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Hozzászólások - stekkos

Dátum: 2010.05.23. 04:36:16
You asked the same question on the aspects of evaluation topic but i guess you didnt even read the answer you got. Here it is :

Your question got rejected because a new player just starting the game will have no idea what you are talking about.
Dátum: 2010.05.22. 19:26:46
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.05.19. 16:03:08
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.05.19. 12:00:10
4. Irrelevant lexical: If you ask about events, information or facts that are true, but no real value comes out of knowing them (eg. How much money you get for selling a gold armor in X rpg game or how many fingers does 10 hands have)

Another thing that bugs me is all the questions like "What year did X happen?" where the answers are like 1801, 1803, 1806, 1810. If it's something that happened within the last 10 years, then it's fine to have to know the right year. If it's something that happened since 1900, the answers should be decades. Before that, they should be centuries. And if it's about dinosaurs or plate techtonics or astrophysics, you shouldn't need to know anything more specific than whether the answer is in millions or billions or trillions.

Idézet: stekkos - 2010.05.19. 12:00:10
5. Too easy or mathematical: That can also mean you posted a question of the type: ""What comes next in sequence...."" as well as 1+1=?.

I recently got a question "What comes next in the Fibonacci sequence..." That seems like a legitimate question to me. I think you should be clear that questions about mathematical concepts are fine. It's just mathematical computation that should be rejected.

I would also like to suggest that the document you guys are coming up with should be a living, evolving thing. As questions come up in either the Quiz errors topic or the My quiz question was rejected topic which are in a gray area, I would like to see an official ruling come down from some body of evaluators and have it placed in your new rules and updates topic as an example to clarify all future evaluations. For example, you and I had a long discussion about whether questions regarding the rules of sports games are legitimate. I thought my argument in favor was quite convincing, but evidently not enough to convince you. Anyway, if the evaluation rules committee got together and decided either way, I think it would be great to post the example that raised the issue along with the final ruling, so everyone would know whether questions like that should be rejected or not.

Starting from your last point, let me assure you and all of the players we have no intention of creating a legal document to be followed like its the law. After all, the ONLY reason we even started this process was to get all evaluators evaluating the same way and give to the players a more specific (and in many cases updated) quiz guide to reduce rejected questions. Ofcourse it will be changed and updated as needed, with the help of all of your posts. Examples will be provided to clear any gray areas and avoid missunderstandings. Furthermore the first draft will be subject to all of you commenting on it, and will not be applied as is if we see any good ideas or a lot of protest about any part of it. It will be refined and then presented as the quiz guideline

Coming to the sports question issue, they are quite hard to evaluate because of the diversity in interest that comes with them. Each sport fan has different opinion of what is a ""known"" sport. Especially the situation between North America and Europe, they have completely different sports knowladge to the degree of total ignorance for the other sides sports. But the quiz evaluation has to treat all sports equally, at least on the type of questions allowed. So if we allowed a British football club question about its stadium, then we have to allow NFL stadium questions. No matter how we evaluate there will be complains. Personally i even thought of removing sports all together except the olympic games, world cup and the such which are trully global. Still i do not feel it will come to that, clear rules will be set and see how it goes.

Finally, the years point you brought up is exactly what we agreed on, questions that play with very close dates will be considered bad.
Dátum: 2010.05.22. 19:04:48
Your question got rejected because a new player just starting the game will have no idea what you are talking about.
Dátum: 2010.05.22. 07:36:40
Who was the first apostole of Jesus question has as correct Peter. This is wrong since is clearly stated in the gospels that Peters brother Andrew meet with Jesus first, then brought the news to Peter.
Dátum: 2010.05.21. 19:53:55
I dont know who let it in, but is not ambiguous. Good Book is the only answer. The rest do not refer to the bible, only parts of it
Dátum: 2010.05.21. 19:51:57
It is weird since no obvious mistake is there. Did you put capitals on south pacific now or did you post the question like that in the first place?
Dátum: 2010.05.21. 04:44:35
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.05.20. 21:27:30
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.05.20. 16:38:08

What it comes down to is that the quiz system in its current form is shit. We have a few mods who care - but suffer from either failed logic or unrealistic standards. We have MANY more mods who obviously don't care (by their lack of accountability, and by the appalling track record in quiz acceptance / rejections). The post that Nemesis is talking about is the Complaints -> Quiz Evaluation Debate area... An area created to find remedies for the absurdly flawed Quiz system - and not a SINGLE Admin has participated in the discussion.

I have solved the problem personally by just not writing any more questions - because it was either that or quitting the game. And instead I find 5 bad answers out of a 20 question Hunt. Stekkos - Why are you standing up to defend something that is so obviously broken? Are you a politician?

Instead of wasting your efforts justifying the crap that is going on here - Quiz Errors is 1150 posts long, Rejected Question complaints is at 750:

This isn't an isolated incident - this is TWO THOUSAND TIMES that someone has chosen to make a complaint. How many issues have there been that a complaint has not been lodged? 5 times more? 10 times more?

Think about this for a minute. Take off your blinders and THINK. This is a problem - and nobody of influence seems to give a shit. But what do the people posting complaints know - we're just the paying members of this game.

First of all please stop separating paying players. The issues here are about all players. I mentioned at various areas of the forum that due to the many complains all evaluators got together, we actually formed a clan just to be able to discuss them in union. That alone was a major complain, consistency. We hope that way we can eliminate that. Furthermore we are adressing each quiz subject seperately to lay down a plan that we will all have to obey (evaluators when judging and players when posting questions). When we finish the post will be in the forum. Is not an easy job, epsecially trying to take into consideration all the complains. So it takes time.

