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Re: Sugestion box
761. hozzászólás - 2015.06.17. 13:35:19
That's interesting thanx.
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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
762. hozzászólás - 2015.07.08. 13:13:34
New player. First impression is that this is an interesting game, that I might spend some time on, and it is easy to get started .... until day 2 or 3!!
Quiz questions: Get rid of them, they are just anoying and you check on google anyway, waste of time.
Clan: I have not been able to join a clan yet, maybe because the clans in top of list are old with only inactive players. Anyway, then I tried to create my own clan and I'm still waiting for it to be approved. Had to put the game on hold not to risk to lvl up and miss the task awards. Why is it so difficult to join or start a new clan?
Temple of Doom Invisible Task: Had to search this forum on how to cancel the invisibility (waiting 24 hours).

I will continue a bit more, even with the pause waiting for clan
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Re: Sugestion box
763. hozzászólás - 2015.07.08. 21:04:04 (Válasz Fatmonk #762 hozzászólására.)

Regarding the quiz questions, I fully agree with you. I've been saying this since forever. They are a burden and the game loses more than it gains by keeping them. They have introduced an item to skip them altogether, but it is not for sale (God knows why!). It is only available in a single event (as of now).

Regarding clans, there is a new feature in the game that allows newbies to join big clans. Send you application to Gugu if you are Emerald. If you are any other horde, try to contact the big clans about it.

Welcome and good luck

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Re: Sugestion box
764. hozzászólás - 2015.07.09. 15:06:54
Fatmonk....or apply to Emerald legion...

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Horde trophies : drop rate is minimal
765. hozzászólás - 2015.07.12. 08:33:09
If this will be the last horde war and the event relics and rewards will not be ported to any other event then the game admin should reconsider the drop rates of horde trophies.
I do not know whether i am lucky or not, i got only 12 horde trophies for 350 victories and the event will end in 11 more days.
So going by the current drop rate i can get approximately 30 to 40 trophies by max.
I just wanted to know, am i the only one who is unlucky or everyone is facing the same issue.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Horde trophies : drop rate is minimal
766. hozzászólás - 2015.07.12. 08:46:42 (Válasz Gladoom #765 hozzászólására.)
Main source of the Horde throphies is not random drops, but buying the War pack from the soul-huckster.
(This is one of my mian complaints with the event, since the war-pack is bough for AS it makes the Event far too AS-centric).
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Re: Sugestion box
767. hozzászólás - 2015.07.12. 10:50:49
18 trophies from 399 fights here.

Sbart is unfortunately right and we can only hope replacing event will be more balanced. As for me good balanced event is Ruler of Planet. Those which want win event must use AS, but almost all is reachable with none or very little AS when man is planning and slowly advancing.

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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
768. hozzászólás - 2015.07.18. 03:13:03
I still like the game now after 2 weeks

And as a new player I would like to comment a bit:

1) I said it already, but the quiz is a pain and not a natural part of the game "story"

2) Clan. Clean the clan list when you look for clans to join. Too many inactive clans.

3) Clan. Why does a new clan need to be approved by admin? That stopped the game for me for almost 2 days, couldn't move on until I got the clan approved

4) Clan again .... the SE needed to join higher ranking clans are insane for new players. Someone suggested that it should be possible to join such a clan for much less SE but only gain access to some buildings at first. For other buildings access must be earned by donating SE. Each lvl of building could be made available only after donating xx % of that lvl's worth in SE ... or something like that

5) I saw someone suggest that new players should join as lvl 60 as a kickstart. Bad idea. I like to start from the beginning and learn the game the hard way. Instead new players until a certain lvl could have the option to use soul diamonds as royal decree to complete tasks like we do on World 4. That would speed up their progress in game.

PS: Thanks to Digitalis and Cruel01 for replying to me earlier here in forum about joining a clan. I have however started my own 1 man clan to get some experience first
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Re: Sugestion box
769. hozzászólás - 2015.07.18. 20:00:01 (Válasz Fatmonk #768 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Fatmonk - 2015.07.18. 03:13:03

4) Clan again .... the SE needed to join higher ranking clans are insane for new players. Someone suggested that it should be possible to join such a clan for much less SE but only gain access to some buildings at first. For other buildings access must be earned by donating SE. Each lvl of building could be made available only after donating xx % of that lvl's worth in SE ... or something like that

