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Dátum: 2010.05.15. 09:24:58
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.05.15. 07:28:43
Idézet: Hrus - 2010.02.04. 09:32:28
Idézet: Dreamcatcher8484 - 2010.02.04. 00:36:54
wot is the infection i keep reading about

From lvl 20 (I think?) there will be a special folder in your misc tab. Each time you reach a lvl from that time, you have a short time (1 day?) to fight the infection (it costs SE). If you will fight the infection, it will be lessened by 1%, otherwise, it will grow by 1%. It starts on 50%.
If you are 100% infected, you can fight all the doomlords even those of your horde (excluding your clanmates).
If you are 0% infected, You have got +5 for your all ability, with the mind boost you can have 1 more skills than the maximum, and you can loot more SE from the infected characters with the different in your infection percent and his/her percent.

I didn't play on a hungarian server, so if it has some other perks I don't know of, somebody correct me.

Fighting infection seems to be phenomenally expensive for what seems like marginal (at best) gains. What are the reasons that someone would make that investment - because +5 per attribute doesn't really cut it... Plus, if I read it right, since you start at 50%, it'll actually take 50 levels before you get rid of the infection... Based on 50 levels, that's an SE cost of 652,500 to fight it off - for an extra 30 Attribute points???

Fighting the infection gives the ability to take your skills 5 points ABOVE MAX. That can mean +100% se from squeezing, +5% se from hunting, +25%se building, etc. Also, unless you have been a builder, at level 70 most of your abilities will be >200 at least. So increasing them by 5 would have cost minimum 150000se FOR EACH ABILITY! (-30% from ultraspecialization skill included in this estimate). Excluding constitution and magic, that is a total cost of 750000se. Now thats a lot more than you paid for fighting the infection.

Regardless that, the skills bonus alone more than makes up for the cost. Still it is a players choice wether to fight or not, getting 100% infection has also it benefits. (attacking all hordes, getting more se from duels)
Dátum: 2010.05.13. 04:28:02
That is a different issue. Re writting it would only need the addition of ....according to the bible. But FriendlyCheese is saying that although he knows is from the bible, it is still wrong
Dátum: 2010.05.13. 03:36:01
The hungarian version of the game is going on for almost a year more than the international version, has more worlds so the same players post more questions and it seems it currently has more players than the international. So culture has nothing to do with the ammount of questions.

As for baseball being popular or not, this is not the issue. Posting questions about the rules of a sport is not general trivia, is specific subject. Only those that want to learn to PLAY the sport need it. On the other hand, as LittleJon said, the questions should be about learning something, even if you will never play the sport. So, learning that baseball is a game involving hitting the ball with a bat is a good question, or what is called a home run. On the other hand, questions like ""In a normal formation (and including the Catcher), how many defensive players play in the Infield"", are too into the details, using words that you have to know baseball to understand the question in the first place. So the player doent learn something about the game, it just tries to figure out what the question is talking about to get the 10% from the hunt.

Another small issue is that Nemesis is posting these type of questions ONLY. Why not post about other subjects also, that will surely bring more variety to the quiz and get more questions evaluated as good.
Dátum: 2010.05.12. 19:44:42
If you mean by world the planet Earth, it was not included in the description of Genesis, which this player is refering. That was before. The 6 days was for creating the conditions for life and life itself. Hence the world we live in. So it is correct.
Dátum: 2010.05.12. 19:38:31
The first rejection was by me, and it was because i didnt want you to lose you chance to post a question. Then it seems you went ahedad and posted the same type and got rejected. Baseball is far from international sport, especially if we are talking rules of the game. Football (or soccer) is a much more known sport but you will notice no questions about its rules. On the other hand there are a lot of other type of questions about it, and other sports including baseball. I am sure you got at least a few in the hunts. So is not the sport that gets your questions rejected, its the type of questions you ask.
Dátum: 2010.05.10. 04:30:56
Little jon is correct, all bonuses except quiz medals are applied to the total without telling you anything. A good way to check and verify is to see the total average se you get from 20ap hunts, you will notice a small increase to it. But rest assured, there was never the case of a bonus not being applied
Dátum: 2010.05.10. 04:26:37
Viridel, evaluators have to answer the question at the 5min hunting limit like any player. But at that time they have to look the answer up, make sure is correct, then see if it is spelled correctly and finally to think if they saw it in the database before. So editing questions from all the players will just run out of time or at least put more pressure causing bad questions to pass. After all, the player has to correct only one question, the evaluators would have a lot at one full hunt.
Dátum: 2010.05.10. 04:21:28
Inv_, thank you for finding these mistakes, and more will be there for you to find. Neeeext will come sooner than you thing
Dátum: 2010.05.10. 04:19:28
To further complete your point, Arash, Rino needs an H. Rhino
Dátum: 2010.05.08. 03:56:08
It happens once every 2 weeks, a notification appears in your events area the day before
Dátum: 2010.05.07. 19:42:59
Boar, the players reffered there are all time stars, some have even movies done about their lives. So it is not so special to know which of them was so good at baseball that all teams decided noone can ever have his number. If soccer player got the same treatment, it was going to be considered good question. Baseball is not a world sport but a lot of people play or watch it to justify at least that type of questions.

