they are in and every time you heal them. Plus, they will still fight without their moral at 100%.
Dátum: 2010.03.07. 06:35:18
Why don't you post the question in the rejected forum. I can't imagine the slight differences in spelling would be the cause of the rejection.
Dátum: 2010.03.06. 03:29:24
Every established clan will require a donation to start. It is set by the game, not the clan. Look at the size of their soul well and it will tell you how much you will need to put into it.
Dátum: 2010.03.05. 01:58:59
Wow wako, you are having a lot of problems. I don't have anything to do with the game creators, but may I suggest trying a few basic things? Have you emptied your browsers cache? The first time you load the pages after this it may be slow, but then it will remember them and load faster. My other thought is, have you run any virus and spyware scans lately? Finally, are you using the latest version of your browser?
Dátum: 2010.03.05. 01:53:14
Don't get frustrated. Spelling errors and already in the database rejections are the only ones that give you the opportunity to write a new question.

This particular question I don't see spelling errors. The only thing I see is that you have both a period and a question mark. I have seen worse punctuation, but every quiz admin probably has their own opinion on such things.
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 22:02:14
You need to have your leadership skill (at learning level7) high enough to capture more than one pet (Every 5 levels of the skill adds a pet.) You can train any pet you can capture. If you want to fight with more than one pet at the same time, you need the horde making skill at learning 38.
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 18:31:12
I don't understand the complaints about speed. For me, on a mac using Firefox, it actually seems faster.
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 04:12:16
I would say the answer depends on who you ask. It originally meant nothing; just easy to remember code. Then, as it became common use, acronyms were assigned to the letters, some officially, some unofficially. So, one could say the answer is all of the above.

Also, it has been brought up before that "none of the above" is a poor answer choice.
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 19:42:54
The message board can only be seen by your clan members. The data sheet can be seen by anyone.
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 06:15:27
"During hunt, premium members can now choose if they want to regenerate mana faster, or HP faster. Basic setting is mana, but you chan change this under settings (top left corner)."
There is either a bug, or I am going crazy. I am premium, but can't find it. The only thing I see that says settings is in the box below my picture, but there is on option there to change this setting.

Also, in a clan poll, where it used to say "9 votes (64%)" it now says 9 !!HSZ!! (topic_szavazat_sok) (64%)
Dátum: 2010.03.01. 15:39:55
I had another small question about the new update...
Does energy harvest replace disadvanced development, or do you get both skills at learning level 44?
Dátum: 2010.03.01. 13:27:45
From today's news "If you already have the maximum amount of ring/necklace focus crystals, you will find broken relics instead, which can be sold to the soul-huckster for soul-energy."

So, what is the max number of each item we can carry?
Dátum: 2010.03.01. 10:10:29
I like the new look!!! I came to the forum just to post about how sharp and professional the new look appears. It also gives a better "feel" to the game. I will miss my favorite color, purple, but the new design is nicer. I also liked the flash image on the log-in page. It should make it more exciting for new players.
Dátum: 2010.02.28. 13:14:22
Get used to it. If you complete a lot of quests for your level, you will find yourself in situations that you will need to wait a level or two to complete any of the 3 quests. Although annoying, I find this an issue of balance to prevent players from gaining too much benefit from quests over their peers.
Dátum: 2010.02.28. 07:25:45
I mean no offense, but wiki is not always correct. I could start a page stating the sky is green with purple dots. If I was going to confirm facts of something like a space shuttle, I would check NASA.gov
Dátum: 2010.02.28. 07:16:24
Dátum: 2010.02.28. 07:11:26
I watched it too, but I didn't see it disintegrate; I saw it explode just over a minute after launch due to a hot gas leak.