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Hozzászólások - Subzero777

Oldal: 12
Dátum: 2024.12.31. 21:33:24
manukind i know how to make a ticket.thanks.ticket was already done before i post here,just wanted tosee if i was the only one that had the problem or more had the same problem.
Dátum: 2024.12.24. 20:45:06
did anyone notice that today all the minions HP are only 10?no matter the lvl or the gear they were all minion until lvl200 have only 10 HP and above 200 only 20!!
Dátum: 2022.06.06. 14:52:02
you are got it all wrong.removing clan bonuses and progresive damage giving the chance to players with better stats but being in clans that still developing their building an equal fight.for example lets take kratos since he is taking part on the discussion his stas are good but being on a clan with not a 150 attack and def he dont have a chance to win even a weaker opponent on a big clan.so removing the clan bonuses will give him a chance to win.regarding the progressive damage now.it can be a factor to have unexpected winners.for example a strong opponents have his first 2 fights with strong opponents he have won but his life is low and maybe he lost a pet or 2 that means that he has weaken enough.now his opponent a medium power player got lucky and had easy opponents had his wins and he is with a good amount of health and all his pets he might be able to win the stronger opponent that after 2 fights have weaken enough.but like a said for this to work both progressive damage and clan bonuses removal must be done otherwise we simple have another championship for the big clans cause on low lvls the 150 attack and def makes all the difference no matter how high the stats of a player are .on high lvls i think the clan bonuses dont matter so much but the progressive damage still add the unexpected winner.and why is a bad goal to give a chance to strong opponents that are not in big clans a chance to win?
Dátum: 2022.06.06. 12:55:43
manukindi thnk you making it a big deal for a championship that actually dont effect you in any negative way.i mean you have nothing to be afraid with bonuses or no bonuses you are still a strong player,at your lvl the clan bonuses have not so much importance anyway.this mostly effect and help new players and players from new smaller clans that still upgrading so again i dont understand your negativity.is the progressive damage your problem or the lack of the bonuses for this type of championship?
Dátum: 2022.06.06. 00:26:33
Allow me to disagree with you manukind that you will win regardless if the championship set up right.the progressive damage can change that if you have strong opponents or strong NPCs,and not the punchbags that we have at the moment.hey even me i cannot loose from the crystal clan even if i try
Second to recruit and recruit quality members as you say is a clan strategy it will not affect the championship so noone is messing with your gameplay stategy.besides how much will your strategy will change just for one championship?
third i have to agree with deadlock.the size of the soulwell doesnt make a clan big clan but the buildingstha the clan have finished and the advantages the clan gets and you get build them with a much less than 200millions soulwell.have in mind that manaconstruction doesnt increase the soulwell size but you can still build.i think you if you have your manaconsruction at max and on your level you can build more than 4 millions everyday so you get my point.
And last we already have a minion championship i didnt saw you complaining about it but you have welcome it as we all did.besides why is so bad new players or players from smaller clans that are not yet fully upgrade their buildings to have a chance to win a championship?Again i remind you that the price will not be extra abilities but SE or shards.if it is shards we will also have more players joining the minion championship since they could train their minions before they reach lvl 60.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 22:09:41
no my thesis is to have a championship for all players not just for the ones that belong to the fully upgraded clans.the clans benefits it not a strategy it is a bonus dont be confused.besides there is no need to change your gameplay strategy just for one championship.Your question is why would you want to compete without the bonuses,my question is why are you so upset to compete without them in only ONE championship.besides like i said the rewaard will not be abilities but SE or shards which on your lvl doesnt matter to much so win or loose or even skip thethis championship will not effect you and your stategy too much but fr lower lvls and to players that they clan is not fully upgraded it will matter.ANd lets say my suggestion is more challenging than yours
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 20:15:07
why one championship will make play solo?this i dont understand manukind.a championship that you will test your character without any bonuses doesnt mean that you will have to be without a clan or exlude you from any clan activities
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 20:12:42
a magic championship as you say basing on luck again it will be only for the big clans and only for old players exluding the new players which will not match the luck of older players.so your proposal is in favor again for the big clans and the older players while my proposalis more fair and challenging for all players even for the high lvls if the NPCs that will be added are strong
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 09:37:27
it was not a pesonal attack on you,you missunderstood.And i do not have a problem with any question since it was my idea after all and with question or suggestion it can be a better.so let me answer to what you are saying and again dont take it the wrong way i am just answering on your saying.we both agree that the new building that clan members are helping the new members have reduce the time for a new member a lot.i dont know the size of your soulwell but if as you say a clan member of your took months to join imagine how much time it could take without the building and have in mind that i diddn talk about your clan,i just said an example of 2 members one with full benefits and someone with less benefits .but anyway this has nothing to do with my suggestion.secondly the championship that i propose it is a new championship it has nothing to do with the existing one so clan member new or old dont loose the benefits of the clan bonuses ecxcept for this championship which gives a chance to lower lvl to win.like a said the reward will not be additional bonus abilities but SE or shards which for low lvls have a point for high level maybe not but personally i will join for the challenge cause the of prgressive damage migh lead to suprising winners or loosers.Even you can loose although you will be fight only with NPC at your lvl.if those are strong NPC and not the weak NPC that we have at the moment you might loose also..regarding the daily attacks from much higher lvls is another issue as you said and has nothing to do with my suggestion,we talk about it if you want privately or on another section of the forum,personally i have no problem to talk but if we start talking about his here we will loose the point of my championship suggestion.
