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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2011.01.10. 19:19:30
Ok, so since there hasn't been anyone talking about ManaCon, I'm going to write out the argument in math, logic and reasoning:

Player A - invests heavily in Attacking skills, throws a token amount into Building skills
Player B - invests heavily in Building skills and the Clan, puts a token amount into Attacking skills

Player A dominates, rarely/never losing a battle - gets +3AP & +3DP potions on a regular basis - a lock for the top attacking prize
Player B has great difficulty winning battles - gets few if any potions - no real chance at an attacking prize

Player A spends his daily 1 point of ManaCon skill, and converts the +3AP and +3DP into SE, putting all into into the Build part of the event- easily achieving a top building prize
Player B doesn't want to spend 50 levels of ManaCon to get just one Build point, and since they don't get the AP potions, any SE building comes straight out of their daily AP allotment - it's better to not participate at all

Player A has no real impact on the Clan, as their Building is marginal, and the building gained from one point of ManaCon is insignificant
Player B is a huge asset to the Clan, and losing their daily ManaBuild would definitely hinder Clan development

So, this event, that was designed to give both Attackers and Builders a chance to compete equally has suddenly become a cakewalk for the Attackers who can double up on both halves of the event with no cost, and tremendously expensive for Builders and their Clans. Calling the build portions of this event "fair" and "equal" is pure horsecrap. Getting the same benefit for having base-level magic and L1 ManaCon vs. someone with high Magic and top ManaCon is neither "Fair" nor "Equal".

Most events are already geared to attackers only - why are you guys screwing up this one as well???
Dátum: 2011.01.10. 01:47:08
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2011.01.09. 23:47:57
Idézet: Inv_ - 2011.01.09. 22:43:29
anyway I'm quite done with this. It's clear that the devs are not reading it and unless there are some stupid posts that require my attention, I won't reply here anymore.

I think that's an unfair comment, it's not the developers job to read these posts, it's the forum mods (which I'm certain are reading this topic regularly). The mods report back to the devs with a list of to do things and really, there...

Haven't seen this happen in the last few months either...
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 23:19:39
Idézet: Kethios - 2011.01.09. 08:02:57
It usually exceeds the skill caps. Don't forget you have a free +roll added to your base skill. I think it will be tweaked soon tough.

Smells like a Crystal Point -> CP Potion -> Ancient Stone grab to me.
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 23:10:49
Who played the title-role in Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" (1982)?

Harrison Ford ... Rick Deckard
Rutger Hauer ... Roy Batty
Sean Young ... Rachael
Edward Olmos ... Gaff
Emmet Walsh ... Bryant
Daryl Hannah ... Pris
W. Sanderson ... J.F. Sebastian

Nobody played the "title role".
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 20:28:45
Idézet: manunkind - 2011.01.09. 19:24:58
d00ml0rd, 6 words into that post, you call a whole slew of players "dorks". i'm not sure why you persist in namecalling, but i can assure you that the credibility of anything written after the 6th word of your post has been compromised.

Dátum: 2011.01.09. 20:24:39
Idézet: stekkos - 2011.01.09. 14:30:06
Problem with math Viridel is the infinite ways a player can keep posting the same type "grey" questions and we would have to accept them if we accepted the previous. Is like the None of the above answer. Both are rejected for the simple reason of flooding the quiz with the same question written in 1000 ways.

However, you have allowed an infinite number of "who wrote", "who painted" and "what's the capital"

I stand by my comment. You've put quantity restrictions on the above three, so allow *some* math to come in, then start tagging with "already in the database" if it starts getting too repetitive.
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 20:20:51
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2011.01.09. 20:14:44
Idézet: Viridel - 2011.01.09. 20:11:53
The Crystals have (apparently) disappeared off World 2

Today, 08:00 The Crystal clan has been defeated and fled!

they lost there 7th war today

Damn, I was actually able to use my Duel Points there for a while
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 20:11:53
The Crystals have (apparently) disappeared off World 2
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 06:23:42
What is the only way to destroy a diamond?
Marked correct - intense heat
Marked incorrect - Titanium Hammer

"Lots of things can destroy a diamond. Diamonds are hard, but they are not particularly resilient. You can destroy a diamond simply hitting it with another rock. It will shatter just like glass.

