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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1861. hozzászólás - 2025.02.26. 23:14:58 (Válasz manunkind #1858 hozzászólására.)
then stop saying i dont hit low lvl players or i hit only active players that i can drag to the torture chamber cause obviosly you and your friend doing the opposite.
i think neo s answer was very clear i dont see what is confusing you and what you are finding hard to understand.
and you should had better read my post before say piblicly complain.either you have problem in undersatnding what ppl saying or you dont want to understand.what ever is the case if you have trouble making an argument and you end up sending your friend to attack everyone that dont agree with you then dont engage in oneand pretend you are better man and you playing innocent.besides telling something you dont do and actually when someone proves the opposite,with evidence as you asked before start calling him a liar,really isnt good for what you say is true.not to mention that sending your buddy to hit anyone that oppose you dont help either.
"my motives are a red herring"well this is new way to avoid to answer,right?
Pontszám: 9.04
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Re: General complaint
1862. hozzászólás - 2025.02.26. 23:39:47 (Válasz manunkind #1859 hozzászólására.)
actually manukind the only questions that remains are
1.since you dont gain anything extra and you cannot drag them to your torture chamber why so obsession with low lvl players and hitting them until they go to the catacobs or leave the game?
2.why you send your friend to start hitting everyine that dont agree with you?

"i will say, though, once my torture chamber is filled during the next Ruler of the Planet event, i don't know why i wouldn't use this complaints forum for targets list. see you then."thank you for the threat(although you and your frined sdont wait until the RoP sp at least stop using that as an excuse) but if you and your buddy continue like this lets see how many will remain for your daily targeting.and then you will be forced to do what you could do from the start initead of ruining the game for other just fell that you a winner(?) by attacking players that you cannot fight back and actually supporting the game.unless you are so afraid that any of those players might catch up with you and actuallyyou will have a normal fight with one of them.but you do realize that this is impossible right?or you failing on understand that too?
Pontszám: 9.08
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Re: General complaint
1863. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 00:21:11 (Válasz catwoman #1861 hozzászólására.)
catwoman, my motives are irrelevant since any answer i give is within the rules. i have tried to explain things, but i'm weary of repeating myself and being called a liar. so i'm done talking about why i have used subplasmas. they are legal and harmless. move on or keep complaining. it makes no difference to me.

any further questions for me can be answered by looking back at what i've already said.

enzio, if i have a subplasmas a task, and everything is equal, why would i attack an inactive player when i can attack someone who called me stupid?

