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Re: Sugestion box
581. hozzászólás - 2012.07.18. 21:32:06 (Válasz Sbart #580 hozzászólására.)
I remember that happening to me on W1, and it worked as intended (I spent the day attacking again, and managed to recoup most of my loss).
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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Re: Sugestion box
582. hozzászólás - 2012.07.19. 13:01:25
Making Adventures exciting (again)

WARNING - Wall of text incoming

The Problem:
When a Player gain access to Adventures in the game (at level 40) they are a nice and exciting addition to the game. They are a nice thing to do, and they reward a player with Soul-diamonds (SD), a new Resource. These SD can then be used to buy a number of new and shiny items; Boots, Relics, special armor and shields, special pet equipment, and (eventually) Helmets. This is good.
But then, as time goes on, as a player buys more and more things this shiny new Resource loose some of it's glamor. After level 110 there are no more Relics you can buy for SD. With the addition of the Adventure Orb, AA abilities, and the fact that the Wheel of Fortune can give you SD, players easily end up in a situation where they have more SD than needed, and suddenly Adventures are not that exiting any more.
And I for one feel that it is a bit sad that Adventures become obsolete like that.

Proposed solution:
As outlined above, the problem with Adventures is not really the mechanic behind the Adventures, but rather the Reward. I would suggest to introduce Epic Adventures, in a similar manner to the special Dimension gate battles. So every 3 (or 5 or 10) Adventures would be an Epic Adventure. As such the Reward for the Adventure would not be a bundle of SD, but rather a Treasure Hoard, and this Treasure Hoard would contain Green (common) and Blue (Rare) Wheel of Fortune prices. Now, there would be a number of different ways to determine exactly how often one would have an Epic Adventure, and exactly how big the Treasure Hoard should be. I would say that the following would be important to take into consideration:
a) Epic Adventures should not be in from level 40, but rather from level 100. Below level 100 there are plenty of Relics to buy from SD (and it would be nice to have something special for level 100)
b) The inclusion of Treasure hoards could be introduced through an AA ability. This would have the advantage that the player could decide if they wanted to have Epic adventures or not
c) The size of the Treasure Hoard should probably be dependent on the total number of Adventure Tests since the last Epic Adventure so that one does not simply do the short Adventures and then just save the big adventures for the Epic ones

I have probably forgotten a lot of stuff, but please comment and make more suggestions.

Soul-diamonds as reward from Adventures is not enough at high levels, I suggest introducing Epic Adventures that gives Wheel of Fortune prices above player level 100.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.07.19. 14:13:56-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
583. hozzászólás - 2012.07.19. 15:05:04
The programmer swears that you can TC a scarab user (even if you attacked him with 0 SE!) and early on I tested this and worked. I will retest it, maybe it has something to do with W3 or with your character in specific.

Sbart, thank you for the nice idea! You are right that there are no new relics after 110, however there are still new armor, helms and boots you can buy for SD. Also we consider adding more items which can be purchased for SD in the future. Still, the idea of epic adventures is really interesting, and I think we should add it to the game regardless if people can spend their SD orr not. I have a TO-DO list, added your suggestion to it. The list is quite long so I dont say it happens in the very future but I think it can be done eventually.

On a side note, we finished revamping the character sheet. It will have a more compact and nicer view, easier to use, reduces scrolling a lot. The items will be a separate page, in more categories for easier use. I hope it can go live next week.
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Re: Sugestion box
584. hozzászólás - 2012.07.20. 00:28:17 (Válasz Miklos #583 hozzászólására.)
Excellent idea!

I would also suggest the Lesser stones (+1 to abis) as possible prizes.

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everyone's favoriteStorm Firebane
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Re: Sugestion box
585. hozzászólás - 2012.07.20. 15:04:54 (Válasz Miklos #583 hozzászólására.)
Miklos, I will get back to you on this AFTER the huckster wars (since scarabs are inactive during that anyway).

