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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1781. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 00:15:17 (Válasz maxhths #1780 hozzászólására.)
maxhths, you are reading to argue, not to understand. i've been repeating the same thing over and over. these attacks are not "pointless" if the target can be dragged into the torture chamber. i've attacked ONE player (more than a month ago) who had a scarab because i didn't realize he had one. of course, i am allowed to attack regardless. the other recent complaints are not about attacks from me. it is not "debatable" that i instructed a clanmate to attack on my behalf. i did not. i have firsthand knowledge. you don't have to believe me. you are free to be wrong. i use words to express myself. perhaps my clanmate is annoyed by the complaints and expressing herself in her own way. of course, she is allowed to attack regardless.
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Re: General complaint
1782. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 12:28:57 (Válasz manunkind #1781 hozzászólására.)
manukind you have to agree that the timig of the attacks is strange.easily can someone assuming what maxhths and the other claim.but i do have this question to you and your clanmate.i ddnt even post anything in the forum,never attacked anyone of your clan(even if i wanted to i cannot) so why your friend was start daily attacking me?for being on the same clan with catwoman?
regardng the attacks maxhths and the others are right.those atacks are pointles since the high lvls dont gan anything since by now most of the low lvls players,if not all the active players,have already the scarab.so yes those attacks might be harmless as you say but it is alos pointles so what exactly is the reason for that kind of attacks?i thik this the main question that everyody is doing(actually this was the catwomans question that triggered all this fuse).now with the risk of getting daily atatcks when my premium ends(and if i decide to continue to play) if you friend or you or anyother have been annoyed with someone and start hitting his whole clan that means a lot.anyway most of myclan members already left the game and moevr to another game,propably i will follow also but fi the high lvls keep this attitude soon you will end up with even less players.jsut a thought you can continue as you do and see how it ends.but for yur information i am playing 2 more pvp games with not such a players mentaility.when some players had this toxic behaviour and mod didnt do something the players did and it worked.it is not that game si bad but some few players have a toxic behaviour that ruin it.that is my opinion from my experience in other games.
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Re: General complaint
1783. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 13:14:03 (Válasz manunkind #1781 hozzászólására.)
"these attacks are not "pointless" if the target can be dragged into the torture chamber."you keep forgeting to mention that this dont apply when the other has the scarab which by now most of the active players have it,especially the low lvl players.

" my clanmate is annoyed by the complaints"?i checked again the catwoman post,never named or point your clansmate.and the attacks at least on my clan started the moment nhsos post.so you cliam is that you friend has been annoyed for a compain(which if you read the catwoman post is actually a legit question and not complain) that wasnt about her,and start atatcking ppl that didnt even post anything in the forum.so this is your claim?
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Re: General complaint
1784. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 16:00:35 (Válasz Neo2022 #1782 hozzászólására.)
Neo2022, yes, i understand why, based on the timing, you might 'assume' that i had put her up to it, but i didn't. so now you know.

Gerald, i have said that i think it's pointless if the subplasma target has the scarab more times than i can count. i have also said that it's legal and harmless. so to keep complaining is also pointless. what is it you hope to gain?

Neo2022, when you say "daily attacks," how many are we talking about exactly? and since nothing is actually stolen, why not just ignore them? if you look at my initial responses to catwoman, they were not argumentative. but there are scores of pages of history in this forum on this topic. i keep getting asked why someone would subplasma attack a target who has a scarab, but i am not the right person to ask that since i don't intentionally do that. has anyone actually spoken to the person who attacked them or is this just a bunch of people unproductively publicly complaining?

