TalliaVégzetúr poronty
256 hozzászólás
Xeno focus crystals are not reusable! You get 2 of them, that's why you think they are reusable.
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1702. hozzászólás - 2012.09.24. 10:06:49
"- The "advance X level" clan quest now considers the top50 multiplier as wel. So far, X equalled the number of clan members. Now we divide X by the average top50 multiplier of the active members."
This is supposed to be fixes, but for us (Clan Gugu on World 2) it still displays "Advance your level X times! (only full members count)" (where X is the number fo active members), although we have several members in the Top 50. Will X change when we take the quest? Or how does it work?
Pontszám: 5
Miklos1201 hozzászólás
The X changes when you pick up a quest after the patch. We could not apply it re-attroctively, to those who already had this quest, sorry...
Pontszám: 5
TheLionVégzetúr poronty
123 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1704. hozzászólás - 2012.09.24. 16:12:13
My clan recently finished the Clan Quests and we were rewarded while I was on vacation and my character was in the catacombs. I have returned but now cannot collect the reward because we've started another clan quest. It would suck to have helped through all the quest and before the last one was finished I left for vacation just to get back and lose out on the reward.
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
We finished the last round of Clan-quests after the change came into effect. So we are not on the quest, but in the list of available quests it says the full number of active players, not the adjusted amount of times to level up. Is the adjustment made at the time the quest is picked up? Or are we screwed (again)?
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.10.22. 07:06:07-kor
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Miklos, we just picked up the Leveling Clan-quest (yesterday, so after the patch) and it did NOT adjust the number of levels needed. 26 active members and we need to level 26 times, despite 13 of those members being in top 50.
Clan Gugu
World 2
Pontszám: 5
Miklos1201 hozzászólás
Sorry for the inconvenience, Sbart. It seems something was not correctly patched, now we corrected it, and adjusted your clan's target number from 26 to 20.
Pontszám: 5
dodo888Végzetúr poronty
61 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1708. hozzászólás - 2012.09.28. 12:59:10
hey i have a question, if i mindboost trapping to 35 does that increase a chance to trap a pet? if it does how much?
Pontszám: 5
ValkyrieVégzetúr poronty
474 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1709. hozzászólás - 2012.10.01. 12:57:07
There should be somewhere on the Map Event Page constant connection between soul-hucksters and their items. Currently I do not know for which prize I am competing
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1710. hozzászólás - 2012.10.04. 09:43:47
Not really a Help request, but I am just wondering what is the next upcoming Event (Zarknod?) and when? And also wondering what future things are "in the pipe-line" for Doomlord. Changes to the Temple of Doom? New AA abilities/skills coming? New types of equipment? Clan buildings? Epic Adventures? Something else?
Just wondering.
Pontszám: 5
Miklos1201 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1711. hozzászólás - 2012.10.04. 12:24:37
You can mindboost trap pet, but it will not increase your chance.
The next event will be Landragor, mid-October, we shall announce the exact date soon.
Right now we are working on a new development, called "Daily Routines". I'm not sure maybe I already wrote about it here. This will be an opening screen, where you see all "daily tasks" organized, ie. helm shards collected, mana construction used, auction house used etc. Also there will be an option to claim a new "loyalty reward". For each consequent days you logged in you can claim a better reward.
New AA abilities and the promised Epic Adventures are also in the queue, we did not forget about them.
But right now, we have a complete new event designed and under programming, called "Lord of the Planet". This event will look like Temple of Doom. You will get tasks, but you have to complete all tasks in the first row to be able to begin those in the next row. Unlike in the Map event, there will be no "winning team" or "losing team", everyone who completes a level will get the reward for it, but those who are the fastests get additional reward, and the first player to complete all tasks of the Pyramid will gain the title "Lord of the Planet". This event will bring into the game some new items and game mechanisms too. I will post more details in time.
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1712. hozzászólás - 2012.10.04. 13:15:18
Nice to hear!
Any details about the new AA abilities?
