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Re: Sugestion box
861. hozzászólás - 2021.12.02. 21:40:35
i think astral stones could be a reward on the wheel of fortube because you can ger the fetish from clan championship at a low lvl but you cannot train it,or at least lower the lvl that the astral stones are available on the soulhucksster
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Re: Sugestion box
862. hozzászólás - 2022.05.11. 14:32:32
i suggest a new championship.same with the existing one the only differnces are that no clan bonuses will apply and when the winner of the fight advance to the next fight his life will not be full but he will continue with the remaining life from the fight.so even strong player can loose from a weaker opponent if the first fight leave them with not so many HP.for example the after the first fight the winner advance but only with 500HP remaining on the next fight even a weaker opponent can win him if his spell damage him with 500 of even if he survive on the next round will be much more weaker and so on until he has no HP left.winner ofcourse will be the only one remaining alive
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Re: Sugestion box
863. hozzászólás - 2022.05.16. 21:04:52 (Válasz Subzero777 #862 hozzászólására.)
may i ask why? what are you hoping this accomplishes? how does removing clan bonuses and having cumulative damage achieve your objectives?
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Re: Sugestion box
864. hozzászólás - 2022.05.18. 19:47:33 (Válasz manunkind #863 hozzászólására.)
first of all if read i am talking about a new chamionship not to alter the existing one.second removing all the clan bonuses makes it more fair for everyone especially for the new players and the low lvls that are not in a big clan.For example lets say a lvl 20 with clan bonuses plus 160 will always win against a lvl 20 with clan bonuses 60 for example,so i hope you understand what i mean.second with the cumulative damage on fight after fight you may have unexpected winner.let me explain what i mean.lets say you have 10.000 HP you fight againt a strong opponent and win but you survive only with 2000HP on your next you may fight against a weaker opponet but it manage to do you 2000 damage before you kill him so although you are a much stronger player you might loose from a weaker player.Think About it and you will see that it add the element of surpise on the result of the specific championship cause on the current championship we know more or less who will win,it is almost everytime the same persons and almost never new players or players from new clans which havent fully upgraded their buildings
Pontszám: 9.75
very popularmyrmidonasFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
865. hozzászólás - 2022.05.19. 16:24:21 (Válasz manunkind #863 hozzászólására.)
at least players like me that dont belong to big clan like yours with full advantages we might have a chance to win a championship.cause at the moment i dont have a chance to win any championship no matter what strategy i will follow since i have to be agains ppl with bonus attack and def more than 100.You are hitting us ,and i mean players from the big clans everyday and twice per day cause you know we cannot fight back so at least in a championship like this we might win a championship if we are lucky.
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Re: Sugestion box
866. hozzászólás - 2022.05.19. 20:07:48 (Válasz Subzero777 #864 hozzászólására.)
That sounds interesting. Suddenly new levels of strategy emerge, we need to be carefull! Maybe that high damage spell needs to be ditched in favor of one that curses the enemy, wards that absorb physical and magical damage may need to be inscribed in armour and shield... Há Ha like it.

One question, is the damage to pets also commulative? Can the heal wounds skill or Magic regeneration be used in any way to restore some health between rounds ( for master, pets or both)?
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very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
867. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 11:50:38 (Válasz DoomlordFos #866 hozzászólására.)
well the idea is to survive only with your gear in order to eliminate all the bonuses from minion pets and clan bonuses.so it will run like the normal championship like in one night all the fights.the difference is that you relay only on your character and gear no pets,no minios that increase your stats and give bonuses and no clan bonuses.i understand that will not effect so much the high lvls but in the low levels it makes a lot of difference.And the price will not be additional ability points but SE or astral shards,giving the chance for low lvls also to gather shards for astral stones so that can start training the minion before lvl65 and take part on the minion championships also.i think it is a good idea cause low lvl characters in big clans will not rely on the clan bonuses that give a huge advantage against new players.But like i said the high lvls will not understand the difference so much unless the crystal clan opponents,that will have to take part in order to have at least 4 fights per championship, are much stronger.Imagine lvl 200 and above to have to fight 4 fights with strong opponts and strong crystal clan opponents.it might have champions that are not players,That will be a surpise.lol
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Re: Sugestion box
868. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 15:12:45
These are ridiculous ideas.
It's everyones interest to join a strong clan, the ability bonuses are the best motivation to lower level players. I dont personally think it's a good idea to remove these bonuses, just so a weak under lvl50 player could win a championship once in a lifetime with some luck. I guess we all know that these ability bonuses won't make any difference after a certain level...

