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Temple of Doom
1. hozzászólás - 2012.04.05. 12:34:21
Temple of Doom, our current development is in the testing phase, it is possible that it can go live by next week.

Temple of Doom will be available from level 1.
There will be a new button for it on the left menu, under Actions.
Temple of Doom will have 3 levels:

4 x 4 (for level 1-30 doomlords) 2 weeks
5 x 5 (for level 31-50 doomlords) 3 weeks
6 x 6 (for level 51+ doomlords) 4 weeks
Higher levels are more difficult but you have more times to complete.
You get a specified number of missions in the temple, which can be completed parallel to each other. If you complete all missions in a row or column, you will get a lesser reward immediately (wheel of fortune common or rare reward) and a temple crystal which can be exchanged for a number of rewards.
If you complete ALL missions in the given time, you get the BIG reward. You can do a new temple after the time expires. You can't start a new temple even if you finish it earlier.
You can skip up to 2 missions per temple if you find them to difficult, and they will be marked as completed. The cost of this will be soul-energy or ancient stones by your choice.

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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
2. hozzászólás - 2012.04.05. 12:59:38
What will the different missions be like? Can you give us examples (or even better the full list!)?

And it looks really good so far, but it is difficult to give any specific feedback/comments without knowing what the individual "tasks" are.
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
3. hozzászólás - 2012.04.05. 14:51:04
Examples are: Win X duel on the same day, roll the wheel of fortune X times, find X essences, buy a new helm, acquire X treasure points etc.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
4. hozzászólás - 2012.04.05. 16:43:45 (Válasz Miklos #3 hozzászólására.)

Are all the quests active all the time, or do you have to chose on at a time to have as active (like Quests)?

Really looking forward to this, could be a really nice addition to the game.
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
5. hozzászólás - 2012.04.05. 17:49:06
All the quests are active, so you can do them parallel to each other.
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Re: Temple of Doom
6. hozzászólás - 2012.04.05. 23:00:24
Looks great! Excellent introduction to the game, apparently.
Just need to be careful not to create frustration among players. Buying a new helm every 4 weeks seems extremely hard. A helm costs more than 10,000 SD, which means at least 4 adventures per day. In W2, top 25th has less than 1000 adventures and the game has been on for a long time. Do the monthly average and you will realize 4 adventures per day is too much.
Also, don't forget to include an extra column in the achievements. And the same should be done for the clan quests.

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Re: Temple of Doom
7. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 13:12:03 (Válasz Cruel01 #6 hozzászólására.)
I agree with Cruel in one point but I can understand what the staff wants. (I rarely do adventures, so buing an item that costs SD.. will be a pain)
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
8. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 13:20:49
I imagine that quests like the "Buy X" will be the type of quests that you will want to take away with you "take away 2 quests". But sometimes you will want to do them, so I think they are good to include, just as long as there aren´t too many of them.

And including some reasons for people to do Adventures is perhaps good? Isn´t it odd that there is a feature of the game that people don´t do, because the reward for doing so is so small?
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everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: Temple of Doom
9. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 14:06:03
i agree there are some problems in adventures. eg: the upper limit of trapping skill is 30. in adventures they sometimes want 40-45 because of player's level. but what can the player do? the upper limit is 30. the player MUST buy crystal points to compensate and spend SE.
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Re: Temple of Doom
10. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 14:41:27 (Válasz Sbart #8 hozzászólására.)
I agree.. and I disagree. ^_^

There is the adventures function yes. I don't really do them because:

has x battles → takes HP/SP
consumes potions
includes an adventure skill based roll → consumes like 50 CPs (I don't train adventure skills)

On the other hand, it is understandable, that the staff wants users to utilize the feature.

The best thing in DL is, that you have the chance to play your own style. I'm glad there will be a "pass on it" function.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
11. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 16:20:40 (Válasz Kethios #10 hozzászólására.)
But Adventures would be a "profitable" feature if soul-diamonds was a currency that you really wanted. As it stands right now, Adventures is a feature of the game that transforms SE->Soul-diamonds (through potions, skills you have to buy, straight up SE costs, and crystal points). If people do not want to do Adventures it is because they do not want the Soul-diamonds that you get from them, or the "exchange rate" is so ow that it becomes unprofitable.

My guess is that this is because there is a very limited selection of things you can buy for soul-diamonds. In essence there is:
1) A number of relics, which are quite good. But the highest level one is level 110, and I do not think there are any above this level
2) Armour and shields. These are good, but are also premium items (i.e. they cost Ancient stones)
3) Boots, but only every 5 levels, and you don´t always want to upgrade. Also Focus crystals for boots, but these are also premium items
4) Helmets (and focus crystals for helmets). But these are also limited by collecting helmet shards.
6) Some pet equipment. Once again, premium items.

