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Topic neve: General complaint
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
981. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 10:09:12 (Válasz Tallia #980 hozzászólására.)
And why you think there are so few active players?when someone joins the game or play the game and have this attitude from one player especially during the events why he should stay in the game?i still remember cherokee lvl 65,not a new player, leaving the game because of manukind.Yes manukind seems to be very fond of my clan mates cause as long i can remember on every event on the clan chats always a low lvl player having problem withi his attacks.I mean every year for as long as i can remember i am hearing his name on the clan chats.Honestly he must be the most famous player on the server ........for the wrong reasons and definately the player that his name is always on an discussion .....again not with very good things to say.
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very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: General complaint
982. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 10:56:41 (Válasz manunkind #978 hozzászólására.)
ok you are joking right?Iam LV47 and on the previous event you were attacking me we have almost 200 lvl difference!!!this is not bulling?and this is competition????how can i even fight back?change gear ?ask for support from my clan mates?even if all support me i cannot stand any attack of you!even if you dont wear anything dont use pets or spell i still dont have a chance!And to clear what competitive mean it means that the guy you are fighting might have a chance to fight back now or later by changing strategy or gear.even the amount that you will take from the torure chamber dont worth it an attack on the clan wars will give you more se than dragging me to the torture chamber and yet you were still choosing to attack me!i honestly cannot any reason except filling you ego.What are you afraid?you are in one of the most strong clans with all the bonuses your stats are sky high and yet you are afraid to attack players within your range!
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Re: General complaint
983. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 15:31:47 (Válasz Subzero777 #982 hozzászólására.)
Attacking with subplasma is part of the game, you can argue all day long about, but nothing will change.
If you lose nothing with these attacks, why on earth bothers you so much, you don't get any disadvantage with that.
PvP is one aspect of the game, you must accept it.
It will be much worse, when someone in your attack range, who can beat you, will attack you all day long, until you have SE to steal.
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Re: General complaint
984. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 16:52:26 (Válasz sroth #979 hozzászólására.)
sroth, i assure you the players in my range get attacked too.

for the ruler of the planet event, there is a TASK that requires us to use 50 subplasma attacks. that's the only time i'd waste the resources to hit someone more than once in a day. for what it's worth, i've suggested that task be removed too, Beholder politely declined.

big fish feed on little fish. that's how this works. be the big fish. if you can't be the big fish, play the best game you can. when someone feeds on me, i try to limit the benefit they get from it, but i still play my game. i don't perseverate on the bonus they get and let it ruin my day and come to the forum to complain.
Pontszám: 6.56
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
985. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 16:56:04 (Válasz Tallia #983 hozzászólására.)
actually you are not correct.yes it is PvP but this is not even close to a fair fight with 100 plus lvls difference.As for the second part is someone is within your range is attacking then it is fair pvp.Plus this is challenging makes youthink your strategy and improve your character.Plus if the other is too strong you can protect your self with the support from your clan members until you get strong enough.But is someone with 100lvl is hitting as you said and as he is saying you have to accept it or hide in catacombes until you have the AS to come premium and be able to get rid of those stupid attacks but that means that you will loose the event and plus many are not coming back again.So eventually at some point there will be not so many players noone will spent any money to the game servers will close at some point but the ego of some players will be satisfied because they will have beaten everyone when the servers will close
Pontszám: 9.17
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
986. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 17:04:43 (Válasz manunkind #984 hozzászólására.)
true the ruler of the planet has these task but still you have the whole crystal clan to attack and finish the task without ruining someone game if as you say you need targets for the task. how can you be the big fish when you fight someone with 100 or 200 lvls difference bad example my friend.As for limiting the benefits you have to stop playing or reduce your action for the event so that means that you will lose all the bonus and gifts that the event will give you because someone just feeding from your effort from the event it is not a fight that you can fight back or at least try.remember what you told me?if you dont what to give me your se from the torture thats your problem.
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Re: General complaint
987. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 17:37:35
why would i attack a crystal clan member with subplasmas when i have open torture chamber slots and they can't be dragged in? i'd be happy to attack higher level opponents with subplasmas, but they too cannot be dragged in.

the mistake you continue to make is thinking you have to stop me. when a higher level player attacks you with subplasmas, it costs you nothing. you could choose to ignore it and go about your day playing your best game.
Pontszám: 6.82
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
988. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 21:20:00 (Válasz manunkind #987 hozzászólására.)
first of all i told that if your excuse is that you dont have players to do the task of the 50 subplasma there is the solution of the crystal clan i think this is why it is made because ppl saying that they didnt have enough targets on they range.now that we clear that.what do you mean you cannot drag higher lvl players in your torture?what stops you?the suggestion with the penaly is a solution to stop these attacks cause i dont hink that you will be hitting a lvl50 player that mean 200 lvls lower that you if that attack cost you 100 attack points.so yes i think a penalty in such a high lvl differences will at least equal the things for the lower lvls and the actual abuse of the subplasma attacks,cause you have planty of targets within the 40 lvls( 20minus to 20plus) without penalty.And as you said the mistake is someone to try to stop you or talk to you cause no matter you keep attacking daily during the events i have personal experience in that and i all these years i keep hearing only your name in clan chat for that kind of attacks
Pontszám: 8.75
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
989. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 21:39:11
I'm out, that not worth my time.
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Re: General complaint
990. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 23:10:13 (Válasz sroth #988 hozzászólására.)
at present, i have 8 player targets in my range. our clan torture chamber has 16 slots. members of the crystal clan cannot be dragged into the torture chamber. using subplasmas to attack players above your range does not drag them into the torture chamber. only below does. you may want to reread that.

