zodiac1Végzetúr poronty
34 hozzászólás
actually manukind you are wrong.the beholder already change something to please you.the duel report are no more visible so although someone have the option to escape fom a torure room doesnt know when he is dragged to the torture room.so basically beholder change the rules just to please some players like you.ofcourse predator and any other player has the right to complain,besides this the topic of the forum right?
and how can you say that when someone is dragged to the torture chamber doesnt affect his game play?if this was the case then just remove the torture chamber completly.the truth is that it change the game play for both.for the one dragged and for the one that drags him.so stop wiht the ononsend that you repeating all the time that doesnt affect the others gameplay.personally i dont do that kind of attacks cause i found them stupid although you gain seome SE ia m not here to ruin other players game so i dont care.i go premium to avoid stupid and egomaniac players and when not possible i will go to the catacomves .i am not planning to support a game that simply dont care about the players.you can keep hittign low lvl players and get them to leave the game either way now the developers make it more easy to you so that there will be no vomplains about your attacks but dont complain that there are not enought players or if someoday the server is dead and close.how many players are actuallya ctive now?how many new players have joined the game and remain on the game?active players keep reducing and one of the reason,not the only one dont missunderstand me,is that new players dont want to get bullied from high lvl players.anyway i will not tell you how to play the game but you better accept the fact the new and low lvl players have every right to complain and want some change to be done when they getting attacked from players that are 100 or 200 lvls above them.
Pontszám: 9.29
manunkind967 hozzászólás
zodiac1, i never asked for the reports to be hidden. scroll back and you can see ths suggestions i have made.
there is no advantage to escaping the torture chamber since there is no disadvantage to being dragged into it.
i never said they had no right to complain. i said they're beating a dead horse. better course of action: adapt.
Pontszám: 5.37
zodiac1Végzetúr poronty
34 hozzászólás
i never said that you asked for the reports to be deleted but i did said that this favors you since you can attack much lower players and have no complains,which lets be honest ofcourse alvl 30 when getting hit from a lvl 200 and above will make.
secondly since one player have the options to escape from the torure chamber first he has to know thta have been dragged to one,dont you agree?so hiding the attack reports is already changing the basic rules in favor of the high lvls that to my opinion abusing the use of the subplasma,but this is my opinion.and ofcourse you have a disadvantage when you dragged to a torture chamber wothout knowing it tio try to escape.first of all if you play and the attacker get many SE you will be a daily target for him to leech from your play while he does the minimum.isnt that why you choose players with so much difference?to get se while they play?
as for the complaining ofcourse the complains will not stop since players want some things that are wrong or unfair to be fixed.the fact that the beholder instead of see the suggestion that have been made from the players and work on thhem or finding something similar ,choose to hide the reports is another thing for diccussion.pleyes complaing and hoping something to change,normally the developers would listen and try to find some solution or at least listen the players suggestions instead of hiding the problem
Pontszám: 9.49
manunkind967 hozzászólás
zodiac1, in no way do complaints from lower level players impact my gameplay.
there is no advantage to me in hiding the subplasma attack reports since there is no disadvantage to me in showing them. the reality is that these players will not escape my torture chamber regardless.
Beholder heard the complaints and chose a solution. they recognize that subplasma attacks do not harm lower level players, so they left them in the game ...and hid the reports.
you are free to keep complaining. my advice, however, is that victimhood is not a winning strategy.
Pontszám: 5.31
predator.Végzetúr poronty
27 hozzászólás
first of all i didnt say that you ask to hide the duels reports i said that players like you only benefit from that.also since i have the option to escape from a torture chamber how should i try it if dont know that i have been dragged in?pls do answer that.
as for you risidulus claim to adapt how you adapt to an attack from a player that is 200 lvl above you?i dare you to say one strategy.if it was arounf my lvl yes you can adapt,focus more in some stats,have the support fom your clan untl you get stronger etc.when a player 200 lvls above you attacksthere is no strategy and not even the whole clan support can help you since also there is a limit there in case you didnt know.but since you are so smart pls do tell me a strategy
about the gameplay no one said that your gameplay is affected you are 200 lvl above what effect would a duel wih a lvl30 have on you?you dont even loose any HP.
if you dont see that hiding the duel reports you change the rules of a buiding then you must be blind.and you can continue your insults about victimhood but the reality is that i have every right to complain and want some thing to change properly instead pleasing some few high lvl players that have no respect for other players and like to continue this bulling attitude.