As for the forum topics being full, thats why they are here. If we though we can handle everything without help from the players no forum would have been created. The bad questions, especially spelling, will keep coming and we are greatefull to players that keep reporting them. I cannot speak for the admins which have the power of editing the questions but i am sure they do fix a lot using the players reports.

But regardless all these, please keep in mind there will always be complains for the simple reason that the quiz will never be perfect. It is the only game i know that offers me at least the chance to play an RPG and quiz game together, the 2 things that i enjoy most in games. So i enjoy that even with its flaws! I do find that it needs a lot of work to become better, but that does not stop me from enjoying it. And i am not a politian, just enough people point out its flaws, i dont feel i need to do it also. I choose to be the other side on the matter.
Dátum: 2010.05.21. 04:26:21
I cna see how that can be confusing LittleJon. Didnt notice the dual meaning, thank you.
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 16:38:08
I dont know why i bother but here it is: I admitted his question was the same. Said: ""Your question might be the same or easier, it is not the point.""

I didnt evaluate it so dont think i am just trying to justify my actions. My point there was that the way it was put the first thing you notice is that it asks about a player. Should just went ahead and asked the question as it was finally accepted. Reasonable? I cannot say. I believe so but i cannot claim my opinion is a universal truth. I can just follow the rules.

As for your other complain, i did answer you. You then repeated the same question. Now if you feel i neglected you just direct me to your post and i will either point out how what i said applies or, in case you are right, will just admitt i did not pay the attention i should and apologize.

Thank you
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 16:28:34
Its the same with teeth. The teeth are there, just not visible. Still you say a baby has no teeth. Literally thats wrong. But taken in a more general way it still applies. So, ofcourse you are correct and thank you for that nice detail Still the question is good enough to stay.
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 04:19:37
Idézet: Htwogtwo - 2010.05.19. 18:55:43
Someone obviously beat me to it.....

What is an Evaluator?

One who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things
Someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue
An expert whose views are taken as definitive
All of the above

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
This question is already part of the database.

A lot of identical questions are starting to appear very close to each other, sometimes one after the other! In your case, i got that question evaluated 1-2 hours before you post it also. If any of you are posting on both worlds, please have in mind that the quiz database is the same, so both identical questions will not pass.
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 04:16:11
Viridrel, you are still complaining about the obvious: Which team won a recent major championship is good, asking about players of the team is not. Your question might be the same or easier, it is not the point.
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 04:12:27
The . after In golf should be removed. Very small detail but makes your question look bad. Just correct and re post
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 04:09:48
It is a skill called trapping. After you increase your learning you will see it. Read the skills description in the veteran forum, you will get a lot of information there
Dátum: 2010.05.19. 12:00:10
To stop complains about what the evaluation of some question means i would like to post a bit of explanation about them.

1. Misspelling: It can mean you have a spell error, syntax error(capital cities or countries spelled with lower case letters for example), bad phrasing (eg. which country is in lake X instead of which country is lake X in) OR you used the wrong symbol at the question or answers (eg. What animal is a fly. It should be .....is a fly?)

2. Already in database: Except from the obvious, this can mean there are too many of the same kind in database. So if you post 3-4 on the same subject and they all get that evaluation then go for something else.

3. Badly shaped: You either used wrong way of expressing your question or the answers make little sense, although they are not wrong. For example: Who is John?
The answers might be ok but how can the person answering know which John you mean?

4. Irrelevant lexical: If you ask about events, information or facts that are true, but no real value comes out of knowing them (eg. How much money you get for selling a gold armor in X rpg game or how many fingers does 10 hands have)

5. Too easy or mathematical: That can also mean you posted a question of the type: ""What comes next in sequence...."" as well as 1+1=?.

The rest we feel are self explanatory.

These are just guidelines to help understand the evaluation. The 1 and 2 reasons can be used also to give a player the chance to post something else and not loose the question, have that in mind before you complain about it.

A much bigger post is being created and will be here shortly to give an update of what ALL evaluators will consider as a good question. Thank you all for your suggestions, they are being considered trying to find a universal evaluating technic.

Please use the quiz rules debate topic to comment, DO NOT POST HERE.
Dátum: 2010.05.19. 11:54:14
This new topic was created to help evaluators post what they expect from the questions posted and report any changes done to the quiz evaluation progress due to players suggestions/complains. PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING HERE, COMMENT ON THE OTHER QUIZ TOPICS AS USUAL. This way any player can look up these information fast and easy.
Dátum: 2010.05.17. 17:05:31
The question is not reffering to Judas that betrayed Jesus. Saint Judas was the brother of Jesus who wrote the Judas book in the bible. I am just posting this to justify the correctness of the question so dont go debating about it as a religious issue.
Dátum: 2010.05.17. 13:10:49
Idézet: aneksi - 2010.05.15. 13:25:50
In the bible eve was made from what part of adam?


Does anyone see anything wrong with this.

If it was rejected for misspelling is due to the lower case in the names. Adam and Eve. Try re posting that way
Dátum: 2010.05.17. 13:08:32
Probably the way the question is phrased. Re post as: Who is the founder of NASCAR?
Dátum: 2010.05.15. 16:45:25
If you stun at first round he looses his attack for all the rounds after that. And you can stun multible times per combat. The -10 adds up after each succesfull stun

Stunning will be more as you get better items and dimension gate rings. So dont rush to get that 4% focus stone now, if you are in a clan that has or will soon have, a dimension gate the are 2 rings giving 7% and 12%.