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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2010.12.16. 23:04:27
Idézet: adonies - 2010.12.16. 19:03:11
In the movie Charlie & the chocolate factory, what type of creatures are the little factory workers?

oompa-loompas <--- correct

This question requires the reader to have actually watched the movie.

Watched the movie (~1975), watched the movie (~2008), or read the book in school or in leisure time, or seen any of the dozen+ spoofs on tv, and not have access to Google (or any search engine)... Basically not have lived in a cave. for the last 1/2 century.
Dátum: 2010.12.14. 19:29:17
the four lovers was a previous name of which famouse group?

Just needs editing for capitalization, grammar and spelling - that's all. How this got passed with some of the other marginal spelling mistakes that get rejected is rather annoying.
Dátum: 2010.12.14. 19:26:24
What is not part of Canada?
Baffin Island
Victoria Island
North Island
Somerset Island

Not sure how this is useful knowledge
Dátum: 2010.12.14. 01:28:59
Idézet: adonies - 2010.12.13. 17:06:24
The animated American television sitcom "The Flintstones" played in what prehistoric setting?

Neolithic age
Iron Age
Bronze Age
Stone Age <-- marked as correct

I'd argue that since they're a comic series that shows no regard to history (e.g. dinosaurs, pulled-carts, domesticated animals), this question should be removed.

Flintstones... Meet the Flintstones,
They're a modern stoneage family.
From the town of Bedrock,
They're a page right out of history.

Let's ride with the family down the street.
Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet.

When you're with the Flintstones,
have a yabba dabba doo time,
a dabba doo time,
we'll have a gay old time

Amongst the available answers, isn't the correct one rather obvious?
Dátum: 2010.12.13. 08:00:24
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.12.13. 07:56:49
Send an e-mail to Miklós or one of the admins. Editing values in adventures and reducing costs of potions are their decision. I sometimes have to spend 150 CP in one adventure on the hun server at lvl 60 so I support the reduction.

Well, Mik, you're our "Player Advocate". There are several suggestions in play right now, so when is your next "meeting" planned?
Dátum: 2010.12.13. 07:04:52
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.12.13. 06:53:45
I agree, i ve never seen an online game that is less greedy that this one, for non prem there are so many options and thats unusal in online games, i think its a fair balance between pay and no pay and i defo dont think they are being greedy, i only wish we could grow the game even more cos i bet with a bigger layer base the developers would really put all other games to shame.

Travian, a FAR larger game with many, many, MANY times more players is far more playable for free than Doomlord.

The thing is - I'm willing to pay if I am receiving a legitimate benefit. Pet equipment (although there should be lower-grade stuff available for just SE too), premium membership, acceleration options, etc. These are legitimate. Adventures though, are just quickly becoming a big negative for me - I just went up a level, and the Attribute requirements for an adventure I wrote just went up 15-20 points each! I went from spending about 20 CPs on my adventure to almost 80! The value just isn't there - so instead of spending Stones here and there to get that little boost - if I stop Adventuring at all, then my game suffers, plus I don't spend as much money on the game. When you don't provide value, then everyone loses.

Really, if the Crystal Potion cost 2 DP and 1 AS, would that really hurt the bottom line? Wouldn't people be 5x as likely to buy that over the potion costing 5 DP and 5 AS? Wouldn't people be FAR more likely to buy the AS potion over the SE one? For me personally, I buy several SE ones for every AS one. If it cost 1 AS instead of 5, I would exclusively buy the AS version (and likely a lot more). But by being greedy, Doomlord loses revenue from me - and others who say that they discard Adventures that have too high a cost. If the cost was lowered to a "value" amount, would people still discard the adventures. It's really that simple
Dátum: 2010.12.12. 20:16:23
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.12.12. 11:47:36
Idézet: Galana - 2010.12.11. 23:21:25
Idézet: MsPiggy - 2010.12.11. 14:15:17
Of course that won't change the fact that many would be happier if you only needed to spend CP once...

That's all I'm asking for. If you pass a test, it stays passed. Just like fights. Just like questions. Just like HP and SP stuff. I want to know WHY a passed test resets when none of the other categories do. Soul Diamonds are an important currency in the game, so restricting the ability for someone to accumulate them crates further imbalance in the game.

Like I said, I'm willing to pay if my level isn't high enough; but it's absolute garbage to have to pay twice or more. I don't see why I should have to use a cheat sheet to get around an obvious flaw in the game. Just fix the flaw!

They won't, it's a "milking" opportunity.

A lot of players just buy cp's via the AS potion; thus they make money. If they implement a fix for it, they make less money.

And they simply won't admit that fact. It all falls down to how much money they make; and as long as players give them money; they'll have a "F you all" attitude.

But if you piss off players, they will buy fewer (or no) stones. Treating customers with respect is the best way to keep customers.
Dátum: 2010.12.12. 19:16:54
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.12.11. 11:46:32
Lord Dracula was an actual person, ofcourse not a vampire as the legend says. He did exist though as human and the story goes to show how he became a vampire. So he still can be accepted as human

Still, really ambiguous since the question asks "which of the following fiction characters is not human"

Dracula WAS human, but not IS human (meaning permanently human). Kick it.
Dátum: 2010.12.12. 19:10:42
What is the study of meaning?