Pontszám: 8.87
manunkind967 hozzászólás
predator, are you ready for the strategy? are you sure? ok, here it is: ignore it. it doesn't harm you. focus on the parts of the game that actually impact your progress to make your character stronger. or keep complaining. the choice is yours.
Pontszám: 5.37
predator.Végzetúr poronty
27 hozzászólás
seriously this is your famous strategy the you brag all this time?bend over and accept it?i knew that you didnt had a serious answer on that but to actually to say this nonsense and pronounce it a strategy to deal with an attack for someone that is 200 lvl above you is lame even for you.this the strategy that you were bragging before?
Pontszám: 8.67
manunkind967 hozzászólás
predator, you are investing resources in stopping something that doesn't harm you. you can fix this error simply by not continuing to make it.
no one likes losing, but this is a PvP game, and sublasma attacks do not impede your progress.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.11.13. 19:45:17-kor
Pontszám: 5.37
DionysosVégzetúr poronty
81 hozzászólás
predator did you really expeceed for the miracle startegy that manukind says all the time?ofcourse there is no strategy to win a duel with someone that is 200 lvls above you.and ofcourse there is no adaptation that manukind says.manukind when says adapt means accept it,do not do anyhting i will keep hitting you and you will pay me through the torture chamber.and now that the duel reports are hidden it just get easier for him or high players like him to continue without anyone complaining since they will not know it.obviously the fact that you have the option to escape from the torture room,not possible when someone 200 lvls above you drag you in, is now not possible since you dont know when you have been dragged it ok fo him.so basically the famous strategy that manukind mean is dont speak keep playing so that you can keep paying me so i can hit you again.
and manukind this might be a pvp player but there should be a limit on how much lower lvl someone can hit.cause basically the bullying that you do to new all low lvl players is actually rewarding instead of being punished.cause lets tell the truth here if you couldnt drag the low lvl players in your torture chamber you will be facing opponents on your lvl and not on players more than 100 lvls below you and that the truth no matter what you say
Pontszám: 8.96
manunkind967 hozzászólás
Dionysos, there is a limit on how much higher a player can be who can harm you. subplasmas don't harm you. this is the flaw in your thinking still tripping you up. in terms of game mechanics, subplasma attacks are irrelevent to the target.
how does hiding subplasma attack reports benefit me if you have no chance to defeat me anyway? i don't care if they're visible or not. Beholder can handle this however they'd like, and i will respect their decision. and in your case, i don't care if you keep playing or not. quit, play, do whatever you'd like. but you're not winning any respect with your incessant manufactured outrage about a non-issue.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.11.14. 05:55:41-kor
Pontszám: 5.31
predator.Végzetúr poronty
27 hozzászólás
predator also you logic have flaws.since the game give me the option to escape from a torure chamber how can i do it if i dont know that i was dragged to one?and since it is irrelevant why a mistake as already beholder admitted and asked sorry became something pemanent that only convinient for high lvls?as for respect you also dont gain any respect by attacking players that are 100 or 200 lvls below or so strongly support that kind of attacks.regarding if someone continue to play or give upyou are right.it is his choice and also his right to complain and try to fix if something believe it is unfair.if the beholder listen to the players is another thing.but if players keep leaving the game eventually will effect you.simply either you will end up playing on empty server or the server end up closing due to inactivity.and something last instead of mocking low lvls for being upset for ridiculus attacks or for pointing out that some players benefit from changes that actually against the basic building of the game start seeing it from their side.your sarcasm an mocking is also to give you any respect.and also let me remind you that my complain is that the hide the duels reports you choose to make it personall and point another direction,the ridiculus attacks with 100 and 200 lvls difference that you so strongly support
Pontszám: 8.86
predator.Végzetúr poronty
27 hozzászólás
so what the point of hiding all the duel reports?how does this help anyone?it would be more lofic either to put a limit on how much lower lvls you vcan hit or when you get attacked with subplasma not to be dragged to the torture chamber or any other of the solution that have been proposed.hiding the duels reports not only doesnt solve the problem but acually aliminating one option a basic building
Pontszám: 8.66
Neo2022Végzetúr poronty
14 hozzászólás
i actually have the same question how hiding the duel reports is solving any problem?and why a temporary mistake that was to be fixed within a few days according to miklos became a permanent change?
