Dátum: 2013.11.07. 22:58:51
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.11.07. 17:23:09 I'm sorry that we couldn't give an exact date on the merge, but the reason is, we don't know it yet.

There you go Miklos, NOW you can speak out, why not direct after the event was over,
OR better: just
before the event had come to an end, because YOU knew already..
keep you customers informed.
But again, hey who are
WE? A bunch of players who still pay for a game that is DEAD already, demanding some information that will never be given in time?
*** edited for violation of forum rules ***
Dátum: 2013.11.07. 14:41:08
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2013.11.07. 13:41:52 senner,
I am a complainer myself, but this time I will side with Miklos. I don't understand why you are so angry. It was never said that the merger would occur right after the Horde Wars. In all honesty, I prefer that it wasn't because everybody had tons of SE stored by the time the event ended (I had 42mm) and that wouldn't be a lot of fun.
Yeah you are right, that is the biggest problem: nobody will tell us when it will happen so this is the information i got from page 1:
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2013.10.31. 14:59:52 It's next week Alexor. Right after the Horde Wars.
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.11.01. 12:30:15 Thank you very much for all the feedback!
Yes, clan forums and dresses were not copied, but will be in the final version.Will correct everything else until Monday.
Merge will happen after the current event is over, will announce the exact time/date. Hour will be 10am CET so we can respond to any problems quickly.
Furlozza: do I understand your problem correctly? You can log into the original worlds, but not to the beta? You changed your password recently? This can be a reason, try the old password on beta if the forgotten password link on beta is not working. For beta, there should be a world selector as well under username and password. You have to select the same world as you had in the normal game.
after the current event is over << It is over isn't it?
will announce the exact time/date << No announcement what so ever
And i say it again: that is the biggest frustration: the lack of communication.
Dátum: 2013.11.07. 14:17:42
Is Miklos celebrating holiday from our money? I know I sound frustrated - and i am - but we have the same time zone, i contacted him in different ways, but no response, i haven't heard a word.
and no information for the players again this day sounds the same to me as:
"we don't give a f*ck and don't care about the handful players that is left"
I'm Done with it.

Dátum: 2013.11.07. 14:13:02
Is Miklos celebrating holiday from our money? I know I sound frustrated - and i am - but we have the same time zone, i contacted him in different ways, but no response, i haven't heard a word.
and no information for the players again this day sounds the same to me as:
"we don't give a f*ck and don't care about the handful players that is left"
I'm Done with it.

Dátum: 2013.11.07. 13:11:55
All I ask is value for my money, and no empty promises. As I said, I have spent more than enough money to be allowed to require this

Dátum: 2013.11.07. 10:56:02
The number of additional targets in the merged world are not hundreds or dozens, it's a joke.
I have reached the point that I want to warn all other players: this game is all but dead and all acts of Miklos are only the convulsions of a dying swan.
Dátum: 2013.11.07. 09:03:45
Dear Micklos,
The lack of information has reached the top, i'm sick and tired of it.
I hopped into catacombs because of the merging worlds, but, nothing is happening, and... as always, no sign, no mail, no Doomlord, forum or whatever who can give any explanation on when it will happen.
I thought the merging of Worlds was because there are not enough players in the different worlds? Let me tell you this: the way you act right now you lose a lot more players and in fact this whole game comes to an end.
You can merge what ever you want, but i am afraid 'm lost here, stacked with millions of SE overloaded with DP + AP's and waiting too long for anything, or better said: for nothing.
I'm pretty pissed, i guess this was the last chance.
Seriously, i know i'm not the only one, so you will end up with a lot of shit. I spend a lot of money on this game, but i am sick of this mess and do not want to spend more money and/or time.
Dátum: 2013.11.07. 09:03:08
Dear Micklos,
The lack of information has reached the top, i'm sick and tired of it.
I hopped into catacombs because of the merging worlds, but, nothing is happening, and... as always, no sign, no mail, no Doomlord, forum or whatever who can give any explanation on when it will happen.
I thought the merging of Worlds was because there are not enough players in the different worlds? Let me tell you this: the way you act right now you lose a lot more players and in fact this whole game comes to an end.
You can merge what ever you want, but i am afraid 'm lost here, stacked with millions of SE overloaded with DP + AP's and waiting too long for anything, or better said: for nothing.
I'm pretty pissed, i guess this was the last chance.
Seriously, i know i'm not the only one, so you will end up with a lot of shit. I spend a lot of money on this game, but i am sick of this mess and do not want to spend more money and/or time.
Dátum: 2012.12.27. 09:20:35
Thanks for adding new mega-essences
I recieved:
36-37) All your pets max. skill points is increased by 4. Improving specialized ability, luck and skills costs 0.2% less. You get 0.4% more AA points. The effect of your common essences giving skill boost is increased by 10%.
Is it possible to provide a list for the mega-essences above lvl 35?
Dátum: 2012.12.17. 00:23:11
I cant create a mega-essence becasue I already have all of the mega essences.
EDIT: There are new Mega essences available. I did not realizre that. Forget what I said.