Neo2022, since you seem to be really thinking about this rather than merely lashing out, let me ask you one more question. why doesn't anyone complain about minion battles? they, too, are harmless attacks.
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Re: General complaint
1785. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 17:30:44 (Válasz manunkind #1784 hozzászólására.)
manukind at least you admit that the assumption is correct.although i will say it one more time that i havent even posted and i got attacked for what?for being on the same clan with catwoman which hasnt even referred to you or your friend?
manukind when say daily attacks i mean daily attacks and one day twice per say.you do understand that even if i didnt had the scarab the second attack again would have been pointless,right?how many days?5 in a row before i go premium and i am pretty sure if i haven become premium this will continue.now before you say anything about that i will remind you again that for 5 days i didnt do anything and the attacks didnt stop so pls dont insult my intelligence by saying that the attacks would have stopped.cause even if there was a task with so many players already compaing about her daily hits she should have complete the tas within one or two days.how many subplasma atatcks you have to do for that task?now that we clear that i still dont know why i have been targeting by your friend and to be honest i donr even care any more.if her goal or your or any other lvl with a 200 lvls difference is attacking because of his or hers need to hear me please her to stop i can tell you from now that this will not happen.if someone thinks that by attacking me daily i will spend money to becoming premium every week to avoid the attacks again this will not happen.i have become premium with the AS that i got from the daily login(shard of loyalty exchange) and i was gathering for some better gear i am not planning to support a game because someone has this toxic behaviour and nobody cares.again this is my opinion but seeing how few active player have remain i think many might have thought the same......i could be wrong though.
"but there are scores of pages of history in this forum on this topic" so this problen exist many years as you say and still high lvl players continue to do it no matter if they gain anything or not,right?
regarding the minion battles since i dont have one yet i cannot say anything let me come back to that when i have a minion and i will have an opinion on that.
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Re: General complaint
1786. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 18:14:25 (Válasz Neo2022 #1785 hozzászólására.)
Neo2022, the assumption is incorrect, but i understand why you'd you make that mistake. that some of the others continue to insist it's true is part of why this exchange isn't more productive. i don't know why you were attacked, and since i didn't attack you, i am the wrong person to ask. my final answer is it's harmless, and you can just ignore it. Beholder has made multiple accommodations because of the complaints - premium can turn off subplasma battles and the lesser scarab was introduced. but the complaints still come.

here's my thought on minion battles. it's the same thing except minion battles never appear to the target, so people don't flip out over them. it's a reminder that you can simply ignore harmless effects, live your life, grow your character, and kick some butt. i wasn't always an alpha in this game. i have been attacked. i didn't like it. but instead of complaining, i improved. i hope you will take that path.
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Re: General complaint
1787. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 20:04:08 (Válasz manunkind #1786 hozzászólására.)
manukind i will disagree on that,the assumption is correct maybe you didnt say anything to your friend but the timing justify the assumption.and in my case even more cause i havent posted anything in the forum to annoy your friend as you said.
"but the complaints still come."maybe because those pointless attacks continue?
like i said i dont have an opinion about the minions yet since i dont have a minion so respectfully dont push me to take part on that subject.like i said i dont have a problem getting attacked.although i found it unfair that the clan bonuses are too high and actually unless you are on a big clan it is impossible to win a championship even if you are better player you will loose because of them.all my friends(that have left and deleted they accounts by now) we knew that before we join. but we wanted to make a clan from the start so that was the price to pay.so this is different and dont take me wrong this is not a complain this was something we knew and we have accepted it and working to build a strong clan and catch up with the bonuses.but getting attacked daily from someone that is 200 lvl above me ?sorry but this is not acceptable for me.there is nothing to be done.no matter what i do like change strategy,change gear there is not fighting chance or even defend chance.so it is not a matter of losing a duel or being and alpha.so i will propably dont take that path you propose,i dont like to be mocked and certainly i will not beg not to be hit daily from someone that is 200 lvl above me.i came,i saw the game,like the potentials,supoorted a little in the start to see how it goes, hatef some of the players toxic mentality and when my AS finish i decided to leave.
as for not being the alpha i have been playing 2 more pvp games. i have fought,i have been defeted and i have won and manage to be on the top10 in both.i have no problem losing i have even congratulated some players that managed to turn the result and beat me eventually.cause this is what pvp means to me.challenge myself to improve my player and not just beating opponents without fighting chance.always my opponets have the chance to fight back.honestly i do hope you follow that path and you will see that instead of making enemies you end up making friends even if you fight and challenge each other.what i have experience here is simply toxic and stupid.some players just enjoy ruin the game of others instead of enjoying the game.
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Re: General complaint
1788. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 20:57:48 (Válasz Neo2022 #1787 hozzászólására.)
Neo2022, i think we have a different understanding of the meaning of "assumption." did anyone mock you? no one suggested you beg. i suggested you try communicating.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2025.02.22. 21:21:29-kor
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Re: General complaint
1789. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 22:02:15 (Válasz manunkind #1788 hozzászólására.)
manukind i dont wan to debate about that but i have to answer.back .the meaning of assumption is one.you say you didnt say to your friend to attack,lets say i accept that.the timimg of your friend starting attacking me let me assume that you have told him to do it.i dont understand what confuse you.
"no one suggested you beg. i suggested you try communicating."and how exactly you want me to communicate?ask why he attacked me?and the answer will be "because i can,i am allowed to attack you and you must just ignore them"(and that would be the most polite answer,he might could answer much worse) cause this is what you are saying all this time to defend that kind of attaks
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Re: General complaint
1790. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 22:36:09 (Válasz manunkind #1781 hozzászólására.)
"it is not "debatable" that i instructed a clanmate to attack on my behalf. i did not. i have firsthand knowledge. you don't have to believe me. you are free to be wrong."since everytime someone dont agree with yu on the forum and your friedn start attacking his whole clan it debatble manukind.you say you didnt the time of your friends attacks justifyme to believe the opposite especially this is not the first time that this is happening.