I am certain sofar i have not dragged any of them into the TC, could be me, could be W3, dunno.

getting to 0 SE is not really an option (or at least not a desirable one, since it cripples my souldraining, which pretty often nets me more than what I loot at the end due to the W3 rescrictions on SE loot
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Re: Sugestion box
586. hozzászólás - 2012.07.21. 08:58:27
Gladoom W3

one of the Xeno Soul drain stone got deleted and i cannot find it in the inventory. Please place it back as soon as possible.
A hozzászólást Gladoom módosította 2012.07.21. 08:59:04-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
587. hozzászólás - 2012.07.24. 13:35:22
I am just looking at how long it takes to finish a TOD for me at level 83. I have finished it in 12 days and now have to wait 16 days for a new. I started thinking about AA abilities or possible clan buildings. Is it possible to have an AA or building to decrease the time it takes for a completion? Not one to reduce it to two weeks, but maybe by 1 day per point for about 5 points, or for every level of the building it reduces by 8 hrs, like the catalyst. Just a thought.
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Re: Sugestion box
588. hozzászólás - 2012.07.24. 18:12:21 (Válasz Dolp13 #587 hozzászólására.)
Nice idea, although I'd prefer an AA if implemented. Some players will want to whole 28 days to finish the ToD, with an AA it would be each individual player's choice to shorten the ToD or not.

Also, the duration is a game balance thing, and that too has to be taken into account.
A hozzászólást Kalann módosította 2012.07.24. 18:13:01-kor
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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Re: Sugestion box
589. hozzászólás - 2012.07.24. 19:02:02 (Válasz Gladoom #586 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gladoom - 2012.07.21. 08:58:27
Gladoom W3

one of the Xeno Soul drain stone got deleted and i cannot find it in the inventory. Please place it back as soon as possible.

My problem was not resolved yet, is the Xeno crystal is not reusable.
Pontszám: 5
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
590. hozzászólás - 2012.07.24. 19:20:14
This is the suggestion box, may be better to post about problems in either Bugs or Complains. Even better might be to send an email to bug@beholder.net

About reducing the time between Temples of Doom
I would agree that it would be nice, and the only way to really implement it would be by making it an AA ability so people could choose how "fast" temples they would want. But I do not think this will be the case, because as Kalann says, the time between Temples is a balancing factor. Faster Temples would be a very, very powerful thing, and I do not think Beholder want to open that can of worms.
Pontszám: 7.50
very popularFurlozza
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Re: Sugestion box
591. hozzászólás - 2012.07.27. 06:32:34 (Válasz Sbart #590 hozzászólására.)
Re: reducing ToD time.

Let's think about this for a minute. At first glance it appears quite a good idea, but will it suit all players, say those who just pop in two three times a week. It also depends on what tasks are within any given ToD (levels/XP, SE gathering, building, pet s levelling up in duels etc.) can all take either longer or shorter depending on where you are at the start of a ToD.

By making it an AA ability (reduce ToD days by 1-10 days @ 3AA a step) would put it in the player's hands and if he goofs by going too high in the reduction, he has noone else to blame but his/herself.

So, I'd be in favour if done via AAs.... and maybe a button within the ToD for that one where you know you can complete it, but since you got greedy and have a ten day reduction, you are willing to pay 25AS ooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr 2500SD to revert back to standard just for this ToD.

(Personally, I like to take my time.... and savor the pleasure of completing each task, sometimes even surprising myself along the way by finishing a task I didn't expect to complete and therefore saving my AS/SE.)
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Sugestion box
592. hozzászólás - 2012.07.28. 01:22:22 (Válasz Miklos #532 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2012.03.13. 21:45:47
The game clock is an old problem from our system admin. I am pretty angry about it to that he does not fix this. Will talk to him to find a working solution asap. The problem is, that the clock can't be synchronized constantly because it would cause many problems with all the time-based actions, you would lose hunt SE etc. But will try to find a solution. Sorry for that.

