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Dátum: 2010.03.05. 07:41:19
Go to veteran area of forum, under topic skills
Dátum: 2010.03.05. 07:40:02
Idézet: Lichon - 2010.03.04. 22:09:04
When can I upgrade my maximum Action Point limit (250 to 400?) ?
It should cost 200 APs and I have those but I aint seeing an option to upgrade.

You have to go to Misc section and you will find all options (there are 3 you can choose from for 200ap) there under "Acceleration"
Dátum: 2010.03.04. 13:02:31
2 ways: If you want to right your own adventure or if you cannot beat an adventure due to low abilities/skill you use them as an extra boost to help you get through the adventure. All these ofcourse when you get to level 40 and find adventures
Dátum: 2010.03.04. 09:42:51
Wikipedia: The sea is technically a part of the Atlantic Ocean, although it is usually identified as a completely separate body of water. Why i post this? You are right first of all but as you can see most of the world does not consider it to be so. Therefore the question is clear enough not to cause confusion (is like asking about which direction does the sun moves over the horizon, everyone will answer without questioning the fact that is the earth that is moving and not the sun)
Dátum: 2010.03.04. 09:38:06
For sure is not special question but it is already in the database, along with a number of batman movies.... I got several of them during the hunts. Maybe the evaluator got the already in database mixed with special group.
Dátum: 2010.03.04. 09:35:25
Done! That was messy but it was worth it. Who left all these here is beyond me but i hope they will not mind i borrowed a few parts.... permanently. I have to inscribe the runes carefully now and i will be done. I take peeks over the crystal clear pool that is focused on the hill. I guess it got activated as it scanned my thoughts, i do not know and i do not care. I see what is happening and i will be ready to adjust my creation accordingly. Lets see what are they up to.....
Dátum: 2010.03.04. 06:40:43
If you make your own clan then immediately you start putting se into the buildings, soul well being the first. After that is done you start building in the same way other buildings. The more clan members putting se in the same project, the faster it will finish. So building is a team project, especially since more advance clan buildings reach up to millions of se to complete them. As you build, more and more options of what to build open up and each clan decides if what to build and if they will focus on one or several buildings at the same time.

If you join a clan, first you have to pay a kind of tax, called charging the soul well. This means that you have a set ammount of se you have to put in the soul well of that clan and then you can build like mentioned above. Until you do, you are a member of that clan but you cannot gain the benefits from their buildings. The more advance the clan, the bigger the amount you need to pay for you to access the buildings
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 17:44:57
I already posted a sugestion about a button toggling a low resolution/less graphic detail version of the site, how do you feel about it? If a lot like the idea maybe they go through with it
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 17:42:28
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2010.03.03. 08:53:51
What was the name of Tonto's horse, on the Lone Ranger TV series ?

Isn't this special knowledge? Never heard for the series, let alone watch it or know the name of some guy's horse...

And common with the who wrote questions

Who wrote the Inheritance cycle?
Ted Dekker
Christopher Paolini
J.K Rowling
Anthony Horrowitz

I am 27 yrs old, finished college, and only writer I heard of is J.K.

I am sick and tired of these questions,and if they continue, I will start putting my country's authors...

Too many already passed to stop without major complains like : OOOOOH i got rejected about my favourite author but this and this and that got through. Unless they delete all (highly unlikely), it will keep raining authors. You might as well add yours, but dont do it out of vengeance, post so we can learn what you know
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 17:40:10
Idézet: Hyannis - 2010.03.03. 08:38:46
To the Evaluators - problems with doing the Hunt today and answering the questions. One of the questions I answered correctly - Who played Rambo? Answer good old Sly Stallone, but I received a wrong answer and the correct answer being ALASKA????

Other questions answered with correct solution but wrong answers not relating to the question kept popping up!!!

You are a victim of the fast answer button bug, we mentioned it a lot of times in the forum. Do not double click the answer button, it counts for the next question as well and you do not even see it. So stallone was counted correct and you saw the wrong answer for a question you answered without even seeing.
Dátum: 2010.03.03. 08:16:02
I looked it up now that you mentioned it and all i can say is :Administrator we have a problem It seems the author of the question meant the first printed not puplished
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 19:31:14
Idézet: Savanur - 2010.03.02. 17:24:54
Who judges these questions? They are a very biased and unfair bunch of people. How could this question be rejected?

