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Hozzászólások - manunkind

Dátum: 2015.11.18. 05:11:52
it seems to reset after 03:00.
Dátum: 2015.11.16. 04:59:39
the Building to build button can be found by selecting the Modify message board button on the clan page.
Dátum: 2015.09.25. 07:18:00
"How many seasons of the show "Southpark" have been made until 2010?"

it's called "South Park" not "Southpark".
and seeing as the show is still going strong in 2015, this dated question should be removed.

"In which country was all of the Mad Max movies made?"

Dátum: 2015.09.25. 06:51:45
what is the main ingredient of shepherd's pie?

the answer marked as correct is lamb, but most online recipes seem to say beef.
http://www.mccormick.com/Recipes/Main-Dishes/Shepherds-Pie?utm_source=google- bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=how_to_beef_pies_recipes&utm_content=Shepherd_Pie_R ecipe_recipelp&utm_campaign=RM_EG
while lamb may be a correct answer, it seems that so is beef.
Dátum: 2015.09.22. 01:38:26
if you double-click, it submits the answer twice. the first one goes as intended to the question you were just reading. then the second one is the same letter (a,b,c,d) but for the next question, one you haven't even seen yet. so you have a 25% chance of accidentally getting it correct.
Dátum: 2015.09.20. 22:11:52
is it possible you double-clicked the submit button?
Dátum: 2015.09.18. 16:20:40
minion/assign feeder? um, should there be some kind of announcement? what is this?
Dátum: 2015.09.04. 03:35:49
no problem. glad to help.
Dátum: 2015.09.03. 14:00:33
do you have the mytokronit extractor relic? 20/day.
Dátum: 2015.08.30. 20:08:17
and can't get beyond first task in adventures to answer quiz questions. only button available is back button which also isn't working.
Dátum: 2015.08.28. 17:25:45
i wasn't about to test his link.
Dátum: 2015.08.28. 13:40:32
move your votes to someone who is more active.
Dátum: 2015.08.27. 18:43:19
another quiz will begin in 2 weeks, so you still needn't use a royal decree.

the entering the championship task has the same issue.
Dátum: 2015.08.12. 00:14:44
you can't sell your item to get your ducats and/or ancient stones back, but the item will appear in your inventory after it's deleted so that you can re-use it.
how about a task list now that you're back in town? thank you.
Dátum: 2015.07.28. 21:16:13
Dentists recommend dental flossing in order to reduce the development of...

the listed answer is correct, but so is a second answer that is marked incorrect: bad breath.

bad breath can be reduced through flossing. http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/features/dont-let-bad-breath-trouble-your- pretty-smile?page=2 this answer should be replaced.
Dátum: 2015.07.28. 21:11:26
What is the name of the largest known star (2015)?

VY Canis Majoris is not the largest known star, but it is among the largest.
wikipedia currently has it ranked 8th.

suggested solution:

What is the name of one of the largest known stars?
well said, Sbart. successful completion of that task is arbitrary.
my temple doesn't reboot for another week. *grumble*
Complete 1 tasks in the Temple of Doom!

this one requires preparation. i will not be able to complete it. had i known, i would have left tasks incomplete.