"when you say "daily attacks," how many are we talking about exactly?"what part of daily attacks dont understand?after how many days you conider them as daily?after one week?one month?how long do you think that someone has to get attacked everyday since he can use daily according to you?enzio said you were hitting him for 4 days before he become premium,neo said 5 days i has been attacked for 3 days before i got premium so do tell which one of us has the right to say daily?

" i keep getting asked why someone would subplasma attack a target who has a scarab, but i am not the right person to ask that since i don't intentionally do that"and still someone with the scarab proved you say something and you do the opposite.not only attacked him but you were continuedd to attack him until he became premium to avoid you attacks.

"but there are scores of pages of history in this forum on this topic"nad mostly about you that you claim that you dont attack lower players.you even call them liars and when they prove you wrong you just dont answer.

"i have no problem losing i have even congratulated some players that managed to turn the result and beat me eventually.cause this is what pvp means to me.challenge myself to improve my player and not just beating opponents without fighting chance."best response and game mentality ever spoken in the forum.
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Re: General complaint
1791. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 22:57:43 (Válasz manunkind #1784 hozzászólására.)
"when you say "daily attacks," how many are we talking about exactly?"after how many days of continue attacks i am allowed to say "daily" according to you manukind?
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Re: General complaint
1792. hozzászólás - 2025.02.22. 23:16:39 (Válasz Neo2022 #1789 hozzászólására.)
Neo2022, i don't really want to get into a semantic debate with you about the meaning of the word assumption, but suffice it to say, just because you assume something doesn't make it true. for example, you are assuming how my clanmate will respond if you message her. you may be right or you may be wrong, but you can't know for sure until you find out.

enzio, "daily" could mean 2 or it could mean hundreds. i wasn't sure, so i asked for clarification. i try not to make assumptions. but i would say if the answer was 2, "daily" is misrepresenting the severity of what was endured.

maxhths, yes, i made a mistake with my recent attacks on enzio. how many times must i say that?

