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Topic neve: Sugestion box
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
881. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 17:56:24 (Válasz myrmidonas #880 hozzászólására.)
you are correct

If you overcome a Doomlord in a duel, you can drag him into the torture chamber of your clan, and thanks to a special damage made on him you will share all the soul-energy he gets until the end of day.
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Re: Sugestion box
882. hozzászólás - 2022.06.03. 20:25:45 (Válasz Subzero777 #881 hozzászólására.)
my instinct is always to play solo. when i began this game, it quickly became clear that being part of a clan was critical for success, so i joined one and forced myself to be a bit more social. the combat clan bonuses do not scale, so as you advance they become less important. it's the other buildings that remain consequential. if you are not already in a clan, you really need to find one. if you are not in a big clan, you really need to grow your clan into one or join one that's already there. i'm not sure mathematically that your idea to carry over damage will work as you think it will. it would seem that stronger players are more likely to come out of a fight with less damage, so your proposal may exacerbate the problem you are trying to solve. i assume you would not allow any bye rounds, as they would be rather unfair.
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Re: Sugestion box
883. hozzászólás - 2022.06.03. 20:47:39
Subzero777, with all of that said, the newest member of our clan just dedicated months and months to paying into our soul well so that he could get the perks of being in a big clan. why shouldn't he get those perks in the championship battles?
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very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
884. hozzászólás - 2022.06.04. 16:16:33 (Válasz manunkind #882 hozzászólására.)
you might be right that on high lvls the perks are not so important although i disagree but in low lvls the difference is important.think this and you will see that i am right.2 lvl20 lets say one on a big clan with 150 on attack and def the other created or join a new clan of his friend .there is no way that he can beat him i am sure that you understand that and you agree.now if the one on the big clan hitting on a daily base the other what do you think that will happen?most likely he will leave the game or he will be forced to join a big clan even if he want to stay on the clan of his friend and play maybe with the others members of that clan that might be his friends.I think this is one of the reasons that we dont see too many new players and new clans.what myrmidonas said about the huge benefits of the big clans make the game unbalanced has a point.Regarding the second part that you said.let me clear again that this is a suggestion for a new championship not changing the existing one.i think most of us agree that we dont like the quiz olympics so it coud replace this one.and yes even on high lvls this have a difference if the NPC that will be adding to fullfill the requirements,see what i wrote before on how the championship will be done, are strong enough and not weak as they are now.and lets be honest newest members dont dedicate anymore months to pay on the soulwell with the latest new building.if the clan support him he can get all the benefits in 2 weeks max o matter how big is the soulwell and this we both know it.you said that you were forced to join a big clan and this just proves what i said before.but imagien if you had join the game with friends and you want to start your own clan with your friends.tha big clans as you say they will force you either to join or leave or simply getting hit dailymaking them even stronger giving them more SE while you play and they can just sit and collect and you can never escape from them no matter what you will do.one last thing regarding the championship i suggested the rewrd as i said it will not be additional abilities as the normal but SE or shards giving the new players the chance to build their minions even before lv 60,i think on that lvl the stones for training minion open on soulhuckster.so i really dont understand why you seem so upset for a championship like this since it might challenge your character although your a high lvl player on big clan with huge stats.i though that a new challenge will be welcomed from players like you
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Re: Sugestion box
885. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 04:33:50 (Válasz Subzero777 #884 hozzászólására.)
yes, i agree that at lower levels the clan bonuses are significant. but there's no way a level 20 player can fill the soul well of any of our world's larger clans. and there ought to be a benefit to spending SE to become a clan member. it's not free. a lower level player in a moderate-sized clan has made a strategic decision. why shouldn't they benefit from it?

i'm telling you our newest clan member took many months - not a couple weeks - to fill our soul well even with our assistance (i have personally spent 110,000,000 SE on our energy storage building). he paid dearly for the privilege of our clan bonuses. he had previous experience and was not inefficient.

what in the world would make you think i'm upset about any of this? just because i asked questions and didn't enthusiastically support it? you misunderstand entirely. more championships mean more championship medals for me. by all means, add another. my questions to you are my effort to consider gameplay for everyone. they are not about my personal benefit.

