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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1741. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 10:01:01 (Válasz Subzero77 #1736 hozzászólására.)
I think it should be enough.
Premium membership has many, many benefits, not only this. If somehow you can't afford it, there are numerous ways in the game to earn ancient stones for free.
But if you are not a premium member at all, and get attacked by subplasma, you should be aware of that:
during these attacks no harm is done to your character. You lose nothing. It's just a "practice" fight. The high level player summons a clone of you, and he fights THAT clone. Not you. If you like, you can get an information of this (which you can turn on and off at settings). But this does not interfere with you or hinders your character ANY WAY. This is just to help higher level players who don't have enough duel targets.
When you are "dragged to the torture chamber" you do not lose ANYTHING. This is just a role-playing "dress" for a process where players gain some SE in the game. And even so, you have a way to get rid of this by buying the lesser scarab in the shop.

Please understand that this is a multiplayer game. Some thing happen around you which you do not initiate. Don't worry much about these events unless it affects you. Subplasma attacks are not one of these, they have no effect whatsoever on your character. If this wouldn't be a harsh world with doomlords killing each other, but a game where you develop a pink pony, you would be getting flowers instead of getting dragged to the chamber. But it would be the same thing
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Re: General complaint
1742. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 12:18:50 (Válasz Miklos #1741 hozzászólására.)
just to clear some things:
only reason someone become premium is to avoif the subplasma attacks.
the extra points that youget as lons as you are premium you can get them from the elics which you buy one time only and not every week.
the unique picture on your is not a reason to go premium besides since sometimes the temple has a task to become premium you can do it then.
Name the pets?i dont think that anybody is becoming premium to name his pets but even that you can do it when the temple task pop up.
archive your battles?again this is not a reason to become premium especially when you loose acces when you stop being premium(although i am not ssure about that).
"is just to help higher level players who don't have enough duel targets." you have added the crystal clan for that purpose and all have welcomed this addition.
and last noone has a problem with duels but to have daily attacks from someone that is 200 or 300 lvls above you has nothing to do with duels or with pink ponies
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Re: General complaint
1743. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 15:10:52 (Válasz Miklos #1741 hozzászólására.)
thank you, Miklos.
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Re: General complaint
1744. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 15:35:34 (Válasz thor77 #1742 hozzászólására.)
thor77, i'm not part of their marketing team, but to be fair, other advantages to membership include Acceleration (under Misc) : Maximum action points, Faster hunt, Faster quiz, Comfort functions, Wired reflexes, and VIP functions.
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Re: General complaint
1745. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 16:10:37 (Válasz manunkind #1744 hozzászólására.)
check again manukind.the weekly premium has nothing to do with those.you can have the Maximum action points, Faster hunt, Faster quiz, Comfort functions have one time cost and are active even without being a premium.this is why i said the extra points that the premium give is not the only way to increase the action points.the only advantages that are connected tothe premiun is the wired reflexes and the vip functions(which by the way it is a little bit unfair since you you will spend estra AS to buy them but you can benefit only when you are premium).for me i dont see any reason for someone to buy the wired reflexes since they dont offer something usefull(again this is my opinion) and the vip functions again dont offer something special.you only save some time for example instead of healing pets or selling multiple items with one click you will do it manual one my one.the only that might be worth for someone is the When you do an adventure, the whole description appears immediately, and you answer all questions correctly automatically.but i personally dont have a problem answering the questions manually so this is not something that would make me buy the vip function.again this is my point of view some other player maybe think thta worth buying them and addistionally to be every week premium to be able to use them.like i said the weekly premium dont offer something that you will not get with other relics except that you can avoid the subplasma attacks with the cost of your subplasma.i have made suggestions in the past for some things to be change on the premium advantages but never happen so i stop bothering
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Re: General complaint
1746. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 17:06:56 (Válasz thor77 #1745 hozzászólására.)
thor77, sorry, my mistake. you're right - it's just those last two. personally, i find the automatic outfit changes really convenient. if you don't want premium, don't buy premium. but the complaints i see from players playing a game for free over a harmless subplasma attack is impossible to defend.
Pontszám: 6.70
much likedmerllin.Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1747. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 17:25:42 (Válasz manunkind #1746 hozzászólására.)
whne you are lvl 12 and yu have a lvl 300 hitting you daily just because he can maybe you understand it manukind.and you think thatwith the scarab tha will stop but it doesnt then you would understand.but as i see this is not only something that some players do but it encouraged by the moderator response.i dont have a problem losing a duel but for me to be against you for example that you are lvl289 it is ridiculus especailly when you dont get anything.and to be clear ecause you have the tend to misunderstand what i say i only used you as an example i didnt say that you attacked me.but it is good that it is cleared now that ia m the beggining and can leave the game before wasting time and money.so any suggestion for another game with better players?