Prior to the 2010 Winter Olympics, which host country had never won a gold metal?

South Korea

According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

This is general googling and common information. After reading some of the questions that are out there I am very disappointed.

I mentioned many times that this game disappointed and irritated me at first to the point of no posting questions for a while. But then i realized either i will loose a lot of se and spoil my fun instead of just posting another and moving on. Now i have 106 good questions. So even if the evaluators did something wrong either by blocking yours or allowing the others, dont get hung up on it.

As for your question, my thoughts are that maybe the reason they gave is wrong. Probably the rejection was due to the way is written (as far as i can see). I guess the answer you search for is canada? If so then by asking prior to 2010, canada was not a host country then, as the question asks. Ofcourse thats just my limited sports knowledge opinion
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 19:21:59
No matter, i cannot change it so is up to the admins
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 13:10:27
I noticed that a new world is starting but i need some info to decide if i should join:

Will EVERYTHING be the same but only starting over (like the first time i logged in to doomlord)?

What about the quiz, all questions from this world will transfer to the next? And what about questions posted on either world, will they count for both worlds?

If i buy ancient stones, will they count on world 1, 2 or both????

Can i play with same character username, password, email?

Ofcourse, if you are planning on explaining all these at your own time, before the world starts, then ignore my post
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 12:50:55
Or a big mac, which ever of the 2 is available at your area
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 12:47:41
Hope i didnt go too far not attacking the hill, i just try to get this to become more, but if you dont like it say so
Dátum: 2010.03.02. 12:45:33
Am i awake? I am sure my eyes are open but i cannot see. But is not dark, its just black! Is as if i am inside darkness, as if darkness has substance and i am immersed in it. I take a deep breath. Nothing. Literally nothing. I must be taking air since i am fine but no feel whatsoever of air passing through my nose, no smell or even a faint idea of a smell. WHERE AM I??????

I remember standing on my tower. I remember seeing that over confident Boar chanting something. I remember waiting to see if his puny tremors would actually have any effect and then i was falling. And now this.

I decide to speak. "testing!" i say. Good at least sound waves exist here, my voice was clear but at the same time muffled. Time to do the only thing i can. I cast a spell of light. Nothing. The spell worked enough to realize i didnt do something wrong but then the light was eaten. Thats the only way to describe it. As if something ate the light. Ok, so it seems i will try to move at without any idea where i am. I stand up slowly, nothing blocked my movements. I reach out but all around me i touch nothing. I touch the place i am standing on and although i must be standing i cannot feel anything under my feet. Well thats a good one, either i am floating or i am.....


Ohhhhhhhhh. That hurt. So i was falling, i established that. And now i am not. My meeting with whatever surface i collided was hard but i get the feeling it should have been harder. Something did not let me get the full force of the fall. Well at least i reached..... somewhere. I start to walk. For hours i just keep going, casting various spells from time to time but everytime the effects are "eaten". Finally i reach a wall. I push hard at various points and finally i find something like a door. It opens. And i find my self in a bright room. Millions of tiny lights make it the complete opposite of where i was. For 1 hour i cannot see until my eyes adjust. And then i see. And i smile. And i laugh, oh how i laugh. I do not know how i got here but let them fight for their hill for now. I have work to do and when i am done that tiny figure sitting on the throne thinking he owns the hill is going to find out that somethings are better left unclaimed. So now i start my work. I think if i cut here.......

Dátum: 2010.03.02. 04:54:09
Jazaray, i was not aware about the unicorn translation then. My point was to be a clear answer, dragons. So i have no objection for the question to be changed and remove unicorn. Change it to vampire maybe?
Dátum: 2010.03.01. 18:51:37
I do read and watch tv and all that you mentioned, and never came across it. Noone at my work talks about it, never happened on an article about it and no one i know, at any point of the world, ever mentioned anything. Now, unless you want to feel that all those people are ignorant fools that do not read or watch anything (your perogative if you do), then that sould tell you something. Stop thinking that a theory has to become a sudden well known fact to all of us. And after all, if you thing its such a good question, Hatsepsut is the quiz administrator check what she feels
Dátum: 2010.03.01. 18:42:45
But i have disadvanced max and still the option to develop the other.... After all they are 2 different skills, not like haterd were you have to choose one of the 3