It's amazing how many people think that because diamonds are hard they are indestructible. It doesn't work that way. Glass for example is harder then steel, yet steel will easily shatter glass. And for exactly the same reason steel or much softer rocks will readily shatter diamond."

Considering pressure and heat are required to MAKE a diamond, I doubt that "intense heat" is correct at all - especially given that "intense" isn't defined as an actual temperature.

Another Evaluator Fail.
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 02:59:20
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2011.01.09. 01:49:45
What is a square root of 81?

No math!!

I understand the theory behind more complicated math, or pattern recognition, but this is as fundamental as "What is Pi to the 4th decimal", "How do you calculate the area of a Circle / Sphere / Cylinder", "Which of these is a Prime Number" and the ever popular / poorly written "a brick weighs 2kg and a half brick"... I think the rule of "no math" is far too rigid, and contrary to the fundamental basis of the quiz (should be able to be answered by anyone of high school education). Math is language-free, taught the same way in every school, and is an integral part of any IQ test. And is standard in contest as a "skill testing question"

I just think this absolute should have some grey area in it.
1+1 = Bad
(9+8-7) x (6/3) = Good
9+8-7x6/3 = Bad
Root of 81 = Good
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 02:28:14
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.01.08. 22:29:12
The manaconstruction will count 1 for everyone - it costs the same for everyone anyway.

No, it doesn't cost the same for everyone. A player who invested heavily in Magic and built up ManaCon 50 SPENT exponentially more than someone who invested nothing more in Magic, and a few thousand SE on ManaCon1 - are you really saying their contributions are equal?

"Builders will either have to choose to help their Clan -or- participate in the event"
Yes this is a valid point, actually, it sounded fun that players have to make a choice. Btw, if you are dedicated to your clan (and why you wouldnt be), you can still build for SE, and use your manacons for your clan.

Brutal... So your solution to those who built heavily into Magic and ManaCon is to CONTINUE spending MORE SE so that they can actually utilize their prior investment properly (to help the Clan).

As for "dedicated builder" - stop trying to create a problem - you know what I mean.

Remember, this is an Event BY the players FOR the players... So start listening to the players - nobody has agreed with you on the ManaCon point.
Dátum: 2011.01.08. 20:42:11
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2011.01.08. 14:56:29
There's no way that the admins banned MsPiggy because of user whining. They have demonstrated that they are barely aware of what gets said here, and they don't generally care. They took action based on whatever they saw in 2 months of logs.

This is one of the most brilliant things I've seen on this forum in a long time!
Dátum: 2011.01.08. 20:15:17
What is the general cause of autoimmune diseases?
Overactive immune system
Toxic substances

The "correct" answer - Overactive immune system - isn't the cause, it's the result!

The cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, but it appears that there is an inherited predisposition to develop autoimmune disease in many cases. In a few types of autoimmune disease (such as rheumatic fever), a bacteria or virus triggers an immune response, and the antibodies or T-cells attack normal cells because they have some part of their structure that resembles a part of the structure of the infecting microorganism.

Evaluator Fail!
Dátum: 2011.01.08. 20:00:23
"Level 45 Building Test" in Adventures.

Since the level max is 40, and the test amount is based on the average skill/attribute of players around the same level as yourself - how is a Level 45 test possible? Everybody except me has 5 Doom Medals???
Dátum: 2011.01.08. 03:59:34
Idézet: Sbart - 2011.01.07. 11:23:47
If one wants to benefit builders even more, you could allow this use of Mana-construction to be different from the one you use in the clan buildings, i.e. you can both build in the clan buildings and in the event with mana-construction.

