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Hozzászólások - catwoman

Oldal: 12
Dátum: 2025.03.04. 16:39:57
manukind i dont wan my clan o be on the championshipfor you to have an opponent.besides this is against the rules.since some choose to drove players and clans of the game then the event should happen with the ones that remain.this if we want to follow the rules,right?
Dátum: 2025.03.04. 13:47:44
the fact the although my clanmates have deleted the accounts since we leaving the game and i was also about to do it and i see that my clan with only onw member is forced to join the clan championship AGAINST THE RULES THAT THE DEVELOPERS APPLIED just for the championship to be made.if you bend your own rules to make things happening it would be be beeter not to let some players to drive other players away from the game.
Dátum: 2025.02.27. 17:05:54
"if you start leveling up, we can battle for real. now that would be fun."imagine if until then you would actually fighting players on your lvl.now that would be challenging and fun,dont you think?
Dátum: 2025.02.26. 23:14:58
then stop saying i dont hit low lvl players or i hit only active players that i can drag to the torture chamber cause obviosly you and your friend doing the opposite.
i think neo s answer was very clear i dont see what is confusing you and what you are finding hard to understand.
and you should had better read my post before say piblicly complain.either you have problem in undersatnding what ppl saying or you dont want to understand.what ever is the case if you have trouble making an argument and you end up sending your friend to attack everyone that dont agree with you then dont engage in oneand pretend you are better man and you playing innocent.besides telling something you dont do and actually when someone proves the opposite,with evidence as you asked before start calling him a liar,really isnt good for what you say is true.not to mention that sending your buddy to hit anyone that oppose you dont help either.
"my motives are a red herring"well this is new way to avoid to answer,right?
Dátum: 2025.02.26. 19:43:41
thor is right after all.you are not trying to annoy everyone you are really so stupid!you sound lie a broken record.ppl keep answer you very clear and you just asking the same thing that have been already answered to you.
Dátum: 2025.02.25. 23:09:28
manukind you havent answered that question.you have admitted that you dont gain anything extra since you cannotdrag someone with the scarab( how could you deny that anyway?),you keep saying that hitting someone for 4 days constanly(and maybe more if he havent stoppped you) but his is not "daily" according to you(although you still dont answer when someone can say daily accordingto you,after weeks?months?).baiacally you have ahvent answer any of those questions honestly or not oyu just avoiding them by arguing what is daily according to you
Dátum: 2025.02.25. 20:09:47
"i do not target low level players. i settle for them when bigger torture chamber meals are unavailable."well we have establish by now that this is not true.also let me remind you that if someone has the srarab cannot be dragged to the torture chamber so you will not have anything extra from someone that is 200lvl or 50 lvl below you or from inactive or npc player.so as you see you have plenty of choice for your task with the same gains.i dont know why you have trouble understand it whenso many players telling you the same thing.so let me quote fos words and hopefully you will understand this time
"attacking a player with 200 levels of difference or one with 50 levels of difference gives the exact same soul energy "
Dátum: 2025.02.24. 00:31:35
i am sure we can survive without your admiration too
Dátum: 2025.02.23. 15:47:19
"assume does not mean "suppose [sic] to be the case."
assume>to take for granted or without proof: to assume that everyone wants peace. Synonyms: presuppose, posit, postulate, suppose to take upon oneself; undertake.
The meaning of SUPPOSE is to lay down tentatively as a hypothesis, assumption, or proposal.
Dátum: 2025.02.19. 11:50:42
merlin speak with nhsos to send you the link and a code with free stuff for start.i have started the game laready lvl15 nd look very promising.and unlike here no attacks from high lvl players although too many fights with other players.when the cln championship her ends i will be leaving so manukind can be happy.the rest of the clan already started to leave
Dátum: 2025.02.16. 19:33:51
first of all i didnt fail to respond to your post since i already have answered it.secondly ofcourse you didnt send anyone to hit it just happened that you buddy start hitting me when i started answering to your post.wait i forgot you dont hit low lvls everyone that have ever said that you attacked them are lying evn if they post the duels like enzio did.or let me guess it is just happend you have no idea.but you failed to answer my question.why you snd others to doyour dirty work?dont tell me that you afraid that you will loose from me!and to imagine that on my original post i never mentioned the name of my attacker or even pounted at you or your buddy
Dátum: 2025.02.16. 19:26:00
well if you had the IQ to understand the question we should be talking now.the question is wh is the coldest planet of the solar system not what is the coldest temperature ever recorded on a planet.no need to be very smart to understanf the question

well maybe you need the kid version to understand it
However, the coldest planet is not Neptune, but Uranus – even though Uranus is a billion miles closer to the Sun than Neptune. Uranus holds the record for the coldest temperature ever measured in the Solar System: a very chilly -224℃. The temperature on Neptune is still very cold, of course – usually around -214℃ – but Uranus beats that.
https://www.hull.ac.uk/work-with-us/more/media-centre/news/2021/curious-kids- what-is-the-coldest-planet-in-the-solar-system#:~:text=Uranus%20holds%20the% 20record%20for,%E2%84%83%20%E2%80%93%20but%20Uranus%20beats%20that.

lets try another one incase you still have problem understnading the question and the answer.