your concerns about being hit daily are a separate issue from your proposed championship. there have been times when i've had players feeding on me. i hate it too. but this is not a single-person game. we compete with each other. i did what i could to get out from under their attacks - i leveled up, bought the wisdom of the spider, i bought the scarab of death, i bought a hunter necklace, i improved my abilities, i improved my transcendal projection, i carried less SE, i changed hordes, i even tried to make friends. what i didn't do was complain. i was patient and focused, and the next time a stronger opponent gets the best of me, i'll do it all again.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2022.06.05. 04:36:00-kor
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very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
886. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 09:37:27 (Válasz manunkind #885 hozzászólására.)
it was not a pesonal attack on you,you missunderstood.And i do not have a problem with any question since it was my idea after all and with question or suggestion it can be a better.so let me answer to what you are saying and again dont take it the wrong way i am just answering on your saying.we both agree that the new building that clan members are helping the new members have reduce the time for a new member a lot.i dont know the size of your soulwell but if as you say a clan member of your took months to join imagine how much time it could take without the building and have in mind that i diddn talk about your clan,i just said an example of 2 members one with full benefits and someone with less benefits .but anyway this has nothing to do with my suggestion.secondly the championship that i propose it is a new championship it has nothing to do with the existing one so clan member new or old dont loose the benefits of the clan bonuses ecxcept for this championship which gives a chance to lower lvl to win.like a said the reward will not be additional bonus abilities but SE or shards which for low lvls have a point for high level maybe not but personally i will join for the challenge cause the of prgressive damage migh lead to suprising winners or loosers.Even you can loose although you will be fight only with NPC at your lvl.if those are strong NPC and not the weak NPC that we have at the moment you might loose also..regarding the daily attacks from much higher lvls is another issue as you said and has nothing to do with my suggestion,we talk about it if you want privately or on another section of the forum,personally i have no problem to talk but if we start talking about his here we will loose the point of my championship suggestion.
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everyone's favoriteKratos the god slayerFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
887. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 16:41:44 (Válasz manunkind #885 hozzászólására.)
how can you say that the building dont help?your newest member as you say is lvl38 he manage to spend 202.515.426 SE on your soulwell and have his abilities high,actually very high.it is funy to say that he didnt get help.we are talking more than 205 millions in total from a lvl38.and now he only just daily hitting players in new clan that still building their clans benefits cause the benefits he has from your clan is not even close to a new clan that still building.so pls dont tell that a lvl20 cannot build the soulwell of your clan and not being low lvl.he is only lvl38!At least say the things as it is.i dont understand why all the big clan members are so afraid from a championship without their benefits.i have fights with same lvl with with lower stats from that win because of the clan benefits only.but ok this is the game but the same thing is happening on the championship always the same winners from the same clans.so i really dont understand why are you so upset if you loose on a championship?and if it was only to remove the clan benefits nothing would have change since you are draining on a daily base the low lvl players but the progressive damage could change that so i think that the progressive damage combine with the clan benefits removal could work.and yes the reward should be something else and not additional abilities
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Re: Sugestion box
888. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 17:43:19 (Válasz Kratos the god slayer #887 hozzászólására.)
Kratos, 38 is not 20, and he EARNED those clan bonuses with nine months of SE dedicated to them.

