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Oldal: 123456
I can confirm - NO sun crystal - for "Curse" task.
Dátum: 2015.07.26. 08:51:38
As for me whole Horde wars ending was strange and not correct. Horde wars ended before time was gone / about 2 hours /. As for me when I click on results table is showing only results only one day before end - so it is not final. My personal victories number is totally different from one in top table. Have big doubts 15horde reward were delivered correctly IF delivered to anybody.
Main rewads - horde medals. I still have diamond one /+8/ from previous event, but we - sapphire finished last and there is no way I can have it now. I should have platinum one, because I made 900+ attacks.
Too many items and bonuses already affect abilities so I am lazy to make total count if horde medal give correct bonus, but according to event "results" I will not be surprised if not.

Dátum: 2015.07.12. 10:50:49
18 trophies from 399 fights here.

Sbart is unfortunately right and we can only hope replacing event will be more balanced. As for me good balanced event is Ruler of Planet. Those which want win event must use AS, but almost all is reachable with none or very little AS when man is planning and slowly advancing.

Dátum: 2015.06.09. 06:53:35
You are a bit tired from the earlier hunt, but you need more soul-energy, so you must go. In a valley a Minoan demon is springing out before you. It may be a suitable prey. It is surprised, so you easily destroy it and get the 3561 soul-energy. +37 XP From this 641 SE is for the good answer. You found 1 grey mytokronit(s). You found 2 astral treasure.

First time ever I found 2 treasures. My combined treasure ability is 205. Last time I had 0 tresures in hunt was when I had tresure ability 195.

I think 0,5% for each point of combined treasure ability is good estimate.
Dátum: 2015.05.21. 11:06:02
Well, it was not cheap although I was lucky with finding treasure ability. Treasure ability was found as 2nd 2 times, as 3th 3 times, as 4th 5 times and only once as 6th.
Still it costed about 40 astral stones. I am sure I had few for free or some reward. Now I am already finding them in treasures - lets say 10-12 total. I think about 20-25 I bought what was 200-250 AS.
Next part is "speed up" traveling which was used probably also about 25 times. Lets say another 250 AS. Total up to 500AS.

I was expecting it will be worth because seriously higher number of found treasures - now with number of treasures "probably" limited from one hunt to 1 - it seems that it was not clever move .
Dátum: 2015.05.21. 09:42:08
My total treasure finding from 11 minions with evenly distributed yellow myto is 157 ( 3x15 + 8x14 ). Although I find treasure almost always ( aprox.80% ), I can confirm I am 99% sure I never found more than 1AT from single hunt. If I will find 2AT in one hunt anytime, I will report here imediatelly.
Dátum: 2015.05.18. 11:46:34
Additional questions :

Will be greater spacerift potion available for sale to save Event points ?

If yes, will be old one deleted from inventory ?

Dátum: 2015.05.14. 18:27:49
% is counted only from OWN CLAN hits, not from total hits of all clans. So exactly as Manu said. One people 10 hits, one to each square and exactly 10%. Of course it is harder to count for more days, because total clan hits are adding each day. So if I will be hitting alone of Day1 and will hit 10squares - each one will get 100%/10 = 10%, but next day if I choose 10 OTHER squares each one get 100%/20hits ( 10 from 1st day + 10 from 2nd one ) = 5%. And all those squares with 10% from 1st day also drop to 5%.

So it is not important of you hit thousand times and somebody only once. Only what is important where you hit because total % from all squares is for every active clan always 100%. And with smaller clan with less participating members math is more simple.

LOL, Cruel just was quickier.
Dátum: 2015.05.08. 06:11:52
Yes, you will get as much bonus as your number of clan medals. For each clan medal +1 to all abilities. There is not any top limit. If you exchanged next one and some problem occured, you should contact support through Help button.
Dátum: 2015.04.29. 11:23:08
I was also very surprised with Miklos words. I was expecting it will be really long and painfull process to get all fetish shards and each one will be very valuable. Now I am very confused . It could be crazy if I now give up tons of rewards to get single ONE fetish shard and in future they will be available in extremely better conditons.

Dátum: 2015.04.22. 17:28:10
No. You need exactly what is written : (next level: 200 AA points). Formula is : 200*(ability level ), so 200AA for 1st level. Description is little unclear so I do not know if 2nd level will cost again 200AA or 200*2 = 400AA, next level 600AA, etc.

2000AA spent is only prerequisite, so you must spent 2000AA before you will be able upgrade this AA skill. How many you spent is written on top of page with yellow letters or on statistic highscores page. I looked at your statistic and you already spent 2062AA with Naho_W3 so it is available for you.

