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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1701. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 01:50:52 (Válasz catwoman #1700 hozzászólására.)
i haven't attacked you. there is no need to excuse whoever did because it's allowed. you can simply ignore it.
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Re: General complaint
1702. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 14:29:16 (Válasz manunkind #1701 hozzászólására.)
first of all i didnt say that it was you that attacked me.but i did say that the excuse that YOU mentioned is lame.and from what i saw in the comments it is also your tactic to attack much lower lvls than you with more than 200 lvl difference.i guess this is why you were so eager to answer.
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Re: General complaint
1703. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 17:56:50 (Válasz catwoman #1702 hozzászólására.)
i've patiently responded to this accusation ad nauseum. you can ignore these attacks as no harm comes to you.
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Re: General complaint
1704. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 18:31:15 (Válasz manunkind #1703 hozzászólására.)
i've patiently responded?what exactly do you mean with patiently?and i will remind you that i didnt mention your name or the one that actually attacked me.so where exactly did you had to be patient?how exactly did i anger you and you need your patience?besides that i havr pointed out the fact that such ridiculous attacks only making new players leave and then you complain that you dont have enough opponents.so while you do anything you can for the new players to leave then you complain that you dont have any opponents.
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Re: General complaint
1705. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 19:03:21 (Válasz catwoman #1704 hozzászólására.)
most of these 86 pages are about the issue you've raised. i am not angry. i have made many suggestions myself about it. Beholder has given us their response.
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Re: General complaint
1706. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 19:52:26 (Válasz manunkind #1705 hozzászólására.)
catwoman, here are two quotes from Miklos, a key Beholder admin:

Quote: Miklos - 2021.07.08. 15:43:51
When a player uses subplasma to attack you, you do not lose any soul energy, nor you suffer any other disadvantage. If you still dislike the mostly role-player concept of torture chamber, there is an item called Scarab of Death, which you can win on the auction and can protect you from this.