Clock is wrong by almost 20 minutes again. I still don't understand why the game clock can't be synchronized to a clock that actually works. Or at least be adjusted every week.

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Re: Sugestion box
593. hozzászólás - 2012.07.30. 19:32:15 (Válasz Gladoom #589 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gladoom - 2012.07.24. 19:02:02
Idézet: Gladoom - 2012.07.21. 08:58:27
Gladoom W3

one of the Xeno Soul drain stone got deleted and i cannot find it in the inventory. Please place it back as soon as possible.

My problem was not resolved yet, is the Xeno crystal is not reusable.

I got no answers yet, where is my Xeno chain focus crystal
A hozzászólást Gladoom módosította 2012.07.30. 19:34:17-kor
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Sugestion box : You gave support to your ally
594. hozzászólás - 2012.08.20. 20:14:09

In the actual format, one cannot see if you give support ... you need to activate "Bonuses".

Could you place the message "You gave support to your ally" in between "Experience" and "Bonuses"? In that way players might be alarmed before doing any attack of any kind?

Just a big thanks from all the Alzheimer players of Doomlord

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Re: Sugestion box
595. hozzászólás - 2012.09.04. 00:19:13
We recently completed the pyramid of glory just for the heck of it. We knew the titles were kinda lame but its late in the game and wanted to do something different. Anyway, you should make some better titles for the Pyramid instead of the ones they have now. Or add a few more options. I know that if we build 25 more levels at 30 million per level we get some more choices. but that's too much to spend now.
A hozzászólást Trackur módosította 2012.09.04. 00:19:45-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
596. hozzászólás - 2012.09.04. 19:24:08
I have a suggestion for the quiz system: Some players' knowledge are only limited to very specific topics, while they are completely useless when it comes to everything else (for example, I'm good with Science questions but the rest of them are just random guesses). My suggestion is that when hunting, you can choose to recieve questions from specific topics only.

To prevent this from becoming a game breaker, selecting only a few topics will greatly reduce your SE bonus (if there are, say, 20 topics, and you select 2 topics, the SE bonus per question will be 1% instead of 10%), while choosing to recieve questions from all topics will give you the full 10% bonus. The bonus would be proportional to the amount of topics you select. Also, this would not apply to the Quiz Olympics as it would make it too easy for players to correctly answer every question.

Not only does this allow hunts to become more efficient, it also allows players to learn new facts about the topics they're interested in. I'm always willing to learn more about Science (of course, that isn't the only ONE subject I like; it's just an example), but I have no interest in learning about pop culture (except for internet memes).

Just thought the Quiz Categorisation should be put to better use.
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everyone's favoriteWormtailFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
597. hozzászólás - 2012.09.19. 18:34:15
First of all, I didn't dig into posts here, so sorry if someone came up with this and this idea is thrown away.

I would like to see a sum of my DG drained SE as I am a premium member I can see the amount during duels but not in DG.
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Re: Sugestion box
598. hozzászólás - 2012.09.20. 12:04:09
Thanks for that suggestion, Dmd, we shall consider it. If nothing else, we can add a separate game where you can anwer questions from the topic of your choice.

Wormtail: so you would like the total SE you get by soul-draining in dimension gate? problem is, that we are not saving this information, so can't calculate it reattroctively even if we add such a feature.
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everyone's favoriteWormtailFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
599. hozzászólás - 2012.09.20. 19:14:43 (Válasz Miklos #598 hozzászólására.)
Thanks for the answer!

One other idea:
I had this "use the simulation 5 times or..." quest in ToD.
I find it really boring that only 5 names I can enter. As it is just simulation, not real duel why can't we simulate against anyone within reach as in the championship? Maybe I would use simulation more often!
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Re: Sugestion box
600. hozzászólás - 2012.09.26. 03:40:38
Here is a suggestion.. make the wheel of fortune worth spending AS on.. atm those i talk to playing the game agree there is no real reward anymore for spending on it... 1 free one a day is fine
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