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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
101. hozzászólás - 2011.09.21. 16:34:02 (Válasz deadstar #99 hozzászólására.)
Don't be mistaken, deadstar. No one got orb of duel for free on the doomlord.net worlds, ever. That there was once a Hungarian-language server where people could get it is quite irrelevant, I think.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
102. hozzászólás - 2011.09.21. 17:46:03 (Válasz Miklos #101 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.09.21. 16:34:02
Don't be mistaken, deadstar. No one got orb of duel for free on the doomlord.net worlds, ever. That there was once a Hungarian-language server where people could get it is quite irrelevant, I think.

I think that is wrong. According to some old posts on our Clan forum we actually got the Orb of Duel during the Zarknod´s Awakening event, phase 3.

This is what I posted on our clan forum during the event:
"10.03.2010 12:22:26
Phase 3 have started; New Relic:
Orb of Duel: You can start one more duel in a row without getting a penalty."
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
103. hozzászólás - 2011.09.21. 18:02:00
There are lots of players with orb of duel on the english servers, and that was true even BEFORE it was sold for as. From the wiki, I understand that this comes form the original Zarknod event (exactly as Sbart suggests). I was not on doomlord at that time, but I have no reason to doubt about this. Otherwise, where are all these orbs coming from?
I'm just saying that it is not fair that a relic once given for free in the event, now has to be bought for real money.
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
104. hozzászólás - 2011.09.21. 19:10:01
Sorry if I added to this confusion. I now have both the orb and the locket on both worlds I play. I can't go back far enough in the battle reports to see which one is new. I just know I got an extra battle without penalty in this event.
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
105. hozzászólás - 2011.09.21. 22:40:56
I t hink the orb of duel was also a gift for buying premium during the start of w4? Thats how I got it on all 4 worlds
A hozzászólást dark22 módosította 2011.09.21. 22:42:46-kor
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
106. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 00:38:59 (Válasz Miklos #101 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.09.21. 16:34:02
Don't be mistaken, deadstar. No one got orb of duel for free on the doomlord.net worlds, ever. That there was once a Hungarian-language server where people could get it is quite irrelevant, I think.

This is not accurate Miklos.
I didn't have the chance to enjoy the Zarknod event, but I know for a fact that 3 items were given:
- transcendal focus
- Magic Absorber
- Orb of Duel

Later on, the Orb of Duel started to be offered for sale.

As I said previously, I believe this was an strategic error from the admin. The item that should have been put for sale was the LoT. It would have given a second chance to those who hadn't got it in the first week of the game. And the Orb of Duel should be a drop from Landragor as well.

Unfortunately, there are some players now who have both the LoT and Orb without purchasing any of them. And this is not fair.

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very popularFurlozza
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
107. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 06:12:29
With regard to the top 10 finish in kills or charged SE, Will some folks get two rewards for being in both categories, or just one... and if the latter will those just outside the top 10 be beneficiaries? Or how will it work?
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
108. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 08:09:05 (Válasz Furlozza #107 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Furlozza - 2011.09.22. 06:12:29
With regard to the top 10 finish in kills or charged SE, Will some folks get two rewards for being in both categories, or just one... and if the latter will those just outside the top 10 be beneficiaries? Or how will it work?

I can't say for sure, but after the Zarknod event people who were in the top 10 of both categories still only got 1 reward. The only way after that event to get two rewwards was to be in the Top Horde and be in one of two top 10.
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
109. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 14:10:34
how can it be?
In world 2:
Jonny Fairplay 60 53.4k SE 1187 activation.

This mean 1187x2=2374 ap, maximum you can spear is 800 ap - meaning 400 activations if already got the the necessary se.

I started the event with 600 spared ap.I got maxed out Elementary fusion.
Now I've activated the pylons 675 times.

