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Hozzászólások - Miklos

Dátum: 2012.05.28. 10:10:26
About the Landragor event rewards: the computer determines the total SE you should get, and uses it to improve your abilites. Be assured, the more dracons you killed, the more you get. But! This is ability improve. The amount you can improve depends on your current abilities. So if your strength is 300, you can improve it more from the same (or even more) SE than if it is 500. Also be comfortable, all modifiers were taken into account, megaessences, item modifiers, skills, relics, AA skills etc.

About clan/picture approval: I'm sorry for the delay, we have an admin who have to do this, and it seems she is slacking. I did it for you now.
Dátum: 2012.05.28. 09:47:14
Sbart: You are right about that whenever a change is made, it would be wiser to discuss it in advance with all players, not only those who play on the original server. The reasons why we do it this way: the population of the original servers is like 10 times than the population of all international servers combined. So its not about Hungarian, or English, or Russian. It's about asking the 90% of the players about it. Yes we could get a better result if we ask 100%, but it would not modify it. And it is much better (for us) to do this on a single forum on a single language, than coordinating a 4-language multi-vote-discussion.

Cruel01: Trust me, it is never wise to nerf things or take away things from players. I make games since 20 years, and learned this lesson. DD might be an unbalanced thing, but if we remove it, that will cause more harm than good. It is better to make the other side more appealing so people switch on their own. Btw it IS possible that we change DD so it does not give less XP but it gives more SE, but this has to be discussed later.

Piko: making it super-easy between DD and EH would be a huge mistake. As a result, everyone would always hunt with DD and always duel with EH, the game would slow down more, and players would be forced not to do things because its "suboptimal".
Dátum: 2012.05.25. 09:15:26
Borecdan: you are right. Although I dont think EH was a mistake (after a while, it is very hard to find opponents who can give SE from duels because they learn to hide it), but DD was. Actually on newer worlds and newer versions (Hungarian world5, Russian, Slovak Doomlord) there is no DD. But we can't remove it from existing worlds. We can, and we did balance it.

But the above problem is not related to DD. Even if there would be no DD, people who always spend all APts (a minority) and those who sometimes play would get further and further apart. In many games, this is solved by having unlimited attack range. Ie. the 2 years uber character can attack the lvl 1 newbie (and benefit from it). We choose a different path, and I still think this is better.

People sometimes say XP is bad. Going ahead weakens your character. Although I disagree with these statements, the above change helps the matter. Getting more xp will actually improve your SE/XP now so people might be less motivated to fall behind.

Rzagos. In your example, player 1 stops playing and player 2 continues playing for the entire time. So player 2 benefits from daily activities like wheel of fortune, duels, quests etc. Also because player 2 started playing later, he had more targets, he could use bonuses from an existing clan, possibly he could take advantage of developments which didn't exist while player 1 played. So even while player 1 received a bonus while he played, I believe that by the time player 2 catches up with him, player 2 will be more powerful.
Dátum: 2012.05.24. 12:40:52
Actually, SE/XP is irrelevant for the top players. This ratio was "invented" to model your efficiency compared to other players if you are in the mid-field. Being stronger than players of the same or near same level is critical so people from above are less likely to defeat you.

However, on the top, the case is different. No one is attacking you from above, and you are not trying to slow down to avoid attackers from above. Actually, instead of SE/XP, pure SE total is what measures your characters strength. And this value will NOT change with the above modification.

People in the top will not get more powerful or anything.

Ok the second question is, how does this affects players "below" them. Please note that between players who are in attack range, the difference will be only a few percentages. So yes, the 30th guy will advance a bit slower than the 40th. But this will not result in advantage, quite the opposite. The 40th will be able to catch up with the 30th, and as the level and the equipment level difference decreases, that makes up for the better SE/XP. This will also grant a chance for everyone to get to the top.

This is a quite complicated game theory problem, we argued a lot about it, done many calculations. And it seems this is not going to put any player at disadvantage, but it makes the game more enjoyable for many, and it also increases competition.
Dátum: 2012.05.21. 15:02:42
Actually, I have no clue why the programmer implemented it this way. I was pretty sure myself that it gets completely deleted. Prolly because with the infection bonus it would have caused some complications, I dont know, will ask him about it. Btw space-rifting with EH AAs is still not a good deal you lose a lot of AA points.

Btw I dont think to many people should do this. You either play the space-rift tactics, in case strictly no AAs which gets deleted. Or you do the EH way with all the AAs, then you don't kill your char with switching. Only case which I can think of is when you want to change your tactics permanently, and accept the cost of changing. But in that case people will not switch back, so there is really no point in saving the bonus...
Dátum: 2012.05.21. 13:54:48
Sbart: the platinum belt has 3.5% because at higher level this gives still a very big SE advantage, so it is on par with the other relics. Mithril one gives 4%.