Pontszám: 5
PhaedrusVégzetúr poronty
40 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1713. hozzászólás - 2012.10.05. 03:00:02
Phaedrus here. I was on the team that won the latest event, Terrgath. I already had a platinum (I have platinum rewards for all but the shield of wisdom, for which I have a gold). No one stopped me from registering for Terrgath's team, and I was not forbidden to do so, though I was not allowed to register for the other groups). This is not a good way to progress in the game. Either another award should be available for a higher level, or some other solution should be found. I invested a lot of time and soul energy in this map event, and I have received very little for all of my work.
World 2, Sapphire horde, clan crusaders, level 109 Doomlord,
Pontszám: 5
RandomVégzetúr poronty
102 hozzászólás
Please tell about this problem on the Help button and we will handle it.
Pontszám: 5
CarrierVégzetúr poronty
25 hozzászólás
How can a person find beginning people to invite to his new clan? There are 12694 players who have only 140 points. Whoever is new and active is lost in there. Do the newest players start at the bottom of the list?
You might tell me that I recruit by using the recruit button on the clan page, but for nine days before I made my own clan I tried to find a clan to join on the four pages of saphire clans looking for members. There are so many small clans there that are no longer active that it is not possible to find the one (mine) that is active.
Advertising on world 1 chat every hour or so has been fruitless. I've only seen one other person on that chat and he was advertising for an emerald clan. The weight of "dead soldiers" in this game is frustrating.
Pontszám: 6.50
RandomVégzetúr poronty
102 hozzászólás
Thanks for the comment.
We invented a solution to it. For players without clan there is the new function in the daily routines page, where there is a the list about activ clans whose looking for clan members.
Within weeks, please be patient while we create this development
Pontszám: 5
LoganSquaresVégzetúr poronty
1 hozzászólás
Question about soul/temple items.
1717. hozzászólás - 2012.10.21. 20:15:45
Soul Crystals/Soul points/Soul Diamonds/Temple Crystals/etc....
What are they and what do they do
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1718. hozzászólás - 2012.10.22. 07:05:25
Will try to answer.
Soul crystals: No idea, where did you see these?
Soul points: Same, where did you see these?
Soul diamonds: These are the reward from Adventures. Adventures are available from level 40 (you can find them while Hunting/dueling/Challenges). Soul diamonds are mostly used for buying Relics, boots (from level 40), and Helmets (from level 80).
Temple crystals: These are rewards from the Temple of Doom. Jut click them in your Inventory and you will go to a page with a dropdown menu with a choice of items to buy.
I hope that helps.
Pontszám: 5
Bartessica SlamVégzetúr poronty
277 hozzászólás
Help request : Relic coupon
1719. hozzászólás - 2012.10.22. 11:56:43
I could boost a "Bonus Relic" from gold to platinum.
Now, in normal cases I would say: "First boost the Horn of Power"; but only now; during the Landragor event; one is putting a massive amount of SE into it; what will return as ability reward...
Now, taking this into account; I wonder if boosting now "Platinum belt of specialization" isn't a far better option... or should this be done before the event?
Thx fyi.
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Hi E.,
No math here right now to back it up, but I remember that for the Gold level of Reward the Specialization is better than Hunting, if you would use all SE for increasing Abilities. But the platinum Spec is only 3.5% (vs Gold 3%) while for Hunting it is 4% (vs 3% for Gold). Then again, the cost of Abilities seams to increase faster than the increase in SE from Hunting...
So if your Abilities are "high compared to your level", the Spec is probably better than the Hunting. Problem is really what is "high compared to your level"?
Also, it depends on how you are spending your SE. Are you "done" with Skills and/or do almost no building for SE? Then the Spec Relic>Hunt relic.
Do you gain most of your SE from Hunts and spend it mostly on Building/Skills? Then Hunt Relic>Spec Relic.
In any case, the Reward from the Langrador event is calculated at the end of the event, so either Relic should work on the Reward (even if acquired after the Event started).
I hope that helps
World 2
Pontszám: 5