This cumulative damage won't work either. It would only increase the difference between the stronger and the weaker players, if the latter start to increase their contitution and execution instead of the more useful skills.
In the last normal championship I only lost around 10% of my hp in 2 battles, so that means I could have beaten anoter 15-20 players if I don't run into someone with a level 8-10000 execution skill. I can't imagine spending that much SE on an almost totally useless skill.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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very popularmyrmidonasFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
869. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 16:27:05
i think this a good idea but i dot expect anyone from the big clans to agree.i am lv 32 i will never win belfur on a championship with the clan bonuses he have no matter what i do.And before everybody start yelling for my example i only bring belfur as an example because he is hitting me everyday and with his bonuses even support from my clan members i still dont have a chance.The main problem for me on the game are 2.first the advantage that the big clans have are way too much leaving for new players or players like me that are on smaller clans only 3 choices either leave the game,or join a bigger clan if they want to continue play or continue play and dragged daily on the torure chamber giving SE to the ones that will never stop attacking.And the second is the torture chamber which is the reason of the daily attacks from high clan members since they getting SE for free since there is no escape from the torture chamber
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Re: Sugestion box
870. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 17:07:47 (Válasz myrmidonas #869 hozzászólására.)
Belfur is a great example, he is my clanmate, and it took him almost 9 months to fill the soulwell. When I joined the clan, it took me more than 4 months. I know it's a lot of effort even with the help of the others, but as you can see, the hard work pays off.

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The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
871. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 18:05:49 (Válasz Antidote #868 hozzászólására.)
you are missing the point.first of all not all want to join a strong clan some want to start their own clan with their friends,i know i did when i started the game at least.Second like i said these will effect mostly the low lvl players which lets be honest they have no chance to win a championship against any member of the high lvl clans but at least their will have a chance to win some SE or astel shard for their minion which will eventually give them some bonus earlier than lvl65.As for the cumulative damage think it again.You said you wini with small loses in your lifeon the normal championship.NOw think this you will have to fight at leat 4 fights,in case there not enough players STRONG crystal opponents will be added that will actually do you damage.without any bonuses and only rely on your character and his gear no clan bonuses no pet no minions you will receive more damage in the four fight it could be fatal if for example you have the first 2 fights with strong opponents.BUt like a said this will be more challenging for the low lvls
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Re: Sugestion box
872. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 19:18:38 (Válasz Subzero777 #871 hozzászólására.)
I started my career in a very small clan, so I think I get the point. I had the opportunity to join a big clan and build a good character, and the rest is history. I think I made the right choice. I suggest everybody to do the same, if they want to be successfull in this game.

The generated crystal opponents are always risky. I heard a lot of players moan, because there weren't any other active players in the category, so the game generated some opponents and they smashed them. I think I could beat most of the generated characters but weaker players wouldn't be happy if they lose against NPC characters. Or did you mean to only give generated opponents to the stronger players as some sort of punishment?
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
873. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 20:10:05 (Válasz Antidote #872 hozzászólására.)
no again you got it wrong.Like i said minimum for each category will be 4 fights.Although lower lvls have more active players and most like fullfill the minimum requirements which mean at least 8 players at the higher lvls there not so many players to fullfill this requirements and there the NPCs will be added.for example in my category from what i see on the last championship there are enough players so only 2 NPC are required on your category 4 NPC will be added and if you check on N3L1TO category he is all alone so he will have to fight only NPCs,SERRA and Gasgamar that are just the 2 of them 6 NPC must be added.and if the NPC are strong serra or gasgamar might smash them but if the first fight is betwween them which the winner will have serious damage it might cost him the win against the NPCs.Same it might happen on the lower lvls.The strong NPCs are not punishment as you say only necessary adding to fullfull the minimum 4 fights requirement
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very popularmyrmidonasFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
874. hozzászólás - 2022.05.20. 21:37:47 (Válasz Antidote #870 hozzászólására.)
actually he is not he is just one example of how unballance is the game.let me explain what i mean and to clarify i am not talking for belfur i just use him as an example since we have the fights.if the clan bonuses were only 60 a player like me would have a chance against belsfur since the support from a clan mate would have a point and would give me time to change strategy and maybe win at some point.but now with him having 150 on attack and defence only from clan bonuses i cannot beat him or defend no matter what strategy i will follow.And ofcourse he will never stop since he drag me to the torture chamber and gets free SE from me playing while he dont have to do anything else but hitting daily some time twice per day.now he is leaving me with 3 choices i can play and giving him se and he will never stop hitting or dont play so he will not get free SE and again he will not stop but i will also dont advance or just leave the game as kratos did which as i see it i will also eventually do and return to torn game which is more balanced.As for your doors that are open as you said i cannot join since i am on a different horde
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very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
875. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 10:00:32 (Válasz myrmidonas #874 hozzászólására.)
Active "Big" clans that i know and that accept and help new members:
- homeless beauties and dorks ( diamond)
- crusaders ( saphire).
- Emerald Legion ( Emerald)