Dátum: 2022.06.04. 16:16:33
you might be right that on high lvls the perks are not so important although i disagree but in low lvls the difference is important.think this and you will see that i am right.2 lvl20 lets say one on a big clan with 150 on attack and def the other created or join a new clan of his friend .there is no way that he can beat him i am sure that you understand that and you agree.now if the one on the big clan hitting on a daily base the other what do you think that will happen?most likely he will leave the game or he will be forced to join a big clan even if he want to stay on the clan of his friend and play maybe with the others members of that clan that might be his friends.I think this is one of the reasons that we dont see too many new players and new clans.what myrmidonas said about the huge benefits of the big clans make the game unbalanced has a point.Regarding the second part that you said.let me clear again that this is a suggestion for a new championship not changing the existing one.i think most of us agree that we dont like the quiz olympics so it coud replace this one.and yes even on high lvls this have a difference if the NPC that will be adding to fullfill the requirements,see what i wrote before on how the championship will be done, are strong enough and not weak as they are now.and lets be honest newest members dont dedicate anymore months to pay on the soulwell with the latest new building.if the clan support him he can get all the benefits in 2 weeks max o matter how big is the soulwell and this we both know it.you said that you were forced to join a big clan and this just proves what i said before.but imagien if you had join the game with friends and you want to start your own clan with your friends.tha big clans as you say they will force you either to join or leave or simply getting hit dailymaking them even stronger giving them more SE while you play and they can just sit and collect and you can never escape from them no matter what you will do.one last thing regarding the championship i suggested the rewrd as i said it will not be additional abilities as the normal but SE or shards giving the new players the chance to build their minions even before lv 60,i think on that lvl the stones for training minion open on soulhuckster.so i really dont understand why you seem so upset for a championship like this since it might challenge your character although your a high lvl player on big clan with huge stats.i though that a new challenge will be welcomed from players like you
Dátum: 2022.05.21. 17:56:24
you are correct

If you overcome a Doomlord in a duel, you can drag him into the torture chamber of your clan, and thanks to a special damage made on him you will share all the soul-energy he gets until the end of day.
Dátum: 2022.05.21. 10:47:30
hey fos you forgot about us.lol.you are right about the scarab it helps but the problem for the new players is that first it is not a relic that they can buy,it appears only in the auction from time to time and usually the stakes are high and low lvls dont have the time to gather enough to take part so he have to be patient for long time.i think his choices are either to continue play and keep feeding his attacker until he will be much higher lvl than him so he cannot drag him to the torture chamber but then another one will appear or hide in the catacombes for a while but ususally most of the ones that go to the catacombes they dont come back to the game or stay out of the game for a long time or to spend money to and buy the relic to change his horde without leaving his clan or change horde and leave his clan
Dátum: 2022.05.20. 20:10:05
no again you got it wrong.Like i said minimum for each category will be 4 fights.Although lower lvls have more active players and most like fullfill the minimum requirements which mean at least 8 players at the higher lvls there not so many players to fullfill this requirements and there the NPCs will be added.for example in my category from what i see on the last championship there are enough players so only 2 NPC are required on your category 4 NPC will be added and if you check on N3L1TO category he is all alone so he will have to fight only NPCs,SERRA and Gasgamar that are just the 2 of them 6 NPC must be added.and if the NPC are strong serra or gasgamar might smash them but if the first fight is betwween them which the winner will have serious damage it might cost him the win against the NPCs.Same it might happen on the lower lvls.The strong NPCs are not punishment as you say only necessary adding to fullfull the minimum 4 fights requirement
Dátum: 2022.05.20. 18:05:49