although it seems that you have a problem understand the question,right?the question is very clear you seem to be the only one that is confused on what the coldest planet mean.
Dátum: 2025.02.16. 13:39:14
the fact that you sent your friends to hit me only proves i am right about you.at least have guts to do it on your own you can still win dont worry.ohh sorry i forgot you dont hit low lvl players......you send your friends to do it
Dátum: 2025.02.15. 20:17:41
first you said you havent hit for years enzio just called you out and prove you were lying.you also said that you prioritize your torture chamber but you cannot drag him to your torture chamber so again you were lying.so basically all your claims proved lies so my actually question from my post remains.what is the reason for high lvl to hit low lvl since they dont gain anything?and from all the players you found only 5?and one of them was having the scarab so no torture chamber gains.are you sure the rest was also didnt have the scarab or it is just for saying?
Dátum: 2025.02.15. 20:09:32
"Which is the coldest planet in the solar system?" that actually mean the planet with the lowest temperature what is unclear?let me help you more to understand it since its unclear and confusing for you.the solar planet has 8 planets(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune).Uranus holds the record for the coldest temperature ever measured in the Solar System: a very chilly -224℃.lowest temperature mean the coldest.there is nothing unclear on that actually is very specific
Dátum: 2025.02.14. 23:20:59
first of all i have the scarab so there is no benefit for the attack.secondly you didnt suggested but immediately assumed that it was my fault my demeanor as you said(your words not mine) even when i said that i didnt even talked before with the one that atttacked.but again you fall to assumptions and speculation blaming me.how exacrtly you were helping me figure it out when accusing me for something i didnt do?so my post was why although high lvls dont have any gains ,as you also admitted,those attacks keep going?and what would the result would be according to my opinion.there was no referal to you but you immediatelly jump to defend those kind of attacks and immediatelly blame me for the attack.

as for the benefit that you said that the high player would have IF I DIDNT HAVE THE SCARAB as i saw on the nhsos post would be maybe 200 se.so you telleing me that the high lvls are so desperate for se that hunting low lvl players for 200 se?even on my lvl those are not even enough for a healing potion
Dátum: 2025.02.14. 20:40:51
"as i have not hit you, you'll have to ask the player that did hit you why they hit you. the only reason i can see is your demeanor." your words not mine.so you do assume that before the hit my "demeanor" bothered someone to attack me.although i didnt say anything to anyone youassume thti bother or insulted someone and he attacked me.again you make assumption about me without even knowing anything or me.

since i was the one that had been attacked why you question nhsow about attacks?ii dint see also in nhsow post saying that you attacked him as i didnt say that it was you that attacked me.

so you say that those attacks have no impcat on me but also the high lvl dont gain anything so what is the point of those attacks?cause as iread in nhsos comment even if i didnt have the scarab again you dont gain anything especially with the scara you dont gain anything.so the question that you avoid to answer is what is th point of those attacks that you defens so much?
as for your opinion that you are developing again you dont know me,i didnt insult or even reffered to you on my post but again you assume things about me.
Dátum: 2025.02.14. 14:56:57
first of all you answer to nhsos and not me which she already said that will not be back in the forum.secondly where exactly was MY demeanor?do you see any other post of me on the 86 pages you are refering?third if you have read my post or even bothered to check my relics before you speaking you would have seen that i already have the scarab and i have been attacked.i guess in your eager to attack someone here in the forum you forgot that but nevermind.and yes there is no protection for the new players when a lvl 200 can attack a lvl 10.there is no protection or measure when players getting attack form someone that is 200 lvl and more from him just because "he can".and you are right you dont know why i was attacked(even i dont know why i was attacked since i never annoyed anyone) but you jump to accused me right?you already admitted that you dont know why i was attacked but immediately start blaming me,right?and why should any attacks be invisible?since someone drags you to torture chamber you dont have the right to know it?lets remove the torture chamber then but if this was even suggested you will start yeling since you couldnt feed from the low lvl efforts.
"Have you been attacked since you got the new lesser scarab? how many times? how many by me? spoiler: zero."well since i said i was attacked that mean that i was attacked even with the scarab.did i say that i was attacked by you?spoiler NO.did you jump to immediatelly blame me and accusing of demaenor?YES
.do i have a problem with you or even said that it was you attacked me or even offended you with my post?NO.did you accused me for demeanor and accusing for everything in the forum?YES
Dátum: 2025.02.13. 02:30:23
as for your suggestion about the limits it was to increase the range that you dont need subplasma to attack.this have nothing to do with stopping the attacks with so much lvl difference.basically your suggestion was to hit more lower lvls that you can now without using subplasma.would that stop you from attacking new players or players with 200 lvls or more difference?the answer is no and you know it. besides if you dont want hit a lvl 20 or lv30 while you are lvl289 you simply dont do it.dont claim that the game force you to attack players with so much lvl difference.do you know how stupid sounds when you claim that the game force you to attack with players with such lvl difference?
Dátum: 2025.02.13. 02:21:19
my demeanor?in what way have i even offended someone that is 350 lvl above me when i didnt even message him?also pls do tell me how all the low lvl players that have been complaining about your attacks(some of them are even lower lvl than mine) have offended you when you attacked them?do tell me how someone that was 200 lvl below you and never message you or even attacked you(unless you are going to tell me that a lvl30 attacked you and you got angry because maybe manage to scratch your armor) have insulted you with his demeanor as you said?
Oldal: 12