Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Miklos

Dátum: 2012.09.26. 19:56:59
I was thinking of the same, you are right! We will change that, thanks!
Dátum: 2012.09.26. 11:29:57
Sorry for the inconvenience, Sbart. It seems something was not correctly patched, now we corrected it, and adjusted your clan's target number from 26 to 20.
Dátum: 2012.09.26. 11:23:21
Wormtail: I think there is technical problem with that... but also I think we added an alternative to the 5 simulation task, didn't we?

BabeTheOx: could you please describe me why / which rewards are useless so we can improve it! Thanks.
Dátum: 2012.09.26. 10:58:34
Dear Players,
We are pleased to announce our new Customer Service system. You can reach it via the yellow higlighted Help button in the upper right corner. You can submit tickets, upload screenshots, check if your request is being processed, and look back all conversations. You don't have to send email anymore, no chance for our answer getting lost or going into the spam. We shall answer all requests in 1 working day.
Please note that you can still ask, discuss on the forum, but if you need a direct help from us and not form other players, usually you will get faster help if you use the Customer Service Help button.
We hope this new feature will improve your playing experience and will make you more satisfied with our game.

Please post any suggestions / comments about the new CS system here.
Dátum: 2012.09.24. 14:43:57
The X changes when you pick up a quest after the patch. We could not apply it re-attroctively, to those who already had this quest, sorry...
Dátum: 2012.09.24. 14:42:45
Ok thx we will do it asap!
Dátum: 2012.09.24. 14:42:05
Could you please be more specific? Did you check the above formulae? What is the difference compared to that? The Crystal Horde follows the same rules as players, considers win/loss ratio...
Dátum: 2012.09.20. 12:04:09
Thanks for that suggestion, Dmd, we shall consider it. If nothing else, we can add a separate game where you can anwer questions from the topic of your choice.

Wormtail: so you would like the total SE you get by soul-draining in dimension gate? problem is, that we are not saving this information, so can't calculate it reattroctively even if we add such a feature.
Dátum: 2012.09.20. 11:55:53
Ok I just wrote that because Dodo seemed to me a premium user who have access to gradulatums, I thought maybe he is not aware of this option.

It's not marked as an "AS task" because it CAN be done without AS, if you do the maximum amount of hunts / soul energy squeezes in the given 28 day period, and also have the corresponding AA ability maxed out (increasing chance to find essence). But yes it is much easier if you use gradulatums.
Dátum: 2012.09.18. 11:40:15
Idézet: Dancer - 2012.09.17. 20:48:30
If I win a silver reward, but already have silver, does it upgrade to gold?

No. You get the reward what you won, regardless of what did you have before. The only exception is if you have a gold, AND win a gold. In that case you will receive a platinum. Please also note that if you have platinum and win gold, your platinum will NOT upgrade to mithril. In that case, you win nothing.

If you think you will get only an inferior reward, you can tick in the "I ask a medal of Doom instead".
Dátum: 2012.09.18. 11:37:37
Dodo, I'm sorry to hear that some tasks in the temple seem too difficult to you.

However, I must ask: are you aware that you can get an essence with 100% chance from a pet you squeeze if you equip it with a gradulatum beforehand? Even so, if you squeeze a lvl 20 pet you will get 2 essences immediately. Yes you need to train the pet to do this, but there is a very good combo based on this:

1.) hunt, capture pets
2.) train them
3.) send them to kennel (with 2-3 pets you complete the quest "let your pets advance 15 levels very fast)
4.) when the pets reach level 20, give them a gradulatum, squeeze, complete the quest "squeeze a level 20 pet" and gain 2 essences meanwhile.

Repeat the above, and you will have all the megaessences in short time, granting you a lot of bonuses. So collecting essences is useful for not only the temple, but to advance your character as well. Ys the gradulatums cost stones, but only a minimum amount, and the reward is pretty nice.
Dátum: 2012.09.14. 15:07:13
Hi, as I posted in the other topic, this problem is now solved (hopefully ). Sorry that you have to wait for it so long.
Dátum: 2012.09.14. 15:04:46
Sorry for the problem! The programmer did correct this - on world 1 only! Fortunately, now I understand and to kick out the Crystal Horde members from the catacombs and did it for you on World 2 and World 3 as well. Please let me know if you still have problem with this.
Dátum: 2012.09.14. 11:34:05
There was some bug about some Crystal Horde members stuck in the catacomb, but we just corrected that.

The SE listed about is the possible maximum amount you get, it is not granted, if the target has less, you get less! But yeah, EH is not so good there.
Dátum: 2012.09.14. 10:26:18
We corrected several things in clan quests

- If you are in the top50, you received a multiplier to the XP required to level up. Now we consider this multiplier when determining what reward shall you get for clan quests. For example, if you originally needed 100.000 XP to level, but due to your 1.5 multiplier it was increased to 150.000, now you can claim the maximum clan reward already after gaining XP equivalent to 2 levels (300.000 XP).

- The "advance X level" clan quest now considers the top50 multiplier as wel. So far, X equalled the number of clan members. Now we divide X by the average top50 multiplier of the active members.

- Those who weren't full members (didn't fill up the soul-well yet) were counted towards determining the difficulty of the clan quest, but they couldn't help complete it. Now we changed this, non-full members do not count towards determining the clan quests difficulty.
Dátum: 2012.09.13. 11:07:24
We corrected a bug in mana regeneration. Items boosting mana regen did not work correctly. A 100% bonus did not halve the time of regenerating to max, but decreased it to zero.

Wired reflexes had a bug, gave multiple bonus too specific skills in some cases. We corrected it.

The quest "deal critical spell damage 15 times" has been changed to 12 times.
Dátum: 2012.09.12. 09:16:28
On W3, the soul-energy you can get from a duel is limited. Regardless of item and other modifiers, the maximum amount of SE you can get is:
10 + 10 * level * maximum(defeated players victories / losses; 0.2).
Of course energy harness works, but EH is not modified by these items either.

So these items are only useful on W3 if from your win you wouldn't get the above amount anyway.
Dátum: 2012.09.12. 09:12:41
You still have this problem? I just checked it on W2, I got:
"Quiz Olympics is running currently and will end at midnight."
And when I clicked enter it started normally.
Dátum: 2012.09.12. 09:10:10
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2012.09.12. 09:01:04
Negative aura gives 3% max.
Can someone explain?

You miscalculated something. It gives 30% max:
150 x 0.2% = 30%.
Dátum: 2012.09.12. 09:06:07
Idézet: Kalann - 2012.09.11. 15:07:30
No actual testing either, but from the way I read it, the Pawn of Loyalty simply serves to cancel the bolded part.

Yes, exactly so.