Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.09.27. 21:59:01
As per eukar's comments, all events are repeatable to give everyone a chance to get the same items/benefits. You will have the chance to play in the next Huckster event and get the rewards you missed in the first time. This is true for all items, except for the Orb of Duel, which was given for free to some people and will NEVER be given again.
Except that events are not repeatable, and cannot be. If they were the game would become "static", since it would be just repetition of previous events (with the flaws found in them). Events have to evolve all the time, both in the story behind them and how they work (unless someone finds the magic formula that makes everyone happy with how the event plays out).
The big problem is Permanent Relics in an open-ended game. This is becoming a big problem in Doomlord, since people who were around and participated in Events become stronger than people who weren't (or didn't).
One way to solve this is the time-limited Relics (like the Auction ticket from Landragor and the rewards from the Xeno-war Event).
Another solution is to have different Events, but let the rewards be the same. But then the reward has to be actually the same item, and if the list of rewards is expanded it should be expanded for all Events giving the same Reward (not like how the Huckster war gives more different rewards than The Map Event).
Events are important for the game, but the Rewards from them needs to be planned long in advance so they don't imbalance the game.