good day.
Pontszám: 5.78
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Re: General complaint
1864. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 12:53:44 (Válasz manunkind #1863 hozzászólására.)
maybe because noone called you stupid or insulted you and your friend before you attack them manukind.also noone have ever made a complain when is happening on the normal range even if it happening daily or not.so a duel between a lvl 50 and a lvl300 you can actually call it pointles,stupid and many other things i hope you understand that.and even more stupid is to say that when someone hit someone daily(no matter if those are 2 or 4 or week) the high lvl keep a grudge because the low lvl just call him out.or you agree ont attiude also?you think that a duel of a lvl 50 or less and a lvl 200 and more the lvl300 should be the one that can have a grudge?
Pontszám: 8.85
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Re: General complaint
1865. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 13:08:41 (Válasz manunkind #1863 hozzászólására.)
manukind you were asking for an answer and ppl gave you that answer but you fail to answer the only question that it was done to you.i will not bother repeat it again cause again you will not answer and play that old record again to avoid to answer.
regarding your new question.so before you and you buddy started attacking and mocking everyone did anyone called you stupid?did anyone attacked you on the game or in the forum before you start attacking and insulted them?no.and to be fair noone even bother you before you start bother them.so you can make threats about not forget everyone that havennt agreed with you and your buddy and you will keep hitting them but this is not something that wasnt expected from the moment that argued with you.noone told you to engage on this coversation in the begining anyway,catwomans post didn even refer to you or even mentioned you.and what was your answer?you and your friend start hitting everyone that didnt agree with you.you and your buddy spend all this time and maybe some money on your characters just to be able to hit players that are 200 lvlor more below you just brag thta you actuall manage to beat them?if this is not stupid then what is it?you wann hold a gringe and hitting me and my clan on the next Ruler of the Planet event?why hold bak?you can start hitting daily it will be no difference .....oh i forgot then you will not be able to say that the game "force" you to attack the low lvl players right?
Pontszám: 8.87
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Re: General complaint
1866. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 14:38:26 (Válasz manunkind #1863 hozzászólására.)
ppl calling you a liar because you do tell lies manukind.and call you stupid cause you do and say stupid thing to annoy them.how many ppl were trying to explain to you what daily means?when you admit that you dont gain anything from a low lvl player and you know that you cannot drag him to the torture chamber and then say as an excuse for hitting them that you do it to fill your torture chamber,how ppl dont call you liar and stupid?how someone should call you when you send your buddy to hit whole clan just because one meber didnt agree with you?
"if i have a subplasmas a task, and everything is equal, why would i attack an inactive player when i can attack someone who called me stupid:maybe because before you start attacking them they didnt bother you?even if they wanted to,how on earth could do you any harm with 200lv and more difference you have?even for a crazy reason one of them even tried to hit you(which would be pointless and stupid and then even you willcall them stupid) what will they do to you?not even a scratch.
Pontszám: 8.85
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Re: General complaint
1867. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 16:44:11 (Válasz manunkind #1863 hozzászólására.)
"why would i attack an inactive player when i can attack someone who called me stupid?" so you think when you say that you and your lapdog want to fill your torture chamber with ppl that have the scarab and cannot be dragged to the torture chamber is brilliant right?how do you call that manukind if not stupidity?
Pontszám: 8.82
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Re: General complaint
1868. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 17:05:54 (Válasz manunkind #1847 hozzászólására.)
"if you start leveling up, we can battle for real. now that would be fun."imagine if until then you would actually fighting players on your lvl.now that would be challenging and fun,dont you think?
Pontszám: 8.94
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Re: General complaint
1869. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 17:08:58 (Válasz manunkind #1863 hozzászólására.)
manukind dont forget to remind your lapdog to hit me for the second time today.he forgot it today and i worried thatmaybe something happaned to her
Pontszám: 8.80
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Re: General complaint
1870. hozzászólás - 2025.02.27. 22:02:23 (Válasz catwoman #1868 hozzászólására.)
what makes you thinkg that he would fight you then(although if you spped too much to catcj him on level you will be a very weal player on that lvl)?besides he dont like challenges when dueling only easy wins with new or much lower lvl players
Pontszám: 8.67
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Re: General complaint
1871. hozzászólás - 2025.02.28. 12:22:05 (Válasz catwoman #1868 hozzászólására.)
catwoman dont expect from him or his buddy to stop attacking you on a daily base.this will not stop until you go to the catacombs or leave the game.especially if you clan beating them on the clan chamionship,or in the normal championship or even take same they wanted from the auction.this is standar for them for years now.
you go well on the event or even worse better than them?you will be target and have for daily attacks from both(if both can if not from the one of them)
you outbid them and got something they wanted from the auction?you will be target and have for daily attacks from both(if both can if not from the one of them)
is your clan beating their clan on the clan championship?you will be target and have for daily attacks from both(if both can if not from the one of them)
did someone of your clan disagree with manukind?then your whole clan even the ones that didnt even post on the forum will be target and have for daily attacks from both(if both can if not from the one of them)
that the facts for years now.according to manukind sayin you will not be a target for daily attacks if you dont play the game.if you dont make an effort on the events,dont partiipate on the championships or even bid on the auction.
Pontszám: 9.32
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Re: General complaint
1872. hozzászólás - 2025.03.01. 17:29:33 (Válasz Subzero77 #1871 hozzászólására.)
me and catwoman dont worry about it anymore subzero.after the clan champioship we are leaving from here as the rest of the clan.if the purpose of the high lvls is to drawn away from the game new players or returning players they doing great job.as i see it the server has les than 50 active players(at least from the last event that is shown) and some more that only joining the champioships.my clan was 22 members and we already left(by the way thank for lets us join your clan on the other game) so the championship will have less competition and so will the next clan champioship(who knows maybe some high lvl players clans will win the clan championships without any effort cause at the moment they seem to be having problems.lol). if this continues propably more will be leaving sooner or later.playing on an empty server is not only boring but might also end the server from inactivity that is somrthing that some players should think.
so for my last comment on this game.to my old friends and new friends good to know you we will continue our fights and journey elsewhere with new friends and opponents,to my worthly opponents (meaning the one my normal range) thank you for the fights,winming or losing still you make the game intersting.for the very high levels that hold a grudge or feeling that fighting a player 200 lvl than them is challenging?well.....imagine how much challenging the game would have been if you actually making normal duels and let new players challenge you on some time instead of hiding behind your huge lvl difference for your fights.thats it from me.neo out and goodbye fighters and bullies.
Pontszám: 9.00
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Re: General complaint
1873. hozzászólás - 2025.03.02. 11:17:55 (Válasz Neo2022 #1872 hozzászólására.)
good to have you on the team neo,glad that you are following us away from here.let manukind and his buddy play alone here.and imagine thta they will end up doing what we are saying to them,doing they task with inactive or npc players instead of driveing away active players.maybe the competion on the clan champioship was too much for them or maybe are afraid that new players might challenge them and beat them(which is practical impossible,but you need
brain to figure that).lol.anyway as i from the championship also the players have been reduced alot.and although many form my clan have already delete their account we still rule in most of the categories and still hiolding the most championships won(2347 championships,the most on this server).
Pontszám: 8.94
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Re: General complaint
1874. hozzászólás - 2025.03.04. 13:47:44
the fact the although my clanmates have deleted the accounts since we leaving the game and i was also about to do it and i see that my clan with only onw member is forced to join the clan championship AGAINST THE RULES THAT THE DEVELOPERS APPLIED just for the championship to be made.if you bend your own rules to make things happening it would be be beeter not to let some players to drive other players away from the game.
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Re: General complaint
1875. hozzászólás - 2025.03.04. 16:30:03 (Válasz catwoman #1874 hozzászólására.)
catwoman, you lose nothing by not participating in the clan championship.
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Re: General complaint
1876. hozzászólás - 2025.03.04. 16:39:57 (Válasz manunkind #1875 hozzászólására.)
manukind i dont wan my clan o be on the championshipfor you to have an opponent.besides this is against the rules.since some choose to drove players and clans of the game then the event should happen with the ones that remain.this if we want to follow the rules,right?
Pontszám: 7.73
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Re: General complaint
1877. hozzászólás - 2025.03.04. 16:50:27 (Válasz manunkind #1875 hozzászólására.)
manukind she has a point.the rules for the clan championship are clear
"All clans automatically enter the clan championship, which have at least 3 lvl 20+ members whose activity is not red"
a clan with 1 member cannot take part on the clan championship.this means that either the clan champioship will last less turns or that the clan championship cannpt happen because they are not enough active clans to participate.
Pontszám: 8.12
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Re: General complaint
1878. hozzászólás - 2025.03.04. 17:41:40
(OOC dunno when this game switched from Doomlords to Dramalords...

