Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Miklos

Dátum: 2012.08.26. 18:24:23
Thank you for your feedback, I'm forwarding it to the programmer!
Dátum: 2012.08.24. 11:39:11
I'm happy to inform you that the preregistration begins today!

The world itself will launch on next Thursday.
Dátum: 2012.08.24. 10:28:20
yes of course spectral manipulation and everything else works!
Dátum: 2012.08.24. 10:19:17
We are pleased to announce that we added a built-in chat system to the game!

From now on you will get a chat bar when you log in (red bar, with your name on it and a green button). Clicking the green button, the chat window opens or closes. It can be resized the usual way, dragging its right side or its bottom. Resize is remembered by your browser even if you minimize the chat bar with the green button. If you play on a bigger screen, you can set under Settings to position the Doomlord screen to the left instead of the center, so you can position your chat window to the right.
The chat has clickable buttons on the top All, Doomlord, World, Clan and Private. You can choose there on which channel wou are writing. When you click all you see messages from all channels. If you want to send a private message, click on the name in the chat. After you sent him a message, you can chat him just by clicking on the top on Private (his/her name). Click on a name can also allows you to ignore that person or view his character page (only if he is on your world).
Clicking on the Settings icon you can manage your ignore list and set if the time is displayed or not. The 12 icon lets you display messages older than 12 hours (clicked again increses the time).
If you open several windows with Doomlord, only the first one will have the chat active. If you close the window, where the chat was active, the program will recognize this and the next time you refresh page on another Doomlord page the chat will appear.
When we created chat It was a high priority that we do not harm anyone's private sphere. That's why people online are not listed on the chat like in Skype. You can send private message only to players whose name you see on the chat. So you can't use the chat to test the online status of players.
We hope you find this new feature useful. We plan to improve it later if possible based on player feedback.
Dátum: 2012.08.23. 11:08:47
Pein: go to the hunt page, you can use it there.

Furlozza: you can use it without answering quiz questions. It is just a confirm window which warns you that you will not get the complete quiz bonus if you continue.
Dátum: 2012.08.22. 10:07:59
We are adding a special promotion package to the game very soon to celebrate Doomlord's second birthday. Players who purchase at least 100 ancient stones will receive a special package of gifts (limited to one player per package). Details will come soon.
Dátum: 2012.08.20. 16:34:12
Problem is if you won in several categories, you are given only 1 medal. Unfortunately, I can't correct this, only Baraty can, so you have to wait for it until tomorrow (national holiday today in our country). But we will do it. I'm sorry for the wait, and thanks for your patience.
Dátum: 2012.08.20. 16:30:17
I think the preregistration will start next week, will try to give an exact date tomorrow.

Stiska: higher level equipment costs more because leveling is also slower. This ensures that the cost of the game remains constant. I don't understand your question about "builders". Players who do nothing else just build a clan building? I know there are a few such people but is pretty difficult to differentiate them from "drones" who are just run by others to help their "main character". So there is no separate reward for builders, sorry
Dátum: 2012.08.17. 12:02:41
The alghorytm tries to create a clone from the previous, lower category. If it can't do that, only then he chooses one from your category. And let's say you are 3 in your category, there is only 1:3 chance that the clone will be you, 2:3 it will be one of your opponents who you were preparing against. So I have to say, you have been only unlucky.
Dátum: 2012.08.17. 11:59:22
Added the medal, replied to msg as well.
Dátum: 2012.08.16. 13:48:02
Ok asked the programmer, the top list medals are added when you receive the item reward. The other medals are added on login/entering the huckster page. If you dont get your medal please contact me!
Dátum: 2012.08.16. 12:13:34
Hi, the medals are not automatically added, we are adding them now that the event is over. Thank you for your patience, and congratulations!
Dátum: 2012.08.16. 11:59:08
Championship is divided into categories based on level. Each category needs a minimum number participants, which is 4. If there are less than 4 in that category, the program adds NPCs which are clones of pariticpants from this or the previous category, much like Crystal Horde members.
Dátum: 2012.08.16. 10:44:07
Doomlord War of the hucksters is over

The global event of the Doomlord online fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters is over! Archaix won on world 1 and 2, Innatlozad won on world 3. Go and claim your well-deserved fabolous rewards under War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Congratulations to the winners!
Dátum: 2012.08.15. 11:54:41
Ok corrected them.
Dátum: 2012.08.15. 11:54:01
Yes we have been able to correct the problems with Internet Explorer, Wheel of Fortune works correctly now, if you hover the cursor on focus crystals they show abilities.

Also we corrected other problems reported, like ultra-implant or transcendal destruction not having description.

About temple of doom, we will add a small patch very very soon which fixes any problems with "do it on a single day" tasks.
Dátum: 2012.08.14. 15:42:24
Thanks borecdan, thats a bug, we are going to correct it.
Dátum: 2012.08.14. 15:38:12
Furlozza, yes it is possible that the clan quest vote does not count. But you can easily start other votes like peace offer and finish the task.

Trackur: yes today we identified some problems with Internet Explorer. We are going to correct them as soon as possible. I would say use another browser meanwhile but you said you can't, so I ask for a little more patience.
The name completition feature, unfortunately, that is a more difficult thing, I would like that work again asap but that will take more time, sorry for that.
Dátum: 2012.08.13. 14:27:27
Hi, I checked the logs, and I see you purchased 2 gradulatums and purchased the pets, so I added +1 to the task for you. Also increased the potion count by 1. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dátum: 2012.08.11. 10:51:48
Added it for you, Dolp13.

Dancer, thx for the report, I forward them for correcting.