Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Bartessica Slam

Dátum: 2015.02.20. 14:49:04


Dátum: 2015.01.17. 09:19:02
Soulhuckster---> Relics
Dátum: 2015.01.08. 14:05:56
Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!


I cannot find this relic!
Dátum: 2014.12.27. 00:56:37
... that's why I'm only talking about the skills.
Abi's are clones of players... there you will meet stronger and weaker persons depending upon a "random" way.

"random" = Doomlord programmer is to be asked how random, random is...
Dátum: 2014.12.26. 16:22:20
Yep, you cracked the code!
In regard of your skills: In PVE you mostly fight yourself (+/-). This might result into the bizarre situation that you eg. kill easily a PvP opponent it's pets... but when fighting in PvE; your pets will be beaten the hell out . Just as an example.
In regard of your abi's: not so.

Dátum: 2014.12.11. 14:26:34
Hi Miklos,

any news in regard of Landragor?

ps.: please clean-up that spam; useful messages are fading away under all this spam... and ban that kind'a accounts right away, I would say!
Dátum: 2014.12.11. 05:43:28
It's, as pointed out in the very beginning, a crazy hell of a job and quit impossible when having 2 DP-events overlapping. I honesty don't see the fun of it to have those 2 together.
So, I can agree.
Dátum: 2014.12.10. 16:29:46

Thanks to all of Sapphire-members. We worked hard to reach our goal and made it!

Dátum: 2014.12.09. 11:46:07
Hi Miklos,

perhaps I missed it... perhaps you forgot it to mention; but isn't there any Landragor-event around 15th of December 2014?
I think this date/event never has been pointed out, right?
Dátum: 2014.12.06. 09:16:33
Thanks Santa!

I wonder... ; ...I just try to steal it!
Dátum: 2014.11.23. 23:04:16
Hi Naho,

it's not the number of wins/square what "counts"; its the % of wins/square versus the total of wins.
Or... if you would see the number of hits/square; you still need to recalculate the % versus the total of wins. Why? because this is the only way to make a balance in the game; where a substantial smaller horde has equal power versus a big one... or; if your horde has 10 (upon 1square) /100 (upon all squares) wins , it still will be the same as 100 (upon 1square) /1000 (upon all squares) wins for another horde.
Dátum: 2014.11.20. 21:42:55
... I rest my case!
Dátum: 2014.11.06. 16:18:39
@ The Bear,

most of these things you mentioned; you can change into 'platinum'.
With that 'platinum' you can buy most "Daily Offers".

ps.: I agree there is an inflation of items in the game... now only we need some "St-Nicolas presents", "Turkey-stuffings for X-mas rewards", "X-mas balls"; "New year stars","New-year drinks", "Crocus flowers", "Easter eggs", "Eater bunnies"; "`id-al-fitr-sweets = عيد الفطر" and "cucumber-time rewards"... not to forget the "stardust-tokens" for winning the Stargate-Championship.
Dátum: 2014.10.21. 17:40:37
Dátum: 2014.10.11. 19:27:21
@Cruel: ... that's what I mean my dear friend; I totally agree.
Dátum: 2014.10.08. 10:04:47
Ooh ; Nice!
Round2 but no data of Round 1... .

13h00 : Problem solved
Dátum: 2014.10.07. 17:07:50
@ Cruel,

...than it is a sad story. In our clan, more than 50% is non-premium... what do you think what will happen if more and more ppl see they cannot even reach the targets in a quest? It won't take long before they leave the company. Ok, also I am a premium-player; but that doesn't mean one cannot overlook the game in a "neutral" way so to speak.

Dátum: 2014.10.07. 12:15:13
Some of our members did already hit... does that count? Or.... are these hits "lost in time"?
Dátum: 2014.10.07. 08:47:37
Hi Miklos,

I'm not much of a "complainer", though this time I need to ventilate a couple of things.

First of all the "Joke" with the spacerift:
1. Today you can claim what you want, but in the past this item was launched just to motivate players to swap between EH and DD.
2. Deleting (partially) the effect of this potion is a responsibility and a right of Doomlord Ltd; but this operation would have been much "cleaner" when this would have been announced months before you make this changes.
3. Communication: AFTER a player (=Janyemm) asked you for more information about this "strange changes"; you claimed "Spacerift will let you lose your event points". Also you say "perhaps we might introduce a kind of Super-Spacerift.
Due to this statement, a lot of our players decided NOT to hunt (a lot) because these changes of rules made this (Huckster) event less attractive... many would do "just the 400 victories"... and than, only 24h before the start of the event you announce that "a Superspacerift" will be launched... no details... no amount of AS; ... it will cost SE.... how much.... . How the hell one can make up his mind just 24h before the event with no details what so ever if it is still "profitable or not to switch in between EH and DD?
Please take note : We pay already a terrible AA-price by following this strategy !!!
4. Explanation of the Superspacerift:
It realy not clear for me what you want to tell us (perhaps it's because my English is my 3th language...or...). Do we need to buy 3x (every week 1potion) to keep us into a DD or a EH status??? I don't think so... . Clarification might be interesting.

Second: Evaluation Clanwars & Hucksterwar:
In this situation; and in all following situations, I would like to point out that the frequency of events is to high and make it impossible for players to recuperate. When having a DP-war (eg. Clanwar) overlapping another DP-war (Huckster-wars); than I have the humble opinion that this is not good for the game; not good for a player and so a little bit to much of the "goodies".
I want to be clear; I am not giving any critic upon the way or type of event; nothing wrong there... but (also) for the sake of non-premium players; to keep them on-board so to speak; it might be advisable to spread the events... don't forget that not everybody has the luxury to play in a 300DP/800AP-regime (!) ... we need to keep also the 150DP (@15dp/day) /250AP players motivated.

I just want to make 1 more general statement:
I hate it when (major) rules are changed in an overnight; for sure when a developer didn't see the impact of this "Game changer". Once again you need to pay for having a "colourfull/flexible" way of playing.

I hope you not only can comprehend our frustration; give it a thought, I hope our remarks and thoughts will be taken into consideration... unfortunately I cannot change the program/game
Dátum: 2014.10.02. 06:03:02
Hi Breeze,

Topic: Emperor's scroll
Description: Type: relic
Your active quest will be completed upon acquiring this item

In this case (and only in this case); this relic will "vanish" after you bought it. Or; better, it's "deactivated" after you bought it and your active quest will become "completed". This relic is often bought by players to accomplish the quest "3 draws".
In general ---but not this one--- (most) relic are permanent or active for eg. 6 months.

I hope this answer clears out your question?

Note.: Don't buy this item when you don't have a quest "active"!!!! I'm not sure; but it might happen that you wast this unique item without having any added-value (as you don't have a quest active).