P.S " the complaints i see from players playing a game for free over a harmless subplasma attack is impossible to defend."you cannot defend something that you do.you have to be on the other side to understand it.
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Re: General complaint
1748. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 17:47:33 (Válasz merllin. #1747 hozzászólására.)
merllin, which part of harmless is the problem?
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much likedmerllin.Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1749. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 20:04:09 (Válasz manunkind #1748 hozzászólására.)
manukind since as you also admitted you dont gain anything what is the point of those pointless attacks?you get a weird satisfaction on beating players that are 200 below you?you find it challenging to win someone that dont even fight back?you get some weird satisfaction?really do tell me a logic reason cause in all your answers still havent see you answering that question to anyone that asked you.it is not about a task cause since you dont gain anything you can do the task with an inactive player or with a higher lvl,right?so there is a reason that you target much lower active or new players.so which is this reason?and to avoid being misunderstood i dont say that you hit me but from what i saw many have been complain of your and your friends attacks also.
Pontszám: 7.25
much likedmaxhthsFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1750. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 20:41:58 (Válasz merllin. #1749 hozzászólására.)
let me help you on that merlin.manukind will not answer you but will ask you again the same thing avoiding to answer your question.propably you already answered your own question.he and his buddy might be feeling good and powerfull players by hitting players with huge lvl difference while avoiding do normal fights.there is no other reason.the fact that everytime someone corners him for an answer on that and he send his buddy to start hitting all the clan answers your question so dont bother to find a normal explanation.the answer that you will get is "since i can do it i will keep doing it until you leave the game and i will feel important"........and then complain that he canot find any active player to start doing it again.plain and simple
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Re: General complaint
1751. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 21:16:59 (Válasz merllin. #1749 hozzászólására.)
merllin, as i've answered ad nauseum, i'm seeking to fill my torture chamber with active players. my preference is higher level, and i work my way down. it appears i attacked enzio last month while completing a task without realizing he had the lesser scarab. that was an error on my part. now you answer my question: which part of harmless is the problem?
Pontszám: 7.45
much likedmaxhthsFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1752. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 22:07:21 (Válasz manunkind #1751 hozzászólására.)
you avoiding to answer manukind.first of all when someone has the scarab you dont drag him to the torture chamber,i am sure you know that.i find it hard to believe that you dont check someone before you hit him or that you missed the scarab especially to someone that dont have too many relics.you really saying that you were loaded lets say with 200.000 SE and you dindt chekc if the one that you were attacking didnt had the scarab(minor or the good one)?and that for 4 days as enzio said?
secondly because you had an argument with nhsos you send your dog to hit me and my clansmates?you are afraid to do your own battles?either way you could win me and the rest no need to hide behind your buddy.
now we can go again in circles and you ask "which part of harmless is the problem?(well obviously there is a problem)"and me and other players ask you what you gain and avoid to answer or send your dog to "punish' even the ones that didnt bother to even argue for the obvious but at least admit that you dont gain anything from those attacks except ......what?
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Re: General complaint
1753. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 23:17:54 (Válasz manunkind #1751 hozzászólására.)
lets recup what you said manukind.with the lesser scarab you cannot drag me to the torture chamber and you know it.if i had the normal scarab with your attack you would have lost all the SE that you had on you which i am sure that money would be a big gift for my lvl.cause i suppose and correct me if i am wrong when you hit low lvls you do have SE on you otherwise you will get another 0 on your attack.so for 4 days you accidentally missed to check.am i right until now?now imagine if the scarab was giving me all of your SE no matter if you drag me or not on your torture.i am sure in this case you would be double checking before your everry attack.anyway lets leave this scenario.so hitting me for 4 days didnt give you any SE or drag me to the torture chamber but you were keep coming for 4 days straight.and ye you insist on saying that a) you dont hit low lvls b)you are after active player no matter the lvl(which is contrary with your previous claim) cause it is better to get something than nothing and yet the facts shows the opposite.yout third claim is that you start from up and you go your way down.we have 570 players between us and you say that you searched them all and all was impossible to hit?i suppose you were checking them for scarab also right?
and one last thing.you still havent answered why so eager to hit players with so much difference when you gain nothing as you already admitted??
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Re: General complaint
1754. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 00:36:25 (Válasz enzio #1753 hozzászólására.)
i don't know how i could possibly more directly answer the question, maxhths. when i must use subplasmas, i seek to fill my torture chamber with the most profitable players possible. now you: why is it a problem to 'suffer' a harmless attack that costs no SE?

enzio, if you had the regular scarab, i would lose no SE attacking you. the scarab only steals SE only when dragging a player into the torture chamber, and the scarab prevents the target of a subplasma attack from being dragged into the torture chamber. i've explained that i overlooked that you had the lesser scarab. i admit when i'm wrong. try it.

yes, as i sought active players to subplasma attack to complete the path of loyalty task, i looked to see who was active in the event, who had attacked my clan, who was in the Lady Alvariel's rankings, and who had won on the wheel of fortune. (see, i'm giving up all my tricks.) then i looked at the championship list and searched from my level downward. subplasma attacks upward cannot fill the torture chamber. i tried to avoid targets who met any of the following criteria: in my clan, in my horde, in the catacombs, in possession of a scarab, low on hit points, or aligned with the same huckster. because as i keep saying, my goal when i must subplasma attack is to drag active players into my torture chamber.

