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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Merging worlds
1. hozzászólás - 2013.08.22. 11:24:40
We are working now on a new project, merging worlds.

The goal is to get players more targets, more active clans, more activity during events. Our plan is to join all 3 worlds. Players will be able to duel and challenge players from other worlds, interact with other clans. Do not worry if you have character on several worlds. You will still be able to play each (during login, you can still choose world1, world2, world3). You will just not able to attack/duel your own characters, and join the same clan. If a duel includes a W3 character, SE loss/gain will follow the W3 rules (but W3 chars will have the option to continue by W1 rules).
Implementing this will take some time. Meanwhile, we appreciate your suggestions.
After this merge is implemented, we plan to launch new worlds.
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Re: Merging worlds
2. hozzászólás - 2013.08.22. 12:49:30 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
Interesting idea.

But a question right at the beginning:
If someone attacks me as the world number two who did not know until now that there is, it can also rob you or not?
If I attack him say anything he plays the triple world, whether to steal or not to be?
Or 3 world together melted completely and a whole new world where all Cultivate an active (and possibly inactive) characters will be included in a top list?
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Re: Merging worlds
3. hozzászólás - 2013.08.22. 16:49:22 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
Excellent! We have been waiting for these news anxiously!

A couple of suggestions:
- W3 duels - It should be explicit for attackers if the fight will follow W1 or W3 rules.
- Multi-char - I agree attacking your own character must be forbidden, but why not allow people to have 2 chars in the same clan? Whoever has only 1 char at the moment, would be allowed to create a second char. This way, everyone would have the same "advantage".

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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
4. hozzászólás - 2013.08.23. 10:40:53 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
What will happen to Highscore lists, and the Top 50 xp penalty? Will it be "one list to rule them all" or one Top 50/world?

What about Tree of Knowledge? Will Energy bricks be put into one large pool for all Clans?

I suppose Lady Avariels medallions will be "cross-world", or? Championships? Events (so just one set of Xeno Queens across the three worlds)?

It says "interact with other clans". Does this mean a character on World1 can join a Clan on World2?
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
5. hozzászólás - 2013.08.23. 11:38:31
Yes players will be able to see players from other worlds on the duel list and attack / rob them.
Don't completely understand the other question

When a fight includes a W3 character, it will be W3 rules. Still, due to different "habits" (W1 chars having a minimum SE, W3 chars having millions) it will be better strategy for "3 chars to spend most of their SE.
You can start a 2nd or 3rd char on the corresponding worlds. But there are many problems with having multiple characters in the same clan: one used for "building slave" giving support to each other etc. So you can play multiple characters, but they can't be in the same clan.

Highscore, top50, Lady Alvariel will be joined for all 3 worlds. Bricks will be put into a common pool. And yes, a W1 char can join a W2 lan.
Itt will be an effective merge, W1, W2 and W3 will have no other meaning besides being an extra "label" on your character next to your ID. (So your ID will be W1-123 instead of just 123).
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Re: Merging worlds
6. hozzászólás - 2013.08.23. 13:34:21 (Válasz Miklos #5 hozzászólására.)
I wanted to ask what will be required if the world was a three-character play offensive, and what about the reverse?

Because according to different rules, so I think the two world triple world should not be included in the other two.

One triple world game players are playing well albeit with a much stronger character can develop as the two other playmates world (of course there are exceptions everywhere)
In my opinion the world after merging the first two characters of World destinations may be a disadvantage and triple world for the characters.

The two world made a registration to see the toplistátvelük there will not be a problem and the rules are the same, but the triple world is not adaptable to the others, because if onnatól them the normal rules they stop if the other way around then many of the other world
But that's my opinion.

Miklós, Hungarian server if I remember you also opposed the consolidation

If you can not read the text, the translator's fault, if you need to write in Hungarian language is the customer service concerns
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Re: Merging worlds
7. hozzászólás - 2013.08.24. 11:51:51
I like the idea of combining worlds, but I would like to suggest being able to have characters join the same clans. I understand why no attacking, but I do not understand why you cannot have them in the same clan. On these worlds the clans are losing members, and the SW is too large for new members to join. When you combine the worlds, this would allow clans to recruit new members that could actually have a chance to join and fill a SW.
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Re: Merging worlds
8. hozzászólás - 2013.08.25. 11:57:13
Like the idea. Surely more players will grant more playable and funny game. But surely I can see some problematic points. For example if auction time remains same as today we can surely expect raising prices for auction items because all players from 3 worlds will bid for only one item / in case auction house will be also joined /. For new players in game it will be even harder to spare some ducats to be able win wanted item.
Because just now I am playing only W1 I have not idea about W3 rules and influence of merging on W3 world players.
Also I think Dolp13 post is correct. Effect of support is not so strong to have big influence. As for builders - do not forget characters from other worlds are already developed so is hard to imagine somebody will sacrifice your great dueller to make "builder" just now. Simply I think with all positives and negatives I let join multiples to same clan. No personal interest on that - I said - have no character on W2 or W3.

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much likedTallia
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Re: Merging worlds
9. hozzászólás - 2013.08.31. 21:43:05
ETA, when we can expect the merging?
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Re: Merging worlds
10. hozzászólás - 2013.10.01. 17:13:03 (Válasz Tallia #9 hozzászólására.)
How is this developing? Should we expect it to occur still in 2013?