again with the "upset" word. disagreeing doesn't mean i'm upset. i'm fine to add championships. the justification for the one Subzero777 is proposing isn't compelling to me. that is all. there is no emotion involved.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2022.06.05. 17:53:06-kor
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very popularmyrmidonasFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
889. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 18:26:41 (Válasz manunkind #888 hozzászólására.)
come on manukind!yes 38 is not 20 but 10millions is not 205 millions also.i understand what kratos mean although this has nothing to do with the suggested championship.i have already said that the game is totally unbalanced and in favor for the big clans.even if you decide to spend some money to be premium and buy premium weapons that huge benefits of the clans eliminate everything that you will do.it would have been balance if a premium player or someone that decided to spend some money to the game was equal or even slight better from someone not premium on a big clan.but anyway we are missing the point.i am trying to understand manukind why the idea of such a championship is not compeling to you,i mean read your comments but i dont see why you dont like the idea which as you said it doesnt effect the high lvls although i have to agree that if strong NPC will be added it might effect also the high lvls.Besides new challenges and ammendments should be welcomed to keep interesting the game
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Re: Sugestion box
890. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 19:27:32 (Válasz myrmidonas #889 hozzászólására.)
this has always been a clan-based game. that's why i joined one and helped grow it. it sounds like what the proposal is fundamentally about is a clanless championship. make everyone play solo. i don't think progressive damage will help toward that end.
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Re: Sugestion box
891. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 19:37:07 (Válasz manunkind #888 hozzászólására.)
come on manukind you can spare the irony.as myrmidonas said 38 is not 20 but also 10M are not 205 M.your own example failed you.your newest member is lvl38 and spend 205 M only to your soulwell and some millions for his stats so dont say that it is impossible to fill the soulwell quick i mean your own clan mate is the example of this
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Re: Sugestion box
892. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 19:43:25
i would counter with a wild magic championship instead, creating greater variance in outcomes, but basing it on luck would still benefit those most who have built up their clans.
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Re: Sugestion box
893. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 19:46:44 (Válasz Kratos the god slayer #891 hozzászólására.)
Kratos, i'm not sure what you're arguing. i didn't say it was impossible to fill the soul well "quick." i said it takes months, not weeks - 9 to be precise. and i said it's not possible at level 20, so pointing to my clanmate at 38 does not refute that point either. if you want to win more battles, build for it.
Pontszám: 7.40
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
894. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 20:12:42 (Válasz manunkind #892 hozzászólására.)
a magic championship as you say basing on luck again it will be only for the big clans and only for old players exluding the new players which will not match the luck of older players.so your proposal is in favor again for the big clans and the older players while my proposalis more fair and challenging for all players even for the high lvls if the NPCs that will be added are strong
Pontszám: 9.70
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
895. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 20:15:07 (Válasz manunkind #890 hozzászólására.)
why one championship will make play solo?this i dont understand manukind.a championship that you will test your character without any bonuses doesnt mean that you will have to be without a clan or exlude you from any clan activities
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everyone's favoritedeadlockFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
896. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 20:42:28 (Válasz manunkind #893 hozzászólására.)
i have filled the soulwell with the help of my clanmates at the lvl of18 manukind.ofcourse it is possible not all the big clans have a 200 millions soulwell.
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Re: Sugestion box
897. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 21:03:18 (Válasz deadlock #896 hozzászólására.)
deadlock, i'll wager that that wasn't recently or that your clan isn't one of the larger ones or both. that is not possible in my clan. ...i just checked: your soul well is 6 million. my clan's soul well is more than 200 million. if you think clan bonuses offer an advantage, then join or build a robust clan. that's how this game is played.

Subzero, your thesis is that you want weaker players to win more, no? those bonuses are PART of our character, part of our strategy. why would we want to compete without them?
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everyone's favoritedeadlockFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
898. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 21:41:34 (Válasz manunkind #897 hozzászólására.)
actually it was recently and my clan is consider one of the big ones.what i said and you misunderstood is that not all the big clans have a 200millions soulwell as yours so it is possible for a lv20 to join a big clan if his clan mates help.you are mentionig only your clan which has as you said the biggest soulwell of world3 but not all the clans have such a huge soulwell.
Pontszám: 6.67
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
899. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 22:09:41 (Válasz manunkind #897 hozzászólására.)
no my thesis is to have a championship for all players not just for the ones that belong to the fully upgraded clans.the clans benefits it not a strategy it is a bonus dont be confused.besides there is no need to change your gameplay strategy just for one championship.Your question is why would you want to compete without the bonuses,my question is why are you so upset to compete without them in only ONE championship.besides like i said the rewaard will not be abilities but SE or shards which on your lvl doesnt matter to much so win or loose or even skip thethis championship will not effect you and your stategy too much but fr lower lvls and to players that they clan is not fully upgraded it will matter.ANd lets say my suggestion is more challenging than yours
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Re: Sugestion box
900. hozzászólás - 2022.06.05. 22:18:16 (Válasz Subzero777 #894 hozzászólására.)
why i am not surpised manukind?you dont like a championship that more or less give a chance to everyone to win but you like a magic championship that favors only you and your clan.so even if you or you clan mates loose a championship what will happen?,iam not saying that i will win but i at least i and other players that now joining or start building their clans will have a chance to win.why is so terrible for you if you loose a championship?
Pontszám: 10
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