Is my algebra bad ?
Is there a logical explanation?
One more thing - I've channeled all of my se and ap in this event.
A hozzászólást AndTheMage módosította 2011.09.22. 14:15:04-kor
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very popularMatdavFérfi
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
110. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 14:18:15 (Válasz AndTheMage #109 hozzászólására.)
I have bought all the accelerations for AP-s way before the event. When I ran out of AP during the event I "exchanged" them back for ancient stones. This way I was able to store 600 more AP-s to the event. Plain and simple.
W1 - Spellcaster - (inactive)
W2 - Jonny Fairplay
W4 - Architect

Hungarian V1 - Matko - (inactive)
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
111. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 14:20:22 (Válasz Matdav #110 hozzászólására.)
Yes, but still is a huge amount of ap even if this would be the case...
Allright, i guess it comes out...lol
A hozzászólást AndTheMage módosította 2011.09.22. 14:22:37-kor
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very popularMatdavFérfi
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
112. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 14:23:32 (Válasz AndTheMage #111 hozzászólására.)
I started the event with maximum stored AP: 800
The event lasted for 28 days, and I bought golden ducats for 5 AP-s every day: 28*45= 1260
Accelerations: 600

Alltogether: 2660, that means 1330 battles possible. I also had some SE with me at the start of the event.
W1 - Spellcaster - (inactive)
W2 - Jonny Fairplay
W4 - Architect

Hungarian V1 - Matko - (inactive)
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
113. hozzászólás - 2011.09.22. 15:21:00 (Válasz Matdav #110 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Matdav - 2011.09.22. 14:18:15
I have bought all the accelerations for AP-s way before the event. When I ran out of AP during the event I "exchanged" them back for ancient stones. This way I was able to store 600 more AP-s to the event. Plain and simple.

I did the exact same thing last time the event was up.
it figures ....
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
114. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 12:17:30
What if I don't want to decrease infection?
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
115. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 12:25:00 (Válasz Yuggoth #114 hozzászólására.)
Don't click on it.

I liked this one. Hope there's a similar event sometime in the future.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
116. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 12:34:56 (Válasz Yuggoth #114 hozzászólására.)
On world 3, I only have 3% infection left. However I did not get the reward to decrease my infection. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
117. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 12:53:09 (Válasz Matdav #110 hozzászólására.)
A hozzászólást Szimon módosította 2011.09.24. 12:55:08-kor
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
118. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 13:27:52 (Válasz Szimon #117 hozzászólására.)
Excellent event!
Great rewards!!

A couple of comments though.

1 - The Orb of Duel issue, which was extensively discussed here, was not resolved. The event ended and some people have both the Orb and the Locket without ever purchasing any of them with AS. And the people who didn't get the Orb at Zarknod have been left with a huge disadvantage.
2 - I personally don't like the structure of this event. I believe there should be a goal and a chance to lose (like with the Xenos). It makes it more interesting.

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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
119. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 14:22:31 (Válasz Cruel01 #118 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.09.24. 13:27:52
Excellent event!
Great rewards!!

A couple of comments though.

1 - The Orb of Duel issue, which was extensively discussed here, was not resolved. The event ended and some people have both the Orb and the Locket without ever purchasing any of them with AS. And the people who didn't get the Orb at Zarknod have been left with a huge disadvantage.
2 - I personally don't like the structure of this event. I believe there should be a goal and a chance to lose (like with the Xenos). It makes it more interesting.


In the Zarknod Event, which was very similar, there was a goal. Instead of a fixed time, there was a fixed number of SE that had to be used for the event to end (Zarknod set free from his prison). This was very bad, since the amount of SE was very high, and you had no idea of when the event would end.
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Re: Imprisoning Landragor
120. hozzászólás - 2011.09.24. 14:42:34
This not what I meant. I think there should an opportunity to win or lose the event. So there should be a fixed amount of SE but a limited time to do it. And of course the probability of victory should be very high or we would be mad at the end. As I said, exactly like the Xenos.

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