1178 post
Re: General complaint
811. post - 2016.06.04. 18:58:22
Subplasma is just a tool to make people able to finish their daily quest who otherwise couldn't due to lack of opponents. Consider it a virtual fight, not a real one. You lose nothing, no soul-energy, no HP, nothing.its a virtual challenge where you can test how much damage you deal to the mightiest, without any risk.
This is totally different from real duels, where you can lose a lot - but there, fights are more fair, you can attack only in your attack range.
So please, take it like a fair sportsman, consider it a kind of cooperative action to help someone achieve something. Maybe one day he will help you in return. If these duel descriptions still disturb you, just ignore them. They have no effect on your gameplay.
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Re: General complaint
1707. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 21:54:30 (Válasz manunkind #1706 hozzászólására.)
manukind i know the miklos answer i dont need you to point that.like i said i have read the comments before and i also saw how many players complained about your attacks and also i saw how passionate you were against any suggestion the would limited the how much lvl lower can someone hit.and in case you didnt see it i have the the scarab which supposed to act like a measure,acording to moderators(to be honest i would prefer the suggestion that was made about a limit on how much lower lvls can you hit but ......).although it seems that this doesnt seem to stop players like you.as you said i dont loose anything but also you dont win anything.so pls give me another lame excuse since you dont gain anything why you and some high lvl players insist on hitting players with more than 200 lvl lower than you?
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Re: General complaint
1708. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 22:02:33 (Válasz catwoman #1707 hozzászólására.)
as i have not hit you, you'll have to ask the player that did hit you why they hit you. the only reason i can see is your demeanor. but no excuse is needed as it's perfectly legal and functionally harmless. ignore it. play the game. get stronger. or don't. your call.
Pontszám: 6.51
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Re: General complaint
1709. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 22:06:23 (Válasz catwoman #1707 hozzászólására.)
as for your claim that i 'passionately' argued against limits, please produce the quote because that's not the way i remember it, and i have in fact suggested limits myself.
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Re: General complaint
1710. hozzászólás - 2025.02.12. 22:24:09 (Válasz manunkind #1709 hozzászólására.)
normally i wouldnt even bother to comment to you manukin dand i get in the forum only when a taks tell me to do it.regarding your argument about limits catwoman was right.if i remember correct even for the scarab you were against since there will be no players to hit or something like that.if i had time to go back or even bother to look for your answer i am sure i would have found that.everytime the issue with those kind of attacks appeared you were against and only the last time you faidly agreed on putting some limits which let be honest even if those limitts exist or not exist it is pretty lame to hit someone that is 200 limits below you especially since you dont gain anything.and before you say it let me be ahead of you and say what you always say "since i can do it i will do it".so since now with the scarab you dont gain anything what is the point of that kind of attacks?pls dont tell againt the excuses that you have said before like i dont want to do it the game forces me because i have a task with subplasma.since now with the scarab if you hit an inactive player or a crystal clan member or a player that is 200 lvl below it is the same.so what is the reason according to you to target a low lvl player?
Pontszám: 7.45
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Re: General complaint
1711. hozzászólás - 2025.02.13. 02:21:19 (Válasz manunkind #1708 hozzászólására.)
my demeanor?in what way have i even offended someone that is 350 lvl above me when i didnt even message him?also pls do tell me how all the low lvl players that have been complaining about your attacks(some of them are even lower lvl than mine) have offended you when you attacked them?do tell me how someone that was 200 lvl below you and never message you or even attacked you(unless you are going to tell me that a lvl30 attacked you and you got angry because maybe manage to scratch your armor) have insulted you with his demeanor as you said?
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Re: General complaint
1712. hozzászólás - 2025.02.13. 02:30:23 (Válasz manunkind #1709 hozzászólására.)
as for your suggestion about the limits it was to increase the range that you dont need subplasma to attack.this have nothing to do with stopping the attacks with so much lvl difference.basically your suggestion was to hit more lower lvls that you can now without using subplasma.would that stop you from attacking new players or players with 200 lvls or more difference?the answer is no and you know it. besides if you dont want hit a lvl 20 or lv30 while you are lvl289 you simply dont do it.dont claim that the game force you to attack players with so much lvl difference.do you know how stupid sounds when you claim that the game force you to attack with players with such lvl difference?
Pontszám: 7.39
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Re: General complaint
1713. hozzászólás - 2025.02.13. 07:15:07 (Válasz catwoman #1712 hozzászólására.)
you can't produce evidence of your claims about my opposition because they are incorrect.
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Re: General complaint
1714. hozzászólás - 2025.02.13. 07:17:32 (Válasz nhsos #1710 hozzászólására.)
nhsos, i didn't attack her.
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Re: General complaint
1715. hozzászólás - 2025.02.13. 13:36:27 (Válasz manunkind #1714 hozzászólására.)
first of i didnt say that you attacked her and from what i saw catwoman didnt say that either.what she did was an observation(according to me she is right but we agree that we disagree on that with you manunkind)and you jumped on her and told about demeanor and all the things that have been told thousand times when a new player or low lvl player get attacked from a high lvl player.to conclude since i will not be back to the forum unless a task demands it(although i did return today cause i was sure you will answer back manukind)but if you want to talk further about it you can message me in game.can a high player hit a new player or low lvl player?yes unfortunately there is no protection on the new players or any limit on the attacks.is it right or ethical to attack someone with so much lvl difference?well that goes to what someone think about ethical or proper.does a high lvl player gain anything from that kind of attack?the answer is no especially with new scarab.even without the scarab i always though that dont worth the trouble to drive new players out of the game.lets say that a lvl200 or 100 attacks a lv20.what he will gain form the torure chamber?if he is lucky he will get 100 se which actually dont evn enough to buy a life potion of his lvl.the torure chamber gives you 1% of the se gained.so a vl20 will have to gain 100.000 se for the high player to get 1.000which actually os nothing for him.but let be honest here a lvl 20 will not get 100.000 in one day.so what is the point of that kind of attacks?the excuse of the subplasma task especially with the new scarab is weak.you will get more se if you attack someone of the crystal clan npcs since the active low player might not even have any se on him.to finish catwoman as you can see players have left and keep leaving the game.even the new players that coming leaving disapointed when get jumped from very high lv players daily just because they can.so my advice since some players will not stop doing it and since moderators will not protect the new playes or the low lvl players from those attacks and will not put a limit on how much lower you can hit either accept it or just leave the game now that it is early.i found the old gang on a new game without those problems and players mentality and i will be deleting my account soon when i finish my AS that i regret buying when i though that with the new scarab things might change and players might start coming back.if you are intersted to join message me you will find not only players but friends also
Pontszám: 8.62
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Re: General complaint
1716. hozzászólás - 2025.02.14. 02:57:02 (Válasz nhsos #1715 hozzászólására.)
no protection? literally harmless.
demeanor? 87 pages of complaints about something that is literally harmless.
i don't know why catwoman was attacked because i didn't attack her.
have you been attacked since you got the new lesser scarab? how many times? how many by me? spoiler: zero.
even when the attacks weren't visible, players threw a fit. harmless and invisible. Beholder can't win with you.
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Re: General complaint
1717. hozzászólás - 2025.02.14. 14:56:57 (Válasz manunkind #1716 hozzászólására.)
first of all you answer to nhsos and not me which she already said that will not be back in the forum.secondly where exactly was MY demeanor?do you see any other post of me on the 86 pages you are refering?third if you have read my post or even bothered to check my relics before you speaking you would have seen that i already have the scarab and i have been attacked.i guess in your eager to attack someone here in the forum you forgot that but nevermind.and yes there is no protection for the new players when a lvl 200 can attack a lvl 10.there is no protection or measure when players getting attack form someone that is 200 lvl and more from him just because "he can".and you are right you dont know why i was attacked(even i dont know why i was attacked since i never annoyed anyone) but you jump to accused me right?you already admitted that you dont know why i was attacked but immediately start blaming me,right?and why should any attacks be invisible?since someone drags you to torture chamber you dont have the right to know it?lets remove the torture chamber then but if this was even suggested you will start yeling since you couldnt feed from the low lvl efforts.
"Have you been attacked since you got the new lesser scarab? how many times? how many by me? spoiler: zero."well since i said i was attacked that mean that i was attacked even with the scarab.did i say that i was attacked by you?spoiler NO.did you jump to immediatelly blame me and accusing of demaenor?YES
.do i have a problem with you or even said that it was you attacked me or even offended you with my post?NO.did you accused me for demeanor and accusing for everything in the forum?YES
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Re: General complaint
1718. hozzászólás - 2025.02.14. 20:26:54 (Válasz catwoman #1717 hozzászólására.)
catwoman, i didn't say anything negative about your demeanor. i just said that could be a cause for being attacked. i did not say that's why you were attacked. although as we continue, i am developing an opinion.