Please note that a lot more people, me included have no baseball at their countries, but i know the rules, a few players and teams due to films, games or tv shows.
Dátum: 2010.05.07. 19:36:08
Well maybe i got for granded the question refered to baseball, good point

The type of questions i have in mind are those that a person that has nothing to do with the sport and does not want to learn it will still answer the question and get something from it. So who was the all time record holder of a specific sport is a good trivia, and does not involve the specifics or rules of it to answer it
Dátum: 2010.05.07. 10:29:53
Nemesis, your questions are not ambiguous bad they fall in the special knowleadge section. Granded the evaluation reason was wrong, but they wouldnt pass anyway. If you really want to post about baseball, try to stick to more general questions like, record holders, either teams or players (please input the year since it might change in the future), or famous world class events. In all, try to be a question that someone that knows nothing about baseball, or any sport, will find it at least justified as general trivia.
Dátum: 2010.05.07. 10:22:38
Idézet: vajenka - 2010.05.07. 05:05:04
Which ocean adjoins India? Possible answers are: all of these, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and as the right answer is marked Indian, but the real corect answer is: The Indian Ocean on the West and the Pacific Ocean on the East.

India is surrounded by the Indian ocean. The ""borders"" of this ocean are the west side of Australia, South East Asia and Indonesia, and the East African coast. So India is covered by all sides from it.
Dátum: 2010.05.07. 10:19:04
Idézet: jaiy - 2010.05.06. 19:07:57
the question "how many countries in southeast asia?" is wrong, after i get a question wrong i look it up.8-10 websites said 10 countries the other two sites were wiki with 11(wiki is bs 80 percent of the time anyone can write anything) and a site about maps of the 1700's. the person put 12 as the correct answer

Definitions of "Southeast Asia" vary, but most definitions include the area represented by the countries:

* Brunei
* Burma (Myanmar)
* Cambodia
* East Timor
* Indonesia
* Laos
* Malaysia
* Philippines
* Singapore
* Thailand
* Vietnam
* Papua New Guinea

Total 12
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 04:34:03
Idézet: deathmaka - 2010.05.04. 23:02:16
In which US state is the annual Burning Man Festival held?

New Mexico.

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

I don't get what's spelled wrong in the question.

Nothing at all, unless the evaluator clarifies what he found wrong, it seems a proper question as far as spelling...
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 04:28:44
You are correct on the fact that your question should have passed. It is not a matter of one sided evaluation, more like how each interperts the rules. For that reason a common effort is underway to create a specific guideline for all to stop this.

On another note, i have seen already questions passing asking what the stars in the flag mean and about the flags colors. Just to reassure you it is nothing to do with the fact you asked about the US flag, you maybe even got unlucky and a player evaluated your question without him being a proper evaluator. It can happen if too many questions are submitted at once and overflow the waiting line.
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 04:21:24
Ciphas, you can register the latest on midnight THE DAY BEFORE. So for this one, its open until midnight 6th of May
Dátum: 2010.05.04. 03:33:00
Idézet: Spin - 2010.05.03. 12:18:18
What is it called when you knock down all of the pins in bowling?
Strike (marked correct)

Both strike and spare are correct since the question doesn't state whether they are all knocked down in one shot or if you can use two balls either way they are all knocked down might one to clarify this.

Good point Spin.
Dátum: 2010.05.04. 03:31:11
So there is no error, the agreed fact is that Priestley is regognized as the first, even if it is by a detail. Furthermore, the question asks who discovered, not who was the first to discover.