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Topic neve: Sugestion box
very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Soul-Huckster sell items
741. hozzászólás - 2014.11.06. 16:18:39 (Válasz The Bear #740 hozzászólására.)
@ The Bear,

most of these things you mentioned; you can change into 'platinum'.
With that 'platinum' you can buy most "Daily Offers".

ps.: I agree there is an inflation of items in the game... now only we need some "St-Nicolas presents", "Turkey-stuffings for X-mas rewards", "X-mas balls"; "New year stars","New-year drinks", "Crocus flowers", "Easter eggs", "Eater bunnies"; "`id-al-fitr-sweets = عيد الفطر" and "cucumber-time rewards"... not to forget the "stardust-tokens" for winning the Stargate-Championship.
A hozzászólást Bartessica Slam módosította 2014.11.06. 16:26:00-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
742. hozzászólás - 2014.11.19. 19:51:22
update the text in the earn platinum page.
"The soul-huckster is willing to give you 1-1 platinum for the following items:
1 burnt-out ancient stone, 1 berserker potion, 1 protection potion, 675 soul-diamonds, 21 helm shards.

is out of date as you can't turn in burnt out stones and you can now turn in minion food....
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much likedTallia
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Re: Sugestion box
743. hozzászólás - 2014.12.15. 22:56:29
It would be very cool, if we can save the active minion status with the dresses together.
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Re: Sugestion box
744. hozzászólás - 2015.02.24. 18:12:03
how about if we get an estimate for how much experience our pets will earn on the confirmation pop-up when we send them to exercise in the kennel (much like we receive when we feed pets to minions)?
Pontszám: 7.43
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Re: Sugestion box
745. hozzászólás - 2015.04.04. 14:36:13
new/low-level players still need more help in becoming full-members of the top active clans. the literal years investment required to pay down the soul well inevitably results in them giving up.
Pontszám: 8.72
everyone's favoritejanyemm
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Re: Sugestion box
746. hozzászólás - 2015.04.04. 15:03:13 (Válasz manunkind #745 hozzászólására.)
Absolutly agree. I saw players give up game because were not able to be full member in months from start and unfortunately we have too little number of active clans for low level players.
Maybe some kind of "half" member could help with some most important functions such as access to Dimension Gate.

Building energy was very useful idea, but top clans has larger and larger soulwell and each new player starting from zero.

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Re: Sugestion box
747. hozzászólás - 2015.04.05. 04:17:51
manu and jany are absolutely right. We've had some players interested in joining, but our soul well makes it simply impossible. And some of these players end up quitting the game due to low activity in the low levels. Being part of a strong clan would definitely help us keep some of these players since they would have lots of support from the veterans.

I think there should thresholds for building utilization instead of the necessity to complete the soul well. Anyone would be able join strong clans, but they would only be allowed to use certain buildings after completing a predetermined total building amount. Here is a possible alternative.

Building - Minimum building
Ramp/TG/Necrofun - 100,000 per level, so if total building is 500,000, player would get +15 (+3*5)
Arena - No minimum required
Scrying Orb - No minimum required
Mage Tower - 50,000 per level
Curse Pyramid - No minimum required
Soul/Aura Shield - 50,000 per level
Palace - 10,000 per level
DG - 100,000 per level
Kennel - 80,000 per level
Epic Monument 2 - 5,000,000
Academy - No minimum required
Magic Hut - 50,000 per level
TC - 100,000 per level
Pit - 200,000 per level
Healing Sanctum - 200,000 per level
Alchemy Lab - 200,000 per level
Castle - 300,000 per level
Tree of Knowledge - 500,000 per level
Evolution Chamber - 2,000,000 for each 20 levels
Crystallizer - 200,000 per level
Pyramid - No minimum required
Energy Sanctum - 100,000 per level

These are just some random numbers I am throwing according to the my personal opinion on importance/difficulty for each building. Of course the final number would be different, but I think we should stick to the concept. In summary, vital buildings would be available right away and the other buildings would slowly give the new players better benefits as he/she increased his total building.

Pontszám: 9.30
much likedTallia
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Re: Sugestion box
748. hozzászólás - 2015.04.05. 10:04:38 (Válasz Cruel01 #747 hozzászólására.)
Very good idea!
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Re: Sugestion box
749. hozzászólás - 2015.04.05. 11:27:16
I totally agree with Cruel.
We have a new clan member who joined us on W4 to see if he liked the game and has now joined our clan on W1 (Emerald Legion) but he has to put 12 million into the soulwell before he gets any benefits!!