Dátum: 2015.04.22. 07:52:34
.. and what about Mitokronit fetish which can be obtained for 10 Astral drops. 1 Astral drop can be obtained for 20 Astral shard and Astral shard is rare treasure randomly given from Astral treasure - for now I got 1 Astral shard from about 25 Astral treasures / too little examples for doing math how rare is Astral shard /

So if my math is good I will need like 5000 Astral treasures to get Mitokronit fetish if some other way to speed up process will not be added .

Back to Astral treasures, while for other colour mytokronits we have preety good explanation how they worked I miss info about yellow ones. How much in % help each next level of minion treasure ability ? or is that info secret ?


Cruel, I think it is 2nd piece. Anyway - 1st piece was main reward from Ruler, 2nd main reward from Xeno. Curious how many we must collect, anyway I cannot imagine how powerful it should be to equal difficulty and price to obtain Fetish shards.
Dátum: 2015.04.04. 15:03:13
Absolutly agree. I saw players give up game because were not able to be full member in months from start and unfortunately we have too little number of active clans for low level players.
Maybe some kind of "half" member could help with some most important functions such as access to Dimension Gate.

Building energy was very useful idea, but top clans has larger and larger soulwell and each new player starting from zero.

Dátum: 2015.04.04. 14:55:39

Do not waste them !!! They are not useful now. Functions are in preparation and should be implemented to game "soon".

Look here : http://forum.doomlord.net/index.php/topic,215.0

Dátum: 2015.04.04. 07:20:48
Many thanks to both,

to Digi : Yes, I saw also icon is same. Unfortunately it is not rare that one item is called by various names. It brings mess to game.

to Talia : Many thanks, I was trying to read hungarian forum / I am registered to hungarian version of game for already about year only due to forum access /, but with some specific translations even Google doesnt help very much and to be true even my english is very bad. Anyway, I think it is sad , I must have access to hungarian forum to get at least some information in time.

Now I should send money to you instead of supporting game by purchasing AS .
Dátum: 2015.04.01. 09:00:47
Many thanks ,

Maybe it is too soon , but :

1. Eye of Beholder is active=available, but not reset from last similar "event" so I cannot use it.
2. Some announced items - easter chests, hunters loot, etc. not available in store.
3. Some items in gift packs for Easter sale AS spending rewards are uknown - blue, green mytokronits, soul-energy generator

To be true, especially Nr.3 is pretty frustrating for me. Those are next items implemented to game before explanation / like Fetish shard /
Maybe somebody like this, me surely not.



16:44 update : 1. and 2. are OK already
Dátum: 2014.12.21. 09:11:08
I agree with Manu .

Also want to add - only as remark for premium players - among special items at sale is also Minion crystal pack / limited to 3 times daily /.
And do not forget about Eye of Beholder roulette available under Soul-huckster for those who wanted try your luck.

Dátum: 2014.12.12. 17:40:41
Also cannot start quiz - only message I can saw is "A kvízolimpia jelenleg nem fut".

Anyway as I have 20 quiz medals, no problem for me.
Dátum: 2014.12.08. 19:29:31
New reward item added :

Treasure generator

Cost: 100 horde trophy
Type: relic
Level: 60
When you discharge the soul-well, you get the following treasures in addition to the SE: minion crystal, grape-juice, platinum, loyalty shard, golden ducat. If you have 100 AS during discharge, you get 1 of each, if 200, 2 etc. You get maximum 10 at 1000 AS.
Dátum: 2014.11.29. 12:27:56
My post are usually very positive to this game, now .... situation changed.

1. In time before event start no statement about event points was made. Only after event start we could see in fact event points for Clan wars and for Horde wars are same.

2. Running Clan wars and Horde wars in same time is ..... *** self-censored *** . My personal opinion is different from some player which propsed interrupt Clan wars during period of running Horde wars event. Because you made Clan wars PERMANENT feature I simply suggest delete Horde Wars event / because event should be something extra, not 95% same as regular game feature / and substitute it with something new - I am sure you have some ideas.

3. Situation with Treasure generator is just funny. We are already in second half of event and prize is not added to game. Nobody force you add new prize / although I think it have some logic as maybe some player already have all unique prizes available for Horde Trophy and if ypu want sold some overpriced War packs new prize could be efficient /, but when you announce it, it should be added. Of course your words : "A change in rewards: We shall add a new reward (Treasure generator) soon." are not exact, but adding new reward after event finish will be strange.
Unfortunately if my google translator from Hungarion version of Doomlord worked well - Tresure generator is one of weakest prizes and surely not must, not mention this prize is 100% effective only when you have 1000AS on account - really do not understand rasing limit from 500AS needed for Soul-well full efect. But maybe / hope/ it will be changed in some details.

4. Finally one question - will be Greater Spacerift potion removed from players each week during Horde event same as during Xeno wars ?

Oldal: 123456