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86 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
101. hozzászólás - 2012.12.12. 13:46:57
everything is ok now thx
Pontszám: 5
TarodVégzetúr poronty

15 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
102. hozzászólás - 2012.12.13. 05:30:58
I have gotten only 10 AS after completing forth level!
Pontszám: 5
1201 hozzászólás
Tarod, could you please send in a ticket to our CS (yellow help button in top right corner in game) so the GM can look this for you. Thanks!
Pontszám: 5
Axe LVégzetúr poronty

54 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
104. hozzászólás - 2012.12.14. 06:54:17
How can I get helm shards being level 77 character?
Pontszám: 5
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139 hozzászólás
Either you rush up to level 80, or you use a RD.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 5
Axe LVégzetúr poronty

54 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
107. hozzászólás - 2012.12.14. 09:43:39
I equipped my character with a mace (level 1 weapon) and killed already 15 creatures from DG. But I didn't killed even single NAMED creature.
It is written in description that every 10th creature is NAMED.
Question: what is wrong?
Pontszám: 5
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879 hozzászólás
Do you get a warning every 10 DG battles that the next opponent is stronger than normal and that you can use a Berserker potion against it?
The named DG monsters refereed to are the ones that drop focus crystals for rings and necklaces, and I think they only appear after character level 80, so it is possible that your level is too low.
Pontszám: 5
Axe LVégzetúr poronty

54 hozzászólás
No, I don't get any warning. And I already spent 40 DG points - yet counter says 0 NAMED creatures are killed.
If you are right about my level, than there are at least 2 tasks I can complete for AS only. Kinda unfair I think.
But even if so, I would like to have 2 extra royal decrees for the last row of pyramid. Otherwise I have no chance to finish pyramid and all my previous AS spendings and actions towards the end were in vain.
Please, respect our money and our time we (players) are giving to this game and make necessary corrections.
Pontszám: 5
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474 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
110. hozzászólás - 2012.12.14. 11:46:01
what does Mask of dread do exactly?
A hozzászólást Valkyrie módosította 2012.12.14. 12:16:32-kor
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
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139 hozzászólás
@Axe L : I confirm you need to be level 80 to get the named DG monsters ... I'm in your position on W3.
@Valkyrie : Check the profile of someone who has finished the pyramid, the mask is in their relics.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 7.50
Axe LVégzetúr poronty

54 hozzászólás
Thanx much for info!
At least admins should mention requirements for those tasks...
Pontszám: 5
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86 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
113. hozzászólás - 2012.12.15. 17:13:44
This event worth only for higher lvl chars. For lower lvl chars is pretty much useless. You got to invest 4-5 times more and rewards are pathetic (for lower lvl chars). Some of the quest you can not complete it without royal decree which means you would have to do it 10-15 times minimum. I stooped playing it at w1 cause when i saw necklace of dread it was enough to persuade me to stoop. next time if something dont change i will not participate with my char w1. Actually I am surprised how bad this event is sorted out
Pontszám: 5
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86 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
115. hozzászólás - 2012.12.16. 11:25:02
Not only the necklace, whole event for lower lvl chars is useless. Dont get me wrong i have a higher lvl char as well on other world and event is pretty much sorted out for higher lvl chars but for lower lvl it is not good and not worth playing. To get close to complete quests with lower lvl you need to invest eather millions of se or hundreds and hundreds of acient stones and reward for that not worth that much. If you are not lower lvl char you will not understand what I am taking about
Pontszám: 5
sennerVégzetúr poronty

17 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
116. hozzászólás - 2012.12.17. 00:23:11
I cant create a mega-essence becasue I already have all of the mega essences.
EDIT: There are new Mega essences available. I did not realizre that. Forget what I said.

A hozzászólást senner módosította 2012.12.17. 01:24:42-kor
Pontszám: 5
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474 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
117. hozzászólás - 2012.12.17. 09:23:21
Find 150 helm shards should really not be a task in the Pyramid...
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
PikoVégzetúr poronty

18 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
118. hozzászólás - 2012.12.18. 17:04:50
i was trying to finish the pyramid, but this event is worst thing that happened to this game. It made me realize that you guys only make events and stuff for players that have lots of AS. When you make an event you should consider if free player can do that task. Every task should been set so all players can do it, but if some players are willing to pay stones to do it more quickly it should be set so. Now all i can see is "if you cant pay i dont care".
Awards are not good at all if you consider time and AS you need to put in to finish it. Yes there are AS as rewards, but i could do without these if only other stuff was good. In the end i dont have the fealing that i acomplished anything by doing these event.
And royal decre is to expensive, it would be better at least if his cost would reset for each level.
In the end i got the fealing that only top 20-30 players will stay in game, because they have enough love for this game and money to spend it, the rest of players will stop playing at some time as they cant do most of things because they cant afford the cost.
Pontszám: 7.50
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86 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
119. hozzászólás - 2012.12.19. 11:27:08
I tottaly agree with you. At world 1 with my lower lvl char i stooped playing when i realize that event is not sorted out well for lower lvl chars. however when i evalate this event with my higher lvl char i must admit that next time i dont know will i participate in this event. first of all i spend millions and millions se for royal decrees + dump event quests which i needed to complete. Durring event i spend as for some quests as well but as i got rewards for as we can say that i am maybe + 30-40 as which is pathetic. I know some players which probably invest more then 300as now, on what they spend those as? mask of dread? which is nothing special or maybe chain of dread? if you are active you will be in solid tribe and this tribe can afford you even better items.
I think that admist must change something in this event or lots of players at least will not play this event
Pontszám: 7.50
IlyannaVégzetúr poronty

52 hozzászólás
Re: Ruler of the Planet
120. hozzászólás - 2012.12.20. 02:17:10
I really wish that these games weren't advertised as free to play. In the end if you want half a chance to play decently and really want to enjoy the game you end up paying. Especially for events. If I can actually get all ten subplasmas which looks like it won't happen cause I'm low on aps (because I had to use them for decrees as being poor I can't afford to use stones) so I'm only getting one sub plasma a day. I have three remaining to get so looks like I will be a day late trying to get the archgem detector and the ancient stones. Anyway, the only way I could finish the last level is by using se for the RDs. It would take me another month to pay off those so being that this event only lasted 3 weeks if I want to get the final prizes it would have to be a paying event. It was anyway by the time you got the pet food, stimulator, bought stones for a familiar etc., etc. blah blah blah. The point is in reality it isn't a free to play game and that is why in reality there are a lot fewer players playing and sticking with the game than what the game count actually says. I was brand new to this type of game when I started playing and I had no clue what it was about and of course the first thing I got are 6 AS which I spent on premi membership for one week. After you get used to that and then you don't have it well, needless to say it's like giving chocolate everyday for 7 days and then telling the person from here on out if you want a piece of chocolate everyday you have to pay for it. That's how drug dealers hook their clients. I like this game but to say it is free and giving the impression that it is totally free and to always refer to it as free and to act like you are doing us a great huge favor by it being free is false. If you didn't get anything out of this you wouldn't continue making it. I had fun with the event but to me I agree. You made it so you could gain a huge amount of money to go Christmas shopping.
Pontszám: 6.67