my question about being attacked was aimed at nhsos. i was quite aware that you had been attacked.

the torture chamber doesn't affect you. subplasma attacks don't affect you. you have complete protection from these attacks other than knowing they happened. because they have zero impact on you. zero.
Pontszám: 8.01
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Re: General complaint
1719. hozzászólás - 2025.02.14. 20:40:51 (Válasz manunkind #1718 hozzászólására.)
"as i have not hit you, you'll have to ask the player that did hit you why they hit you. the only reason i can see is your demeanor." your words not mine.so you do assume that before the hit my "demeanor" bothered someone to attack me.although i didnt say anything to anyone youassume thti bother or insulted someone and he attacked me.again you make assumption about me without even knowing anything or me.

since i was the one that had been attacked why you question nhsow about attacks?ii dint see also in nhsow post saying that you attacked him as i didnt say that it was you that attacked me.

so you say that those attacks have no impcat on me but also the high lvl dont gain anything so what is the point of those attacks?cause as iread in nhsos comment even if i didnt have the scarab again you dont gain anything especially with the scara you dont gain anything.so the question that you avoid to answer is what is th point of those attacks that you defens so much?
as for your opinion that you are developing again you dont know me,i didnt insult or even reffered to you on my post but again you assume things about me.
Pontszám: 6.27
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Re: General complaint
1720. hozzászólás - 2025.02.14. 22:14:02 (Válasz catwoman #1719 hozzászólására.)
if a high level player can drag you into his torture chamber, the is a benefit, albeit a small one.

according to your own explanation, there was no game-related reason for that player to hit you, so i suggested it could be personal. i don't know. i was just speculating. you seemed upset, so i was trying to help you figure it out.

i did not accuse you of insulting me. i have, however, observed you carrying on about an attack that caused you no harm.
Pontszám: 8.01
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