Hozzászólások - predator.
Oldal: 12
Dátum: 2023.11.27. 21:48:21
so manukind if you dont make that kind of attacks and the low lvls dont have a problem the scarab to be available for all though the relics why are you so negative on that and to any other option that would eliminate that kind of attacks?since according to what you say if you dont do that kind of attacks it will not effect you at all but you are so strongly negative about it
Dátum: 2023.11.24. 14:57:45
urul we still dont have an answer on why the battles reports are hidden.for the scarab to have an answer it wil take longer.....if eever we get an answer on that
Dátum: 2023.11.23. 18:23:57
i think you misunderstood manukind.what i said is that the abuse of the subplasma is always a problem of balance.it is different when you have normal fights
which you can win and diffreent to have al lvl 200 feeding from your play.and ok you that seem to focus on lvl30 which are 200 lvls below you and in this case isnt maybe dont worth it,although you do it,but still u are getting free SE from unfair fight.or you really wan to tell me that many of your stats have not been raised from SE that came from the torture chamber from completly unfair fights with at least 150 lvl and more difference?
which you can win and diffreent to have al lvl 200 feeding from your play.and ok you that seem to focus on lvl30 which are 200 lvls below you and in this case isnt maybe dont worth it,although you do it,but still u are getting free SE from unfair fight.or you really wan to tell me that many of your stats have not been raised from SE that came from the torture chamber from completly unfair fights with at least 150 lvl and more difference?
Dátum: 2023.11.23. 17:34:42
i disagree manukind.it does effect the ballance.i dont how much is the maximum players you can drag on the torture chamber but lets say that s 20.if lis less correct me but the example will not change.so lets say that a lvl 200 hists 20 lv 60 which each one will give him 10.000 SE that means 200.000 SE fro free.and that sure is a factor from the unblance of the game.and before yu say that those se is nothing for the high lvl still there are 200.000 for free without doing anything
Dátum: 2023.11.22. 17:30:14
lets see firat if they bring the battle reports back so we can know who hit us.this looks more possible than making the scarab on the relics list to buy
Dátum: 2023.11.21. 14:48:31
ok you can solve yur personal problem in messages .the argyment was why delete the battle reports?what is the point?iwith that logic why only the subplasma reports and not all?and why a bug as already admitted by the developers became permanent change that was never announced to anyone?still no answer
Dátum: 2023.11.17. 16:59:21
first of all your question have been answered by many players you keep asking the same question and refuse to read the answers.secondly i repeat that my complain was about the hidden battle reports.third since you are getting almost nothing from dragging a lvl20 to your torture chamber why you dont hit higher lvls and you focus on hitting players with 200 lvls difference?and spare with the i rarely employ subplasma attacks.if this was true then all these players that are complaining about your attacks wouldnt be compaining.you really call all of them liars?if you go back to the comments you will see also the dates so at least dont lie.say it clear that you enjoy hitting players that are 200 lvls below you to boost your ego,which i dont see how, and it is not about the se.again you will get more se from a lvl150 than from a lvl20.simple logic.
Dátum: 2023.11.17. 16:31:14
that is correct fos.so how much a lvl 20 is earning in the best case scenario in one day and how much a lvl 200 or 100?for sure someone gets more SE from a lvl 150 than from a lvl 20.the se that might get from dragging a lvl20 in the torture chamber is almost nothing for a lvl 200.i found it hard to believe that a lvl200 is so desperate for 1000 se,in the best case scenario, and that decline more than 10.000 se from a a lvl150.so targeting a lvl20 is done for fullfilling some player ego not for the SE
Dátum: 2023.11.17. 15:19:24
your quetion have been answered thousand times from many players.in case you forgot you can scroll up or go more back and see all the players that have answered you.when you have to attack with subplasma?it is not so many task that you have to use subplasma anyway and it is only to you that appear daily when an event ir running?but any way this is is another subject,for you information you will get more SE if you hit some onr that is lvl15 for exmple than from a lvl 30 that you seem to be your favorite target group.do the maths.i am not projecting anything i as you claim i am just saying the actuall facts
Dátum: 2023.11.17. 14:17:22
and hiding the battle reports isnt against the rules?we change the rules to please the few players that abusing the subplasma use?when i join the game the battle reports were not hidden.and i am staying on the catacomves until i have enough anncient stones from the shards of loyalty so i can be protected from your ridiculus attacks like yours so that i can play the game.battles that only feed your ego so stop the lecture Gaguška,and do tell us why you targeting players that are 200 lvls below you instead of fighting someone around your lvl.
