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Hozzászólások - ChaoticGemini

Dátum: 2010.12.29. 22:26:54
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.12.29. 08:26:08
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.12.29. 07:19:55
...even if that means a few extra stones to make it happen.

Nahhh, I'd just rather use an ad-blocker, and kill them all

Memo to Admins: irritated users = loss of revenue.

I guess I did leave that a bit open ended I was thinking that if they are really worried about the fractions of pennies from ads then they could do a one time charge like the Comfort functions on the Acceleration page.
Dátum: 2010.12.29. 07:19:55
I started this thread when we had flashy ads at the top. They took them away and we were happy for a while. Over the past week, the new stuff on the pages has made the site PAINFULLY slow. When I get time I will have to hunt down adblocker (as others suggested), but it would be nicer if they didn't load the page up for premium players, even if that means a few extra stones to make it happen.
Dátum: 2010.12.27. 17:31:48
According to Theodore Roosevelt, how should one walk while carrying a big stick?

This question is worded wrong. The quote is "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick." The adverb "softly" explains how to speak. There is no explanation on how one should walk.
Dátum: 2010.12.27. 17:24:05
I'm happy they gave us a chance to get an item better than the team. Last time I found about a third of the pieces for the team and ended up with the medal of doom. This time, I may have 37 more to go (out of 88 needed) to get a guaranteed relic, but at least that gives me a chance. It was only the inclusion of this that I gave it a go again. (I have zero map finding skill, but I do have the wand)
Dátum: 2010.12.26. 15:56:24
Which of these conifers loses its leaves (needles) in the fall?

I think you mean "Larch" not "Lark"
Dátum: 2010.12.26. 04:18:47
The Great Smomey Mountains are located on what continent?

I think you mean Smoky Mountains.
Dátum: 2010.12.25. 19:45:46
I too will start posting questions here, so please note which of us posted your question.

Here's the first two:

Which of these has the German Sherperd Dog been trained for?
Herding Dog
All of them
Guide Dog
Guard Dog

should be "Shepherd" and "all of them" is not a good answer.

Which of these advertising characters appeared on TV first?

One would have to know every character and the date they first appeared on TV. Then there is possibility of it appearing in other countries first. Too much detail in one question for the quiz. I do think they could make an interesting series of questions if reworded individually.
Dátum: 2010.12.25. 19:37:39
For players benefit, I will start adding the questions like stekkos on the "Why did i reject a question (stekkos)"http://forum.doomlord.net/index.php/topic,77.0 thread.
Dátum: 2010.12.21. 12:38:02
Interesting idea. I can see how this idea could be useful.
Dátum: 2010.12.21. 02:29:55
dark, that is how I remember solving these now. Thanks. I'm now having flashbacks to 6th and 7th grade

to ImLittleJon: I love your reply. It made me snicker.
Dátum: 2010.12.20. 22:45:49
I understand it is the fibonacci sequence, but the question makes no sense with what you are supposed to do with it. In fact, it's not even a question, it's a command.
Dátum: 2010.12.20. 21:39:54
Anyone care to tell me what I'm supposed to do with this question?

put the correct number. 1, 4, 8, 13, ...
Dátum: 2010.12.19. 14:16:22
Those are the mechanics that make the game work. I have never seen an online game where the exact formulas were released by the developers. Now some games with simple mechanics the players have figured them out and circulated them, but they are never guaranteed to be accurate and often a reason the developers tweak the exact formula.
Dátum: 2010.12.18. 06:12:48
I have the bat symbol with 5% drain soul and it works on dimension gate battles.

Oddly, I noticed that if I mindboost spectral manipulation when fighting DG, it increases my reward. Creative seemed to have no affect for me as well. I don't know if it is an odd coincidence that spectral works or if it is by design. I can't speak for the diamond horde since I have not experimented enough as one.
Dátum: 2010.12.15. 17:58:34
Idézet: Manannan Mac Lir - 2010.12.14. 15:58:40
I am confused.

My Question was

Which European country first gave women the vote in national elections?

Isle of Man

I got the reply

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Your answers are ambiguous or wrong to this question.

But I do not understand why? The Answer I believe is neither ambiguous nor wrong. This seems to be the right place to question this - so I am doing so. If I am posting in the wrong area please forgive me.

Oh and it was first rejected because I spelt national wrong - which I completely understood and corrected before submitting it for a second time.

I guess, I received your question the 2nd time. I rejected it as wrong because, as it is written, every source I could find pointed to Finland. Some sites even used the exact same words you did.

Edit: An odd coincidence is that the second question I ever tried submitting to the database was "What was the first country to give all women an unrestricted right to vote?" and it was rejected as too special.
Dátum: 2010.12.13. 17:22:39
What's confusing? You looked at 2 individual categories of the award and the question is not asking about a specific category it is asking who is the youngest person to be handed an Oscar statuette in ANY category.
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 08:11:26
Viridel, you should politely list this example in the suggestions forum. I'm not sure if the developers pay attention to the quiz sections. The evaluators that watch these ones agree with you, but we have no power to change it. I can get just as frustrated over rejecting the same question repeatedly for simple problems. I have to bite my tongue and accept the multitude of capitalization/punctuation errors in otherwise good questions even though I see a player here and there posting in the quiz errors thread that they are also annoyed with them. If I rejected them, there would be even more angry players, but there would be a lot more happy players, if we could either fix it, or message them back how to fix it before we accept it.
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 03:54:41
Idézet: Elfie - 2010.12.10. 12:39:47
I was tought the planets in elementary school. But please, check yourself and let me know if I'm the one who is wrong here and the question is correct: http://nineplanets.org/

Keep searhing...In of August 2006, at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union, Pluto was voted to be demoted from planet status to "dwarf planet" because it and its moon are part of a sea of other objects that occupy the same region of space.

From a news article:
The word "planet" originally described wanderers of the sky that moved against the relatively fixed background of star. Pluto, discovered in 1930, was at first thought to be larger than it is. It has an eccentric orbit that crosses the path of Neptune and also takes it well above and below the main plane of the solar system.
Recent discoveries of other round, icy object in Pluto's realm have led most astronomers to agree that the diminutive world should never have been termed a planet.
Dátum: 2010.12.01. 10:42:58
Thank you, Matdav. That is exactly what I wanted clarity about.

D00ml0rd, thanks for your kind words.
Dátum: 2010.12.01. 05:56:33
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.11.30. 09:03:24
Along the same lines... It says, "Items of different power, but with same effect do not stack, only the most powerful takes effect." Does this only apply to event items? For example, if I have a Ruby Triad (improving specialized ability costs 10% less SE) and win a Golden belt of specialization (Improving specialized ability costs 3% less SE) will I get a 13% discount or just the 10% from the better item?

This makes a difference on which husker some of us choose to follow and the cost is going up daily.