So as you can see, a lot of the items that you need SD for are premium items, and once you have bought the Relics it is very easy to collect a lot of SD and not have anything to spend them on.

My personal opinion is that it is wrong to have a feature of the game like this, a feature which the players feel like "I don´t want to do this, because I don´t get anything from it, I only loose". Adventures are a kind of challenge, and I think that they should be challenging and the reward should be useful, independent of if you are a premium player or not. The easy way to solve this (and keep the adventure system intact as it is) is to introduce new items you can buy for soul-diamonds. I would suggest some kind of temporary, but powerful items, things that players would say "I want that, I really should do some Adventures!".
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everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: Temple of Doom
12. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 16:39:52
and dont forget what i said. beating adventures without using crystal points should be POSSİBLE, it is sometimes impossible as it is.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
13. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 16:50:23 (Válasz baggybag #12 hozzászólására.)
Sometimes the test are above the limit of the skill, but it actually have to be like that. The reason for that is that you get (Random)+Skill to beat the Difficulty. If the Difficulty could not go higher that the Max of the skill, then you would always succeed on tests against skills which you have maxed out.
Also, there are at least two ways to get a bonus to the (Random) part of that. The Survivor AA ability gives +1/level, and the Energy sanctum Clan building gives +1/10 levels.
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Re: Temple of Doom
14. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 20:25:00
My problem with adventures is that fights really hurt EH players, as the SE/XP payout is very low.

But this is not even my point. As a matter of fact, I used to have the same approach as Kethios until I realized how important relics are. Today I am doing lots of them (despite hating the SE/XP payout) and will probably be top 25 soon. And still, I am far from doing 4 per day. In my opinion, very few people in W2 will be able to achieve that.

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2012.04.06. 20:28:30-kor
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
15. hozzászólás - 2012.04.06. 23:27:00 (Válasz Cruel01 #14 hozzászólására.)
Yes, but you will only do that (Adventures) until you have achieved your goal: Buy the Relics. After that? Why would you (in the current state of things) do adventures?
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.04.06. 23:27:10-kor
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Re: Temple of Doom
16. hozzászólás - 2012.04.07. 01:22:34
I wouldn't.
Not until the low SE/XP ratio for EH isn't changed.
The moment I get all relics, I will simply skip this part of the personal quest.

But we are discussing 2 different things here.
First one is your claim that you make more SDs than you can spend. I am not even close to this, so I can't really agree. Your problem is that you are number 1 in adventures by far in W2
Second one is the fact that very few people can do 4 adventures per day.

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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
17. hozzászólás - 2012.04.07. 11:43:24
It is very true that I have a lot more Adventures done than anyone else in W2, but my argument stands: Adventures are not profitable to do after a certain point (and I think you agree with that).
So I am mostly arguing that the way to "save" this feature of the game would be to make sure that there are items costing Soul-diamonds that people want. Examples of such items would be temporary relics that increases the XP pets gain from fights and Kennel, Potions that speed up your HP (or SP) regen for a few days, and similiar items that give you a temporary advantage that you couldn´t get from SE.

About the 4 adventures/day: My guess is that the number of different tasks in the ToD is sufficent enough that you will not always get the "Buy a helmet" one in every ToD you do. If implemented smart enough, I would guess that tasks are labeled according to difficulty, and some harder ones cannot show up more than once in a single ToD, and furthermore perhaps only a few such tasks in every ToD. If you look at the image in the original post you can see that some tasks show up more than once, while others only once.
Combined with the ability to skip tasks, this will hopefully mean that you will not need to do 4 adventures per day to complete the ToD.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.04.07. 11:55:44-kor
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everyone's favoriteWormtailFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
18. hozzászólás - 2012.04.10. 18:54:59
Now this new thing sound really cool!
I can't wait for it to start.
I hope no problems will appear.
I promise that I'll try to be the first who finish it first.

Make it visible on the highscores too!
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Temple of Doom
19. hozzászólás - 2012.04.11. 09:04:12 (Válasz Wormtail #18 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Wormtail - 2012.04.10. 18:54:59

Make it visible on the highscores too!

My first thought was "Yes, should definitely be tracked in high scores!". But what should be tracked? Total number of tasks would only give an advantage to higher level players. So the only thing to track that would make sense would be the number of completed ToD, a number that would instead benefit low level players. So i don´t really know how it would be tracked in high scores, but it would be cool if it was.

And when is the Temple opening?
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much likedTheLion
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Re: Temple of Doom
20. hozzászólás - 2012.04.12. 02:54:30 (Válasz Sbart #19 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2012.04.11. 09:04:12
And when is the Temple opening?

Initially in 1984 to mixed reviews So do we get a sidekick named "short round" that follows us to the temple?
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