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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1681. hozzászólás - 2023.12.29. 16:20:51 (Válasz gasgamar #1679 hozzászólására.)
"The thing about smart people is that they seem like insane people to dumb people." — Stephen Hawking.

ask your friend to explain that to you since you seem to have problem and need maukind to tell you what to do and explain things to you
Pontszám: 8.84
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Re: General complaint
1682. hozzászólás - 2023.12.31. 17:22:46
Happy New Year mausoleum moles! May you scurry and chitter in good health, wrapped safely in your warm cocoon of self-righteous indignation.
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Re: General complaint
1683. hozzászólás - 2024.01.09. 14:02:47

This event is a waste of time and duel points. No human targets, only clones. Only 9 of them are in my range, so I have to use subplasmas if I want to reach the 400 wins, and it is even a bigger waste of duel points.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

Efficiency is key.
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Re: General complaint
1684. hozzászólás - 2024.01.09. 15:43:16 (Válasz Antidote #1683 hozzászólására.)
it's not a great solution, but you could change huckster armies. that might give you a a couple targets.
Pontszám: 8.40
very popularKhineNő
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Re: General complaint
1685. hozzászólás - 2024.01.10. 12:57:53
More targets should be joining the war as time goes by. *The redhead adds from a quiet corner, her green eyes still focused on her book* Some news take some time to spread and to reach ears.

Regarding, whether it is a waste of your time or energy, that's your choice to make. After all, life is all about the choices we make... and the consequences that come from them. *shrugs slightly as her eyes lose focus for a brief moment, deep in her memories*

PS you can also play around with duel point setting, and that would likely add more targets (if you are capped to just attacking higher targets) but yes, I know... that would be another "waste" *winks playfully*
Pontszám: 9.92
averageEvo signoracciFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1686. hozzászólás - 2024.07.21. 20:32:49 (Válasz ChaoticGemini #1 hozzászólására.)
tried logging in yesterday several times from laptop and phone,and you guys killed my loyalty bonus...again for stuff that's doomlord's error and problem, maybe it's time to quit
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very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1687. hozzászólás - 2024.07.24. 11:44:27 (Válasz Evo signoracci #1686 hozzászólására.)
This has happened to me several times, had to clear the browser cash files to be able to login again... No idea why that is, but it worked.
Pontszám: 9.60
averageEvo signoracciFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1688. hozzászólás - 2024.10.29. 07:45:36
My temple of doom is clicked, doesn't count my visits to lady Avril or clan building stats, and top leader board, I can't finish it now a waisted 25 days , this game is going to shit
Pontszám: 5
everyone's favoriteDalekFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1689. hozzászólás - 2024.10.29. 20:42:54 (Válasz Evo signoracci #1688 hozzászólására.)
In the game : Right corner Help--> Message center, New ticket

General area of question:
Describe the subject in 1-2 words:
Pontszám: 7.50
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Re: General complaint
1690. hozzászólás - 2024.10.31. 03:20:17 (Válasz Evo signoracci #1688 hozzászólására.)
Dalek is right. submit a help ticket.
Pontszám: 8.01
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1691. hozzászólás - 2024.12.24. 20:45:06
did anyone notice that today all the minions HP are only 10?no matter the lvl or the gear they were all minion until lvl200 have only 10 HP and above 200 only 20!!
Pontszám: 7.41
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Re: General complaint
1692. hozzászólás - 2024.12.24. 23:50:02 (Válasz Subzero777 #1691 hozzászólására.)
mine the same.all my minions have only 10 HP!!!
Pontszám: 7.63
very popularthor77Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1693. hozzászólás - 2024.12.27. 17:47:53 (Válasz Subzero777 #1691 hozzászólására.)
same here.no matter if the minons have 20 plus in constitution and have equipment that also increase the constitutin the HP remains 10 even if the minion lvl up
Pontszám: 8.42
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Re: General complaint
1694. hozzászólás - 2024.12.28. 01:35:23 (Válasz Subzero777 #1691 hozzászólására.)
submit a help request with the in-game button (upper-right).
Pontszám: 6.76
very popularSubzero777Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1695. hozzászólás - 2024.12.31. 21:33:24 (Válasz manunkind #1694 hozzászólására.)
manukind i know how to make a ticket.thanks.ticket was already done before i post here,just wanted tosee if i was the only one that had the problem or more had the same problem.
Pontszám: 7.33
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Re: General complaint
1696. hozzászólás - 2024.12.31. 23:48:26 (Válasz manunkind #1694 hozzászólására.)
i have submitted a ticket but they delay on answer.anyway miklos said that the dsplayed HP is wrong but the real HP of the minion havent changed.he said the will fix it soon
Pontszám: 7.46
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Re: General complaint
1697. hozzászólás - 2025.01.02. 02:58:56 (Válasz Subzero777 #1695 hozzászólására.)
my apologies for trying to be helpful.
Pontszám: 7.35
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