Guys thanks for helping answering Phaedrus's problem.
Dátum: 2012.05.21. 13:52:20
Yes I think the same, you might have set a specific pet to trap. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure there is no bug with the trapping skill.
Dátum: 2012.05.21. 13:51:03
Ok, here is the answer from the programmer.

When you increased EH to 60, then switched to DD, the program displays skill level 60 so when you switch back to EH you won't lose the +10. But the DD will work as if it is only 50. So there is no bug, this is to protect players from losing a massive amount of SE when using space-rift potion. Also, if you use the +5 from infection0 on EH, and switch, the +5 will stay there, you do not lose the opporunity. So if you are switching you have to put +5 on one only once and it will stay there. So this is a user-friendly solution but I admit it is delusive.

So when you put +5 on your DD it was actually useful for you.
Dátum: 2012.05.20. 20:18:25
Thank you! We will fix it, and of course we can check if anyone have a DD of 60 and can correct that as well.
Dátum: 2012.05.18. 18:35:22
There is an effect in the game where the distance between top characters get bigger and bigger. There are several reason for this, some players use up all the resources, but most not and fall back. There are some unfortunate results of this. First, the top characters run out of pvp targets. Second, some things are not really designed if there is 5 lvl difference between 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. For example it is not very funny if on the championship you have to fight your own clones. Thirdly, latecomers has no chance to fight their way to the top.

To solve these problems, we add a modifier to the experience needed to level up for the top 50 characters. The 1st character on the top list will need 100% more xp to level up, the 2nd will need 98% more etc. the 50th will need 2% more. This way, characters close in level to each other will have only a slight difference, so the power balance will not fail, but it will tighten the field a bit.

This change will take effect approx. in 1.5-2 weeks. We will modify a few additional things too:
1.) In clan quest to get the bonus you will need the old xp, not the new xp, so getting max clan quest will not get more difficult.
2.) In the temple of doom, we will modify the task "advance 2 levels" to "gain (x) XP" where (x) is a bit more than needed to level up (without the above modifier).
3.) from lvl 160 and up xp needed to level up will not increase exponentially.
Dátum: 2012.05.18. 18:24:20
Malystryx: For quests which require you to do things on a single day, like hunt 50 times, capture 5 pets, or collect X XP, after you are finished, you have to revisit the temple on the same day to validate the quest. I think this could have been your problem. The task text says it as well that after you did the task you have to come back to the temple.

Sbart: thanks for the notice, we will correct that on Monday. Whenever we add new things to the game we try to give an advance notice, looks like we missed this. Btw, these new pet equipments are much cheaper than the usual ones, but they disappear when the pet hits level 20.
Dátum: 2012.05.16. 21:49:41
You have the friendship crystal too, but you have to log out once and back to see it. THis is an old relic and works this way, sorry...
Dátum: 2012.05.12. 10:05:00
Cruel this is to prevent people from just registering to the game then spamming our players. I will check out if I can do something to help you.
Dátum: 2012.05.11. 19:49:58
Yes the temple is generated for you when you first enter. In the special case when you start playing with a new character, do things, then enter the temple, the things you did before that are not counted. So enter the temple first.
Dátum: 2012.05.10. 11:35:50
Did you enter the temple on the same day to validate the task?
Dátum: 2012.05.07. 18:36:43
Idézet: Tallia - 2012.05.05. 20:30:59
Still no relic coupon to use

I swear I added it... Added again, check please.

Ok Sbart, I thought you didnt get the reward. We will correct the typo, thank you.
Dátum: 2012.05.07. 18:25:12
The "drink-all-at-once" feature works for crystal potions, not for HP and mana potions. At the the we invented it there was no point in not drinking all at once (except if you wanted to to ddos attack vs our server with this )
When the temple was introduced, we decided to leave it this way, because the temple tasks purpose is to make you do things to achieve your goal, not to live off your stocks accumulated earlier and complete tasks in an instant. Regardless, I think it is possible that we will change this that you drink only enough to complete the temple task if you have the task, but this needs some programming, and we are really flooding with work now, so I can't promise it on the very short term.
Dátum: 2012.05.07. 18:18:41
I'm very sorry, but no, because the bp values of each ultra-rare items are not public.
Dátum: 2012.05.07. 14:22:10
It is not reusable, and you can have more than one.
Dátum: 2012.05.07. 10:41:17
I tried and I could log into your character, I saw no problem. Please send us a msg either in priv or email so we can help you, D00ml0rd.