you are missing the point.first of all not all want to join a strong clan some want to start their own clan with their friends,i know i did when i started the game at least.Second like i said these will effect mostly the low lvl players which lets be honest they have no chance to win a championship against any member of the high lvl clans but at least their will have a chance to win some SE or astel shard for their minion which will eventually give them some bonus earlier than lvl65.As for the cumulative damage think it again.You said you wini with small loses in your lifeon the normal championship.NOw think this you will have to fight at leat 4 fights,in case there not enough players STRONG crystal opponents will be added that will actually do you damage.without any bonuses and only rely on your character and his gear no clan bonuses no pet no minions you will receive more damage in the four fight it could be fatal if for example you have the first 2 fights with strong opponents.BUt like a said this will be more challenging for the low lvls
Dátum: 2022.05.20. 11:50:38
well the idea is to survive only with your gear in order to eliminate all the bonuses from minion pets and clan bonuses.so it will run like the normal championship like in one night all the fights.the difference is that you relay only on your character and gear no pets,no minios that increase your stats and give bonuses and no clan bonuses.i understand that will not effect so much the high lvls but in the low levels it makes a lot of difference.And the price will not be additional ability points but SE or astral shards,giving the chance for low lvls also to gather shards for astral stones so that can start training the minion before lvl65 and take part on the minion championships also.i think it is a good idea cause low lvl characters in big clans will not rely on the clan bonuses that give a huge advantage against new players.But like i said the high lvls will not understand the difference so much unless the crystal clan opponents,that will have to take part in order to have at least 4 fights per championship, are much stronger.Imagine lvl 200 and above to have to fight 4 fights with strong opponts and strong crystal clan opponents.it might have champions that are not players,That will be a surpise.lol
Dátum: 2022.05.18. 19:47:33
first of all if read i am talking about a new chamionship not to alter the existing one.second removing all the clan bonuses makes it more fair for everyone especially for the new players and the low lvls that are not in a big clan.For example lets say a lvl 20 with clan bonuses plus 160 will always win against a lvl 20 with clan bonuses 60 for example,so i hope you understand what i mean.second with the cumulative damage on fight after fight you may have unexpected winner.let me explain what i mean.lets say you have 10.000 HP you fight againt a strong opponent and win but you survive only with 2000HP on your next you may fight against a weaker opponet but it manage to do you 2000 damage before you kill him so although you are a much stronger player you might loose from a weaker player.Think About it and you will see that it add the element of surpise on the result of the specific championship cause on the current championship we know more or less who will win,it is almost everytime the same persons and almost never new players or players from new clans which havent fully upgraded their buildings
Dátum: 2022.05.11. 14:32:32
i suggest a new championship.same with the existing one the only differnces are that no clan bonuses will apply and when the winner of the fight advance to the next fight his life will not be full but he will continue with the remaining life from the fight.so even strong player can loose from a weaker opponent if the first fight leave them with not so many HP.for example the after the first fight the winner advance but only with 500HP remaining on the next fight even a weaker opponent can win him if his spell damage him with 500 of even if he survive on the next round will be much more weaker and so on until he has no HP left.winner ofcourse will be the only one remaining alive
Dátum: 2021.07.07. 10:56:41
ok you are joking right?Iam LV47 and on the previous event you were attacking me we have almost 200 lvl difference!!!this is not bulling?and this is competition????how can i even fight back?change gear ?ask for support from my clan mates?even if all support me i cannot stand any attack of you!even if you dont wear anything dont use pets or spell i still dont have a chance!And to clear what competitive mean it means that the guy you are fighting might have a chance to fight back now or later by changing strategy or gear.even the amount that you will take from the torure chamber dont worth it an attack on the clan wars will give you more se than dragging me to the torture chamber and yet you were still choosing to attack me!i honestly cannot any reason except filling you ego.What are you afraid?you are in one of the most strong clans with all the bonuses your stats are sky high and yet you are afraid to attack players within your range!
Dátum: 2021.03.09. 14:11:58
Can we have a n indication on the focus crystals and pet equipment that are reusable?i mean after we inserted them to a weapon or pet.
Dátum: 2021.03.07. 09:42:54
true but the medals helps a lot and combine with the max clan bonuses on attack and def the spiders are unbeatable at least for the low lvl players,for the high lvl players i dont know what changes
Oldal: 12