And this is a good point... Right now, Builders will either have to choose to help their Clan -or- participate in the event. Therefore, either a player doesn't participate, or Clan growth suffers... Hardly seems fair, since an attacking based player sees no disadvantage between killing Doomers or Xenos.

If you have ManaCon L30+, you are able to Build twice per day - once into your Clan, and once into an event (this one or any future). This gives incentive to actually develop the skill rather than just throw only a point into it, but get all the event benefits.
Dátum: 2011.01.07. 01:08:57
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2011.01.07. 00:30:36
Something about where the spaghetti noodle originated. China was marked the correct answer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti says it's Italy.

That should be tagged as ambiguous... Spaghetti - the name - was invented in Italy. The flour noodle (and the rice noodle) were invented in China... And really, Spaghetti is nothing more than a fancy name for a flour noodle.

I suddenly think "noodle" is a really funny word...
Dátum: 2011.01.07. 01:04:22
Idézet: Manannan Mac Lir - 2011.01.06. 15:46:53
I am confused....

The main character of the 2001 film about the battle of Stalingrad, ‘Enemy at the Gates’ is Vassili Zaitsev. But who was he?

A Sniper.
A Political Officer.
A Partisan.
A Traitor.

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Your answers are ambiguous or wrong to this question.

Vassili Zaitsev was a sniper - he is world famous as such - the head of the US Sniper School attended his funeral he is that famous. He was regular army - ended up a captain so could not be a Partisan or a Political officer (There is a political officer in the film but he has a different name and is not the main character) and as a hero of the Soviet Union he could not be a traitor.

So how can the answer be ambiguous or wrong???

The only debatable part is (as mentioned) calling him a Partisan - after all, he did take up arms against an invading force. Resubmit the question changing Partisan to Military Strategist or Member of the KGB... I can't see that being rejected.

Great question, Awesome movie.
Dátum: 2011.01.07. 00:47:39
Can you have multiple Medal of Dooms, and will their effects stack?

Are the Focus Crystals removable (like relic crystals)?

Also, a comment on the ManaCon - making your full "dispersal" equal to 1 isn't really fair. If I have 10,000 SP and ManaCon L50 - and I use it all - that needs to be worth more than someone who has 5000 SP and ManaCon L1. If I've invested in those attributes and skills, I should get a better payoff than someone who hasn't. Something to the effect of Level * 500 = 1 Build Point seems a lot more fair to the Builders out there.
Dátum: 2011.01.05. 18:42:20
Who is not a child of Nyx?

According to Wiki, there is a Moros and a Momus, but neither Selene nor Momos are listed in the kid list (and Nyx was a very busy lady!)
Dátum: 2011.01.05. 18:19:59
To add 2 cents:
- I agree this needs to be (publicly) resolved, but the timing (just before the holidays) was rather unfortunate, and likely adds a lot of time to the process. That said, holidays are over, and an answer should be given soon.
- Yes, it takes a long time to go thru data to determine where the loophole is, and how to close it - it doesn't take that long to determine whether suspicious behaviour is illegal or not.
- Based on the fact that we haven't heard a word from Piggy since the suspension, I would guess either the account was terminated (login closed), Piggy gave up on the game, or knows that the suspension will be permanent. Or they may be corresponding in private, I don't know, but the absolute silence from all sides is odd.

Regarding the "stolen" SE:
- Much of it surely came from Energy Harness & Affinity, so crediting that back makes no sense. For the rest, it's surely not practical to "refund". Just take it as a lesson - don't come out of protection with SE.
- The Clan building(s) should be rolled back. My first thought was also "money laundering to make the SE clean", and Doom said it perfectly a few posts later. Just because it went to the clan - even if it was 1400 Hall of Peace builds, the Soul Well increased because of the actions. All Piggy builds should be rolled back.. Not to go retroactive with things like the Tower, of course - just the current Buildings and the Well.