Thanks for the answer Cruel, you gave everyone an insight on how simple it is to beat the system. I mean, it's no mystery, Sbart and myself also did it, only we were slower than you
Btw, I also used 8 RD's. While some of them were for increasing the pace to end it faster, there were a couple of RD's I used just because the quests were plain stupid ! Let's take, for example, the quest where you need to squeeze a level 80 pet. there is no way anyone could have prepared for that. Most of us have 4 main pets ( 2 familiars that you can't squeeze anyways and 2 normal ones) and we have been leveling those for more than a year ... Now, WHO in the right mind would squeeze a level 200 pet for this event??? I know I wouldn't so using a decree is a MUST in this first round of this event. It will change for the next round, I will be side leveling a pet for it just 'cause now understood how it works.
Cruel also mentioned the DG quest related to finding 5 monsters that use a mace ... Now I am asking the programmer that wrote the code: "DUDE, did you even put those kind of monsters in the DG ???? ..... " I used 72 DG points and haven't encountered a single one, now what are the odds of that happening? The way I see it, there are 2 possible situations here: 1) You "forgot" to put those in there or the code was implemented with errors ( whatever ) OR 2) The tool-tip is wrong and you meant to say something like "Kill 5 creatures in the DG while wearing a mace" ... The second option makes more sense BUT it seems too easy for the last tire of quests in the Dread Pyramid so the only logical conclusion is that it's the first situation.... You would probably say I was unlucky and didn't find one BUT was Cruel unlucky too ?
Third and last one was the subplasma not working. For Me at least, it was the only way to execute players at a decent rate. The only 4 players left in my range all have over 50 k HP and more than decent regeneration so I can't wear down any of them. My other option was the Crystal Clan, which, by another fluke in implementation, went into hiding in the middle of the competition. NOW tell me how is that fair ? I lost 12 hours just because I couldn't complete a quest that was simple for lower levels, but almost impossible for me....
I am sure I could find other things to bash on but that is not the point. The point of all those facts is that you learn something from it and do it better next time! gratz on Cruel for winning in world 2!
Remember, there are but few things that still keep us around in Doomlord. The competition for reaching omnipotence ( be so good that no one in your range can touch you ) and the challenges posed by new features and events. If you make people leave by making bad decisions, it will really cost you in the long run. This game is SO complex that only few people venture to play it to the higher levels so fresh blood is rare on older worlds
I really enjoy DL and would like to keep playing it but if too many players leave and the competition is gone, than I am sure I will not be the only one to slowly fade away... Please don't put us in the situation of being forced to leave this wonderful web-based game !
it figures ....