Dátum: 2012.12.04. 22:10:18
if you send yourself to hunt and then log off, those hunts do not count towards the amount needed for the ROTP quests.
So I wasted a bunch of hunts that I didnt have to waste.
Dátum: 2012.11.07. 08:08:41
You acquired all the megaessences!
And now.. is the fun over or... do we get 5-10 or 15 more real exciting permanent super bonuses?
No need to say i would love to see the extra bonuses up to 50!

Dátum: 2012.10.19. 20:21:12
(Upon activation, 0.0021 x spent SE will be used, this multiplier depends on your level and horde)
You channel 630 soul-energy through the manapylon (-300000 SE)
For a moment, you see a far picture of a building energy prison.
So.. there is NO way i can not even get close to others, this is not right, you get a pay-out in ability, so not the level should be calculated for the charge, but the sum of abilities you have. Spiders have a huge advantage and that will grow further this way..
So not only level but also sum of abilities and DD should be taken in the math
Dátum: 2012.06.26. 07:21:35
Cool, thanks

Dátum: 2012.06.24. 07:39:11
Thanks for the post
I have a question about the rewards; I have collected 22 bonuses, is it possible to complete the list and provide the description of the bonuses from nr 23 on?
You extra bonuses:
1.) From now all your pets skill maximum increased by 10.
2.) Pet training time is halved, it's SE cost is reduced by 25%.
3.) Increasing abilities costs 1% less.
4.) +3% SE for hunt (does not stack with Tower of Power).
5.) Increasing skills costs 1% less.
6.) From now on, each of your pets max. skill points is increased by 10.
7.) Developing your luck is 2% more effective
8.) Your pets morale decreases slower (equivalent of approx. +15 charisma)
9.) You get 5% more AA points.
10.) From now on, each of your pets max. skill points is increased by 10.
11.) The maximum of yout intelligent pet skill is increased by 5.
12.) The cost of training a pet decreases by 50% instead of 25%.
13.) You get+3% bonus to your hunts instead of +5% SE. (Does not stack with Tower of Power bonus)
14.) If you use a non-special essence, there is a chance that you find a special essence.
15.) From now on, each of your pets max. skill points is increased by 10.
16.) You get an additional 5% bonus to your AA points.
17.) The bonus to increase your abilities is now 2% instead of 1%.
18.) The bonus to increase your skills is now 2% instead of 1%.
19.) The bonus to increase your luck is now 4% instead of 2%.
20.) From now on, each of your pets max. skill points is increased by 10.
21.) The efficiency of jealing your pets is increased by 50%.
22.) The maximum of your trade skill is increased by 20.
In the post you mentioned that for 35 Megaessences, you need a total of 4 Catalyzed essence, so a lot bonuses to come i guess
Thanx in advance,
Dátum: 2012.04.22. 19:23:24
Currently i have 15 bonuses from the Alchemy Lab.
When i try to attempt the 16th bonus and create a new megaessence i got this message:
"To be able to get a new megaessence, first you have to create a catalyzed essence!"
Does that mean i first have to get the Ultra-essence from the (new) group Exceptional ? or what does it mean?
Dátum: 2010.06.28. 06:07:56
Looking for some high level NON diamond horde player to trade this quest with:
"Loot at least 1500 SE from an attacked Doomlord or Doomlady!"
Please PM me if you are interested so we can come to an agreement.
Also looking for someone that wants to trade the pet kill quest on W2
senner lvl 22 W2