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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
11. hozzászólás - 2013.10.31. 13:56:38
just checked how this function and i dont have any opinion right now. there is to many questions and there is to many problems as well

1. should we delete our chars at other w cause now we have everything in 1w
2. huge tribes has huge advantage. players from smaller tribes can leave it and go to bigger one. while if you have 2 chars same horde you have to stuck where you are right now.
3. dont understand this you are coming from w3 so its w3 rules or you are coming from w2 so its w2 rules. why is not the same rule for everyone?
4. its kind of silly for example i am in bigger tribe w3 so i asked everyone to leave smaller tribe w1 which i am leader for example and join bigger one, still i have one char stacked, or if everything stays same i am competing with my second tribe and i have char in both of them.
5. If i am fighter in both w i cant come in better tribe so again i have one char stacked. or what if we are in war and i have one char in each tribe. how to create tactic? should i just stay behind or should i create same victories in both tribes so be neutral???
right now i dont know what to do, i am a bit confused
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
12. hozzászólás - 2013.10.31. 14:18:38
Don't delete your original character
This is just a test world, with a duplicate of your character. Anything you do here will not affect your real character, and this test world will cease to exist after a week, when we will do a real merge for all existing worlds.
About tribe, you mean the clans, right? Yes, we are still thinking about allowing 2 chars of the same player on different world to join the same clan, what you say is valid.
W3 has different rules for looting SE in duel. For this reason, players have huge amount of SE on them. It would be unfair to let them looted with this change.
Don't really understand the last question
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Re: Merging worlds
13. hozzászólás - 2013.10.31. 14:58:12
You should eliminate the rule differential and give W3 players a 48h warning to spend their SE. In my opinion, you are creating unnecessary complication by having 2 different set of rules. Is there any W3 player who feels really strong about their current rules? Just to refresh our memories, what are they again?

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2013.10.31. 14:58:50-kor
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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
14. hozzászólás - 2013.10.31. 18:47:59
miklos let me explain you my last question

you have guys which are playing different worlds with different chars. for example i have char named stiska w1 ruby horde and w3 i have char stiska emerald horde. now in this merged war my tribe from w1 can step into war with my tribe from w3. So:

1. If i have similar lvl chars so i could fight my self, this could be funny in real. but as you said there will not be an option to fight your self
2. Should i stay behind cause i dont wanna damage any of my tribes
3. I have friends in tribe so i know who is active and who is not, i think it would not be great that with my other char which is in ruby horde i attack my friend from emerald tribe cause i know they are active and will give me additional se.

That is what i meant with last question
A hozzászólást Stiska módosította 2013.10.31. 18:48:36-kor
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Re: Merging worlds
15. hozzászólás - 2013.11.06. 11:31:37
So when is this merge going to take effect? I just want to make sure I have my characters ready for the merge.
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Re: Merging worlds
16. hozzászólás - 2013.11.06. 13:57:27
So I am assuming that the lack of a warning about worlds merging means that it wont be happening today or tomorrow?

Miklos, I am sure you guys are taking everythign into consideration but what will happen with things like Epics and Entities ect.. will the timer for lot still be counting down or will things get reset? We want to make sure we are idle when the merger happens.
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averageThe Full CycleFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
17. hozzászólás - 2013.11.06. 22:51:56
If possible please add a timer counting from at least 48hrs till it happens. This would allow hopefully everyone to prepare his/herself for it (spending SE; hiding in catacombs; etc.)
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Re: Merging worlds
18. hozzászólás - 2013.11.07. 04:33:58 (Válasz Cruel01 #13 hozzászólására.)

I guess the main difference is that the amount of SE that can be taken is limited. Oh.. and W3 is a gentler kinder place to live

Since I know folks like to drag folks into the TC (guilty) that involves the defender either having no SE or sitting out the day. Or like in last event basically saying to hell with it and still going on a killing spree.

From my perspective, I won't be changing how I play... until I can't do anything else but twiddle me claws.

So if it is intended that Worlds 1 &2 only receive the same SE as if they were residents in W3 I see no great difference. Maybe the difference will be that W3 folks will find more appetising meals in W1 and 2 if they receive the benefits of the rules (?) in W1 and 2.
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Merging worlds
19. hozzászólás - 2013.11.07. 09:03:45
Dear Micklos,

The lack of information has reached the top, i'm sick and tired of it.

I hopped into catacombs because of the merging worlds, but, nothing is happening, and... as always, no sign, no mail, no Doomlord, forum or whatever who can give any explanation on when it will happen.

I thought the merging of Worlds was because there are not enough players in the different worlds? Let me tell you this: the way you act right now you lose a lot more players and in fact this whole game comes to an end.

You can merge what ever you want, but i am afraid 'm lost here, stacked with millions of SE overloaded with DP + AP's and waiting too long for anything, or better said: for nothing.

I'm pretty pissed, i guess this was the last chance.

Seriously, i know i'm not the only one, so you will end up with a lot of shit. I spend a lot of money on this game, but i am sick of this mess and do not want to spend more money and/or time.
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Re: Merging worlds
20. hozzászólás - 2013.11.07. 10:39:34
+1 Senner

I am sick of Miklos' pathetic, evasive, lacking and late answers to complaints. Sick of delays, sick of fails, sick of the higher and higher AS amounts I have to spend daily, sick of Bugs, sick of Miklos denying or ignoring any claims that this has become a money garbing game and most of all, sick of your so called RNG (which is actually controlled by carefully placed thresholds made to make you spend even more AS).

I don't think all your "nice" small changes will make any difference as long as you don't address the real issues that many players have outlined for you along many threads and posts.
it figures ....
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