A hozzászólást digitalis módosította 2015.04.05. 11:27:38-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
750. hozzászólás - 2015.04.05. 22:05:54
or what if they received a prorated portion of the bonuses?
Pontszám: 7.48
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
751. hozzászólás - 2015.04.06. 16:08:01
I got your point, when I'm back to the office, will consult about this, and we try to implement something like you suggest.
Pontszám: 7.57
very popularKhineNő
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Re: Sugestion box
752. hozzászólás - 2015.05.02. 09:50:49
Well, when you balance out the gained benefit from the "expenses", it still pays out a bigger guild... whether you have to get 6m or 12m. If the player was to "fully pay" this ammount purely on his/her SE , we could argue is quite a high step, but considering you get free building bricks for things like hunting or dueling, and as you level towards L50 (and get full brick building exchange) it is not that bad.

For granted, that if you were to get the bonuses from certain buildings it would be best for players, but again, wouldn't that be too overpowered? I mean... seriously getting +135 attack, def and 15 IQ when you have "donated" (free bricks) just a portion of the soul-well? As it is now, it's hard to get any new players, and if the top guilds are going to get this, we could just mostly delete 90% of the current guilds for they will never get any new blood while any top ones still got slots free (which may never happen)...

And yes, I know than from the newbie point of view may seem harsh, especially since at that point they are clueless of the huge value of all those buildings that bigger guilds have already built... If there was no energy brick given while "outside of the guild wall", then I could fully agree that getting many million SE could leave new blood for joining any old guild, for they would either neglect their skills/abilities (except luck) or delay the full membership for ages...

The game is already an endurance race, not a spring type, so if they can not wait a few more months to get full membership, they will probably drop the game sooner or later whem they see "things slowling down a bit"...

At some point, this soul well thing could be too high, (as it is probably for the top 1-2), so maybe capping the soul well entrance fee could be arranged, to some fixed ammount, 10M or 15M (or whatever), which is an easier to implement solution that chopping down which buildings the new blood has acess to and which does not.

Yet again , this would benefit the top guilds, leaving less competition or balance all together...
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
753. hozzászólás - 2015.05.04. 09:08:46
Would it be possible that a Minion coming back from Astral travel triggers an Event? Something like:
"Your minion [minion name] returns from its Astral journey, having learned the [ability name] ability! Visit the minion page under pets to increase it and send out your minions on Astral journeys."

Would just make it easier to see when the minion returns.

Also, would it be possible for Grey Mytokronit and Astral treasure to be bolded and/or have another color in the Hunt description? With all the different things you can get with Hunts (beside SE) these days it's not always easy to see what the different Hunts give.
Pontszám: 8.33
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
754. hozzászólás - 2015.05.05. 10:01:57
Ok, I forward these suggestions to the programmer.
Pontszám: 7.59
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Re: Sugestion box
755. hozzászólás - 2015.05.06. 01:40:00
is there any help on the way for new players getting into clans with big soul wells?
Pontszám: 7.57
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Revamp Auction Hall
756. hozzászólás - 2015.06.12. 14:41:06
I think its time to revamp the entire auction hall, except the unique items such as scarab of death, belt of toughness and other important relics.
The most common items such as + 1 to abilities , + 20 to absorption / magic / physical are obsolete of higher level players. Bring in some new relics will not adversely affect the game mechanics.

Otherwise set a filter based on player levels
Level 1 to 40 = basic level items
Level 41 to 80 = standard items
Level 81 to 120 = Advanced items
Over level 120 = Cool items

me thinks many would feel the same
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Re: Revamp Auction Hall
757. hozzászólás - 2015.06.12. 17:28:33 (Válasz Gladoom #756 hozzászólására.)
This is an old request. And it is really odd that they haven't at least introduced new items, since they have added so much new stuff to the game. The auction items have been the same since the beginning of the game, when there was like 10% of the activities we have available now

I just disagree with the +1 abilities items. They are useful to high level players. Even after they introduce new items to the auction, those will eventually be useful again when we collect all interesting new items as well.

Pontszám: 8.47
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
758. hozzászólás - 2015.06.15. 14:36:20
The auction house items are indeed rare, you can buy only one copy of each item per month or so. I highly doubt there are players who already have all the rare items. Yes, maybe you have several of them, and when you enter the auction house, you don't find anything useful. But just revisit a few days later and you will surely find something of interest.

There is one boost we can do, however. We have a live Doomlord convention we hold every 6 months. There, we have a live auction - with some items which are not in the game. Since players on the English server can't auction there, we could just add these items to the normal auction. I made note of this and forward it for development.
Pontszám: 7.60
much likedTallia
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Re: Sugestion box
759. hozzászólás - 2015.06.15. 16:37:46 (Válasz Miklos #758 hozzászólására.)
Thank You Miklos!
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Re: Sugestion box
760. hozzászólás - 2015.06.15. 16:54:23
That would be great Miklos! I remember you once said one of these items is something that allows a player to have 5 pets. That would not be bad

But on top of that, you should consider adding new items to address new needs in the game. There are no items that interact with the minions, for example. How about an item to enable myto exchanges?

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2015.06.15. 16:55:06-kor
Pontszám: 7.31
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