Idézet: stekkos - 2010.11.11. 04:48:13 I wouldnt call it a range of rewards, it just doubles the se you get. So if on a duel you get 1000se from the player, you get 2000 instead without him loosing the extra 1000. How did you come to the conclusion it does not give you the proper ammount?
That is what I thought, but it doesn't seem the case.
Character pages show both lost SE and losses, so if their only added loss is from me while they lost much more than half the SE I got, it makes you wonder... (I took into account the fact that they take time to update.
I also did some experiments with someone to take a look at how the looting works and this was one of the conclusions, I couldn't however determine what determined the effectiveness of the skill.
Thirdly, occasionally people I attack send messages that make mention of the amount I took from them and it doesn't always equal to half of what I received.
I guess I should repost in the 'bugs' section if nobody has a clue about it.