after i have 16 players in my torture chamber, i generally do not use subplasmas to attack anyone except for required tasks. i rarely use subplasmas to attack anyone anyway. but it is fully within the rules of the game to do so. and events are the best time to do so because that's when players are most active.

you are welcome to continue talking with me, publicly or privately. i will continue to offer what advice i can, and i will remain civil. but why would i not play my best strategic move just because you're complaining?
Pontszám: 7.13
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
991. hozzászólás - 2021.07.08. 10:53:45 (Válasz manunkind #990 hozzászólására.)
i have no plroblem to talk youhowever you want to private or public i have nothing to hide but and pls dont take it the wrong way i dont need advice from you cause we have completly different game play,you choose to fight players that cannot fight back i choose to fight players nd challenge them to improve their character or improve mine in order to beat them.regarding the subplasma i didnt thought that you will us subplasma to attack higher lvls cause this is not your thing.besides the whole conversation started with one suggestion which for me it is very good i do hope to take effect,maybe then the new players and the new players that we are trying to bring maybe they stay to the game cause trust me noone want to get attacked daily from a player that is 200 lvl above him eventually he will leave.if you want to continue the conversation i ahve no problem if you post here i will answer here if you send me message i will answer i have no problem
Pontszám: 10
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
992. hozzászólás - 2021.07.08. 13:43:51 (Válasz sroth #991 hozzászólására.)
When a player uses subplasma to attack you, you do not lose any soul energy, nor you suffer any other disadvantage. If you still dislike the mostly role-player concept of torture chamber, there is an item called Scarab of Death, which you can win on the auction and can protect you from this.
Pontszám: 6.74
very popularGreekmanFérfi
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Re: General complaint
993. hozzászólás - 2021.07.08. 13:59:57 (Válasz Miklos #992 hozzászólására.)
actuall you can be dragged to the torture even with the scarab the player that attack you loose the se that has at the moment but if he has zero SE on him he can drag you without penalty.And even this can be cancelled cause there is an option that the scarab has no efffect,So you can be dragged to the torture chamber no matter what.The only way to avoid this is only if you are premium and someone cannot attack you with subplasma to drag you,players within your range can still drag you but ok this is fair
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Re: General complaint
994. hozzászólás - 2021.07.08. 14:24:07
Greekman, if you attack with subplasma a player below your range and the target has the scarab of death, you cannot drag him into your torture chamber.
Pontszám: 7.13
very popularsirius158Férfi
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Re: General complaint
995. hozzászólás - 2021.09.17. 13:04:42
so higher lvls can attack much lower lvls and drag them to the torture chamber unless they have the scarab but lower lvls when attack and win higher lvls they cannot drag them to the torture chambers even if they dont have the scarab.So how this is fair?A lvl 200 to attack a lvl40 and drag him and a lvl61 to attack a lvl74 and cannot drag him to the torure chamber?
Pontszám: 8.33
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
996. hozzászólás - 2021.09.20. 12:41:43
Have to agree. It really is strange that if you subplasma attack a Higher level doomlord and a lower level one you can only drag the lower level to the chamber.

Maybe ( and this is me guessing) it is a way to not cause unbalances at our own duel range... Tipically Dragunov lower level players to the chamber gives Next to nothing, Dragunov higher levels would give much more SE all this extra soul energy could make us much more powerfull then the other players in our level range... Again, me guessing.
Pontszám: 9.45
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
997. hozzászólás - 2021.09.20. 14:41:13 (Válasz sirius158 #995 hozzászólására.)
You are right, that's not fair.
Write a complaiment to the customer support, i'm really curious what they will reply.
A hozzászólást Tallia módosította 2021.09.20. 14:42:28-kor
Pontszám: 7.90
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
998. hozzászólás - 2021.09.20. 16:01:56 (Válasz DoomlordFos #996 hozzászólására.)
The reason for this is simple.
Let's suppose your level 300 friend puts on equipment which reduces his stats, sends his pets to rest etc. And you, at level 200, fully equipped can defeat him and drag to the torture chamber. You will get an insane amount of soul energy with this exploit. Ok maybe 300 vs 200 can't do it, but 250 vs 200 probably can.
Pontszám: 7.69
very popularsirius158Férfi
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Re: General complaint
999. hozzászólás - 2021.10.15. 15:04:02 (Válasz Miklos #998 hozzászólására.)
yes but with the same logic a lvl 300 dragging a lvl200 because he attack him with subplasma will get a huge amount also.so either higher lvl when attacking much lower lvls must get a penalty on duel point or rducing they stats for that duel,for example a lvl 200 when attacking a lvl 100 to get a penalty of 100 on all of his stats for that duel or let the subplasma work for alll
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very popularGreekmanFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1000. hozzászólás - 2021.10.15. 15:06:34
when you lvlup your minions your stats should be increased not degrease,right?then why my stats decreased when i lvl up my minions?
Pontszám: 8.76
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