There is a new building that allows new players to join a big clan and build at 10x regular speed. That kinda solves this problem.
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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
770. hozzászólás - 2015.07.19. 02:21:13
@Cruel: Thank for the feedback, but which building is that? I cannot find it in the building list.
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Re: Sugestion box
771. hozzászólás - 2015.07.19. 02:44:14 (Válasz Fatmonk #770 hozzászólására.)
It's a building called Energy Storage. Maybe you don't see because it only becomes available after the soul well reaches a certain size. Here is its description:

Can be built only with soul energy (not mana or building energy). No modifier apply to the SE you spend this way. If a doomlord spends SE or building energy to fill up the soul-well, for every 1 SE he spent, he will get an additional 9 credited from the energy storage (which loses this SE). So thankfully to the Energy Storage, new members can reach full membership 10 times faster than before. Building the Energy Storage does not count towards any quest or task!
Status: Under construction.
Progress: 93.0% (9.302.002/10.000.000 SE)

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Re: Sugestion box
772. hozzászólás - 2015.09.01. 16:57:25
I thought of a way to make clan wars (the old one) interesting and viable. What if it worked like this?

- Clan 1 declares war on clan 2
- Fights will be 1v1 in a random matching system and until one of the fighters fall (exactly like the mid-month championship)
- If clan 1 has less than 15 members, clan 2 will defend with his strongest players in a number equal to clan 1 (Ex: if clan 1 has 10 players, clan 2 will defend with his top 10 players)
- If clan 1 has 15 players or more, it will be completely random, so I could be left out of a round, for example, if a clan with less players than mine was in war with us.
- Each victory counts as 1 point for the winning clan
- War lasts for 3 days and each day has one round of matches
- Clan with more points wins the war and steals 20% of enemy's max soul well
- Citadel will become useful again. Its daily strike can weaken the strongest fighters of enemy clan by 3% per level (60% max). For each 2 levels, number of players affected increase by one (with a max of 10)

What do you guys think?

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Re: Sugestion box
773. hozzászólás - 2015.09.02. 08:49:22
Surely giving wars fresh breath would be nice. But I would like to ask you :

1. Which players will be available for fight ? We have different cathegories - inactive /red/, in catacombs, resting ....

2. Strongest players .... in random system simply clan with higher number of high level player wins. I can have strongest character in my cathegory - but have no chance against weak player which is 30 level higher than me.

3. What with clan bonuses from buildings ? Some are less important, but some can have big impact - f.e. mentioned Citadel. I am afraid that only make strong clan even stronger, because no clan will be able to defend against. Today we already have unhealthy gaps among clans in term of strenght, number of player, etc.

Anyway I will be surely thinking about good Cruel idea ...

Another way is making clan wars against Crystal Clan more interesting which can be probably doable with less difficulties - but probably also with less fun.

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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
774. hozzászólás - 2015.09.02. 11:49:47
The idea of reforming clan wars came up many times already.

The most workable idea was something like you suggest, players fighting in one championship-like event vs each other; and players have the choice to either fight, or assist a fighter. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a solution which is fair in every sitation, and your suggestion has the same problem. A clan with only one strong player beats a clan with 10 medium strength members; An old clan with many strong players beats everyone, no one else will have a chance; the reward (soul-well increase) is not too tempting, but if we give something better, then see previous 2 points; etc etc.

So, for this reason, we came up with an entirely different way of clans competing with each other, which is as fair as possible - and this is called clan championship. It is effectively the new clan wars. We were thinking at that time if we should remove the old system, but people asked for it to stay, so it's still there....
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2015.09.02. 11:50:09-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
775. hozzászólás - 2015.09.02. 18:35:49
Thanks for the comments.

1 - All players not in catacombs would be added to the pool. Similar to the current clan wars
2 - Strongest players will be stronger no matter what. That's why I think a random system is perfect because it adds the chance for a "wasted attack". Can you imagine if I get matched with very low level player? Or if I don't get a match at all? I believe in a random system, it is possible for Gugu or HB&D to be defeated by smaller clans. For example, HB&D has 29 active members (not in catacombs). If they go to war with Emerald Legion (16 active members), they will have 13 players benched on each round. What if Tallia, Koriey and Senner get benched? Of course, if a clan is stronger on average, it will probably win, but it is not surprising for stronger clans to defeat weaker clans.
3 - Buildings will definitely play an important role, but that's expected . It will push clans to improve on that regard as well.