Pontszám: 9.51
manunkind967 hozzászólás
predator, beats me. it wasn't my suggestion and i'm not a Beholder moderator. i only know the reasoning the've posted here. if i had to guess, they were probably expecting players not to perseverate on unseen attacks that don't cause any harm. but here we are. you guys are back throwing a fit without any evidence you've even been attacked. i imagine they probably want it to stop.
Pontszám: 5.30
DionysosVégzetúr poronty
81 hozzászólás
noone said that it was your suggestion manukind.and if you check back you will see that it was stated that this was a mistake that would be fixed in a few days but suddenly became a permanent change that not even announced anywhere.and the bug that became change it is there you can check it on your own if you like just to see that noone is lying.but i am confused when you are saying that they probably wanted to stop.what exactly to stop?what do you mean?and again the question remains how can someone can try to escape from the torture chamber if he doesnt know that he has been dragged to one?
Pontszám: 9.08
manunkind967 hozzászólás
Dionysos, i think they probably have better things to do and better bugs to fix than one that literally doesn't affect the game.
maybe send in a bug report instead of using the forum you already know they don't check regularly.
Pontszám: 5.26
DionysosVégzetúr poronty
81 hozzászólás
first of all the bug is know and if you check the previous message you will see that miklos said that is was supposly would have been fixes in a few days,and after became permanent change that not even ennounced so that the players would know it,like they do with all the changes.and it does effect the game since you dnt know if you were dragged to a torure chamber so that you can try to escape so you are wrong again on this part.
Pontszám: 9.08
valorianVégzetúr poronty
71 hozzászólás
manukind i have reported the bug although it was know as miklos said before and said it will be fixed.well that became permanet and without even inform the players.i dont know if i can post here the answers i got but in generall i can tell you that avoided to answer and they aswered about the practise battles which to be honest i still dont understand what the point of them also but this is another issue.now regarding that hiding the battles reports you are wrong.in many battles you might loose as a defender and dragged to the torture chamber but as an attacker you can escape.this is not only based on the stats but because you have also the additonal mytokronic expliosion damage that you do.so if you loose as a defender when you attack you can escape from the torture chamber so hiding the battle report and eliminating the option to escape from the torture chamber IS effecting your play.this is one of the reason i decided to go to the catacomves until i see if this will change or not.i am coming back to see if something change but eventually as i see it i will get bored waiting and leave the game and to be honest that was my suggestion to the rest of the my clan.now obviously you dont care about that since this is my decision but think that also.at the moment there are less than 100 players loggin in and a little more than half that actuall are active.if half the players leave you will end up playing on an empty server which you might find it interesting,this is up to you anyway.now a dead server with low activity leads to the closing of the server as the other 2 servers closed.so yes players abandong the game eventually at some point will effect you.so bugs is better to be fixed and also listeinig to players complains and suggestion or find a solution should care also the developers.listening the actuall players complains and suggestions and fixing any bugs that the game have is actually the things that developers should be focusing what are things might be more important than developing the game?
Pontszám: 8.95
manunkind967 hozzászólás
valorian, escaping the torture chamber has zero effect on you since being dragged into the torture chamber has zero effect on you. so, in principle, sure, fix the reports. but i will never understand why you guys perseverate on this issue. the game has infinite possiblities and all you seem to find is fault.
Pontszám: 5.45
sirius158Végzetúr poronty
7 hozzászólás
sorry to didssapoint you manukind but i agree with valoorian.torture chamber has effect on you.but be true and answer that,if the beholder removed the torture chamber you wouldnt have a problem?why are you so against when it was suggested to put a limit on how many lvls below you can hit with sybplasma?why are you so against when it was proposed when you attack somoen with subplasma not to be able to drag him into the torture chamber?the answer is that torture chamber is affecting the players gameplay.and i agree with you that the game has many possibilities this is why i also dont understand why some players are focusing on ruining the other gameplay by hitting players that are 100 and 200 lcls below them and ruining also some events for them.so why you support something that is wrong and you are against to a fair solution for the new players and the low lvl players?
Pontszám: 9.65