Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Sbart

Dátum: 2011.11.16. 10:17:55
It is as simple as all AH items are unique.

Otherwise you could have a farm of golden-egg laying chickens...
Dátum: 2011.11.09. 14:54:56
The prices above are for the top 10 in each category, not only for the first place in each category.
Dátum: 2011.11.07. 16:16:16
Idézet: Vyasa - 2011.11.07. 14:42:10
No, your received building points are also fix in case of thaumaturgical prison building.

I just tested this, and no I get [Building skill] number of Build points when I build.
Mind boosted I get 49 Build points every time I build (23 skill+23 Mind boost+3 medals of Doom).
Not Mind-boosted I get 26 (23 skill+3 medals of Doom).

If this is not how it is supposed to be, please explain.

Now, how much % I build on the prison appears to be fixed, but that is another thing entirely.
Dátum: 2011.11.07. 12:16:15
Idézet: Vyasa - 2011.11.07. 10:20:30
There is a fix building. Nor building skill, neither mason's tool don't modify it.

Not entirely true. The amount of SE you need is fixed, but the number of Building points you get is your Building skill, no?
Dátum: 2011.11.06. 13:30:16
The bonus to abilities is a flat 5 point bonus to the base of all your abilities. So if you have 200 (+50) you will have 205 (+50) afterwards.

The bonus to skills should read something like this:
"You can use mind-boost to boost skills to 5 above their normal maximum. The normal rules for Mind-boost apply, so you can only increase a skill by the same amount as the the base level you have of the skill.
At level 68 (and every 10 levels after that) you can designate one skill that can be increased 5 points above its normal maximum. That skill can then not be further increased by Mind-boosting it."
Dátum: 2011.11.05. 17:27:11
Where are the Legends chapter 82+? Are they not translated? Or do they not exist?

It´s a bit boring when the story just ends...
Dátum: 2011.11.05. 13:06:01
the next year that February will have 29 days is?
2012 <--

While this is correct right now, it will soon change.
Dátum: 2011.10.28. 10:45:56
No, he wants a shout-box on the clan page where only clan members can write (and see what is written).
Dátum: 2011.10.25. 12:54:05
Idézet: Vyasa - 2011.10.25. 12:21:06

2. You build catches with SE or manaconstruction, and the building multiplier depends on the catch status and the time passed from the starting of the war.

With catches I suppose you mean cages, because then it actually starts to make sense. So this means that how much the cage-% increases is dependent on how much the cage has been built and how long ago the event started?
So cage-building will not be linear. Does this mean that cages that are low on building (low % finished) will be easier to finish later in the event? Or the opposite?
Dátum: 2011.10.24. 15:42:02
Xeno wars continue on 2011.11.02.!


- While battles you can find singular anomalies (for clan quests)
- Filling catches make the soul-well maximum increase as you would build in a clan building
- Xeno motherqueens regeneration will be more moderate depending their HP and time passed
- In case of catches building multiplier depends on catch status and time passed

There will be new reward items from which that you choose! Effects:
- Pets develop faster (+3, +6, +9, +12%)
- Magic absorption increase for half a year (+5, +10, +15, +20%)
- While dueling opponent pets' absorption decrease for a half a year (+4, +8, +12, +16%)

Good playing!

Some questions:
1. Singular anomalies; Does this mean that the Castle will be implemented before the start of the Xeno-war?
2. "In case of catches building multiplier depends on catch status and time passed" What does this mean? I don't understand it at all.
3. "While dueling opponent pets' absorption decrease for a half a year" Shouldn't that be increases? Or does it decrease the absorbtion of the opponents pets?
Dátum: 2011.10.23. 13:53:54
What is the greenhouse effect?
The ozon layer gets thinner from CFC pollution and more harmfull rays reach Earth
Sulphiric acid from factories makes acid rain that kills plants
Radiation leaks make plants mutate and grow bigger than normal
Carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere increases the temperature of the Earth

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, not the greenhouse gas. Also, this is an example of the greenhouse effect, the greenhouse effect is also present in for example, greenhouses, where it is used to have a higher temperature than outside to grow vegetables.
Dátum: 2011.10.21. 14:03:16
Report such questions.

What I mean is that if you find such questions, you should copy-paste them to the quiz error thread so that they can be removed/corrected.
Dátum: 2011.10.21. 09:05:06
You have no date stated in the question, and presumably the quarterback changes over time.
Remember that the game can potentially go on for a very long time (years).
Dátum: 2011.10.20. 12:38:46
Idézet: Wtfakkeltje - 2011.10.20. 12:17:37
What's the PLC?
Portable Loader Console
Protocol to Logic Communication
Programmable Logic Controller
ProLogic Consultation

This is what pops up first when you google "plc", but the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear PLC is phospholipase C. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phospholipase_C) So I wouldn't say "Programmable Logic Controller" is the PLC. Also, the other options can be abbreviated as "PLC" as well, and could therefore be considered a PLC.

Which is why a question about an abbreviation without a context should not be approved, since many abbreviations can have different meanings depending on context.
Dátum: 2011.10.17. 10:31:57
Idézet: stekkos - 2011.07.07. 19:42:57
Is not an easy thing to discuss with all evaluators and the final of from the admin. Please be patient

I am patient, but that was three months ago. How is it, should odd one out questions be allowed or not?
I see more and more of the every day (and some of them are quite ridiculous).
Dátum: 2011.10.17. 10:29:43
Which is not a WARNER BROS movie?
Terminator salvation
Shutter island
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone

While it is true that Shutter Island was not distributed by Warner bros, neither was the 1986 movie Watchman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1325670/). Maybe it should be Watchmen (2009)?
Dátum: 2011.10.17. 10:00:58
Not exactly sure I understand what you are describing, but I think you want to know why the soul-well of two clans is different even thought they apparently build equally much or:
A: The total building (sum of players building) in clan A and B is about the same, but
B: Soul-well size of the two clans is different

The reason for such a situation is that there are several things that influence the total building (Building skill, Mana-construction), but only the raw SE (before modification by Building skill and items (like Medal of Doom)) modifies the size of the soul-well.

A player in Clan A uses 35000 SE to build. He has no Building skill, so his building goes up by 35k. Soul-well size increases by 1k.
At the same time a player in Clan B uses Mana-construction to build 35k into a building. His total building also increases by 35k, but the soul-well size of Clan B doesn't change.

I hope this is what you were wondering about Bartessica Slam, otherwise ask again and I will try to answer you.
Dátum: 2011.10.17. 09:47:56
Theoretically, what is the lowest possible temperature?

Badly written answers. f and c are not terms used for denoting temperature (c is the speed of light in vacuum in normal physics notation and f is frequency). Could someone please change it to °C, and °F?
The answer is also not exactly wrong, but slightly inaccurate.
Dátum: 2011.10.12. 15:54:20
Mission is the same as Quests.
When you do quests, the number of Missions in Lady Avariel's Medallion contest go up. Simple as that.

It is on example of how bad the translation of the game is, that the same thing is called different things in different places. I have posted about it in these forums before, but there is never anything done about it.
Dátum: 2011.10.05. 18:30:58
Of the horsemen of the apocalypse who rode upon the pale horse.
conquest or pestilence

At the very least this question is missing a question mark. Even better would perhaps be: "Of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, who rode upon the pale horse?"