Dátum: 2023.11.17. 11:46:38
i also expecting an answer why are you so pro on hiding the battle reports but still no answer.
Dátum: 2023.11.16. 21:33:00
true most odf the complains are about the high lvls attacking players thatare 100 lvls or more below them i just pointed out the not all 65 pages are for that.secondly i repeat my complain was about the hiding of the battle reports.i dont care how many attacks with sybplasma you did i just pointed out that it is not one or two players but many so i can assume that you did enough at least at the past when i read the complains.i dont know about now but still since the battle reports are hidden i couldnt know.
regarding the complains about the attacks how about the high levels stop hitting players that are 100 and more lvls below them?cause from what i see noone is complaining about normal attacks.and how so negative of there to be a limit on how many lvl below can you hit with subplasma or when you attack with subplasma not to be able to drag the other to the torture chamber?either of this would propably stop the complains also.so as you can see good solutions have been suggested and also the attitude of some high lvl players could also stop the complains dont you think?
regarding the complains about the attacks how about the high levels stop hitting players that are 100 and more lvls below them?cause from what i see noone is complaining about normal attacks.and how so negative of there to be a limit on how many lvl below can you hit with subplasma or when you attack with subplasma not to be able to drag the other to the torture chamber?either of this would propably stop the complains also.so as you can see good solutions have been suggested and also the attitude of some high lvl players could also stop the complains dont you think?
Dátum: 2023.11.16. 20:23:41
again you seem to be confused manukind.first of all my complain was about the hidden battle reports which is something new.secondly the complain about attacks with more than 100 lvls difference is not 65 pages although it is some pages but that only proves 2 things.beholder dont care about the players suggestions or complains.and sorry to say it but too many players have a problem with you since you seem the one doing most of those attacks as i understand and you are the one that supports them so much.and the thing is that is not one or two playes but many and for many years is not something recent.and i will have to agree that attacking someone that is more than 100 lvls below and then mocking him shows that the attacker will have to do some inner search
Dátum: 2023.11.16. 18:01:47
if you talk about the times when you attaked me ofcourse i couldnt escape since our difference was more than 100 lvls manukind.i dont know if you had attacked also siriuis or any other but from the comments that i have read many complain about your kind of attacks especially during events.now if the attacker is slighty out of normal range then yes you can escape from the torure chamber if you change gear,drink madness potion change spell etc.it is possible although you are right that this is impossible when the other is 100 or 200 lvls above you.but again i dont see the reason to hide the battle reports with or without subplasma.we disagree on if the totrure chamber effect your gameplay or not.i do say that it is effected it and you say it makes no difference.so does this mean that if the building was deleted you would agree since according to you doesnt have any efect?i believe not and if you want to be honest you will admit it also
Dátum: 2023.11.15. 17:47:47
actually manukind i agree with valorian.since i have the option to escape from the torure chamber how will i know it without the battle reports?and yes for me it has effect on my gameplay.but this is not the point here.the point is that why eliminating the option to escape the torture chamber?ok for you which propably noone atatck you might make no difference but for me it is important to know if i was dragged to the torture chamber and try to escape SINCE THE ACTUAL BUILDING GIVING ME THIS CHOICE,so why eliminaing this option?