Jokes aside..

Clan Championship is made from several turns ( 4 is my memory is right). This can be checked on rankings (based on scores, a winning in a round clan gets 4 points and a losing clan gets 1, so if you check current ranking and scores you will see ranging from 3 points to 12 , so from those scores we have completed 3 turn and started 4th and last turn). Each turn lasts a week, so that means , a full championship is 28 days.

Only on the first day the clans are eligeble for it and if they make it to the championship they will remain in it until it ends, even if they no longer meet the joining criteria. For the same reason, if a clan misses a member and does not qualify for the championships (at day 1) , they won't be able to join championship no sooner than after the championship is fully over, (so 4 weeks)

PD just checked and the current turn is shown on the battle grid too (up center).. says Turn 4. so this is the last week for the current clan championships. On next tuesday, when clans are elected, the clan should no longer be pickable ... as long as there are others that meet the criteria.

Although since there are currently 16, I suspect it might fill with some other random ones if there are not to reach this number... or from any other clan with any active , even if the criteria is not met.. uncertain about this last part. I don't recall off head any with more than 16, so 16 could be the minimum. This last part is just my own speculation )
Pontszám: 8.43
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Re: General complaint
1879. hozzászólás - 2025.03.05. 17:27:31 (Válasz catwoman #1874 hozzászólására.)
until teh ckan champioship is over no clan can be dismissed.also even if there are not enough active clans to fill the gaps on the clan championship the system choose clans that have 3 players above lvl 20,even if the whole clan is inactive, to participate.
Pontszám: 8.49
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