A clan with a single strong player would defeat a clan with 10 medium players. You are right. But that's not very likely to happen. As a matter of fact, the Clan Championship is much worse on this regard because a clan with a single player is pretty much unbeatable and the player doesn't even need to be strong (he/she must be a little smart though). As a matter of fact, the Clan Championship has an inverse logic on fairness. Contrarily to what you are saying, it is not fair AT ALL and the burden for this unfairness falls on the strong clans' shoulders, as it is much harder to coordinate the attacks in a clan with 30 members. From this perspective, does it make any sense to favor organization/clan size over clan power?

In any case, my proposal is not to eliminate the Clan Championship. Instead, we should keep it and add a war system that makes sense. Clan power needs to be compensated somehow. I like your idea of combining 2 clan players on a 2v2 system. it would probably make the randomness even more relevant. What if Sbart and I get paired and matched against 2 low level players? That would be quite a waste! And I also agree the prize is not so exciting, so why not change it and give building levels, like the Clan Championship does?

Finally, if you really don't want to move with the idea of revamping clan wars (which I think would be losing a big opportunity to add something cool to the game), you need to at least level the field for the Clan Championship because (I WILL REPEAT THAT) this is not a fair system to the big clans! How about showing to the clan leaders (5+ votes) individual attacks from all clan member so that they can organize better? Also, we need to make the Citadel useful somehow. Just having a useless building is silly. How about if we could target a clan and associate the Citadel attack to a square in the Clan Championship, making that square inaccessible for that clan for the day. Each 5 levels of the Citadel would allow us to block one square so we would be able to block 4 squares when the Citadel was maxed. That would definitely make things more interesting.

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Re: Sugestion box
776. hozzászólás - 2015.09.03. 05:58:12
Will try to look to clans pages and try to count some simulations according your proposal.

As for Clan Champhionship Cruel is true. And I can see several other additional problems, but it is not worth to talk about them because these are not possible to change.
Some Cruel ideas are interesting - for showing individual attacks I can vote immediately, for Citadel implementation I must look at it.

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Re: Sugestion box
777. hozzászólás - 2015.09.29. 01:03:03 (Válasz Miklos #774 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2015.09.02. 11:49:47
The idea of reforming clan wars came up many times already.

The most workable idea was something like you suggest, players fighting in one championship-like event vs each other; and players have the choice to either fight, or assist a fighter. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a solution which is fair in every sitation, and your suggestion has the same problem. A clan with only one strong player beats a clan with 10 medium strength members; An old clan with many strong players beats everyone, no one else will have a chance; the reward (soul-well increase) is not too tempting, but if we give something better, then see previous 2 points; etc etc.

So, for this reason, we came up with an entirely different way of clans competing with each other, which is as fair as possible - and this is called clan championship. It is effectively the new clan wars. We were thinking at that time if we should remove the old system, but people asked for it to stay, so it's still there....

Something interesting happened "last week". A tie. Our clan had 58 victories and there was another one with the same amount. So we had to use the tie-breaker (number of individual wins). Are you guys sitting? The numbers really are astonishing... Our clan had 2,295 and our competitor had 138. How can a clan with 2,295 wins compete with another with 138?! I don't know. I can only assume they have no communication at all. In any case, this is clearly not fair and I am not sure why anyone would think otherwise.

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2015.09.29. 16:12:49-kor
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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
778. hozzászólás - 2015.10.02. 02:08:16
Probably not the most accurate topic to post this but I was triggered by Cruel's word "fair": I just got beat by a player at lvl 17 who has been around since 2013 and in a clan with fully build ramparts and training grounds. I don't mind getting beat by a better player or even by bad luck but this is so beyond fair that I don't know what to call it. What is the fun in sticking around for 2 years at same lvl just to beat up newcomers to the game?
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Re: Sugestion box
779. hozzászólás - 2015.10.02. 11:52:19 (Válasz Fatmonk #778 hozzászólására.)
These characters are the so called spiders, sitting on a certain level and waiting. If he attacking you regularly, level up fast, to get out from his attack range.
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Re: Sugestion box
780. hozzászólás - 2015.10.02. 16:49:25 (Válasz Fatmonk #778 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Fatmonk - 2015.10.02. 02:08:16
Probably not the most accurate topic to post this but I was triggered by Cruel's word "fair":

Miklos' word. Not mine.
Pontszám: 8.62
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