Dátum: 2023.11.14. 17:18:00
so what the point of hiding all the duel reports?how does this help anyone?it would be more lofic either to put a limit on how much lower lvls you vcan hit or when you get attacked with subplasma not to be dragged to the torture chamber or any other of the solution that have been proposed.hiding the duels reports not only doesnt solve the problem but acually aliminating one option a basic building
Dátum: 2023.11.14. 11:37:05
predator also you logic have flaws.since the game give me the option to escape from a torure chamber how can i do it if i dont know that i was dragged to one?and since it is irrelevant why a mistake as already beholder admitted and asked sorry became something pemanent that only convinient for high lvls?as for respect you also dont gain any respect by attacking players that are 100 or 200 lvls below or so strongly support that kind of attacks.regarding if someone continue to play or give upyou are right.it is his choice and also his right to complain and try to fix if something believe it is unfair.if the beholder listen to the players is another thing.but if players keep leaving the game eventually will effect you.simply either you will end up playing on empty server or the server end up closing due to inactivity.and something last instead of mocking low lvls for being upset for ridiculus attacks or for pointing out that some players benefit from changes that actually against the basic building of the game start seeing it from their side.your sarcasm an mocking is also to give you any respect.and also let me remind you that my complain is that the hide the duels reports you choose to make it personall and point another direction,the ridiculus attacks with 100 and 200 lvls difference that you so strongly support
Dátum: 2023.11.13. 18:40:53
seriously this is your famous strategy the you brag all this time?bend over and accept it?i knew that you didnt had a serious answer on that but to actually to say this nonsense and pronounce it a strategy to deal with an attack for someone that is 200 lvl above you is lame even for you.this the strategy that you were bragging before?
Dátum: 2023.11.13. 16:25:22
first of all i didnt say that you ask to hide the duels reports i said that players like you only benefit from that.also since i have the option to escape from a torture chamber how should i try it if dont know that i have been dragged in?pls do answer that.
as for you risidulus claim to adapt how you adapt to an attack from a player that is 200 lvl above you?i dare you to say one strategy.if it was arounf my lvl yes you can adapt,focus more in some stats,have the support fom your clan untl you get stronger etc.when a player 200 lvls above you attacksthere is no strategy and not even the whole clan support can help you since also there is a limit there in case you didnt know.but since you are so smart pls do tell me a strategy
about the gameplay no one said that your gameplay is affected you are 200 lvl above what effect would a duel wih a lvl30 have on you?you dont even loose any HP.
if you dont see that hiding the duel reports you change the rules of a buiding then you must be blind.and you can continue your insults about victimhood but the reality is that i have every right to complain and want some thing to change properly instead pleasing some few high lvl players that have no respect for other players and like to continue this bulling attitude.
as for you risidulus claim to adapt how you adapt to an attack from a player that is 200 lvl above you?i dare you to say one strategy.if it was arounf my lvl yes you can adapt,focus more in some stats,have the support fom your clan untl you get stronger etc.when a player 200 lvls above you attacksthere is no strategy and not even the whole clan support can help you since also there is a limit there in case you didnt know.but since you are so smart pls do tell me a strategy
about the gameplay no one said that your gameplay is affected you are 200 lvl above what effect would a duel wih a lvl30 have on you?you dont even loose any HP.
if you dont see that hiding the duel reports you change the rules of a buiding then you must be blind.and you can continue your insults about victimhood but the reality is that i have every right to complain and want some thing to change properly instead pleasing some few high lvl players that have no respect for other players and like to continue this bulling attitude.
Dátum: 2023.11.12. 13:19:31
seriously when i am dragged to the torture chamber doesnt affect my game play?in this case lets say that when someone gets attacked with subplasma cannot be dragged to the torture chamber.why since i have the option to escape from the torture chamber i dont have the option to see when i am dragged to the torture chamber?why we had to change the option of a building,like escaping from the torture chamber,just to please some high lvl players?
Oldal: 12