Semantics is listed correct, but it could easily be Secularity - given that religion is often considered the search for meaning. Since the question does not specify language, this question is rather ambiguous.
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 07:44:27
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.12.11. 07:34:02
On a side note, you did get your question accepted after all

Yes, but imagine how much happier I would have been if:

a) There was a little box that said "Rejected for spelling - check "generally"
b) An evaluator could say "Well, a simple little oops. There all fixed now."

Are the simplest options truly not the best ones? Is customer satisfaction truly that low a priority for the company that exists (assumedly) to make money? This game does a lot of things well. But the mind-numbing stupidity around a lot of areas is truly baffling.

And where the hell has Kethos been for the last month+?
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 07:15:49
Peter Murphy fronted what band, which is genreally considered the pioneers of Goth Rock?
Love & Rockets
Depeche Mode
Skinny Puppy

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

Yes, after posting the question twice (and having it be rejected twice), I now see the spelling error - ONLY because I posted it in this forum, and the FFox spellcheck found it. Otherwise, I would just be a(nother) pissed off user.


And yet ANOTHER proof why it is beyond retarded to prevent Evaluators from correcting questions on the fly.

I am just so sick of shit like this.
Dátum: 2010.12.10. 23:22:35
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.11.30. 21:31:24
and that 30k can be wiped out in 2 or 3 duels with someone having benefit of higher level equipment.

im with Lydon, 30k is peanuts:)

But what does it cost you to participate? You're going to hunt anyways. You're going to duel anyways... So what, there was a nominal "entry fee".

If you're going to complain about every event, then take the easy solution - stop participating in any of them!
Dátum: 2010.12.10. 23:00:14
Kanye West is...?

The listed answers fail to include "A Jackass"

Dátum: 2010.12.10. 01:49:27
Idézet: dark22 - 2010.12.10. 00:48:54
As I understood problem is with inability to correct simple spelling mistakes ( no one is allowed to change anything you wrote on their server without your approval or line in terms of agr.) so sometimes evaluators are in tough position.

Yeah, this has been said a few times, but questions are corrected all the time - including a few of my own that needed to be edited for minor spelling / clarification after the fact. Nobody asked my permission to do so. So either I will be taking the Admins to court - or this "reason" is just another excuse to do nothing.

Is there a way to enable evaluators to fix the bad phrasing and/or small spelling mistakes?

There is - just do it. If you feel the need to cover your backside, then have a modified Terms of Agreement. But there is really no excuse, other than laziness.

That way there should be less errors in quiz itself and if we do see spelling error we will know whos fault it is (evaluators of course:) and who to direct complains to.

As it is now all they do is simply remove questions if they somehow passed the evaluation but get torched by the players (congrats MartinBV, your efforts are endless in making quiz more error free).

Which is oh-so much fun for all involved. Imagine what this one simple little patch would do for customer relations and efficiency.

But again, that's counting on Admin to do something. After that first little burst of improvements, it appears that this forum once more has been a black hole of good ideas and no action.
Dátum: 2010.12.10. 00:17:08
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.12.06. 18:57:40
ok tried addblocker plus for firefox, right click page rank and fb click addb lock and they gone, thanks again Inv_

Nicely done D00m. Worked like a charm. Maybe as a little word of warning to the Dev's, we should start blocking everything that makes them a few 10ths of a cent per view. Who knows - maybe they would start listening to us then???
Dátum: 2010.12.10. 00:08:59
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.12.09. 14:07:40

EDIT: I don't think they have time to correct grammatical errors. These are the international servers and although I agree grammar and spelling should be correct, I prefer the developers to make new events instead of spending hours correcting grammar which might even be difficult for them (with English not being their first language). As long as they clear up the ones that are wrong, I'm happy.

Programmers & Admin are a different group than Moderation. I would (hope to) assume that Evaluators are English First Language. Using them to provide rejected question feedback (like in a text box on the rejected question) and/or rudimentary spelling & grammar correction would improve the game immensely - while taking away nothing from the development of the rest of the game.
Dátum: 2010.12.09. 06:51:30
The barbs on a cat's tongue are for _?
scraping meat off of bones (marked right)
Grooming (marked wrong)

Both are right. It's the evaluators who are wrong.
Dátum: 2010.12.09. 04:26:08
Idézet: V3nG3nC3X - 2010.12.06. 14:57:53
From your explanation I can get a question rejected because I didn't capitalize the first word in a sentence? That would be a good reason if it wasn't for the fact I've seen several questions that failed to do so also. That really isn't a spelling mistake so much as it is an improper sentence structure, correct? If the reason given is a generalized response shouldn't there be a message with a more specific reason as to what the evaluator was referring to? Instead of wasting my time looking for a misspelled word and finding none, which leads to frustration, a simple message attached saying "Please make sure the first F@#%#% word to your question is capitalized.". How hard would that be? Maybe the evaluators get a kick from the frustration they create.

For some unknown reason this is acknowledged by all sides as a positive element to build in - yet here we are, more a year later (I first suggested this before I quit World 1 in frustration over the Quiz bullshit) - and it still can't happen.
Dátum: 2010.12.09. 03:26:51
What is a Samurai?
A japanese Warrior

A minor complaint, but the nationality must be capitalized, while warrior might or might not - but certainly not at the "expense" of Japanese.
Dátum: 2010.12.05. 06:15:14
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.12.03. 10:51:10
I did. Still, they won't change them.

Yeah, we're only the paying customers after all.

It's one thing to say no, and provide a logical and meaningful explanation.

It's another thing to just say no.