if you know of higher-level active players i can get into my torture chamber, please give me their names, and i will be sure to target them next time i have need. if you don't, then maybe consider that there's a possibility, albeit slight, that i might be telling the truth.

so again i ask, what is the problem with a literally harmless attack?
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2025.02.19. 04:44:09-kor
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Re: General complaint
1755. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 11:50:42 (Válasz merllin. #1747 hozzászólására.)
merlin speak with nhsos to send you the link and a code with free stuff for start.i have started the game laready lvl15 nd look very promising.and unlike here no attacks from high lvl players although too many fights with other players.when the cln championship her ends i will be leaving so manukind can be happy.the rest of the clan already started to leave
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Re: General complaint
1756. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 13:34:16 (Válasz manunkind #1754 hozzászólására.)
"i seek to fill my torture chamber with the most profitable players possible"i am sure you know that if someone has the scarab you cannnot drag him into your torture chamber manukind.so your buddy and your claim on attacking enzoi,me or anyother that has the scarab dont stand.

'subplasma attacks upward cannot fill the torture chamber" so does the attacks on players that has the scarab.....maybe you should try hitting someone on your range for filling your torture chamber for change.

"i tried to avoid targets who met any of the following criteria ......low on hit points" since when i a lvl 20 or below has very high hit points?even if that has true since when a lvl 20 against a lvl200 even had a chance to even make a hit that makes you afraid that might hit you?

so to quote on your own words,why this obsession on hitting low lvl players since you cannot drag them to the torture chamber?
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Re: General complaint
1757. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 13:41:45 (Válasz manunkind #1754 hozzászólására.)
how exactly you and your buddy filling your torture chamber when you make subplasma attacks on player that have the scarab?
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Re: General complaint
1758. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 18:37:57 (Válasz Subzero77 #1757 hozzászólására.)
i have four targets in my range. why would i use a subplasma to attack them?

the reason why low hit points matters is that you cannot attack a target low relative to their max hit points.

it's hard to believe you guys aren't deliberately misunderstanding what i'm saying. i don't know who 'my buddy' is who's attacking you, so why do you keep asking me why he's doing it? i've told you why i've done it: 1) subplasma tasks, 2) filling my torture chamber. enzio brought an instance to my attention where i hit him, and i've explain my mistake. if i were malicious, i'd be pounding the lot of you. your complaining has certainly justified it, and i have thousands of unused subplasmas at my disposal ...because i so rarely use them.

why is there so much whining over losing nothing? you can't answer my simplest question.
Pontszám: 7.14
much likedmaxhthsFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1759. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 19:55:45 (Válasz manunkind #1758 hozzászólására.)
i think you are the one that having problem to understand things manukind.

"the reason why low hit points matters is that you cannot attack a target low relative to their max hit points."in this case you cannot attack even if you wanted to it is not your decision not to hit him,right?
"i've told you why i've done it: 1) subplasma tasks"the task can be completed even if you hit inactive players or even the crystal clan especially now with the scarab since you cannot drag the low lvl that you target in your torture chamber.so dont keep saying that excuse for your attacks on low lvl players.either why you gain the same(and sometime more if you hit inactive players since might have more se on them from a lvl 20 for example
" 2) filling my torture chamber."do we have to say it again something that you know?you cannot drag someone on your torture chamber if he has the scarab.you only admitted enzio hit because he actually presented you exactly the date and time in one of you 4 attacks as he said.if he hasnt done that you would say that he was lying also.dont deny tha cause you can scroll back and see that you were calling everyone liars until they presented the attacks which in this case you simply stop answering.
regarding your buddy noone asking you why he attacks us(and yes he attacks me too but his stupidity and obsession only makes me laugh,you can pass that to him)the actuall question is why you put him to do your dirty job instead of you doing the hits since either way you will win.and before say anything the attacks(at least to me and the other of my clan as i have been told) started the moment the nhsos (not me or the others) actually answered to one of your posts.funny coincidence,right?let me spare you the time..."you have nothing to do with it"
"i don't know how i could possibly more directly answer the question, maxhths. when i must use subplasmas, i seek to fill my torture chamber with the most profitable players possible."since i cannot be dragged to the chamber how exactly you and your buddy filling your torture chamber?still waiting for you to answer that.
"if i were malicious, i'd be pounding the lot of you" dont worry you send you buddy to do your fights for you although i still dont understand why you dont do your own fights......oh wait i forgot you dont hit lower lvls unless it is to fill you torture chamber

P.S remind you buddy that he forgot to hit me for the second time today i am getting worried he forgot it
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Re: General complaint
1760. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 20:51:31 (Válasz manunkind #1758 hozzászólására.)
"i don't know who 'my buddy' is who's attacking you, so why do you keep asking me why he's doing it?"so now you send your friend attacking me because you have a problem with catwoman?and then you say that you dont know anything.it would be funny if both of you werent so tragic.at least be a man to admit it.now i realize whu everyone are so upset with you.
Pontszám: 7.54
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