Never had a ruby character só don't know any ruby clan...

If you need to Change horde you can also do it, one of the options in the misc section ( 50 ancient stones, outch)

As for attacks from other doomlords the auction hall relic scabard of death Will help you
Pontszám: 9.69
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
876. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 10:47:30 (Válasz DoomlordFos #875 hozzászólására.)
hey fos you forgot about us.lol.you are right about the scarab it helps but the problem for the new players is that first it is not a relic that they can buy,it appears only in the auction from time to time and usually the stakes are high and low lvls dont have the time to gather enough to take part so he have to be patient for long time.i think his choices are either to continue play and keep feeding his attacker until he will be much higher lvl than him so he cannot drag him to the torture chamber but then another one will appear or hide in the catacombes for a while but ususally most of the ones that go to the catacombes they dont come back to the game or stay out of the game for a long time or to spend money to and buy the relic to change his horde without leaving his clan or change horde and leave his clan
Pontszám: 9.50
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
877. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 12:48:54 (Válasz Subzero777 #876 hozzászólására.)
My bad, my bad. You are absolutelly right, dark fighters clan is also one of the big ones... When you guys are active

About the auction it is true, the bids are high and there is no fast way to get golden ducats. We can trade relic shards and temple crystals for ducats, but at low level they are better used to get the focus crystals that reduce the cost of skills/abilities or to get relic coupons... Though!
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Re: Sugestion box
878. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 12:52:58
To be honest, I think there's possibly an other way. You can send a message, and ask if he/she could stop attacking you. If I get a letter from anyone with this request I always try to be understanding, and at least not attack everyday. (Or attack 10 times a day if the message is threatening or insulting. )

The scarab of death is a good idea, as far as your attacker is under level 100. After that there's an AA ability to reduce the effect. I still can't really understand why is that such a big deal to be dragged to someones torture chamber. I also get attacked by higher level players every day, so I know what's it like to be in someone's chamber, but I don't mind. They only get as much as I get from the loyalty bonus, and that is not so much usually.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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very popularmyrmidonasFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
879. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 14:53:16 (Válasz Antidote #878 hozzászólására.)
what would be the point to send a message?now that i didnt even bother him,cause it would be very stupid to do,he is hitting me twice per day.a message wouldnt change anything.but anyway as i said i bring belfur as an example of how unbalance is the game not as a complain.i dont know how much he is getting from the torture but i suppose it must be enough to attack me on a daily base but it is also annoying to see everyday same guy hitting you and you cannot do anything.this is why i say that the game is unbalance if the clan bonuses were not so high the suport from a clan member which is a great idea would have a point.I like challenging a stronger opponent cause it make me change strategy and think way to defend or win but there is no challenge when there is nothing you can do.
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Re: Sugestion box
880. hozzászólás - 2022.05.21. 16:54:36 (Válasz Antidote #878 hozzászólására.)
ok i get it but since they getting your loyalty bonus that mean that you dont do anything else,correct me if i am wrong, except from dragging others to your torture chamber cause i think if you hunt or do the pit of damnation or any other way that you get SE they getting a part of it.this is how the torture chamber works as far as i understand,again if i am wrong correct me
Pontszám: 10
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