Neo2022, don't be like them.
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Re: General complaint
1793. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 00:20:12 (Válasz manunkind #1792 hozzászólására.)
"the meaning of the word assumption" there is no need for that the explanation of neo is pretty clear.he never said that assuming something is true.anyway foranyone that have problem understand what assume mean there is a dictionary
assume>suppose to be the case

do you really want to bebate also on what daily mean?you forgot how may days you were attacking me?and to give you another example of assuming.you will say that after the task you would have stopped attacking me which might be true on the other hand since for 4 days you were attacking me daily(constanly,everyday,continual pick which word makes you more comfortable) i have every right to assume that you wouldnt stop.you didnt stop the second day or the third or the fourth so it is normal to ASSUME that you wouldnt stop on the fifth also.
"Neo2022, don't be like them." like who exactly do you mean?
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Re: General complaint
1794. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 00:55:10 (Válasz enzio #1793 hozzászólására.)
"once a day for four days back in january and not since" is how i would put it. daily, constantly, etc. suggest it is ongoing.
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Re: General complaint
1795. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 00:56:29 (Válasz enzio #1793 hozzászólására.)
enzio, assume does not mean "suppose [sic] to be the case." you might want to crack open that dictionary.
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very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1796. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 11:27:22
This is my experience from six to eight years ago when I was a new player.

Manunkind used to attack me frequently like a clock... Frequently as in biannually, 4 or 5 attacks each time, always during ruler of the planet ( the only event that required subplasma attacks at the time). I was so confused at the
time, the battle report saying that my pets were knocked unconscious, but the pets were still there ready to fight; my character also drained of all hit points, yet there he was with full hp and more important, how was he able to attack me if he was way out of his duel range... Yeah, I didn't know about subplasma. So I did the most reasonable thing I could do, I messaged manunkind and basically asked what sorcery was he using to be able to attack me, all in good sports. Very respectful and patient guy, took the time to explain what the hell was a subplasma attack and where to get subplasma... A few years after that won the scarab of death from the auction hall and the attacks completely stopped.
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Re: General complaint
1797. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 14:26:04 (Válasz manunkind #1794 hozzászólására.)
""once a day for four days back in january and not since" is how i would put it. daily, constantly, etc. suggest it is ongoing."you play with words to avoid tha actuallfacts?as for if this would continue or not since i am premium i dont know.and you might say that you would have stoped but since for 4 days you didnt stop and i had to become premium to avoid your daily attacks i have every right not to believe you.so spare me the irony oike saying onece a day for 4 days. this actually mean daily.you really try to misinterpret words to avoid the facts?i am prett sire now thta if i had presented you the dates you would have said that i was lying also.
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Re: General complaint
1798. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 14:37:40 (Válasz manunkind #1795 hozzászólására.)
wow you really try to avoid the facts by playing with words?lets educate you with a dictionary then
assume>suppose to be the case, without proof.
suppose>think or assume that something is true or probable but lack proof or certain knowledge.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
and you need to open that dictionary to learn what "daily" mean.
"daily">occurring, done, produced, or used every day.just because enzio find a way to stop your DAILY attacks doesnmean that your attacks were not daily or that you would stop if he didnt stop you.you can claim that you could stop but since you didnt stop for 4 days he si not obligated to believe you.
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Re: General complaint
1799. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 14:46:12 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1796 hozzászólására.)
"A few years after that won the scarab of death from the auction hall and the attacks completely stopped."
fos as you can see even with the lesser scarab the attacks didnt stop.we all thought (and this why we bought the scarab) that since nothing to be gained the attacks would stop but didnt.the usual excuse that manikd was using always that gain even 3 SE is better than nothing dont apply anymore.did this stop him?well as you can see no.
also LoR wasnt ongoing on january that enzio said that he hit him and proved it with actual dates and times before manukind start saying that enzio is lying as he usually do.
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Re: General complaint
1800. hozzászólás - 2025.02.23. 15:47:19 (Válasz manunkind #1795 hozzászólására.)
"assume does not mean "suppose [sic] to be the case."
assume>to take for granted or without proof: to assume that everyone wants peace. Synonyms: presuppose, posit, postulate, suppose to take upon oneself; undertake.
The meaning of SUPPOSE is to lay down tentatively as a hypothesis, assumption, or proposal.
Pontszám: 6.71
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